I have been horrified and angered by the coverage of the Israel-Gaza conflict. While paying scant regard to the provocation of 10,000 rockets fired at Israeli civilians from Gaza over the last seven years, the BBC has chosen to broadcast ‘human interest’ stories reminiscent of salacious photos in the cheaper red top newspapers.
Not alone
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That UN tosser who’s pimping his talking head to any gimp who’ll listen has just said ‘the ground forces are getting in our way’. Hokely dokely. And the Israeli government are lying – natch. The selective myopia is truly breathtaking.
Biodegradable: I know. Not that the BBC would ever show those pictures on the news.
Who ate all the pies?
Who ate all the pies?
You Fat B***
You Fat B***
You ate all the Pies.
The bBC keeps on telling me that the people in Gaza are dying from a lack of food.
So with that in mind can somebody tell me why the bBCs man on the ground is such a porker???
(And I don’t mean to belittle even 1 persons death here)
Casualties rise in Gaza offensive
He said they had received “all sorts of casualties, from shattered bodies, beheaded individuals and patients with superficial cuts and lacerations”.
ROP at work again?
What is the point of taking a bloke with no head to hospital? I presume he went straight to the morgue.
Can you sew it back on?
We will have to shave him to see what we are doing.
No, you can’t shave off his orange beard, he loves that beard.
I know it’s sick, but hell who cares anymore.
pounce | 05.01.09 – 8:15 pm
Yes, I wouldn’t fancy Rushdi Aboualouf’s chances if he had to escape down a narrow tunnel. Of course he’s doing well out of all this, what his other media outlets such as the LA Times and AFP.
His report just after 8pm on BBC News couldn’t have been more biased if Hamas had directed it. Oh hang on – they probably did.
Nah, you can sew a dudes’ head back on if only those pesky Israelis would let the trucks thru with the magic thread.
In BBC’s lament on “Who is civilian?”
To any beeboids reading this – on the question on “Who is civilian?”
BBC seems to have double standards when it comes to whom it supports.
Since I was born in Yugoslavia I remember NATO’s campaign against Serbia very well
1. A large percentage of killed were civilians
2. Targets like civilian TV stations, electrical power plants, bridges, police stations were destroyed
3. Symbols of power like the Ministry of Interior buildings were destroyed.
4. In addition, hotels and a Chinese embassy were hit because NATO had information that high ranking officials were hiding there.
5. A civilian train was destroyed because it was suspected it was carrying non-uniformed troops.
The list goes on and on.
War is an ugly business and Hamas should have known better.
If you want to know why Israel is pulverising Hamas – this is why
The bBC, It’s Hamas magic show and now you see me now you don’t.
Anybody else notice how like in 2006 the bBC have yet to air a recent picture of a Hamas militant with a gun.
Where have they gone?
Are the only people getting hit by Israel who Fat boy interviews women and children.
Where are the Hamas casualties
Have they a hospital just for them?
Funny enough the bBC did the same in 2006 with Hezb-allah.
Maybe one of the bBC clones can explain this modern version of where’s Waldo.
This was the answer I got from Paul Reynolds to my charge of bias;-
I have worked for the BBC for forty years and have not found the anti-Israel attitudes you claim exist. There may be faults in some reporting but there is no conspiracy. You recall that our correspondent in Jerusalem for 12 years was Michel Elkins, an American Jew from San Francisco. We resisted huge pressure from Arab groups which said that no Jew cold be unbiased and we simply said “Show us the evidence”. There was none.
The sorry thing is that when the late lamented Michael Elkins of sainted memory was reporting from Israel during the Six Day War we did not have the same mob in charge at the BBC and Richard Dimbley not his pusillaminous offspring was the king. furthermore and this is the crux so far as the BBC is concerned the plucky underdogs were the Israelis. Somehow or other the BBC have to contrived to make the underdog the bully as the rabid Bowen calls Israel because Israel’s refusal roll over and die does not fit in with the Jewish victimhood syndrome
Separated at birth – Jeremy Bowen and a Dobby the house elf mask?
A Hamas operative who was captured during the second day of ground operations in the Gaza Strip on Monday was taken to Soroka Hospital in Beersheba to be treated for his wounds.
The man arrived at the hospital blindfolded and surrounded by Israeli security forces. He was quickly ushered past reporters and camermen and in through the front gate.
Dozens of Hamas gunmen have been captured since the ground incursion began on Saturday, the IDF announced on Monday. However, only one was known to be treated at a civilian hospital in Israel for wounds sustained during the fighting.
Grimer | 05.01.09 – 5:15 pm |
I raised this point about Bowen years ago – it is impossible for him to be impartial and the BBC know it.
Like all the BBC reporters in the Middle East they have all gone “native”. They are spoon fed “news” from their contacts in Hamas and Hizbollah and report it parrot fashion.
They take all the photographs from their “stingers” in Gaza and never question their authenticity. Terrorist organisations must love the left (and in some cases) right wing media. Just imagine having the media queuing up for the next piece of staged fauxtography without any questions asked.
Nachman | 05.01.09 – 9:23 pm
That Paul Reynolds reply is as unconvincing as the updates to his original article about so-called Israeli propaganda.
“An MP is shocked by Al Beeb” (Melanie Phillips)
“Commendable as is Fabricant’s reaction, it is not enough for him to write to the Chairman of the BBC Trust. The BBC’s collusion with Hamas, along with coverage whose incendiary distortions cannot but have incited hatred of Israel among its viewers and listeners, should be the subject of an emergency debate in Parliament. It would be interesting to know whether the Tory front bench agree with Michael Fabricant — or think there is nothing wrong with the BBC’s coverage. Those MPs from whatever party who understand just what is at stake in Gaza for western civilisation • alas, there aren’t many of them but there are some — and the deeply alarming role being played in this by the BBC should now raise the alarm.”
Today’s World Have Your Say from the Hamas Broadcasting Corporation:
“At what point does Israel lose the right to defend itself?”
Frankly, I’d have more time for the likes of Fabricant if he and his chums on the Opposition front bench would get serious about the BBC and make it clear that they’ll finish al-Beeb after the next election.
Sadly, Melanie Phillips is crying in the wind. Even if the Tory front bench agree with Michael Fabricant, we will never know and, most certainly, they will do nothing about it.
It may be that the Tories recognise the grotesque levels of bias routinely displayed by this shameful organisation – but they daren’t rock the boat if they want anything other than open hostility at election time.
DB | 05.01.09 – 9:25 pm | #
DB – send this to Private Eye’s lookalikes section as soon as you can! It’s great!
‘Why do you die on TV?’
BBC Radio World Service shows its impartiality by asking two writers: one Palestinian and one Israeli, to write an essay on the situation in Gaza.
Ghada Karmi the Palestinian, frequent Guardian contributor and strong believer of the one state solution to the conflict, wrote criticizing Israel. Daphna Baram, the Israeli, who spoke in favour of the motion “This House Believes that Zionism is a danger to the Jewish people” at Cambridge University, and also is a frequent contributor to the Guardian, wrote criticizing Israel.
What a surprise. Who does the BBC think they’re fooling?
Funny enough the bBC did the same in 2006 with Hezb-allah.
pounce | 05.01.09 – 9:16 pm
Yes, the pattern is repeating itself. The World Service is not even trying to find out how many Hamas terrorists have been killed. When discussing the death toll, it swings between “people” and “civilians” killed. There’s a constant diet of sob stories, almost always the first part of a report, closely followed by info on whoever is pushing for a ceasefire and speculation on how long the battle will last.
I heard the interview with the Czech foreign minister that Michael Fabricant complained about. He’s right. It wasn’t an interview, rather the BBC hack trying to get him to admit he was wrong to suggest that Israel was defending herself.
The World Service sometimes appears to redeem itself with a fairly balanced World Have Your Say. But it’s really just a safety valve of sorts so people can let off steam and the BBC can convince itself that it’s not biased because it lets people have their say. Tonight they had a couple of Israelis who did a good job defending Israel in the face of the usual attacks.
Funny question they ask, though, as the leading question for tonight’s show. Can’t imagine them asking this of too many other countries:
At what point does Israel lose the right to defend itself?
[audio src="http://downloads.bbc.co.uk/podcasts/worldservice/whys/whys_20090105-1904a.mp3" /]
Who ate all the pies?
Who ate all the pies?
You Fat B***
You Fat B***
You ate all the Pies.
The bBC keeps on telling me that the people in Gaza are dying from a lack of food.
So with that in mind can somebody tell me why the bBCs man on the ground is such a porker???
(And I don’t mean to belittle even 1 persons death here)
pounce | 05.01.09 – 8:15 pm | #
I hope they weren’t pork pies!
That would go down a storm in Mecca!
Newsnight is unbelievable.
Paxman opened with an open insult and things are going from there. Nobody can claim that this shite is ‘impartial reportage’.
Len Goodman from Strictly come Dancing is Ehud Olmert’s twin.
BBC Newsnight and Mark Urban (a man with the face of a well used rent boy) making up a load of bollocks.
I thought it was hilarious that he takes figures from the Palis as FACT but anything that the Israelis say s a ‘claim’.
Oh and why was this tosspot wearing body armour? Everyone stood around him had a plastic chair and a packed lunch and was enjoying the slaughter (as am I)
It is interesting that this my comment:
“I don’t think there’s any need for “a truce”. I think that the terrorist organisations like HAMAS should be wiped out.” was rejected by BBC “moderators”
Where are the Hamas casualties
Have they a hospital just for them?
pounce | 05.01.09 – 9:16 pm
pounce – i believe this article might answer your question.
scroll down to the end of the page and you get this snippet – from an NY Times reporter in a Gazan hospital:
“On Monday, Dr. Ashour was not the only official in charge. Armed Hamas militants in civilian clothes roamed the halls. Asked their function, they said it was to provide security. But there was internal bloodletting under way.
In the fourth-floor orthopedic section, a woman in her late 20s asked a militant to let her see Saleh Hajoj, her 32-year-old husband. She was turned away and left the hospital. Fifteen minutes later, Mr. Hajoj was carried out by young men pretending to transfer him to another ward. As he lay on the stretcher, he was shot in the left side of the head.
Mr. Hajoj, like five others killed at the hospital this way in 24 hours, was accused of collaboration with Israel. He had been in the central prison awaiting trial by Hamas judges; when Israel destroyed the prison on Sunday he and the others were transferred to the hospital. But their trials were short-circuited.”
At what point does Israel lose the right to defend itself?
Bryan | 05.01.09 – 10:29 pm
Could you imagine them asking, “At what point does the risk of civilian casualties deprive Hamas of the right to take offensive actions”?
“Oh and why was this tosspot wearing body armour? Everyone stood around him had a plastic chair and a packed lunch and was enjoying the slaughter (as am I)
Martin | 05.01.09 – 10:51 pm | ”
ha ha.. yeah i noticed that too.
israelis out for the day to cheer their IDF on. if i was out there, i’d bring the barbie, and get the beers out.
and next time you see that Norweigian doctor appear on the TV bear in mind what i posted at 11.08
you can only draw TWO conclusions
A. He is mouthing the Hamas line at gunpoint.
B. He is a Hamas supporter.
i note that nobody in the MSM has followed up that NY Times report – and i also note that NY Times effectively buried the story by putting those paragraphs deep in the story, rather than at the top.
“two faced brits”
EU Ref points out the obvious… and a damn good point it is too – regarding Israel/Gaza and Britain/Iraq…
“Although the British response to what is known as “indirect fire” was ineffective, that did not mean that it did nothing. It launched many raids into al Amarah, killing and wounding several hundred (or even more), Mahdi fighters, damaging and destroying hundreds of houses and killing many civilians. It also called in air strikes, many times.
These things it did in the exercise of its right to self defence, as an occupying power, under the 4th Geneva Convention of 1949, and the much older rules in the Hague Regulations of 1907. None of the precious “international community” so much as batted an eye when the UK exercised this right • much less called for a “cease fire” while the Mahdi Army was still rocketing the British base. Yet it seems that the UK, with its fellow travellers, would deny Israel exactly the same right.
Perhaps our commentator was right: us Brits are two-faced.”
archduke: Yes I’d have been there cheering as well. A BBQ would have been a good idea.
Urban just looked a right KNOB.
I like the site you posted. It may just entice some younger people to delve deeper into the Israeli viewpoint with it’s ‘flash’ presentation. I clicked the english version yet a lot of Hebrew text popped up when I clicked on something.
Just thought I would add my voice here this once, like many people I know, I don’t post – just lurk 🙂
The BBC coverage is shameful, their contempt for the audience is staggering.
I don’t think it is possible to get through to them, the bias is so entrenched the only way to deal with it is to shut the organization down.
bill – try this link.
its in english
flash presentation.
i think this is what you are after.
more presentations available here – left hand side.
pick your language and the presentation will start
He did look like a cock, but I think the body armour will be an ‘elf and safety issue – if you don’t wear it, your family don’t get a life insurance payout.
Grimer: I have bad news for Urban. Body armour isn’t much good against a laser guided bomb 🙂
There will only be peace when the Israeli people wake up and reject the warmongers who maintain their control over Israel through fear. Why do they refuse to obey both UN resolutions and International Law? If there was peace the warmongers and fear merchants would lose their power and perhaps also graft. Because of their lust for power more innocents suffer. Both Israeli and Palestinian mothers are greiving.
that norweigian doctor that keeps appearing on TV …
“Gilbert has broad range international experiences, in particular from locations that merge medical and political issues. Actively involved with solidarity work concerning Palestinians since the 1970s, he has served as a doctor during numerous periods in Palestine and Lebanon. ”
Hmmmm… not just your average doctor who just “happens” to be in Gaza so..
“His efforts have been central to the efforts that have lead the city of Tromsø, since 2001 a twin town of Gaza, to claim to be the city that has sent more health workers to Palestine than any other the world”
Tromso – supporting terrorists since 2001.
How nice of them.
jerry | 06.01.09 – 12:46 am
Article 7 of the Hamas charter:
“The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree, (the Cedar tree) would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.”
Sheik Yunus al-Astal, a Hamas legislator and imam, in a column in the weekly newspaper Al Risalah in 2008 discussed a Koranic verse suggesting that “suffering by fire is the Jews’ destiny in this world and the next.” Astal concluded “Therefore we are sure that the Holocaust is still to come upon the Jews
And lets not forget Hamas’s wonderful childrens education TV programmes..
The BBC has been anti-Israel, anti-Christian and pro-Islamic for several decades. This is no surprise, for being human, they are fearful for the safety of their reporters in Islamic lands. But to prove that they are still fearless, and to retain their self-respect, they attack Israel.
This is no surprise, for being human, they are fearful for the safety of their reporters in Islamic lands.
DP111 | 06.01.09 – 1:33 am | #
I don’t think this is the whole story. The BBC has ample business in Arab countries. Unlike Britian, the Arab world is not a captive market and it need to be satisfied. In short, you Brits are economically conned by the BBC.
There will only be peace when the Israeli people wake up and reject the warmongers who maintain their control over Israel through fear. Why do they refuse to obey both UN resolutions and International Law?
You are totally ignorant about the situation, and are only revealing your ignorance by posting this nonsense. Israel is not in breach of ‘international law’: the Arabs are, by constantly launching rockets against Israeli civilians. Of course, those are only Joos, and we know that you don’t like them.
I agree that the Conservatives should nail their colours to the mast and come right out with plans to break up the BBC. They would gain a huge number of votes as a result.
Moreover, open BBC hostility would be a good thing, because then far more people – those who currently are duped into believing the drivel that the BBC are ‘even-handed’ and ‘objective’ – would finally realise what a bunch of crooks they are. That would, imo, tip the balance, because the British collective psyche detests bias.
Whether or not the Tories have the guts to do this is another matter, of course. If they still had senior ex-generals in their ranks among the top people, they would know that a sudden bold move like that confuses the enemy and rallies the troops. But they don’t, so unfortunately they probably won’t.
Even a leftwing, anti.Israel news source like the Guardian finds it possible to acknowledge that this campaign seems to be going VERY badly for Hamas:
Really, this just shows to what lengths the BBC goes to cover for its Hamas friends and supporters by NEVER admitting that Israel may succeed in driving out the terrorists.
Melanie’s postbag shows more and more people are losing faith the bBC over its recent performance.
Could this be a turning point?
I have just emailed my MP and urged him in no uncertain terms to talk to Fabricant and demand an emergency debate on BBC bias. May I suggest that everyone do the same.
Oh yes, and yesterday I phoned Fabrican’t office and demanded he DO something about it. His researcher said I was the fourth (IIRC) person who did so. Now, if it was 4000 …