Listening to the BBC “Today” this morning was quite the experience. It was a full-on left-wing fest with many of their shibboleths on full display disguised as “news”
It kicked off just after 7am with an item on the EU’s current attempts to broker “a deal” with the Eastern European nations on reducing carbon emissions. BBC “Analyst” and climate change cheer-leader Roger Harrabin was almost breathless in his excitement that Sarkzoy and the gang can pull together some worthless tokenism by the end of this week in order that the EU can continue to “lead” the way on this issue. At no point was there any discussion as to whether the EU acting unilaterally was the right thing to do – it is now an article of faith beyond debate in Beeb world.
And moving directly on from that, the BBC were pleased to welcome on-air a spokesman for the vandals from “Plane Stupid” – the group that has disrupted flights at Stansted airport this morning by cutting through the fence and blocking the runway. I believe that giving publicity to this kind of Student Grant vandalism is inappropriate and I do not care to hear what these idiots think, or demand. The BBC should be ashamed of itself for playing the PR game with these loons.
Moving on, we had the obligatory “Get me out of here, its a quagmire” item on Afghanistan. The pretentiously entitled and left-wing “International Council on Security and Development” have done “research” that shows the Taliban is bigger and stronger than ever before. And the BBC are keen to advance this spurious nonsense as part of their own anti-war agenda.
Next, there was the now also mandatory “Gordon Brown – Saviour of the Universe” item. This time, Prudence has invited Sarkozy and Barroso to Downing Street for talks on the economic crisis (which Brown helped engineer) but German Chancellor Angela Merkel has chosen not to attend and so this item was a bewildered BBC pondering why on earth the German’s don’t want to follow Gordon over the economic cliff.
There were two further items that my morning digestion did not facilitate. The first was the latest episode of government dumbing down our children’s education by teaching them about “emotional well-being and social skills” instead of traditional subjects. The second was that on “The Elders” (LOL) in the form of Jimmy Carter – America’s worst ever President – being “disappointed” in the leadership of Robert Mugabe.
All in all – listening to Today is the worst possible way to start the week – so I thought I would share my pain with you!
“All in all – listening to Today is the worst possible way to start the week – so I thought I would share my pain with you!”
listening to andy marr, who follows Today @9am is even worse.
Re the “Plane Stupid” disruption – it was, I think, James Naughtie who was interviewing the policeman in charge. He asked the policeman if arrests were now being made, to which the policeman answered yes, they were. Mr Naughtie was at this point in pains to point out that none of the protesters was resisting arrest violently. The clear message was: they’re really very nice people.
I wonder, where are the anti-terror police? Too busy because of arresting Conservative MPs? These eco-loonies have seriously breached the security. If the police and security did their job properly none of these loonies would be able to to disturb flights any more. But the police are only keen on shooting dead innocent people whom they suspect of carrying a gun (like one in Guildford).
Carter was partialy responsible for Bob Mugabe’s rise to power in the first place. Was that mentioned?
How on earth could he be ‘Dissapointed’ by a Marxist with a long history of violence against other opposition groups in Zimbabwe. Did he expect the place to turn into Norway?
Probabbly find half the protesters are beeboids.
NASA uses a shotgun blast to clear birds from the STS when it launches so that none of its components are damaged.
And although Enviro-fascists and birds have a similar level of intelligence, the former are far – despite subsisting on a diet of lentils, Quorn and other ‘ethical’, tasteless detritus – far heavier. This means that the chance of catastrophic mechanical failure is much greater if there are mindless Enviro-fascist zombies wandering around the runway holding placards, chanting and beating bongo-drums.
So, I propose the airport authorities emulate the NASA system and when there’s a plane about to land or take off, fire off a shotgun, the sound of a whale in distress or a tree being cut down, and with any luck, the Eco-nuts will scatter ensuring the plane’s and passenger’s – and as an afterthought – their own safety.
‘One, two, three, four, no more air travel an-y-more! Five, six, seven, eight, back to the Bronze Age – stop the hate!’
‘Ohmygodohmygodohmygod, we’re all going to die! Run away! Run away!’
Et cetera.
Climate change has nothing whatsoever to do with CO2.
Therefore policies supposedly designed to reduce CO2 will not work, as they are not designed to work.
They are designed however to bankrupt western nations, while making China and India virtually the sole manufacturers of the entire world. By doing so condemn this nations people to effective captive slavery.
A global economy is one where we the people are dependent entirely on a system that has shown itself time and time again can not be trusted with anything at all.
It is possible that for the first time in history our ruling elites have finally seen the light and by some miracle become less evil. However I for one don’t trust anyone, never mind well known pathologically power crazed psychopaths.
The BBC is working for The New World Order. Any evidence that the BBC does not seem to be, is either a self delusion or BBC dis information.
Internet comments are being monitored by the establishment. Which was the reason why political sites like this one were set up in the first place.
At least when they arrive at my door at 4 in the morning, I will know why. You on the other hand will still believe your lawyers can help you.
BBC2 Vine programme had some dumbfuck from “Plane Stupid” on, and treated the emptyhead as if she was some kind of hero –lots of snivelling enviromonkeys telling her she’s a new messiah. I personally would track her down and shoot her dead if she interrupted my one holiday a year. These pricks have got to understand that foreign holidays are our only release from this sodding rotten bad run country!!!Get a job you useless slag
“…German Chancellor Angela Merkel has chosen not to attend and so this item was a bewildered BBC pondering why on earth the German’s don’t want to follow Gordon over the economic cliff.”
That’s because the German constitution commits the Federal Government to balancing the budget and prohibits the state-created hyperinflation that afflicted the Weimar Republic in the early 1920s, afflicts Zimbabwe today and will no doubt afflict the other Western economies in a year or two’s time once the various “stimulus packages” have worked their way through the system.
So B-BBC is an establishment/Rothschild tool designed to subjugate the masses? I love it.
Atlas Shrugged – I’ll have what you’re having 🙂
Thousands of peoples lives disrupted by ecofacists. BBC’s back to students union bar politics describing ecofacists direct action as “protest”
“Protest protest, pass the joint man”. No BBC, these are ecofacists. No different from islamic militants who think they have a right to “scare us”.
Direct action is undemocratic and 52 flights cancelled is not any form of legitimate “protest” – it is screwing up peoples lives because you think your cause is more important than their freedom to go about their business peacefully – ecofacists. Anyway their cause is bollocks.
Police are quoted using the great public sector word “unacceptable”. Stupid plod been to a communications course? I might say Ian Huntley’s behaviour in Soham was “unacceptable” – like it was a judgement call – shall I accept it or shan’t I?; – has it crossed that boundary from the acceptable to the unacceptable. For chrissake you are policemen. Do your job. Bundle them quickly into a van and beat them up.
It’s worth noting that this article ( only includes negative comments about the protest. Biased against the protest? No, it’s just good reporting.
Even the BBC could not get a quote favourable to the protestors from passengers whose flights have been disrupted. That’s not “good” reporting or “bad” reporting, it’s “obvious” reporting. However, on “Today” (with millions of listeners) rather than the BBC website (with, what, thousands of readers) you get exactly what DV says you got: the BBC polishing the turd of student supported warmist propaganda.
Oh come on, that’s conspiracy theory territory. If they had included a pro-comment you’d have claimed bias, if they don’t, you claim bias. This is the problem with so many of the arguments on this site – it weakens the core message to assume that -everything- is biased!
Oh and incidentally, the BBC website gets at least 30 million unique users visiting each month, and over 600 million page hits each month, which is 2 million a day (stats from 2003, so likely many more now), which is very much in excess of the number of Radio 4 listeners.
the BBC2 presentation of this event was very pro demonstator with cartloads of airheads phoning up to support their ecostance. The substance was that the BBC were comparing these shites with the Suffragette movement.
This is clearly a load of specious nonsense bearing in mind the Suffragettes were campaining for VOTES. These assholes have the vote but choose to force their OPINIONS on the rest of us by breaking + entry.
We must treat these people with the full penalty allowed. Or am I allowed to burn or break into the BBC with impunity, just because I don’t agree with paying the licence fee?
nice so you can break the law and endanger lives !suddenly having no where to land and to shunt other airports landings to get the stuck planes down is ok then, see as far as i can tell this was a criminal offence and that is all i need to know! there is no justification at all not to arrest and charge the lot !!
and to make them compensate everyone who has suffered financial loss because of their irresponsible action.
It won’t happen, Gordon. Remember a few months back when some protesters who climbed onto Kingsnorth power station were acquitted? It’s given the green light to actions like this.
If there were any real justice in ZANULABOURS workers paradise(which there aint) these ‘plane stupid’ bullies would be hounded through the courts and made to repay all the costs of the delays that they caused plus the damages and all the costs of people affected by their bullying criminality!
The report on the website was straightforward and unremarkable but, as I wrote, even the BBC would have found it difficult to get a quote in favour of the protestors from those whose flights were affected. However, in analysing the BBC’s approach to this particular event (or similar events), you can forget about hits on the website. “Today” has far more influence in forming opinion – or, more accurately, creating the atmosphere in which opinion is formed – than any page on the BBC website. “Today” is the one programme that most opinion-formers listen to. Accordingly, what you and your friends at the BBC would disingenuously describe as “balance” (ie a flagrant turd-polishing exercise on “Today” contrasted with a neutral – and predictable – report on a webpage) is, in reality, yet another example of BBC bias.
Where on earth were the security people? As the first piece of wire was cut why were they not there within 30 seconds? And what if these ecoloons were terrorists? Probably the BAA security is as effective as our dear government is.
security probably sitting in an office somewhere drinking coffee as it was cold
Dong: 4:58 Where on earth were the security people?
Relieving passengers of bottles of liquids greater than 100ml, tubes of cosmetics and face creams,babies milkbottles, searching wheelchairs, making whitehaired old ladies put their shoes through x-ray.
Pretending everyone COULD be a terrorist – instead of the muslim young men who are.
Dong – ‘elf n safety’ doesn’t allow them to do their jobs.
Slightly OT but I saw a report about open cast coal mines being on the increase (thank God) and this dude in the helicopter was saying it’s completely wrecked the countryside. Trouble was it was all arable, if it covered 3 fields in the vast panorama of arable fields I’d be surprised and no bugger lived nearby. Apart from that ..err.. fair comment.
We should build shed loads more coal fired power stations, cheap, local, quick, safe, secure, efficient – bit dirty sure, but if they blow up you wander over and watch and say tish tish, if a nuke blows up – tha’s deeed.
They should have just taken off and landed as normal, if they want to sit on the runway….
No support for the loons in the BBC coverqage?
There has been a mixture of anger and understanding in response to the climate-change protest,
Of course there appears to be no quesstioning of the police’s softly softly approach – treating the incident as if there were no time issues. Taking 5 hours to move the loons. Water cannon on a December morning, even allowing for global warming, would have shifted the inconsiderate bastards.
Why do the Greens never target the real polluters :- the rich. Most planes using Stansted are nearly full and do not carry Business or First class passengers taking up vast areas of the plane each. But even the rich using scheduled flights are greener than those using private jets, who are completely untaxed, no departure tax for them. But the Greens only ever attack the actions of the middle and working classes, probably because most of them are the spoilt brats of rich families.
Finally why do the Greens fail to attack social pollution by criminals and other anti-socail elements? Their “polluter pays” should apply to all forms of pollution.
In view of the Stupid protest this morning, it would have been interesting to have questioned the protestors as to when they last travelled by air, but I don’t suppose our very highly paid and experienced BBC reporters would think of asking such a pertinent question.
I wonder if any of the protesters have actually looked at the science? Do you think they realise that we have had global cooling for the last ten years (with quite significant falls over the last two years)? Cooling that was not predicted by and cannot be explained by, any of the global temperature computer simulations! Not long ago the globalarmists were predicting a new ice age (not to mention ozone black holes!) : how long I wonder before the lunatics are predicting another ice age again? The only certainty about weather, and climate, is that it varies a lot!
BBC (so called) News:
A Greenpeace spokesman said:
“The delays to passengers are unfortunate, but right now we’re in the most important hundred months in human history as we try to beat climate change before it’s too late..”
How dare BBC give Greenpeace an open pulpit off the back of this assault on our freedom to fly. Greenpeace have thrown their lot in with the Alarmists. Well it’s all lies, Greenpeace spokesperson, and we know it, even if you don’t (yet).
Perhaps it’s because “campaigning” is your 9-to-5 job, which your pointless degree in Environmental “Sciences” is the only job it qualifies you for.
You should have got up an hour earlier when the BBC (radio 4) had an economics professor on from Birmingham university supposed to coment on a car parts firm in trouble. First of all he said that their drop in sales was the biggest since the ‘Thatcher Recession’ of 1980. He then went on to blame the Bank HBOS that ‘we’ saved with 20 billion for not giving them further credit. Then he went on to say that the car industry was owned by foreigners who could ‘up sticks’ at sny time. I hope now we can callm this period ‘the Brown Slump’, make the banks loss everything including our money by dodgy lending and not learn the lessons of the last great British owned car company Rover which was ruined by nationalisation followed by a huge dowry given to it by BMW.
As for the ecofascists they should be arrested and driven around in 4 wheel drives around the M25 until the last delayed plane had taken off!
looking forward to “plane stupid” doing the same thing to one of the 150 new chinese airports being built over the next 5 years.
oh wait – no , plane stupid wont do china, as the chinese have a rather more, ahem, *robust* response to people who terrorise their infrastructure…
come to think of it – i really do hope plane stupid do more of this – LOTS more of this. in lots of airports..
i cant think of a more effective way to turn the public against ecofascism and green fuckwittery until they are boiling over with utter rage at the mere mention of the word “green”.
my prediction – “green” will be a swearword in about 10 years. equivalent to “nazi”.
archduke | 08.12.08 – 8:30 pm |
The eco-fascists won’t do china because they are not to blame – didn’t you know that it is the fault of western capitalists.
Its the CND but in a different guise (remember “we must disarm first – to lead the world”) – Notice how, when Labour are in government these loonies are reborn and like CND the BBC push their side without asking any probing questions. The difference is that this time the politicians from every party is pushing the same nonsense – any wonder that “impressionable” young people are obsessed with “AGW”.
my prediction – “green” will be a swearword in about 10 years. equivalent to “nazi”.
archduke | 08.12.08 – 8:34 pm |
It is to me, my friend, it is to me.
With all the talk about global warming,-er,sorry, I mean climate change, can someone tell me what happened to the acid rain that was going to kill us all a few years ago?
brummie dave | 08.12.08 – 9:35 pm
that disappeared into the ozone hole.
“How long before we see ecoterrorism?”
“The awful fact is that belief in the threat of global warming has become like a fanatical religion, egging on its believers to vie with each other in becoming ever more hysterical and extreme in their demands.”
All movements have their extreems the right with Hitler the left with Mao and Stalin and of course the greens with Mr ‘year zero’ himself Pol Pot – you coulnt land planes on those killing fields too many skulls in the way! Pol Potty must have had a low carbon footprint, no cities no cars and soon there would have been no citizens.
I loved the biofuels thing – d’oh – makes it worse. Moonbat was wittering on a bit back how we should all be veggies – okely dokely George – Nurse!
It`s a crying shame the airport authorities didn`t allow hundreds of disgruntled and inconvenienced passengers across the tarmac to `Have a quiet word` with the trespassers,less than five hours to clear `em i betcha.
Un wants to ban meat eating.
brummie dave 9.35. I worked in water pollution control when the acid rain rubbish raised its head. To anyone with a a miniscule understanding of the subject it was plainly rubbish,but unfortunately there were keen know-it-all “environmentalists” coming out of universities taking important jobs who pushed it. Of course it died a death as in the end nothing could be proved, there was no such thing. I recall a classic comment from one idiot who joined our department saying it was due to all the power stations in Europe – conveniently ignoring the well known fact that the prevailing winds in the UK come from the west.
pmjk | 08.12.08 – 10:32 pm
the first major green party in history was the Nazi Party.
“The reactionary ecological ideas whose outlines are sketched above exerted a powerful and lasting influence on many of the central figures in the NSDAP. Weimar culture, after all, was fairly awash in such theories, but the Nazis gave them a peculiar inflection. The National Socialist “religion of nature,” as one historian has described it, was a volatile admixture of primeval teutonic nature mysticism, pseudo-scientific ecology, irrationalist anti-humanism, and a mythology of racial salvation through a return to the land. “
“A study of the membership rolls of several mainstream Weimar era Naturschutz (nature protection) organizations revealed that by 1939, fully 60 percent of these conservationists had joined the NSDAP (compared to about 10 percent of adult men )”
next time you see ecofascists in the headlines, bear that in mind.
no wonder the EU loves them.
“For all of these reasons, the slogan advanced by many contemporary Greens, “We are neither right nor left but up front,” is historically naive and politically fatal. The necessary project of creating an emancipatory ecological politics demands an acute awareness and understanding of the legacy of classical ecofascism and its conceptual continuities with present-day environmental discourse. An ‘ecological’ orientation alone, outside of a critical social framework, is dangerously unstable. The record of fascist ecology shows that under the right conditions such an orientation can quickly lead to barbarism. “
I cannot figure out why the authorities did not simply turn the firehoses on them.
They would have discovered quite quickly that the planet is currently cooling as they froze up.
That might settle the arguement in the vacuum that passes for a brain in these morons.
“A leading anti-aviation activist has secretly flown to New York to hold meetings with American airport protesters – and see the sights.
Former public-schoolgirl Katrina Forrester, who helped co-ordinate campaign group Plane Stupid’s third runway protest on the roof of the House of Commons in February, boarded a BA flight out of Heathrow on Tuesday.”
Not reported by the BBC for obvious reasons.