I very rarely watch BBC Breakfast TV but I have just been told about a gem that was on it this morning just after 8am. It appears we were treated to a short potted history of Gaza and the conclusion was that Hamas, after all, is democratically elected and all that Hamas really want to do is get on with building up the Gazan economy and making life better for the people of that area. The faux analogy with Northern Ireland was then employed with the suggestion that Israel should talk to the more “moderate” wing of Hamas, just like the British Government had engaged with the “moderate” Sinn Fein wing of the IRA. It’s all so risible, so totally detached from reality, that it is almost beyond comment but the reality is that many millions of people will have tuned in and been exposed to this pro-Hamas propaganda. And THAT is the danger of the BBC; it is a willing propagandist tool for terrorism, in this instance shilling for Hamas, the IRA — and for that, it deserves to be damned.
Moving on to other matters Gazan, I see the BBC is relentlessly quoting “500 deaths” without any effort to tell us how many of those killed are Hamas terrorists and how many other were killed because of Hamas. Just one big bite-sized media friendly number, natch. I also noted that on the Today programme this morning, the BBC explained that because of Israel’s refusal to let journalists into the conflict area, it had to rely on images provided by those residing in Gaza. (And they didn’t mean the IDF) It stopped short, however, of making it clear that all images and data provided to the BBC are Hamas approved – so no possibility of any bias there then!
questions to ask the Galloway moonbats and assorted hangers on:
Do you recognise the right of return of Sudetenland Germans to their homeland in the Czech Republic?
Since there are about 5 or 6 million Poles in this country, do you recognise their right to form a “two state” solution in Britain?
If British soldiers are mortared and rocketed by the Taliban, should British soldiers stay in their bases, or confront the Taliban confronting them?
Do you recognise the right of return of Irish Catholics to northern ireland and the removal of all Northern protestant from Northern Ireland?
all of those questions are in a way, related to Israel. for they are all similar.
i would like some straight answers.
and if you dont get any, you can be assured that the moonbats dont have any answers.
Grimer | 07.01.09 – 12:05 am |
very true.
after the censorship debacle, most folks went off to LGF… (met a few on there..)
other folks just started lurking…
but may i add – its come back a fair bit… but it takes ages work it back up again.
election with brown the “dear leader” in it, if it happens, will probably be the tipping point, is my guess…
and other folks just went off to the extremely light touch guido fawkes blog.
grimer is right – i remember the danish cartoon period and it was running into the hundreds of comments.
i guess is – dont censor comments unless they are REALLY extreme… which is what guido and LGF do.
like “kill all the pallywooders and nuke the fuck out of them..” that sort of numbskull idiotic genodical bollocks, that doesnt add anything to debate.
so what? thats just someones hate vent and is better suited to stormfront.
but having said all that – yer doing a great job Mr Vance. keep at it – its building up again.
no doubt about it.
about time we had a british equivalent to LGF and its comment levels. its getting there…
sky news – “gaza crisis worsens”
which means that the IDF are kicking Hamas in the balls and are winning the battle.
Israeli envoy to Caracas expelled
Just look at the photo of Chavez the BBC choose to accompany that story. Incredible!
And what the BBC omits from its coverage of that story:
Chavez to Venezuela’s Jews: denounce Israel
Well, Chavez is one of the worst dictators of the 21st century (and a socialist / commie). No wonder Al Beeb loves him.
I was slightly uneasy about the Obamessiah’s choice for CIA chief before I watched the O’Reilly Factor but after listening to Gary Berntsen (ex-CIA) and Colonel David Hunt I am worried. And (Michael) Scheuer says a terror attack on the US within a year is likely. Brilliant.
Obamessiah = clueless. This will ruin his presidency. We’ll see what he says about the Gaza offensive if he decides to say something (apart from “there’s only one president at a time”)
During the Lebanon War of ’06 the BBC relentlessly wrote of “1200 deaths in Lebanon, mostly civilians” and “`150 deaths in Israel, most of them soldiers.” Look up any article about that war, even a year after it ended, and those lines will invariably appear in the piece. Now that most of the deaths in Gaza are combatants, they refuse to make that their tag line. Giant double standard, no question about it.
Grimer 12:05
Before my time, I’m afraid !
Nearly Oxfordian | 07.01.09 – 12:16 am |
Jeremy Paxman V Mark Regev re incident at UN school.
“100s of refugees were sheltering there…..etc etc.”
First you have to wade through Mark Urban “In the battle for Gaza……..bile bile bile …………….the odious John Ging: “The UN which had given the co-ordinates of the school ………” (automatic immunity from retaliation ) …..Paxman to Meer Sh*treet Israeli security spokesman: “You knew! You knew!…” (UN school is sacred) hector hector rude rude…. “So What!”
Over to Laura Trevellian. “The Israeli machine of destruction……”
UN spokesman Andrew Whitley not quite sure if he should deny that there was firing from the school……….. Paxo tried his best to get him to say ‘crime.’
Eventually you come to Mark Regev, by which time Paxman has worked himself up into a frenzy.
Biodegradable | 07.01.09 – 1:30 am | #
Beloved by the BBC morons, Chavez has closed down all opposition media apart from his own version of the BBC.
Contacts in Venezuela tell me that State sponsored antisemitism is on the rise in a country where it had virtually never existed before.
Chavez is a close ally to the Iranian thugocracy and recently signed a deal with Libya, Iran & Russia to start a gas cartel. First sign: Russia cuts off Euro gas. Wait for the next world crisis folks.
Can you imagine the BBC’s coverage of an Iranian nuclear attack on Israel?
Headline: “Jews obstruct innocent Iranian nuclear test, by dying”…
Apologies if someone has raised this on here already but I don’t see this on the BBC front page headlines (or nay other for that matter – which to me just reinforces their anti-semitic stance.
Thank you, Sue.
I always knew he was an ignorant, self-important slob. This is far worse.
Nothing gets these subversive BBC hacks as agitated as when Israel gives the terrorists a real pounding.
Today on the World Service on an arts programme at about 14:30 GMT they interviewed the director of a movie just released called “Defiance” about people surviving the Holocaust in a forest, I think in Lithuania. The BBC host said something like, “Isn’t the timing of the release ironic, with Palestinians running and hiding from the Israelis in Gaza.”
And on today’s WHYS, right near the end, they had Economist “journalist” Robert Fisk saying he would have concentrated his reporting on Holocaust survivors and not on the SS if he had been reporting at that time and so he thinks it’s appropriate to concentrate on Gaza victims rather than the Israelis.
Looks like this may become a fashionable thing on regular BBC programmes – comparing the Israelis to the Nazis and the Gazans to the Jews.
Vile organisation.
Anonymous | 07.01.09 – 4:34 am
Good point. You are 100% right about that.
Israel bombs Gaza into the night video on the BBC website.
“our Bedouin guide told us”.
“we’re still moving some weapons he told me”
So. was the Bedouin guide, a guide or a member of Hamas?