Yes, little Miss Liberty, Shami Chakrabarti, is on the Any Questions panel tonight. So is Dame Joan Bakewell, the latest government Age Czar! If anyone is brave enough to listen, do share your opinions!
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I’ve already complained to the BBC on a number of occasions about the fact the BBC offers this woman and her organisation a free podium, simply because they are sympathetic to her views, when dozens of other organisations with much larger memberships are completely ignored or sidelined, simply because their views do not.
Somebody in the business really needs to dig the dirt on this one. I can’t believe that she doesn’t have friendly personal relations with senior BBC individuals. I smell corruption here.
Sir Gulam Noon was rescued from the Taj Mahal Hotel in Bombay during the recent act of armed political speech by slightly annoyed people of no particular religious persuasion who definitely did not target Jews.
Any chance the T-word will be acceptable on the BBC tonight?
Hugh Oxford | 19.12.08 – 8:31 pm:
Somebody in the business really needs to dig the dirt on this one. I can’t believe that she doesn’t have friendly personal relations with senior BBC individuals. I smell corruption here.
You could be right, but I think not. The fact is, the Beeb’s leftist Groupthink is so omnipotent there’s no need whatsoever for any behind-the-scenes skulduggery – the BBC’s tendency to favour Miss Chakrabarti/Lord Mandelson/Gordon Brown/Vince Cable/any-anti-Tory is so universally entrenched, its manifestations – such as the one you cite – occur naturally all the time.
So what’s new? The Green party gets more air time than the BNP even though the BNP gets a higher % of votes at most elections.
Was Obourne drunk?
Shammy and her friends:
Taking questions at Liberty’s 2008 AGM:
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, Dominic Grieve MP, Shami Chakrabarti, Chris Huhne MP and Michael Wills MP Thats one of each party I assume – clever.
The Chair of Liberty is Louise Christian – extreme left wing barrister
Its the Human Rights mafia.
YAB is one of the most venal racists touting her home made drivel on the public airwaves. Invert her race classifications and Ian Blur would have banged her up years ago. An odious turd is she.
dont forget her sister is a BBC reporter
“dont forget her sister is a BBC reporter”
No she isn’t – Reeta and Shami are not related.
Umbongo: Genetically they might not be related, but politically they are sisters.
No she isn’t – Reeta and Shami are not related.
Umbongo | 20.12.08 – 1:54 pm | #
All these leftists nutjobs look and sound the same to me.
No that’s not fair – YAB’s in a league of her own.
YAB is an interesting case. When she first started pontificating it was often about her life in Uganda; or more correctly, her parents blinkered and racist attitude toward the native population. She was forbidden to fraternise with the locals because they were despised as inferior human beings by her oh so superior father. In her earlier writings YAP deprecated the widespread racism of the Ugandan Asian community. She also laid bare the racism of the Asian community in the UK toward blacks citing award ceremonies for EMs when her Asian tablemates would make monkey noises whenever a black person went on stage to receive an award.
Her current diatribes are usually directed at the very native population that saved so many Ugandan Asians from death by allowing them to come here.
Truly, YAB has become her own father in her attitude toward Britain and the British.
Is Jonathan Dimblby getting even slower in asking a question or making a point, or is he becoming more andmore in love with the sound of his own voice ?
Polly Toynbee was on BBC’s dateline today. Do you know every time I see her she looks more and more like a man in drag and she’s still full of the same old left wing bollocks.
Oh I agree, they’re both on message but the blood of political conviction is always thicker than the water of family connection (or, as in this case, the same surname)
Polly Toynbee was on BBC’s dateline today. Do you know every time I see her she looks more and more like a man in drag and she’s still full of the same old left wing bollocks.
It’s what happens to women of the left, they become defeminised, just as men on the left become emasculated. It’s part of the dehumanising process – the first thing to go is your sexual identity. The left are all about the dehumanisation of humanity. I believe the Spanish left have recently classified apes as humans – just as they have classified homosexuality as marriage. They take civilisation apart and they wonder why it all seems to have gone wrong…
Tim Luckhurst in the Times:
“Shami Chakrabarti is to Britain’s intelligentsia what Posh Spice was to teenage girls. …. Always available to perform on the Today programme … But in making her instant opinions so universally available she has done little for the cause she claims to promote.
The core challenge to democracy since September 11, 2001, has been to achieve proportionality between the competing priorities of individual liberty and public protection. Ms Chakrabarti has come down relentlessly on the quasi-anarchist side of the debate. Her defence of individual rights against collective needs takes the demos out of democracy and leaves her organisation marooned on the extra-parliamentary left of politics.
In her enthusiasm to see the good in every terrorist suspect and a heart of unalloyed evil in each successive Home Secretary, the lady from Liberty has revealed extraordinary naivety about Labour’s favourite tactic. Acquired from Bill Clinton, the trick known as triangulation seeks to popularise government policy by contrasting it with the views of unpopular minorities. Ms Chakrabarti never rejects the invitation to play the extremist.
Almost single-handedly she has shifted the civil liberties lobby so far beyond the parameters of mainstream opinion that ministers pray she will oppose them. Their logic is simple: if Liberty objects, Middle Britain will automatically conclude that a policy is pure common sense.”
I must admit that I fall for this triangulation every time – if Shami is moaning about something then I assume the something must be good.