The BBC approach to Lord Goldsmith seems to vary, doesn’t it? When he was advising Tony Blair that it was OK to assist in the liberation of Iraq, his judgement was questioned. But when he argues that Britain should open it’s arms and embrace some of the Jihadi scum currently detained at Guantanamo, he’s suddenly a good guy! The BBC line on Islamic terrorism is consistent and profoundly dhimmified. The meme is that all those in Gitmo are innocent and it is vital that the UK accepts as many as possible, after all it’s what Obama wants. And so the New Year begins with the UK actually seeking to import terrorists and the BBC sees no wrong in this and provides no space for those who hold that this is reckless beyond words.
it was in response to a post by disillusuioned german which read:
Muslim in disguise by any chance?
I merely sank to his level
I didn’t start mud slinging here, but I will certainly respond to it if directed my way. but like I said, discussion is whats most important.
“Get over this mythical past you aspire to that never existed.”
Alex Reynolds | 02.01.09 – 9:33 pm |
That depends how old you are. I remember a time when there was free speech – even during the BBCs evil Thatcher years – you were allowed to criticize the government – if you like the BBC and its New Labour masters then that is fine by me, I have no objection – it is your right, but it is also my right to disagree, and it should be my right not to be forced to pay for an organisation which I and many others think is too politically allied to the left.
The other media organisations you mention can do what they want – I don’t have to pay for them.
“Come on, you think the BBC is biased, look at American news, hopeless propaganda …………”
Alex Reynolds | 02.01.09 – 4:33 pm |
I now live in Canada and have access to a wide variety on North American news outlets.
Hand on heart I have to say that most of them are far more balanced and fair than the BBC when it comes to political discussion. Contributors affiliations are always identified and the channels are not in hock to the first self- agrandising agitprop group that comes along thumping its tub.
‘ ……… even during the BBCs evil Thatcher years – you were allowed to criticize the government …’
Jon | 02.01.09 – 9:52 pm |
I’ve kicked around on this planet for over sixty years now and can remember TV back in the days of Rin Tin Tin.
Over the years I’ve detected a pattern with satirical programmes.
They seem to flourish, particularly on the BBC, when there is a Conservative government and then all but disappear when Labour are in.
Ah yes! The ‘unbiased’ BBC.
Canadian news (especially CBC) is even more left wing touchie feely than the BBC, i lived there for years, so don’t pretend Canada has better news than the UK. The other main national news (CTV i think it was called) was cheap and sensationalist crap too, kind of like ITV/Sky. The media is far from perfect in the UK, but its the same in Canada, and far worse in the US.
A lack of satirical programs? Like Mock the Week? Or Have I got news for you? Or Rory Bremner? Or the countless others the BBC show? Come on wake up, stop peddling this ‘everything was great, but now its all crap’ line. Mythical past.
“Mythical past.” Whose “mythical past”? What you are inferring is that everyone is the same – for some there were better times in this country whilst others may not have agreed.
but its the same in Canada, and far worse in the US.
Alex Reynolds | 02.01.09 – 10:12 pm |
What bollocks.
What bollocks.
thats the extent your argument son, well played.
although, i was thinking TPO, and your eloquent comment ”what bollocks” is appropriate for 99% of whats written on this website. buenos noches
enjoy life in the nuclear bunkers you guys dig for yourselves
thats the extent your argument son, well played.
Alex Reynolds | 02.01.09 – 10:29 pm
And you think your previous posts are an argument. You haven’t got one.
And drop the ‘son’ bit you patronising tosser.
…otherwise you’re a low life idiot who should be in the Nazis, moron…
Alex Reynolds | 02.01.09 – 5:54 pm
Such ad hominen eloquence.
No more now with young Alex.
He goes the same way as hillhunt and the other dim young alex that used to infest this site.
You know, seeing off Hillhunt, Young Alex and their ilk has been one of my proudest achievements. Being relentless has upside.
David Vance | Homepage | 02.01.09 – 10:40 pm |
All you ever needed to know about the new young Alex:
When I was a kid I was bought up in Germany, but I never had any pretensions about being an expert on their media outlets like young Alex does with his juvenile experiences of North America.
Alex Reynolds:
“You see what you want to, and if you choose to be miserable and scared then its your choice, but stop going on about it, and instead engage in discussion about improving things.”
Kum bi ya, my Lord, Kum bi ya!
How about a bit of street theater to calm things down? Alex can read us some of his alternative poetry while we all have a bit of a thump on the bongos and light joss-sticks.
Alex Reynolds | 02.01.09 – 10:29 pm |
So you are looking for a debate and not for insults – but you don’t even debate my posts? Says it all – don’t you think?
David Vance | Homepage | 02.01.09 – 10:40 pm |
I believe that people like young Alex are not looking for “discussion” but just to put their view across – they don’t need to be insulted to leave, just ask them to justify their claims and they disappear.
I agree. The insults do nothing.
Let me rephrase my original point: Someone who’s in line with Al Beeb has a sinister agenda. Remember when we discussed how muslims use “English names” to write pro-muslim stuff on Al Beeb’s (D)HYS?
Since little Alex wrote in his first post “…some rightwing tactic to arrest and intimidate Muslims.” I immediately got wary. Intimidate muslims? What’s that all about?
In a later post little Alex writes “…Stop worrying about jihadists, they are not hiding in every city ready to blow up buses. You guys only see the negatives in life it seems…”
Well, just take a butcher’s at – and I believe their figures are still too low.
Sorry, but if Alex is not a closet muslim he’s an agent provocateur.
Excuse the rant. I’m back to reading “Mein Kampf” now.
Excuse the rant. I’m back to reading “Mein Kampf” now.
disillusioned_german | 03.01.09 – 12:16 am | #
You and the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem (Yassir Arafascist’s great uncle)
He was a big admirer of Hitler and they met frequently during WW2.
Here you go Jack:
Hitler, The Mufti Of Jerusalem And Modern Islamo Nazism
Jack Bauer | Homepage | 03.01.09 – 12:45 am |
TPO | 03.01.09 – 1:18 am |
I hope you know I was being sarcastic, guys. The Hitler / Grand “Mufti” connection has been well-documented. That’s why we call Hamas et al “Islamo-Nazis” or “Islamo-Fascists”
I hope you know I was being sarcastic, guys.
disillusioned_german | 03.01.09 – 1:30 am |
We’ve both been posting here for a long while now. I’m not sure how long Jack has been, but I certainly know better than to think anything untoward about you.
By the way, when you’ve finished with Mein Kampf do you want to borrow my copy of Das Capital?
Nice one, TPO… I guess most of us here are on the same level. Anti Beeb, anti jihadist, pro Israel, pro democracy and human rights etc.
Should Israel fall we’re all doomed. I love Israel. We’re rooting for you guys.
I’m pretty sure that the risible “Alex Reynolds” IS “Angry young Alex” – the same bourgeois student mentality, the same naive acceptance of everything the BBC tells him. As for his list of “BBC satirical milestones”: Mock the Week? Rory Bremner? I think that closes the argument pretty neatly…
The BBC is disinclined to make the political link between these two reports:
1.)”UK should take Guantanamo men'”
2.)”Canberra rejects Guantanamo cases”
The British government must reject these Islamic jihad suspects as immigrants, both directly and via EU.
If Labour had any sense of security against Islamic jihadists, it would be taking military and legal action against the following Muslims:
“British Muslims ally with Taliban against British troops”
[‘Jihadwatch’ comment on ‘Telegraph’ report]:
“For you see, in Islam, Muslim solidarity takes precedence over modern-day concepts such as ‘nationality’ or ‘citizenship,’ thanks to Koranic verses such as ‘Let not the believers [Muslims] take for friends or allies infidels instead of believers: if any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah’ (3:28). Islam’s prophet Muhammad also said ‘In the compassion and mercy the believers possess for one another, they are like one body: Should one of its members be struck ill, the rest of the body suffers from fever and insomnia’ (The Al Qaeda Reader, 99). Any surprise, then, that ‘British’Muslims — that is, Muslims residing in (i.e., benefiting from) Britain — are allying themselves with fellow Muslims against their dhimmi hosts?”
I’m horrified you thought I didn’t know you were being sarcastic!
I was only humorously trying to mention the granddaddy Jew hating jihadists as someone who DID think Mein Kampf was a call to action.
Apologies if you misconstrued my lame gag.
Mock the Week? Rory Bremner? I think that closes the argument pretty neatly…
Robert | 03.01.09 – 8:49 am | #
Oh yeah, cutting edge BBC “humour” in the 21st Century.
That is: not funny, not satirical, and not on MY TV thank you.
In fact, Rory Bremner has to be one of the unfunniest persons EVER on TV.
CONT.. especially if you watched Bruce Forsyth’s TV reminiscences on New Years Eve.
But most of those really funny men didn’t go to some two bit Uni/Poly before moving into a BBC “let’s employ the unfunniest people on the planet programme”
Back track to the original post; “….or some rightwing tactic to arrest and intimidate Muslims.
Alex Reynolds | 02.01.09 – 4:22 pm |”
A real “straw man” job, as if the alternative to it being a proportionate response to neutralise an enemy threat, is that it’s a “right wing” plot. As if anyone really wanted to go around arresting Muslims (arrest people for being Muslim – where would you put them all?) or intimidate muslims, I can think of 350 million better ways to do that than by dressing a few blokes in orange jumpsuits on a holiday island.
The embedded falsity of the dissection speaks for itself.
If that’s the script and cast of villains in young Alex’s head, then its pointless debating it. Not enough common ground on reality
Andrew — oh I decided on his demand that I (the arsehole) answer his question, that the best policy was to ignore his rather obvious strawman tactics and laugh at him.
Quite so Jack. What makes me laugh is the speed of the comebacks, like its a boxing match. On the whole I like the thoughtful posts put up here. (And Martin’s scatological inventiveness, of course).
No worries, Jack… I just wanted to reiterate for those who don’t know my views as well as you or TPO.
“I can think of 350 million better ways to do that than by dressing a few blokes in orange jumpsuits on a holiday island”
That’s a good way of putting it. After all it’s the leftie paradise Cuba. But they don’t say anything about that, do they?
The highlight for me was someone posting a link
and actually believing that to me be. as if there is but one alex reynolds in the UK. top work. with investigative skills like that I see why this young man (TPO I believe) believes all this crap he types. I do feel sorry for that poor sod whose work profile you just posted though. I would be more than happy to have a serious discussion about these topics.
OK Jon wanted me to debate his post, here I go.
” I remember a time when there was free speech – even during the BBCs evil Thatcher years – you were allowed to criticize the government ”
Of course you are free to criticise the government – everyone does it! We are not in zimbabwe! stop exaggerating everything!
‘the same borgeoise student mentality’ I love the way you pigeonhole everything and everybody. So all students are raving socialists? Nonsense. You cannot make these sweeping statements and be taken seriously by anyone with half a brain.
Are you new to blog-posting Alex? As a medium it doesn’t really support a two way argument very well, and often results in name-calling which doesn’t advance anyones argument. My advice, which you are welcome to ignore, is to put your point of view, and leave it. Thats what I shall do. If you want a “debate” I’m sure Penn State or wherever has a debating society.
I love it…I’ve never been to Penn State or wherever, that poor sod whose profile got posted isn’t me, but its nice to think that someone spent so long searching google attempting to find me.
I love it…I’ve never been to Penn State or wherever, that poor sod whose profile got posted isn’t me, but its nice to think that someone spent so long searching google attempting to find me.
Alex Reynolds | 03.01.09 – 4:55 pm |
I just typed your name into google you daft tosser.
I’ve never been to Penn State or wherever…
Alex Reynolds | 03.01.09 – 4:55 pm |
No surprise there!
Instead I see it’s just a load of miserable people moaning about the world changing around them
And this is supposed to be the quality of ‘debate’ they teach at Penn?
Oops, forgot, you’ve not been to university.
And you know bugger all about American television.
What a saddo.
Alex obviously a BBC PR person? how much overtime of our taxpayer’s do you get for gatecrashing blogs may I ask?