Nice to see that the BBC are maintaining the high standards set by Mr Ross and Mr Brand. Chris Moyle, “the saviour of Radio One” reckons that Polish women make good prostitutes. Nice to see the license tax being put to such good use. Moyles, who earns a mere £650,000 a year for presenting his breakfast show, told those tuning in on November 19: ‘I’ve always found in my experience prostitutes make very good cleaners, and their ironing, brilliant. I just find if you’re Polish you’re just very good at ironing…and prostitutes (they’re) very good also at fixing cars.’
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Seems to me like he made two statements back to back. A generalisation about Polish people, then another about prostitutes. If he’d just said ‘also’..
I don’t much care what he said, though if he was rude about Poles I hope he’s fired.
What I really object to is paying one brass farthing towards the £650,000 the BBC chooses, quite unnecessarily in my view, to give him.
One foul-mouthed yob seems to me to be pretty much interchangeable with any other foul mouthed yob. So, if Moyles got the push, there’s be plenty more like him on the street who’d be available for around £25,000 a year tops.
Imagine if he’d made similar unflattering generalisations about, say, Pakistanis…
I knew that self-awarded epithet would turn out to be ironic one day.
One of the many things I hate about Beeboids is that they are so racist. Some races they love, others they hate, others they just don’t care about.
“Imagine if he’d made similar unflattering generalisations about, say, Pakistanis…”
My thoughts exactly. Hate speech?
polish get it all the time from Al Beeb, wasnt that long ago a Polish MP gave them loads on Today for their anti-polish propaganda
its ok for Al Beeb to slag the poles off cos theyre only white christians of north european origin
slagin of a religion of peace country is a neddy no no just in case they take offence and decide to blow us all up
As much as I hate fatty git Moyles – a token bone thrown to the proles from the towers of the BBC to appease their crude natures (as is East-Enders) – the report originates from the Daily Mail. How can this man hating ‘all prostitutes are victims’ hysterical rag that is the newspaper equivilant of a foaming Hyde Park soap-boxer, possibly be taken seriously?
The general rule of the Daily Mail is to hate all men. Unless they are insulted by ethnics. Then to hate all ethnics, unless they are insulted by whites on telly or by a mobile phone dial-a-joke service.
Daily Mail reporting is like some suburban tart staggering around the high street at 3am pissed, with her tits hanging out trying to convince everyone she’s a bit of class.
The right hand side of the Daily Mail web site seems to prove this.
The BBC may be terminally ill with it’s faults but at least it isn’t the rotting corpse of the Daily Mail.
The Daily Mail may not be wonderful but we all have the choice as to whether we invest in buying a copy. This issue resides in the BBC, not the Mail.
Can’t agree with you there David. We all have the choice wether we want to pay the BBC or not. If you pay, then you’re a mug.
Having the licence fee enshrined in law does prey on the fears of the British everyman it’s true, but it is unenforcible en masse. If everybody stopped paying tomorrow, there would be absolutely nothing the government could do about it, and the BBC would be history.
It’s the spinelessness, and stupidity of the British that are as much to blame as the BBC. Don’t you accept for even one moment that the viewer is just as complicit as the broadcaster?
got my first letter today, regarding me cancelling my direct debit.
How long before the men in black appear ?
One has to wonder just how much “experience” Chris Moyles has with prostitutes.
Re Chris Moyles comment – I thought that the BBC were rampant for multiculturism (correct spelling?) surely they will have to act, or will they?????
consider this –is it worse to slag off Polish prossies if they work on their own or if they have a pimp?
Do they make good rent boys as well?
Daily Mail reporting is like some suburban tart staggering around the high street at 3am pissed, with her tits hanging out trying to convince everyone she’s a bit of class.
How dare you compare my mother to the Daily Mail.
I feel sorry for the Poles. When the consensus is reached that immigration is, on the whole, bad – and it surely will – they’re going to be the ones who catch the blame. The reason is as corr blimey spells out. They’re not brown and they’re not Third Worlders. Ipso facto, it’s okay to level criticism – all of it since the other biggest groups of people who immigrate here are indeed brown and from Third World shitholes – at them.
Poles will come to represent the immigration problem, and the rest – incidentally where the problem lies – will get a free ride. Even more so, I mean.
Robert S. Robert S. McNamara | 04.12.08 – 3:31 pm
Yes, there was an article by Dennis Sewell in the Spectator not long ago saying just that.
Poles are the fall guys of the immigration debate
Write to TV Licensing and withdraw their implied right of access to your front door/ letterbox.
Then they cant visit you.
(And dont accept that they need your name for it- they dont )
Original Robin | 04.12.08 – 3:42 pm
Are you sure that’s wise?
Wouldn’t it just draw attention to the case and hasten the time when a bod with a warrant shows up to do a search?
Moyles has never said anything funny in his life. He’s just a fat, dull, overpaid professional Yorkshireman with a phoney ‘one of the lads’ persona.
But he’s onto something here. It’s a simple fact that East European prossies are much better than the native variety
I mean, have you tried to get a decent British brass recently? It’s a nightmare! They’re all surly, haggard, toothless junkies. East European prossies, on the other hand, tend to be pretty, firm, fragrant young things. And what’s more, they’re very competitively priced and always eager to please – or so I’ve been told.
Kill the Beeb,
No. I believe that the law is wrong, the funding is iniquitous but that does not make law abiding people stupid.
Kill the Beeb 2:07
Like it or lump it, without the Daily Mail the Brand/Ross scandal would probably never have been broken and, now that the Telegraph has been captured by the left, the Mail is the only non-left wing paper.
I guess very few Poles are muslims and most are catholics , so a perfect target for the BBC.
Maybe the BBC could do a fearless investigation into prostitution in muslim countries. Having lived in three of them myself, I can promise the Beeb, it would be a real eye-opener !
For TV Licensing to get a search warrant, they have to show a magistrate that there is good cause to believe that watching a TV without a licence is going on at the premises.
Merely not answering their letters ,not giving your name to them ,asking for a WOIRA or not co operating with them is not grounds for a search warrant.
BBC have said to the Houses of Parliament words to that effect.
the mail is indeed the only conduit for the right, but isn’t a ‘1 size fits all’ paper, because I don’t have to buy it.
I hate the way the Mail capitalizes certain words in its headlines for purposes of melodrama. As in:
“Woman stuck in toilet for THREE DAYS”
“Man fined for piling dustbin TWO INCHES too high”
“Passengers forced to wait SIX HOURS while pilot has tattoo removed”
Original Robin | 04.12.08 – 4:44 pm
Yes, but as I understand it the grounds for a warrant are that some techie has to sign an affidavit to the effect that he parked his detector van outside cameron’s house, switched on the secret gizmo and saw the green light flash three times.
Normally they don’t get to this stage ’til fairly late in the process; they like to try to blag their way in first with no warrant and no detector van.
But if cameron takes your advice and writes to them withdrawing the right to come up his garden path and press the doorbell, won’t they just put him at the front of the queue for a detector van visit?
They go out of their way to employ loud mouth arrogant gits that have such a high opinion of themselves that they think they are above the un-written PC rules that anybody else breaking would be crucified by the BBC
they cant use detector van evidence in court because
1; A good lawyer would want to cross examine the evidence, so the BBC would have to show how it works,which they have made off limits in the FOI act. So they want to keep how it works secret, but cant if it involved in a court case.
2; Detector vans dont have detector equipment in anyway.They are a bluff.
Sorry continued
I also advise that you write a letter to say that their methods are harrasment and contravene Article 12 of the 1948 Declaration of Human Rights, to which Britain is a member, that they are impugning your good name or reputation by implying to neighbours and passers by that illegal acts are being perpetrated in your premises, or that non payment for monies due is owed by yourself.
How long before the men in black appear ?
cameron | 04.12.08 – 2:46 pm
Just ignore them (brief the missus etc to do the same)it’s the only way to defeat the vile bbc. No tvl for 12 years I’m happy to say.
No tvl for 12 years I’m happy to say.
650,000 per year = £54,166 per month
this month, december, there are 31 days.
so 54,166/12 = £1747 per day.
the chris moyle show is on for 3 hours per day. 6am to 9am (correct me if i am wrong)…
so that equates to £582 per hour.
dividing that by 60 , thats £9 PER MINUTE… or 15p per second.
so if chris moyles says that “polish women make good prostitutes” – i would guess that takes about 2 1/2 seconds to say – so thats 37.5p to say that.
the BBC – we piss money down the drain, that is what we do.
oh – and for the record, most eastern european prostitutes are actually from Moldova – shipped through Serbia via the gangs operating there , and then onto england.
Moyles just confirms his utter ignorance on the matter – but thats to be expected from such a wanker.
there is a serious demographic crisis in Moldova – apparently 1/3 of women under the age of 25 have simply “dissapeared”. yup – carted off by serbian gangs…
polish get it all the time from Al Beeb, wasnt that long ago a Polish MP gave them loads on Today for their anti-polish propaganda
corr blimey | 04.12.08 – 2:01 pm
and damn right he was too. Poland saved our asses in the Battle of Britain. thats well documented. we had a serious shortage of English pilots due to the sheer attrition of the battle.. Poles – because they had already lost their homeland – were incredibly courageous and indeed reckless in tackling the luftwaffe.
time and again, i’ve come across stories of Polish spitfire pilots venturing off in peasoup fog to just “have a go” at the Jerries… sounds of gunfire, heinkels crashing to earth, and the same poles then LAND in peasoup fog…
utterly awesome guys and without any fear.
but then that matters not a jot to beeboids, since year zero starts in 1997.
and another example of the Poles saving our asses..
battle of vienna, 1683
you would be speaking either Turkish or Arabic now, and going to the mosque were it not for King John of Poland…
and this wasnt any old skirmish – this marked a turning point in a 300 year war between the Habsburgs and the Ottoman Empire.
as far as i am concerned, we owe the Poles a huge debt. dont really mind them coming over and working over here. yeah, that might be controversial with some folks on here, but as far as the Poles go – i have no problems. they are welcome over here.
just think folks – for every minute that chris moyles is on, he is extracting 9 quid from the taxpayer.
i sometimes wonder about such people – do they really sleep easy at night , knowing that they are parasites on the lowest paid in society?
at least in the private sector, folks can choose to not listen to you – but with the bbc you get the money regardless. and that license fee is a bit amount of money proportionally to the folks on the minimum wage.
i certainly couldnt do it. i would not be able to sleep easy at night..
by the way David.. i have something interesting to say to you.. please mail me on
subject line of your email should be
“hello mole”…
As we know this is a sexist and racist comment.
The truth is simply sexist.
ALL women have the potential to make excellent prostitutes for someone, and often as many as they choose or need to.
That includes polish ones.
Prostitution not used on a regular basis by members of our establishment, ie affordable or cheap prostitution, is often if not always caused by the establishment themselves.
For it is they and virtually always they alone, that IMPORT ALL THE ILLEGAL DRUGS INTO THIS COUNTRY. They are also very largely responsible for provoking all but their own completely amoral sex crimes, through there massive interests in the pornography business. Subliminal imaging and messaging in our kidds TV on the BBC, that encourages sexually active pre-school children. State sponsored Sex education to 5 year olds. Letting the most evil in society out of jail ASAP, while locking up TV or council tax evaders at the drop of a hat. They cause all of the poverty in this, the second world, and almost all of the murderous starvation in the third world. All wars lasting more then a few days.
The establishment control virtually everything one way or another.
THEREFORE, if it is shit, it is shit because they made it so, or allowed it to continue to be so.
If it is good, godly, free, prosperous, human, bottom up inspired, peaceful, creative, harmonious, wealth producing, truly democratic or conservative, it is also because they still allow it to be so, or indeed sometimes made it so.
However if, or more likely when one day the real powers that control us all, don’t wish to be merciful, fare or even the slightest bit reasonable anymore, they won’t be. At this point your world will have materially changed so quickly, it may well take your breath literally clean away.
Give Gordon Brown another 20 months to complete his alloted task, and your wealth will have reached second world status at best. Sit around playing at pointless left and right nonsense on this blog for long enough, and we might all meet up in the cue for a rather strange smelling shower room, sooner then you may have hoped.
If we have to have immigrants, I can’t think of any people I would prefer to the Poles. We have many here in sunny Edinburgh, working hard, setting up their own shops, polite and pleasant and very little crime. Their driving is a bit dodgy though.
Wish I could say the same about Chris Moyles. Who let him in and why ?
Atlas Shrugged
Alright then – name names. Who are these people that are ruling world? I want to know. And don’t fob me off. I want names.
Atlas Shrugged 8:49
So far as I can make out, I think I agree with you. But, what is the solution ? Seems to me the only answer is violent revolution and, given that most Brits are utterly docile and incapable of organising a booze-up… , sorry, that is about all they can do, I don’t see much hope.
Martin 9:34
I think the beeboids hate the Poles because they can’t pronounce their names or , at least, won’t take the trouble they would take with Russian names.
Grant | 04.12.08 – 9:04 pm
If we have to have immigrants, I can’t think of any people I would prefer to the Poles.
Agree with you there Grant, in my experience as an employer in Edinburgh they are punctual and hard working and arent looking for handouts.
Never been with a prossie , but i bet they are much better value than british ones
Michael 9:57
Great to have someone from Edinburgh on this website !
Can’t really comment on prossies, but I posted today that the BBC should do a program about prostitution in Muslim countries. I have some experience of observing it , so to speak !
Stick around for the Question Time comments tonight , if you can, they are very amusing here !
Have done archduke!
kersal flyer:
“But he’s onto something here. It’s a simple fact that East European prossies are much better than the native variety
I mean, have you tried to get a decent British brass recently? It’s a nightmare! They’re all surly, haggard, toothless junkies. East European prossies, on the other hand, tend to be pretty, firm, fragrant young things. And what’s more, they’re very competitively priced and always eager to please – or so I’ve been told.”
I think the British prozzies you are referring too are the street walking variety. Or ‘crackus whoreitus’ as they are commonly known. It’s unlikely that Moyles was referring to this particular breed as he is the frequenter of strip clubs and high class sex establishments and is unlikely to cruise the streets of Seven Sisters at 3am in the morning for a £10 hand shandy from a garden rake with open sores on her arms and a can of Special Brew frothing in her pocket.
No. Moyles has got some serious wad to throw about, so he will no doubt be cruising the internet for the top end of the whoring spectrum, perhaps being a member of a platinum class escorting site which specializes in the privacy of fat, gobby twats.
Eastern Europe is famed for being the sex capital of the world, and certainly has the glut of the most beautiful women in the world. Mostly because the women there don’t subscribe to chav culture and aren’t indoctrinated by the ladette mentality of the British media, late night drink binging, fast food diets, cigarettes and dodgy skin products. And partly because the women there are filthy sluts.
Also many of their working girls offer a wide range of services including watersports, CIM (at their discretion), Anal and the full GFE. Although it could be said that their service – although exceptional – is somewhat indifferent, as I don’t think they really like having sex with strangers at all, no matter what encouraging noises they make.
British harlots on the other hand – although not nearly as attractive – do tend to offer a wider range of services, including caviar, DP, rimming and bareback. Their service normally isn’t as antiseptic as their eastern european counterparts, as they tend to do more convincing open mouthed kissing – although, they are less likely to have flossed after parting ways with the last client.
I think if Moyles REALLY knew what he was talking about, he would have mentioned Brazilian girls as being the best tarts. Their hot Latino blood, good skin and large racks, tend to make them fiercer and more satisfying opponents to any Polish or British trollops.
They’ll also give a full service for £150 an hour, whereas some of these Polish girls try and milk you for £300 quid, running up an itemized bill of hidden sexual extras you allegedly performed, like some dodgy telephone company.
That’s what I’ve been told anyway, so please don’t point out how obviously wrong my facts are.
Don’t go telling people everything I tell you!
this country owes the poles a lot. after the war we abandoned it and left it for the Beeboids, sorry i mean communists
Kill the Beeb | 04.12.08 – 11:49 pm |
Was all of that strictly necessary?