For a particular word, in this Matt Frei piece on corruption in Illinois.
It begins with a “D”, but I can’t see it anywhere. Can you ?
(Thanks Ed for pointing out the bad link)
For a particular word, in this Matt Frei piece on corruption in Illinois.
It begins with a “D”, but I can’t see it anywhere. Can you ?
(Thanks Ed for pointing out the bad link)
Hi Laban- I think you meant this Matt Frei non-effort:
The BBC is pro Democrat Party and largely anti-Republican Party. To not understand this a person would have to be clinically dead as well as deaf dumb and blind.
HOWEVER; and this is one hell of a big ‘however.’
The BBC is only always anti conservative, absolutely anything else is totally up for grabs.
It is only apparently pro Democrat or liberal as far as running a radical agenda to change the world into a more obviously, completely undemocratic, dictatorial authoritarian, in your face, FASCIST one.
The BBC can be and often is as reactionary as reactionary gets. The BBC treats the NHS for example like a hungry dog when another gets too close to its bone. The BBC would however support the effective privatization of the NHS within the hour if it was instructed to do so. In fact the BBC has already been told to do so. Which is why we currently have an effectively privatized NHS, through the back door. Without the people having the slightest clue that they do in fact have a essentially privatized virtually monopolized heath system already in operation.
When Hitler invaded The Reine Lands his people had very little idea what the future had in store for them.
When Bush and Blair along with their collective establishment invaded Iraq, there people had very little idea what the future had in store for them.
Which was also about as much as they had when the Old Soviet Union was ordered to collapse, for no apparent sensible reason.
Our establishment not only conspired to cause the Russian Revolution it instantly took it over well before the last ‘White Russian’ had started pushing up the daisies.
Now after many years of communist experimentation in the USSR, the establishment are about to bring us NEO-COMMUNISM, or indeed NEO-FASCISM, if you prefer.
Because they will be in reality EXACTLY the same thing.
This cruel reality can only have taken place so smoothly, working closely in a very real and constructive conspiracy with the entire MSM, and especially the BBC.
In other words.
This is not visceral, whatever Jeff Randall may or may not wrongly believe, or simply state as his personal opinion.
The TRUTH is either the TRUTH or it is not. There is no gray shades in the middle, when it comes to the REAL WHOLE UNADULTERATED TRUTH.
Man U either drew with Spurs 0-0 or they did not.
The establishment either conspired one way or another, to a greater or lesser extent to help enact the events of 9/11 or they did not.
If they did not the BBC is wrong to oppose western efforts to arrest and control the situation, to any great degree.
IF HOWEVER like myself you are as 100% certain as it is possible to be 100% certain about anything at all these days, that the establishment did to a very large extent conspire to murder over 2 thousand of their own citizens. If not completely stage manage the whole thing.
Then IMO the BBC is as dishonestly controlled and therefore dangerously EVIL as highly dangerous, dishonest, establishment agenda controlled EVIL, can possibly get.
If any of the above is a shock to any of you, I am sorry to have helped burst your mind control bubble, and therefore your entire faith in the system your very life depends on. However the REAL TRUTH is more important then your personal pride or vanity, and far more importantly does not just vanish, simply by wishing it would.
Even an interested, smart 11 year old could work out for themselves that 9/11 was a black-ops. The details and implications of which, are the only things seriously up for debate, SURELY?
This is not unusual from the BBC. When Labour politicians are caught up in Scandal the word ‘Labour’ is omitted from the story. But if it’s a Tory, then ‘Tory’ is in the headline and repeated throughout the article.
AS: “…9/11 was a black-ops”
Sory old boy, don’t understand your banter. Even a dumb 11 month old can work out that it was an act of terrorism. ” Black ops”? What’s your point exactly?
God the 911 conspiracy stuff is justan industry nowadays. If anyone needs convincing have a listen to someone like alex jones ranting that it was in inside job etc enough to send you mad. I feel sorry for the victims.
It’s a bloody pathetic piece of hackery. Assumed knowledge without implication and the narrative disposed to implicate all politicians. Typical drivel.
Am joining the ranks of the refusniks – fuck em – if some Crapita gimp turns up on my doorstep, it’ll be a funny thing.
Anyone see George Bush getting the shoes thrown at him? I thought he stayed dead cool and calm.
Unlike the fat tub of lard Mcfatso who’d probably run a mile.
THANK GOD for Atlas Shrugged. How would we GET BY without a regular dose of CAPITAL LETTERS!!!!!!!
Over 900 words but no room for “Democrat”. Had Blagojevich been in the GOP I bet it would have only taken 9 words before “Republican” was used.
It is exactly like reading Pravda – if the party affiliation is missing you know the miscreant is Democrat/Labour etc.
Atlas is a good lad – mad as a box of frogs but worth the entrance fee.
Martin – you got a link bud?
If only a blog comment screen could reproduce that distinctive ‘green ballpoint on spiral-bound lined reporters’ pad’ look. I’ve had a few of them over the years, in response to articles.
Atlas Shrugged:
“Even an interested, smart 11 year old could work out for themselves that 9/11 was a black-ops.”
Probably because 11 year olds are the only ones who believe James Bond plots are remotely plausible.
I suppose the CIA missed a trick when they focused on Al Qaeda having masterminded 9/11. What they should have done is trawl the pacific ocean for giant submersible glass safe-houses, or search cliff faces for hidden submarine dry-docks populated with hundreds of boiler suit clad workers. Or just found the fat bloke in the swivel chair with three nipples and a furry white cat.
Better still, what the security forces should have done is just default their obviously inadequate intellects to the MASSIVE genius of your average ‘troofer’ and located every overweight, underwashed ‘Lord of the Rings’ fanatic, with a sickly computer monitor tan, a degree in computer science and a spare bedroom in Nan’s house and put THEM onto the case.
Yes, what we need is a bunch of Klingon speaking, Wikipedia editing Nancy Drews – excercising their bored intellects and filling in the gaps between masturbating over Hentai – by dreaming up conspiracy theories perpetrated by infallible human beings that walk among us and yet are never seen. The kind of thinking picked up by too much Stan Lee and not enough bodily contact with the opposite sex.
But why is it only people who feel comfortable in couldroy and talking loudly about Unix that are capable of deciphering the complex enigmas of world conspiracies and ‘black ops’? Ian Fleming obviously failed with his characterization of 007. He should have given him a life subscription to ‘Total Film’ and ‘Boating Waterways Monthly’, and THEN sent him out on his investigations, with a packed lunch, a diluted lemony drink and a couple of asthma inhalers in his Parker. 9/11 would have been solved in a single chapter!!
Your complex woven theories are needless gobshite Atlas Shrugged, as I think a much simpler theory could be put into place:-
What’s more than likely is the MSM has been so over-run with Islamic apologists and university intellectuals with zero common sense (yourself not excluded) that they have brainwashed an entire generation of telly fed simpletons into automatically excusing muslim fundamentalists from any wrong-doing no matter how murderous, brazen and obvious their actions are.
Matt Frei:
“President-elect Obama has said that he had had no contact with Mr Blagojevich’s office and that it was a sad day for Illinois.”
No mention that his Spokesman Axelrod issued a statement directly contradicting this a month ago.
“‘I know he’s talked to the governor and there are a whole range of names many of which have surfaced, and I think he has a fondness for a lot of them.'”
As we all know, this would be in the first paragraph of any story relating to Bush or any other Republican. They would bring it up incessantly.
Holding someone like Matt Frei up to standards of professional integrity is like holding a Cross up to a vampire.
Its instructive to look at the BBC website pages profiling the Democratic and Republican parties. Here for example is the glowing tribute to Slick Willy:
“President Clinton’s most significant achievement was in repositioning the Democrats as centrists committed to sound economic management. He presided over the longest economic expansion in US history and in 1996 became the first Democrat since Franklin Roosevelt to win re-election. But Bill Clinton’s ability to enact reform – most notably of healthcare – was hampered in 1994 by a Republican landslide in mid-term elections, ending four decades of Democratic control in Congress. He faced an opposition-controlled Congress for the last six years of his presidency. With his hands tied domestically, he was free to push an international peace agenda, notably in the Middle East, and more successfully in Northern Ireland.
NB The only thing stopping Clinton from being the first Obama was the Republicans who tied his hands…!!!
Compare and contrast with this brief entry for Ronald Regan:
“His populist programme of reduced government, tax cuts, increased defence spending and anti-communism, inflicted on the Democrats some of the heaviest defeats in their history.”
And then there’s this about the BBC’s favourite hate figure George W Bush: (more wordage than Reagan)
“The president used this new mandate to push through his decision to go to war in Iraq. Initial success in Iraq allowed the Republicans to keep their hold on Congress and the White House in 2004, with President Bush stressing that only he and the Republicans could successfully prosecute the war in the Gulf and keep America safe from terrorism.
By 2006 however, the continuing presence of US troops in Iraq was proving unpopular. American casualties mounted, and the Republicans were routed in the November mid-term elections, losing control of both houses of Congress to a newly-resurgent and increasingly anti-war Democratic Party.”
This stuff is incredible, if expected. Don’t expect fairness from Aunty.
I predict that even if President “Helen Keller” Obama (see no evil, hear no evil, remember nothing, I wasn’t there at the time, honest guv’nor) falls on his arse he’ll still be hailed by the Beeb as the most historic President of the All Time.
Amen, John Bosworth.
The upside? Oblamer and his Goebbels fellowship are determined to undermine all faith in the system, the dollar, stocks, banks, wars on terror, cars, the Constitution, elections, POTUS, etc., and erase all American principles from existance Elliot Ness style. Funny that Frei would go there when Ness was working for Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company’s “philanthropic” oil interests. 🙂
He probably intended to hook Ness up to the US Bible thumpers stereotype.
With all the recent blatent conflicts of interests goes every scrap of credibility of power the feds ever possessed. Exactly what we Conservatives dreamt of all along! 🙂
Viva State’s Rights of Jefferson who envisioned this Oblamer Presidency long before there was a need to demand them!
This CLASSIC socialist coup through sabotage will be pure poetry as it rebounds, to their surprize, with vastly more force than the liberal communists applied.
In fact it’s hard to imagine that this whole mess isn’t being orchestrated by government to bolster waining faith in foundation principles, rather than imagine that liberal stupidity is infinitely hapless.
This will be the biggest backfire in history. Their undefined “change” is opposition to principles that stood long before the USA was even started! And couldnt “change” if they wanted to. It’s like trying to change Newtons Laws of Motion.
Just rambling. Thank you for reading.
“I think Matt Frei’s reporting was absolutely immaculate”
-Martin Bell
“It’s certainly uncontaminated by cheese.”
-John Cleese
How many shoes does it take to hit a president?
The little news clip of a pair of shoes thrown by a TV journalist at George Bush was repeated six times in the space of one news item, run and rerun again and again. Just in case you missed it the fifth time.
And if you want to watch it again and again BBC have put it as a clip to watch online.
The journalist was not a very good shot. Shame he wasn’t gunned down by a nervous security guard. Now THAT would have really marred the occasion.
Sneer sneer sneer. Its what we do.
Have the BBC shown us the video of Gordon Brown picking his nose at one of Tony Blair’s PMQs?
I think GW’s remark afterwards has to be one of the best ever come recoveries 🙂
John Bosworth,
Actually, GW’s words are prophetic in that he is right…only the Republicans can win the war in Iraq, which they duly did inspite of the Dems working actively to loose the war.
Couldn’t find the D word on Guardian report either. What a surprise
Bill O’Reilly was talking about the topic “why are republicans held to a higher standard than democrats?” last week.
I can’t remember who said it but the gist was “since republicans are always talking about moral values they’re being held to a higher standard than democrats”… in short: democrats have no moral values and therefore aren’t held responsible by the MSM – even though I simplified the issue I think it pretty much hits the nail on the head.
Re. the “shoe incident”. This still was an attack on the Leader of the free world.
What does Al Beeb have to say?
Iraq rally for Bush shoe attacker
The whole piece is a puke inducing hatefest. I tell you… If G.W. Bush had got shot Al Beeb would have given the killer a platform. Mind boggling (or maybe not)
No luck finding the D-word in reporting of the Bernard Madoff-with-$50bn.
Madoff is a major donor to a certain political party in the US.
Which one could it be?
One a side note: They don’t mention that Abe Lincoln was a Republican either.
On this morning’s Today programme a gleeful Jim Naughtie interviewed a Muslim comedian about the Bush shoe-throwing incident (one can just imagine Naughtie demanding to do that item in the editorial meeting), while on R5L’s Breakfast Rachel Burden declared: “It would tend to bring a smile to most people’s faces here.” I think meant at the BBC.
I think she meant at the BBC.
Well to be fair, it was quite a funny incident…especially GW’s recovery line 🙂
I think sometimes everyone is so busy being serious that we cant see the obvious humour in an event, no matter how serious it was.
I’ve heard the BBC is having second thoughts about replacing Stourton with Webb. Apparently they now want the journalist who threw the shoes.
DB | 15.12.08 – 4:03 pm |
“This is the biggest financial scandal, probably in the history of the markets – $50bn is a huge amount of money,” she said.
(“moderated” from the virgin-eyes of the HYS kool-aid stand):
Naaah, petty cash when youre talking about your chump.. I mean chum, who owns a printing press and isnt afraid to use it in a mass-murder/suicide… with some “jump!” encouragement from the good ol` beeb crowd that is.
That’s what I love about BBC, you can always “trust” they’ve got your back.. in their sites.
And to put culpability where it belongs.. in their purses.
Al Beeb will have to line up behind all the ME media, mot to mention despots who will want to use this guy for their own propoganda! 🙂