I see that Today have announced that five programmes next week will have guest editors in the shape of author Zadie Smith; Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, the head of the Catholic church in England and Wales; musician Jarvis Cocker; Sir Win Bischoff, the chairman of Citigroup and architect Zaha Hadid. In one way this is a good thing since we recognise that ALL these people come with a clear set of prejudices and will mold the daily news agenda on Today to reflect such. But what about those who edit this programme for the other hundreds of days each year – what are THEIR prejudices, their biases? The BBC should come clean, just admit it is riddled with bias, and then that is then fine by me. Of course, as a biased broadcaster, it should then be forced to fund itself and stop thieving from us. There is nothing wrong in admitting bias, but there is everything wrong in denying it when it is manifest for all to see, and hear
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Set up a channel dedicated to the broadcast of ALL BBC editorial meetings.
Problem solved.
‘There is nothing wrong in admitting bias, but there is everything wrong in denying it when it is manifest for all to see, and hear’
Are you speaking for all? Who elected you? It is manifest for you to see cause you’re a raving lunatic!
You at a loose end today David? You are behaving like everyone else in the MSM. If there’s nothing new to report – make it up.
I see the trolls are at an even more loose end
Lurker in a Burqua:
In the early 1970s, BBC Radio Leeds decided to broadcast its morning news meetings so the listening public could hear how and why stories were chosen. The journalists, knowing their own weaknesses, treated listeners to staged discussions while real decisions were made on staircases and in corridors.
How can there be openness in a sewer? Too much sunlight. The “guest” editors on “Today” will be stooges, just another window dressing exercise.
Power is never given away. It has to be taken.
Mr Bosworth
Precisely right, IMO, and generally futile. “Where is the horse and the rider…?” Nowhere in sight.
The will and the way are long gone from Britain.
You can spray a turd with Chanel No5, but it will smell like a turd.
“Are you speaking for all? Who elected you? It is manifest for you to see cause you’re a raving lunatic!”
Who elected the mighty BBC ? Every poll I’ve seen shows a clear 75% want the BBC TV Licence scraped bah the ones commissioned by the BBC/Government and they just happen to be carried out by companies run by former BBC employees (yes bias again!)
Zadie Smith, Cormac Murphy-O’Connor, Jarvis Cocker & Sir Win Bischoff.
Something wrong there. Jarvis Cocker. White, English, how did they let him slip through the net?