I listened to Justin Webb on Today this morning and it is as if he inhabits an alternative universe! Justin declared that if anything, Obama was more intent on the “Bush doctrine” than was Bush and that The One was quite intent on pursuing the war on terror. Earth to Justin – waken up pal! Obama and his apostles are determined to shift power from the military to the sophisticated diplomats such as Susan Rice – she who sat back and watched almost one million massacred in Rwanda. The Obama team is replete with those who fail to understand that militant Islam in engaged in a global jihad and so the fantasy that Justin floats of Obama as the destroyer of these muslim terrorists has no legs whatsoever. Now the election is over, and Justin along with the rest of the biased media has his man in the White House, I suspect we will return to the house-trained journalism that typified the Clinton years. Justin seems to lead the way.
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Well there is already talk on the net of how Obama won the war in Iraq!
Far be it for me to suggest that had Bush followed the Democrats lead (and that of Obama and anyone else who wanted nothing more than to surrender) then Iraq would be to crap hole Al Beeb and co want it to be.
No, the Dems and Obama wanted to lose the war in Iraq. They did NOT want to win it.
i heard that obama can walk on water, he urinates expensive champagne and he shits belgium chocolates
what a fella
Get with the program
1. The US is always the bad boy
2. Obama is good only in as far as he is not a Rethuglican. Those Democrats can be pretty gung ho too – who bombed baby milk factories in Sudan.
Now that ‘The One’ is elected the BBC need to ‘rebalance’ the coverage so that they can say in a year ‘The US hasn’t learned its lesson’, ‘ignorant yanks’, etc etc.
We have always been at war with Westasia!
A new DS (derangement syndrome) seems to have raised its head along with BDS – Bush Derangement Syndrome and PDS – Palin Derangement Syndrome and it’s ODS – Obama Derangement Syndrome.
No one knows what Obama will do. Probably, not even Obama himself. Don’t forget it took 9/11 for George Bush to invent the Bush Doctrine (No.1) and Obama’s response to something similar, when he has the power to actually do anything, is a big ❓
Everything is speculation and pro/anti election hype. Give it a rest at least until after the inauguration.
No rest will be given. All politicians must have their feet held to the fire and Obama does not get a pass. Surely it is the duty of the media to consider these matters? Bush was pilloried before and during his Presidency by the sneering BBC media. No doubt this will continue after The One ascends. The cult of Obama will not be getting any pass from me. Am I biased? You betcha – but then again I do not pretend to be some neutral observer. The BBC does, and that is what offends me when we all see just how skewed it is!!
Hold feet to the fire if you will but the reappointment of Retired General James L Jones as National Security adviser and Robert Gates as Defence Secretary and even Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State suggest that it is those people who pushed for Obama because and not in spite of his left wing and personal history (BBC?) who should be having doubts.
BTW Webb’s latest blog entry is much more ridiculous:
On another subject (prompted by listening to a busker in London) I read recently that Obama’s favourite classical music is Bach’s Cello Suites. I know next to nothing about music but anyone who knows these sublime works, disciplined, ambitious, yet achingly beautiful, will know that a presidential candidate who loves them will almost certainly win. Wish I had known it last year.
Obama will do what Obama has always done, toe the Democratic party line.
He has NO history of ever voting against his own party…so why would anyone expect him to start doing that now?
Obama has the potential to be many things…but if he reverts to type, he has the potential to make the Bush years look like a fond memory.
Mailman | 02.12.08 – 11:45 am |
If he keeps going like this he’s a lot of things but one thing he’s not:
Expect quite a lot of unhappy moonbats to come out of their holes soon. Or maybe not.
Just read on Radio One Newsbeat:
The end is coming for George W. Bush.
They couldn’t have put it much better, could they?
David Vance is right. No rest will be given. Nor should it. What is the media for if not to ask questions.
Most media outlets have been Obama’s water carriers, his success or failure reflects on their judgment. If he fails, they lose face. As a result they are reluctant to do their job.
Deegee, you say, “no one knows what Obama will do”. Examine that sentence. It is a shameful indictment of the media. Their job during the election should have been investigation – not adulation.
Perhaps we can never guess any politicians every action, but with President Jesus we don’t even know what he BELIEVES. Obama is an empty vessel into which a nation is pouring its hopes. And one of our free society’s safeguards – the media – is no longer there to protect us. Celebrity has trumped politics. We are in the la-la land of the beatification of Princess Diana, the coronation of Tony Blair, the glorification of JFK.
Reality is going to come like a cold shower to a man who has spent his life dodging the raindrops.
I remember Parkinson interviewing Oprah on his BBC show some years ago. She claimed her job as a TV personality was to “use her power to do good, to change things”. Parky looked bewildered. “Well, I’m just a journalist,” he said. “My job is to ask questions”.
It seems now that everyone – Frei and Webb and all the other journalists – are all Oprah now.
By the way, deegee, on a point of accuracy: Bush did not “invent the Bush Doctrine”. It was a shorthand used first by American commentator Charles Krauthammer to describe a number of Bush positions. The one you claim is No. 1 (The 9/11 position on terrorism) was in fact “Bush Doctrine No. 2”. No. 1 was Bush’s position Kyoto. For a full explanation and description of the “Bush Doctrine” go to the link below.
Finally, it does look as if the real Obama is beginning to show himself through the cracks. He seems very clever in an academic way, very nimble in a political way, very vain in a personal way, and as I predicted when the election cycle began, he is going to piss off his left wing in a very Blairish way.
Carl Rove described Obama as the guy at a party who stands in the corner with a few friends, puffing on a cigarette, sipping a Martini and making sarcastic comments about everyone else in the room. No, I don’t think I’d like him personally. He sounds too much like John Birt.
I agree with deegee, it’s still far too early to tell what The One will do, so I wouldn’t be despondent just yet.
I think many of us will be pleasantly surprised and many of the right-on BBC brigade, including Webb, will be sorely disappointed.
Already Obama is alienating the anti-war element in his party, with the reappointment of Bush’s Defence Secretary Gates.
The lefty Nation magazine’s Chris Hayes has complained that “not a single, solitary, actual dyed-in-the-wool progressive” is likely to win a major cabinet brief. Hurrah!
New secretary of state Hillary Clinton is an interventionist • she famously voted to authorise the Iraq war as a senator. During her Democratic nomination bid, she threatened to “obliterate” Iran if it used nuclear weapons against Israel.
The new White House chief of staff • Rahm Emanuel • is a strong supporter of Israel and an ardent free trader.
I would’ve never – had I had the opportunity – voted for Obama (yeah, yeah, I know – that means I’m a racist), but I’m liking him more every day. The reason is that each decision he makes, the more he disappoints all of those far-left nuts – which includes the BBC – who got caught up in his personality cult and swallowed his spurious bullshit platitudes hook, line and sinker.
That may sound like schadenfreude, but in actuality, it’s more like taking comfort that people – people who make up a significant fraction of our society – are getting a lesson in critical thinking. Something they sorely need.
By the way, deegee, on a point of accuracy: Bush did not “invent the Bush Doctrine”. It was a shorthand used first by American commentator Charles Krauthammer to describe a number of Bush positions. The one you claim is No. 1 (The 9/11 position on terrorism) was in fact “Bush Doctrine No. 2”. No. 1 was Bush’s position Kyoto.
John Bosworth | 02.12.08 – 1:20 pm
I stand corrected and I am not even running vice-president of the cricket club.
All those good things being said about Obama, this is the man who said of MM climate change “the science is settled”. Oh no, it bloody well isn’t. Concensus is not science, think of all the scare stories over the last twenty years all based on “scientific concensus”, and all wrong.
Deegee: “I stand corrected and I am not even running vice-president of the cricket club.”
Nice response. There’s a vacancy on the R2 schedule for you.
hell, with flop floppery like that deegee, you could run for president 😉
Speaking of not being able to predict the future, recall Bush’s fervent opposition to “nation-building” during his first run for the White House and compare that to his record over the past 8 years.
By the way, I wouldn’t take anything Karl Rove says about Obama too seriously. Considering his record during this past campaign I’d have thought Boy Genius would have learned his lesson by now about underestimating him.
President-elect Obamessiah is appointing these people as a smokescreen. Everyone is focusing their attention on these high-profile posts, and so all the later appointments lower down – the people who actually implement policy, rather than talk about it on TV and in meetings – will be ignored entirely. Those will be the real Leftoid activists.
As for Hillary, her own ego and desire for international adulation just killed her own political future. As a Senator, she could have chaired committees, and risen in stature and power because the Senate is based more on seniority than anything else. She could have created a real power base and legacy for herself. Instead, she’s the President’s mouthpiece, and will have little effect on anything.
Iraq has been won, so she can’t do anything except claim credit for some withdrawal details. They’re all afraid of standing up to Putin, so no accomplishment on the horizon there, either. We all know that white people – especially United Statesians or Brits – are not allowed to interfere with anything in Africa, other than handing out loads of cash for condoms, HIV drugs, mosquito nets, and “aid” to corrupt governments. Hillary will not have any influence on any of that.
What’s left? Afghanistan? No chance of anything other than military action there, for which the Sec. of State is little more than a cheerleader or explainer. South America? She’ll have to cozy up to whichever dictator her boss tells her to, and pay lip service to supporting Colombia. Nothing will change, except maybe some of the money will move to different bank accounts. Hillary will be of no consequence.
In this way, she’s out of the picture. She can’t make noise about any legislation, ever. She’s a policy wonk at heart, and that was supposed to be her forte, not international diplomacy. President-elect Obamessiah can do whatever he wants with her pet project – nationalized/socialized health care – and she can’t say a word. The one thing on which she has ever staked her reputation is out of her hands entirely now. So is any other policy she may have hoped to ride to history. All of it is gone now, and the Obamessiah victory over her is total.
And after the initial honeymoon of having a Clinton back on the scene is over, the foreign diplomats are going to get tired of her, especially if she gets all protectionist. Plus, she’s not going to be working for her own power, so there goes any motivation to display that collegial, diplomatic behavior she used in the Senate. So this may even be setting her up to fail. If he gets rid of her at some point, what’s left? A failed run for Governor of New York, maybe?
Like every other administration in history, many of the rest of these people will be gone in two years anyway, and the next President can get on with being the worst possible combination of Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, plus the Depression-extending spending of FDR.
The fact that a few Leftoid nutroot bloggers are temporarily pissed off isn’t much of a consolation.
All links to Matt Frei’s most recent Washington diary have already vanished • nothing on the America’s page and nothing on the BBC’s creepy Obama page. Has someone decided that Frei’s shameless pro-Democrat/anti-Republican article is a little too blatant even for the BBC and therefore should not be publicised too much? Or has the Beeb just forgotten to update the links?
Someone’s reading the comments – they’ve just updated the America’s page to include a link to Frei’s latest Washington diary. That didn’t take long.
Clearly not bothered by the shameless bias, then.
Hold feet to the fire if you will but the re(sic)appointment of Retired General James L Jones as National Security adviser and Robert Gates as Defence Secretary and even Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State suggest that it is those people who pushed for Obama because and not in spite of his left wing and personal history (BBC?) who should be having doubts.
Jones is a bit of mystery but essentially a fence-sitting Iraq war critic, who blows whichever way the wind blows politically. Clinton is a Euro-Welfare State Socialist with delusions of grandeur. And Gates is a drone bureaucrat being used for so-called “centrist” “cover” by Obama. He should resign now, and let Obama own his own inevitable failure.
And just because YOU have no idea what Obama will do, please don’t lump others more nuanced and informed folks in with YOUR ignorance. They would be those conservatives who know exactly what Obama is about.
All three appointment are there because they back Obama’s idiotic experiment. That would be to take a HUGE chunk of money out of the Pentagon (fighters) and create a super PEACE CORPS.
It’s an experiment in soft headed “SOFT POWER.” And it will be a disaster.
Obama is exactly what he seems. A LEFTIST. What is it about that you don’t understand?
Now if you support that, that’s your problem. But please, enough of displaying your lack of knowledge as “wisdom.”
Mailman writes: “He has NO history of ever voting against his own party…so ..”
Err … he has no history of voting at all … except “Present”, and twice voting, in his whole 10 years in the esteemed Illinois Senate, against saving babies who had somehow survived an abortion.
Jack Bauer | Homepage | 02.12.08 – 6:26 pm |
Too bad Justin Webb doesn’t read this blog. Your comments nail him squarely on the head.
The BBC’s aforementioned Obama page has a viewpoint article (written by a Professor of African and African American Studies at Harvard) titled, “Is Barack Obama Black?” The tentative conclusion: he is black and he is also of mixed-race.
Stop the presses.
DP — praise indeed. Thanks buddy!
Mugwump, that guy is about as black as my wifes english grandmother (who is pure anglosaxon!).
Deegee: “…Give it a rest at least until after the inauguration.”
do you think Putin, Ahmadinnerjacket and his mad mullahs will all be so gracious as to give Obama a nice rest before they start putting him to the test?
The guy better get serious pretty damn quick.
“do you think Putin, Ahmadinnerjacket and his mad mullahs will all be so gracious as to give Obama a nice rest before they start putting him to the test?”
Already happened,Bombay was timed to greet the arrival of Obama onto the world stage.Very quiet isn’t he?