BBC Radio Solent (no relation whatsoever!) reports that four animal rights activists have been convicted of blackmail, criminal damage, extortion, bomb threats…
So what is Radio Solent’s response to this?
To give the microphone to a spokeswoman for the criminal group responsible so that she could justify their actions, of course. Listen here; it’s 1 hour 57 minutes in.
Hat tip: Chuffer.
Thanks for the hat-tip, NS.
It gets worse; during the 5 o’clock bulletin, the Sabs’ spokesperson pointed out that these vile actions were the only option left to them ‘under what little freedom of speech we have left’ – or something as utterly daft.
I’ll link to that when that show has ended.
Has there been similar stuff on other local BBc stations – or am I the only one with the masochistic streak that makes me listen?
Strange. Earlier today in work, I was reading the BBC ‘news’ story on their website and noticed they had a direct link to the ‘SHAC’ website. Just checked and it’s not there! How odd. How very BBC.
Chuffer | 23.12.08 – 6:14 pm |
Is the spokeswoman accidentally saying that Labour has eroded personal liberties such as freedom of speech? Or is it just played as the usual BBC (and fellow traveler) excuse that violence is always justified for certain people because somehow that’s the only outlet they have to express themselves?
Here’s the 5 o-clock bulletin:
Tune in at about 56 mins 50 seconds, and enjoy this quote from SHAC spokesthing:
“The fact is that it’s our moral duty to use what very limited freedom of speech we have to put these issues across.”
No-one in the mighty BBC News office thought to ask if posting used tampons really qualifies as using ‘freedom of speech’.
BBC: “Activists guilty of hate campaign Four animal rights activists are convicted of blackmailing companies that supplied Huntingdon Life Sciences ”
Activists – the “A” word you can add to the lexicon of BBC obfuscation along with the “M” and “T” words.
Somebody sends you death threats, contaminated needles, excrement, don’t worry, they are just “activists”. Just youthful protest, harmless death threats.
Eco-fascists like Plain Stupid get the same Dick Emery treatment. “Ooh you activists. You are aweful. But I like you”.
Another obfuscatory term is the D-word used for violent (usually extreme left) politically-minded rioting thugs on the streets.
They are always “demonstrators”.
There’s a 4:38 clip of the SHAC spokeswoman here:
Actually, sounds to me like she gets quite a hammering in the interview and comes over as a total fruitcake.
Excellent, Biod.
But it makes it even odder that Solent should pick her ‘justification’ speech instead of using a clip of her making an utter arse of herself squirming out of some refreshingly harsh questions.
And I couldn’t help but chuckle this afternoon,,as I finished off my pre-Christmas ploughing. Radio Solent were doing ‘Are you having a different Christmas Dinner this year?’
I though “I knwo what’s coming next!”
Sure enough, at about 3.10: ‘Give us a ring if you’re having a vegetarian dinner….’
Amazingly, not one phone call flooded in. All the veggies are no doubt still sobbing into their lentils at yesterday’s court verdict.