I bet you’ll all be tuning in on Saturday night to BBC Radio 4 to catch Rory Bremner’s farewell to President Bush. Bremner “considers the rhetorical evolution of George W Bush, from gaffe-prone candidate to grandiose war president. He considers whether Bush grew to become an effective orator and who was responsible for writing the words he spoke and examines some of his key speeches and phrases.” The trailer for the programme consists entirely of gaffes made by Bush and I think we can be sure that this programme is designed to produce one big raspberry at the departing Bush. Now then, I accept that Bush DID make gaffes, but then again, who doesn’t? So I hope Rory and the gang will immediately start working on a follow -up programme on Obama – starting with those 57 States of America, examining his Muslim, sorry Christian faith, and how he has a few problems without the teleprompter. Rory’s researchers could have a read here if they want more material on The One. In the interests of balance, of course.
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Contrast that with how Radio5 read out a Liebour press release (Mcfatty one eye going on some tour of the Country so he can feel the pain of the British people) as if it’s actually a piece of factual news.
Then they interview some dopey cow who says she loves Gordon (if she went any further I feel she might have wet her knickers) and what a brilliant man he is and how lucky we the people are to have him.
So another good day at the BBC.
Oh and next week Niki Campbell takes over the phone in from Vicky Pollard. That should be a real hoot as last time Campbell did it he was SO anti American and anti Jewsish it was unbelievable.
The BBC are about to broadcast an assessment of Barack Obama’s prospects, I think it may be a series on Radio 4. The trailer I heard yesterday I think called the first programme, “Professor in the White House” – could be a really edgy non-adulatory programme!
“Gordon” is an anagram of “Drongo” which I’m told is not very complimentary in Australian.
“Professor” at the White House.
Oh God, not that old lie again.
Barack Obama – is not and never has been a tenured university “Professor.”
He was a part time lecturer at the University of Chicago, then part time Senior Lecturer.
He did no research, nor any other academic activity which remotely qualifies him to even APPLY to be a “Professor.”
Even by the woefully debased standards that now qualify one for “Prtofessor” in Leftidemia, Barack Obama was still about 4 rungs below that.
Here’s the slippery, highly political, truth-light statement on the UoC website…
From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama “served” as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are “considered” to be members of the Law School faculty and are “regarded as professors,” although not full-time or tenure-track.
Isn’t it like a guy who never progressed beyond being a surgical intern calling himself Chief of Medicine.
But you know what, I think Obama may actually believe he was a “professor.”
Obama began as little more than a Teacher’s Assistant, but was titled as Lecturer because he had already obtained his advanced degree (JD) instead of still working towards his advanced degree as TA’s normally do.
Obama was never an actual Professor because he was neither tenured nor bestowed high rank or recognition by the department/school.
Academic hierarchy at American faculties:
* University Professor or Institute Professor (not all universities)
* Distinguished Professor (usually a “Named Chair”)
* Professor (“Named Chair”)
* Professor (“Full Professor”)
* Associate Professor
* Assistant Professor
* Instructor (sometimes “Lecturer”)
The ranks of Lecturer and Senior Lecturer are used at some American universities to denote permanent teaching positions with few or no research responsibilities. At other American universities, the rank of Lecturer is equivalent to that of Instructor.
Hi, I am Adam from Israel (living overseas now).
I know this has nothing to do with this post, I just want to say that David Vance is a real hero. I want to truely thank him for all of his efforts in supporting my country in this time of war (one that we didn’t want but needed to do). I am glad that there are some people like Mr. Vance and others here who wish us peace and don’t condemn us. Thank You Mr. Vance for your hard work and I wish you to visit Israel one day in a time of peace.
Jack: In American universities, the title professor is used to address any lecturer or researcher employed by the university, regardless of rank. This is in contrast to the European system of strictly authorising only one professor for each speciality, who is the highest ranked academic in that area.
Adam, trust me, there are plenty of people who support Israel. Their voices may be drowned a lot of the time by deranged Jew-haters, but they are still here and won’t go away.
Your point is mendacious.
OED: “4. a. A university academic of the highest rank; spec. (in Britain and some other English-speaking countries) the holder of a university chair in a specified faculty or subject. Also, in N. Amer.: any teacher at a university. Also applied to people of similar status in institutions other than universities.”
The hubristic action of Obama in calling himself a “Professor” is meant to deceive. The media repeat of this untruth is also meant to deceive.
“Professor” is an official and graded measure of academic acheievment
It is a title which Obama simply is NOT entitled, despite what the UofC also mendaciously say.
Obama has not earned this distinction, which is itself graded into further distictions.
Most people, I venture, hear the word “Professor” and have vague notions that this is some high academic achievement which must have taken years to achieve.
I have posted the actual and official academic hierarchy in US universities, You will note that it does not say Lecturer (aka Professor).
The dictionary def…blah blah blah. That’s the sophomoric level of a junior debate team
Oh — and army medics are quite often referred to as “Doc” — short for “doctor” by the troops, because well hey — they are doing doctor type work.
Doesn’t make them an actual qualified doctor though.
Jack, you’re just wrong. In the US and Canada anyone employed by a university as a lecturer or researcher can use the title professor. It is only in the UK and parts of Europe that it has very specific meaning.
Also, I don’t think he just wandered into the lecturer position – it’s clear that it did take quite considerable time and effort to be granted that honour.
Israel chose the war to take place now. Its all about boosting the domestic profile of Lvini. I’m not claiming Hamas are free of guilt but its Israeli rockets killing kids at a UN school, Israeli rockets killing hundreds of innocent people. The Israelis have the greater weaponry and the better intelligence, so why do they act like infants and merely try to bomb the Gaza strip out of the ground?
Those of us who oppose Israeli actions are not ‘Jew Haters’ as someone claimed here; I couldn’t care less what faith the leaders of these campaigns are. The Israeli government are following misguided and fruitless policies, and that’s that. Race/religion has nothing to do with it. Stop hiding behind anti-semitism or racism as a defence.
Yes, you’re quite right. There’s also the point that “professor” is used loosely and colloquially in the US to mean, roughly, “teacher of some kind above grade school level.”
The BBC knows this perfectly well. And, of course, doesn’t give a shit.
Perhaps the local drone will enlighten us w/ details about O’s publications, original research and affiliations.
It’s like a 24 cast reunion party here.
I don’t like either side of the conflict, they have both done pretty stupid things in the past. I was very wary of the Israeli offensive because it seemed short-sighted. However, now that they’ve opened up an aid corridor and are recognising and helping to prevent a humanitarian incident, I’m far more disposed to their cause. I was worried that they had no end-game plan, and the victims of this war would just strike back in 10 years time, same as ever. But, if they make the effort, they might win over the hearts and minds, to use that abused phrase, of the people who will decide whether another Hamas is elected, or a more moderate group.
Bill Buchanan | 07.01.09 – 12:15 pm
why do they act like infants and merely try to bomb the Gaza strip out of the ground?
If Israel had not committed ground troops and were merely attacking Gaza from the air, you might have a point.
But they have put their own soldiers at risk in a ground assault, so you don’t.
If Israel made no attempt to limit civilian casualties, you might have a point.
But Israel has been telephoning civilian homes near to planned targets and suggesting their owners evacuate. What other army does that?
Israeli rockets killing kids at a UN school
Schools near where I live closed recently because of bad weather.
What kind of school is full of kids on day ten of a war?
you’re right, they should have shut on the school on account that Israel was about to bomb it….
Israel is trying to limit civilian deaths I’m sure of that, but the fact that they’ve even invaded/gone to war needs more examining. It’s all about the domestic politics. there was no other reason for the war to start now. They don’t appear to have achieved anything so far, and it;s unlikely they will do much other than kill more people. Can they break Hamas? No. Can the rid it of its military capabilities? no…so the rockets won’t stop, and the circle cotinues
Bill Buchanan | 07.01.09 – 12:33 pm | #
in your world opinions are obviously fact.
Rory Bremner is just another immature, naive , left-wing luvvie, but he may influence some of the more simple-minded viewers.
Has anyone seen any of our brave, outspoken, edgy, comedians taking the piss out of Obama yet ?
The only example I have seen was Robin Williams ( US ) at Prince Charles’ Birthday show.
Bill: Your analysis of Israel’s situation is not without merit. I also harbour doubts that the current offensive will achieve anything, but what else can Israel do?
They have tried offering land for peace… they have allowed aid and humanitarian relief into the West Bank and Gaza, they negotiate ceasefires etc… but the Rocket attacks continue….
Under these circumstances who can blame Israel for taking military measures to limit Hamas’ military capability. True, Hamas will re-group and re-arm but at least the scale of the attacks on Isreal might diminish in the short term.
Bill Buchanan | 07.01.09 – 12:33 pm |
Let me throw a few grenades into your back garden. We’ll see how you are going to react. The palis and Al Beeb are propaganda bedfellows and I don’t believe a word a muslim says anyway. Talk about being brainwashed!
Israel chose the war to take place now. Its all about boosting the domestic profile of Lvini. I’m not claiming Hamas are free of guilt
This statement shows where you are coming from.
but its Israeli rockets killing kids at a UN school
why do they act like infants and merely try to bomb the Gaza strip out of the ground?
Have you ever been even near a gun? Or near the truth?
Those of us who oppose Israeli actions are not ‘Jew Haters’ as someone claimed here; I couldn’t care less what faith the leaders of these campaigns are
The Jews are a NATION. It’s ATTACKED by Arabs, another nation. Feel free to look up the capitalised words.
The Israeli government are following misguided and fruitless policies, and that’s that.
The Great One hath spoken. Do you know ANYTHING about the ME? Ever been out of your village?
Race/religion has nothing to do with it. Stop hiding behind anti-semitism or racism as a defence.
Well, no, we won’t – forget it; not as long as we can see screeching, ignorant antisemitism in action. It walks like a duck; it quacks like a duck – it sure as hell isn’t a hedgehog.
I’m far more disposed to their cause. I was worried that they had no end-game plan
The fact that you conflate ’cause’ and ‘tactics’ is pretty revealing. So you only support a nation attacked by genocidal maniacs if the tactics it chooses are to your liking? Are you really privy to all the intelligence available to Israel’s government and generals? Do you have access to data about their troops, about Hamas’ deployment? You are simply sounding off, but you can’t hide your agenda.
It’s all about the domestic politics. there was no other reason for the war to start now
Ignorant babbling.
What kind of school is full of kids on day ten of a war?
One run by Hamas, which wants to maximise civilian deaths. That’s a war crime. You can be sure Al Beeb will not mention that.
Did they do a ‘goodbye to Blair’ comic special, heavily trailed?
Can’t remember.
You sound like one of those typically precious academics, whose noble thoughts have little to do with the crude practicalities of life.
What if your home was incessantly targeted? Israel have been targeting specific Hamas locations and the rocketeers themselves. Where is your evidence to back up your statement that Israel wants to
“bomb the Gaza strip out of the ground”
Exactly. You haven’t provided any and you don’t have any.
Almost unbelievably yes on a Radio 4 programme called “15 minute musical” which equally lampooned both sides in the election and was very funny. But I cannot think of any other occasions.
Back on topic: Does anyone actually believe Rory Bremner is funny?
ipreffered 10:57
Your post simply displays your ignorance of Universities in Europe and the US.
In the UK there may be more than one Professor per specialism. A department may have more than one Professor or indeed none.
In the UK, many Professorships are now political appointments. For example, a recent one in Edinburgh went to someone who has no academic background at all and has never published an academic paper or even given an academic lecture.
I think Obama must be related to Gordon Brown.
In my copy of “An Illustrated Guide to the Scottish Economy ” Peat and Boyle (1999), the Forward is by Gordon Brown in which he states :-
“When I was a lecturer at Edinburgh University…. “.
Unfortunately, he never was ! He was only ever a student there.
He was, however, a lecturer at Glasgow College of Technology , surely something to be proud of ?
Still, at least he didn’t claim to be a Professor !
Still a liar, though. And they flock together.
Nearly Oxfordian
the Jews are not a nation; Israel is a nation. The conflict is not even about religion, if you actually studied the middle east you woul know that it was about land, and only land.
“deranged Jew-haters” = anyone on this blog who is not 100% supportive of everything that Israel dies and/or anyone who offers any criticism of Israel whatsoever.
I know who’s deranged around here!
The Kids didnt really die at the school? so the worlds media faked those pictures? as part of their plan to help the palestinian cause? yes, and we didnt really land on the moon it was all in the mojave desert.
Obama? The first affirmative action President?
1. Occidental College records — Not released
2. Columbia College records — Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper — ‘not available’
4. Harvard College records — Not released
5. Selective Service Registration — Not released
6. Medical records — Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule — ‘not available’
8. Law practice client list — Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate — Not released
10. Embossed, signed, paper Certification of Live Birth — Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published — None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles — None
13. Record of baptism— Not released or ‘not available’
14. Illinois State Senate records—’not available’
So why hasn’t the MSM been digging into all this. They sure went after Bush, McCain, Palin, Cheney.
And why have they not investigated all the dodgy, corrupt and nasty people he worked and prayed with.
Only What We Want Them to Know:
The Brave Code of Modern Journalism:
Barack has a business partner,
Tony Rezko, he’s a crook;
All of Barack’s friends are creepy,
That is, if we care to look.
But we don’t, because we fear that
Following the facts might lead
To the kind of information
That our readers shouldn’t read.
We need to feed them nothing but
Propaganda without end,
Like this shocking scoop on Sarah’s
Daughter’s boyfriend’s mother’s friend.
Pinched from somewhere
Nearly oxfordian: so in your view anyone who expresses a view against Israeli policy is anti-semite? thats like saying that just because you dont like Obama your a racist? same principle isnt it?
Andy – both sides are as bad as each other in the way they launch rockets/bomb. The difference is that Israel is a democratic state with the rule of law and should know better than to launch a war (initially a bombing campaign like I said) against a group who hide amongst civilians.
Bill Buchanan
“The conflict is not even about religion, if you actually studied the middle east you woul know that it was about land, and only land.”
Is it?
Care to look at this map and explain why it is about land?
Maps don’t lie.
Statement from the University of Chicago:
The Law School has received many media requests about Barack Obama, especially about his status as “Senior Lecturer.” From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School. He was a Lecturer from 1992 to 1996. He was a Senior Lecturer from 1996 to 2004, during which time he taught three courses per year. Senior Lecturers are considered to be members of the Law School faculty and are regarded as professors, although not full-time or tenure-track. The title of Senior Lecturer is distinct from the title of Lecturer, which signifies adjunct status. Like Obama, each of the Law School’s Senior Lecturers have high-demand careers in politics or public service, which prevent full-time teaching. Several times during his 12 years as a professor in the Law School, Obama was invited to join the faculty in a full-time tenure-track position, but he declined.
What do you suggest Israel does after being attacked relentlessly since withdrawing completely from Gaza in 2005?
How does one negotiate with a group of religious fundies dedicated to your extermination (just in case you try to play silly buggers Im clearly talking about how does Israel negotiate with Hamas).
The simple fact is Hamas has got the war its been after since 2005.
There is a very real difference in the way each side treats its own civilians and those on the other side of the fence.
Every single missile and mortar fired by Hamas was deliberately aimed at israeli population centres with the sole aim of murdering jews.
If you want to play moral equivalence then the truth of the matter is Israel does contain the capability to completely flatten Gaza, the West Bank and Lebanon (not to mention Syria, Iran and any others you want to list)…yet Israel does not flatten those areas.
Lefties can scream blue murder as much as they want but the fact of the matter is Israel is protecting its civilians.
Pity Hamas doesnt care the same about its own civilians. Then again, you get the government you deserve.
The Guardian reading classes, from the BBC and elsewhere, are simply praising Obama to the heavens so they can claim to have been betrayed when he fails to deliver.
That’s what these people do. It’s their way of displaying both how much they care about fairness, progress and other worthy goals and how they are always let down by people who eventually prove less clever and saintly than they are themselves.
“..both sides are as bad as each other in the way they launch rockets/bomb”
so how would you stop this?
Or maybe you think that Israelis should use the same tactics and fire their rockets from Israeli schools.
Bill Buchanan:
Why don’t you answer Mailman’s question? What would you do if you were Israel’s PM?
Hamas won’t even talk about a long-term peace plan that includes recognition of Israel and a guarantee of their security. Nor are they prepared to accept a ‘two’ state solution. With Hamas experimenting with longer range rockets – with the avowed aim of hitting Tel Aviv – what should Israel do? Can you name one GVN – anywhere in the world – that would ask its citizens to accept daily rockets attacks. Put it this way, I live in Kent and if the French were sending rockets over from Calais I’d expect my PM to do something about it, pretty damn sharpish & I wouldn’t give two hoots, if he upset the international community in the process.
Ugh, did I accidentally step into “comment is free”?
Some of the nonsense in this thread:
no.1: “Israel chose the war to take place now”. Hamas rocket launches were at an all-time high in the weeks prior to the conflict, the number of rockets has grown exponentially since Hamas took over the Gaza strip.
no.2: “The school was open”. Even UNWRA doesn’t claim this, they say 1,300 people were sheltering there. It is a girls school btw, how come all the photos showed a lot of military-aged men? There have now been independent reports from the AP and NYT that confirm Israel’s version of events. The BBC can’t stop quoting these organs on domestic US politics but they’ve ignored these sources now.
no.3: “Israel is killing innocent civilians”. Under international law it is Hamas who are responsible for these deaths. It seems that every grauniadista wishes to reward Hamas for using human shields!
Jonathan | 07.01.09 – 3:28 pm |
That is a strong analogy – I just cannot understand how some people can’t see it.
Bill 2:52
If Middle East conflicts are only about land, why is it written in the Hamas charter that the Jews must be wiped out ?
Why are the Iranian leadership pledged to wipe out the Jews ?
Bill 2:53
The photos weren’t taken by the “world’s media”, they were taken by or under the control of Hamas, many of them having already been proven to be staged.
Cassis 2:54
I gave up trying to get a copy of Gordon Brown’s PhD thesis (unpubl.), in the interests of academic freedom, many years ago !