It’s so tortuous. Get this.. “A Danish man of Palestinian origin has been arrested on suspicion of shooting and wounding two Israeli salesmen at a shopping centre in Odense in Denmark.” Anything to avoid saying Muslim, eh?
Thanks to George R for spotting this gem of BBC obsfucation!
No, I think the BBC actually got it right this time.
They do not know whether this guy is Muslim or not.
All the Danish police have revealed is that the man they arrested is a Danish citizen, born in Lebanon of Palestinian parents.
His parents could be Palestinian Marxists from the PFLP. They might even be Palestinian Christians. These groups have been known to shoot Israelis too.
Certainly the BBC don’t know.
And whereof the BBC do not know, they should bloody well remain silent.
No Tom, the BBC did not get this right, if you checked other media sources you will note that they do indeed mention that the evil attacker was Muslim.
No Tom, the BBC did not get this right, if you checked other media sources you will note that they do indeed mention that the evil attacker was Muslim.
Tractorboy | 02.01.09 – 4:24 pm |
Such as…?
The story concludes:
The attack came on the fifth day of Israeli air strikes against Hamas targets in the Gaza Strip, which Israel says were provoked by Palestinian rocket attacks.
Four Israelis have been killed by Palestinian rockets fired into Israel since the campaign began on Saturday, while medical sources say more than 400 Palestinians have now been killed in Gaza.
A marvellous example of the BBC shilling for terrorists, even going so far as to insert their own cut-and-paste Hamas talking points into the story in order to justify a random attack on innocent Israeli citizens in a third country. They didn’t even bother to wait for the suspect to confess his own reasons for the attack; the casualty figures in Gaza are apparently all the context we need in order to understand and identify with his motives.
I think we should be grateful for small mercies. It wouldn’t have surprised me if they had just labelled the perpetrator as a “Dane”.
2 Israelis wounded in Denmark shooting
Two Israelis were lightly wounded when they were shot by a group of men in a mall in Odense, Denmark on Wednesday afternoon.
According to the B.T. newspaper’s Web site, a man shouted something in a Middle Eastern language and opened fire.
Something like “Allah Akbar”, for example?
Given their stance, I’m surprised he was not called a great Dane.
If the guy had shot some white, Christian Danes, then there would be a point to mentioning the killer’s otherwise peaceful religion.
In this case, though, come on – it’s like wanting them to say a “Jewish Israeli” killed two Palestinians. This is ammo for defenders of the indefensible, I’m afraid.
Apparently the BBC think it might have been a protest.
The BBC seem to have got the concepts of “attempted murder” and “protest” a little confused.
It wouldn’t have surprised me if they had just labelled the perpetrator as a “Dane”.
glj | 02.01.09 – 7:03 pm
Actually they did. The headline is:
“Dane held for ‘shooting Israelis'”
The Colonel:
No Tom, the BBC did not get this right, if you checked other media sources you will note that they do indeed mention that the evil attacker was Muslim.
Tractorboy | 02.01.09 – 4:24 pm |
Such as…?
The Colonel | 02.01.09 – 5:26 pm | #
Without sounding condescending have you tried DANISH news outlets?, or perhaps GERMAN, SWEDISH, DUTCH or even FRENCH?, ALL of the main media outlets of these countries managed to report this news and mentioned the religion of the attacker.
So bugger off back to Tunbridge Wells you prat.
It’s so tortuous. Indeed, you are a very tortured man Vance.
Tom, it doesn’t matter whether he was a Muslim. He was an Arab, that’s all that matters.
The BBC have a well-entrenched position on describing peoples origins. Usually starting with their place of residence, as in “Mukhtar Said Ibrahim, from Birmingham” as opposed to “from Somalia, most recently living in Birmingham”
Some of the Guantanamo prosoners were regularly described as “Britons” as they had been living in Britain, but without rights of residence or holding British nationality. To the BBC its a sort of game, like avoiding the “M” word.
Hey this could make a BBC radio panel game like with Paul Merton, where people have to talk for just a minute without using any word starting with an “M”.
“You have sixty seconds, starting from now. Your chosen topic is Islaam ”
“Mohammed…” (buzzer interrupts)
The BBC is notorious for doing this. They even did it during the 7/7 coverage. No, I’m not joking. They will avoid that word like the plague.