I bet you’ll all be tuning in on Saturday night to BBC Radio 4 to catch Rory Bremner’s farewell to President Bush. Bremner “considers the rhetorical evolution of George W Bush, from gaffe-prone candidate to grandiose war president. He considers whether Bush grew to become an effective orator and who was responsible for writing the words he spoke and examines some of his key speeches and phrases.” The trailer for the programme consists entirely of gaffes made by Bush and I think we can be sure that this programme is designed to produce one big raspberry at the departing Bush. Now then, I accept that Bush DID make gaffes, but then again, who doesn’t? So I hope Rory and the gang will immediately start working on a follow -up programme on Obama – starting with those 57 States of America, examining his Muslim, sorry Christian faith, and how he has a few problems without the teleprompter. Rory’s researchers could have a read here if they want more material on The One. In the interests of balance, of course.
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Lol, Martin, while regulars are amused by your zealousness you’re not going to change anyone’s mind being so blunt.
PS, John Connor, you talk of lack of deaths amongst Israelis from missile strikes but most on the left rail against the reason for the overall reduction in deaths of Israelis – the building of the border fence that has almost entirely eliminated suicide bombings.
Yeah its funny how when someone raises a genuine question that goes against the standard line here (ie. BBC is anti-Israeli) that a lot of people descend into insult and name calling. Poor. If its not out and out insults its some sort of ‘sandle wearing’ crack, which has never made anyone laugh, and shows how out of touch many people are.
You can debate views other to your own without getting all rude. The BBC is still providing you (ie. the public) with the best coverage of all this. Maybe it would be better if we let the Chinese state media, or the spoon-fed US media style take over? Then you would see how good the Beeb is in comparison.
India/Pakistan Kashmir
Chad/Sudan: Darfur
Not reported daily by the BBC – no “celebrities” protested.
“If my house were targeted? by hamas? they dont target certain houses mate, I thought they just shelled indescrimantly. ”
Such gut-wrenching bilge it defies description.
Pray tell me what is “indiscriminate” about al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades using Google Earth to plan their rocket attacks on Israel?
What is “indiscriminate” about the use of tunnels as a means of supplying these weapons?
Premeditated yes, indiscriminate no.
And yes, what if it was YOUR vicinity, and hence YOUR house and family that was being targeted?
What’s that? Send in the UN?
John Connor | 07.01.09 – 10:05 pm |
Now that is very big headed – is it not – are you saying that the BBC is not as bad as the Chinese state media?
Well I don’t know – as for the US they don’t charge me for their coverage do they?
Andy | 07.01.09 – 10:10 pm |
I have yet to get an answer for your last question – it would seem that we in Britain would not defend ourselves, we would just stand outside the Hamas embassy and throw shoes at it.
John Connor | 07.01.09 – 10:05 pm |
I also notice that your correspondents in Gaza actually live their – so they are Palestinians – how come the BBC correspondents in Israel are not Israelis? Is it because you can send anyone to Israel but not to Gaza?
Bill Buchannon.
“The Kids didnt really die at the school? so the worlds media faked those pictures? as part of their plan to help the palestinian cause?”
Read and inwardly digest Not for nothing are Palestinian propaganda films known as products of “Pallywood”.
Do you think that those who deliberately “martyr” their children would think twice about getting a school targeted ?
Nearly Oxfordian | 07.01.09 – 7:18 pm | #
“Therefore, you can demand of it that it should surrender to genocidal maniacs and commit suicide. Utter rot.”
You seem to be missing any sense of perspective. While the rocket attacks are deadly, they in no way pose an existential threat to Israel and Hamas doesn’t have the capacity to invade. If this was about Iran gaining a nuclear weapon it would be different, but it’s not.
“as soon as it starts attacking targets where there’s a high risk of completely innocent lives being lost, it loses a moral highground.”
Again, you seem to be lacking any sense of perspective. There’s been a lot of talk about proportionality, largely miguided, but the threat posed to Israel has to be taken into account. In my view it’s not enough to justify the killing of civilians even if Hamas members are killed.
If this was Iran with a nuclear weapon, where the threat would be clearly existential, it’d be different. It’s not.
“It’s called a WAR, you loon. Israel doesn’t need your pompous approval. It is defending itself, shooting back at the source of fire (others on here like me who have seen military service know this to be a basic given; an ignoramus like you wouldn’t).”
Sadly for you, in a globalised world Israel does need the approval of people like me – and knows it. As do most countries that go to war, otherwise no one would still bother with propaganda.
If shooting back at the source of fire was the extent of what you learnt during military service, I’d be surprised if you ever made it past officer selection.
Then you would see how good the Beeb is in comparison.
John Connor | 07.01.09 – 10:05 pm | #
If it’s so good abandon the TV tax and go for the pay per view option. By the way, how’s your friend Ismail Haniyah doing tonight???
“Yes I hold Israel to a higher standard than Hamas because, once again, Hamas is not a state, ”
It is the elected government of the “state”.
”notice that your correspondents in Gaza actually live their – so they are Palestinians – how come the BBC correspondents in Israel are not Israelis? Is it because you can send anyone to Israel but not to Gaza?”
along with ALL news agencies, the BBC is not allowed to send journalists into gaza. Israel is stopping that, hence why the Journalist is Palestinian.
Richard Lancaster: So just how should Israel stop the rockets coming over then?
No one gave a shit about it in the outside world, not the rent boys at the BBC the Guardian readers, the glue sniffers on the left, the inbred demented Mozzie’s that campaign with Galloway and co.
Again I ask where are the protests demanding that Iran stop sending Hamas the rockets?
I bet if your town got rocketed every day you’d demand the Government did something about it wouldn’t you?
As I pointed out before (and you obviously can’t read) these missiles are deadly. The fact more of them don’t hit their intended targets (that’s innocent Israelis’ in case you hadn’t noticed) is that the people firing them are on about the same evolutionary level as an ape. They don’t understand the maths involved in firing rockets. If they ever stop inbreeding and get more than 2 braincells they might work out how to aim these rockets.
John Connor, you talk of “hundreds of innocent civilians” killed as the result of the Israeli campaign. Please, advise where you got this figures from. Please, don’t cite HAMAS sources.
Martin, I do not believe that it is known with certainty that Hamas is recieving weaponry from Iran – remember that a lot of the stories on Iran come through the US/Israeli governments, and both of whom have a big vendetta against Iran, trying to build a case for war should it ever happen.
every news agency in the world is reporting that hundreds have died in Gaza. The Israelis themselves think they have killed perhaps 150 militants, when its thought that 700 people total have been killed.
“and what would I do if I were Israel? “Well I would go to the UN/NATO/other friends in the region (and despite what you think, Jordan and Eygpt do work with Israel on occassion, when interests conincide) and work out a way to deal with Hamas. Plus, I would put all the pressure I could on Abbas and the PLO to talk to Hamas. What I wouldn’t do is bomb a load of places (like theyve been doing) and follow it up with a ground assault which won’t achieve a damn thing.”
Bill Buchanan
What a puerile half witted gobbet of claptrap.
John Connor | 07.01.09 – 10:31 pm |
Why don’t the journalists go through from the Egypt side of the border.?
Quite true John Conner :
“But when the six-month ceasefire with Hamas began unravelling at the start of November Israel began to close the crossings, saying it was too dangerous for journalists to enter.
Still, it opened the crossing to journalists for several hours last Friday, the day before it began bombing Gaza.”
And just imagine if one of your correspondents were killed in crossfire or perhaps kidnapped who would the BBC blame?
Ohh Garden trash knows his stuff, mustve gone to Oxford with a vocab like that. Thanks for responding to my point in such a clear and concise manner. Intelligent debate is alive and kicking here. You sir, are a genius.
“What a puerile half witted gobbet of claptrap.”
So what would you do?
“You seem to be missing any sense of perspective. While the rocket attacks are deadly, they in no way pose an existential threat to Israel and Hamas doesn’t have the capacity to invade. If this was about Iran gaining a nuclear weapon it would be different, but it’s not.”
Good that you mention Iran,which is arming Hamas and is fighting a proxy war with Isreal via Hamas. To that end,the missiles supplied are getting more powerful and have greater range.
Back to the drawing board chum.
Matt 9:23
Well let’s try this one on you. Who, including the BBC, protested or is protesting now, when Russia “defends” itself against Chechnya or Georgia ?
John Connor: Iran is the only middle east Country that supports Hamas. It’s well known that Iran is the main shit stirrer with Hamas and Israel.
John Connor 9:40
Says “trust me. I work for the Beeb”. If he is telling the truth, that is the funniest post I’ve seen here for months !
Martin | 07.01.09 – 10:31 pm | #
No Martin, I was just ignoring you, as I probably will do do most of the time. I’ll humour you this time though.
There aren’t many protests against Irans support of Hamas. Does that mean Israel should get carte blanche? No. Just because a lot of the public in the west are naive doesn’t mean children in Palestine should suffer any more as a consequence.
On the second, I would expect my government to do something. I’d expect them to take out Hamas, but in a manner exhibiting far more caution than they are now. If there’s doubt as to whether there are children hiding in a school, an attack should be put on hold, even if it means some terrorists escaping. I know you don’t agree with that. Fine.
Billy Boy
I know,you must feel so inferior.
Matt the Prat.
A little knowledge of the subject and some analysis might serve you,when you grow up.
Just mentioning Acronyms like UN and NATO,or the odd Middle East politician’s name dredged up from the Socialist Worker does not a geopolitical thinker make.
This issue has been alive a lot longer than you,it ha occupied much better minds than yours and defeated better men.
Robert 9:41
I have made the point about the Tamil Tigers a few times recently, although not as eloquently as you.
Altough Sri Lanka is a lovely island, with great weather, nice food and excellent hotels,the Singhalese and Tamils are neither Muslims nor Jews, so the BBC are not interested. They wouldn’t know how to decide which side to take anyway.
Richard Lancaster | 07.01.09 – 10:53 pm |
But you miss the point – Hamas use civilians as human shields – therefore it would be impossible to do anything. And as I said before if Hamas are so worried about civilian casualties why do they fire rockets from schools? Which incidentally is a war crime.
The BBC publish regular updates on Sri Lanka, Darfur and many other areas around the world. Obviously the organisation cannot cover all the stories all the time, especially when half the news all day today has been about bloody cricket….
I also reject the implication that the BBC take sides. In my time at the Organisation I have yet to become aware of bias nor reporting that chooses sides. Some stories just lean a certain way however, and it is hard for many people in the world not to feel angry when we see the suffering in Gaza right now. If you expect the BBC to be completely non-biased on all stories then perhaps we should have covered 9/11 from the terrorists point of view too?
John Connor 10:05
The SKY and CNN coverage is miles ahead of the BBC,s. You should watch them some time and try and imitate their high standards.
And Jon,
today the BBC revealed, exclusively, that the Israelis have told the UN behind the scenes that they were mistaken about the school, and that rockets were not fired from it after all. It was on the 10PM news if you happened to tune into that.
Anyone see Newsnight? Should rename Hamasnight.
John Connor, an Israeli spokeman just denied that on Newsnight. He said there were rockets either within the school grounds or within metres of it. Why have the BBC ignored the independent reports from the AP, NYT and others that there were rockets fired from the vicinity of the school?
DV, yes, the Fatah guy said Paxman was spouting Hamas propaganda, which he was. Amazingly we saw a moderate Palestinian on the BBC (the Bethlehem business owner), why don’t we see more of that?
Jon | 07.01.09 – 10:58 pm | #
When did I say Hamas worried about civilian casualties? They clearly don’t.
Hamas obviously don’t hide behind civilians 24/7, or I’m sure Israel wouldn’t attack them or manage to kill them as has happened previously with no loss to civilian life. I’m just calling for more restraint and precision.
Ah, I see our moderator is on line.
I don’t think that this particular thread does anything but show this website in a bad light.
John Conner – so if this is true then it was a military mistake. But on past incidents of Hamas firing rockets from schools the mistake could be genuine (if indeed this is true).
“Should civilian casualties ensue from an attempt to shield combatants or a military objective, the ultimate responsibility lies with the belligerent placing innocent civilians at risk.”
Dinstein,’ Conduct of Hostilities under the Law of International Armed Conflict’
“Civilians do not enjoy absolute immunity. Their presence will not render military objects immune from attack for the mere reason that it is impossible to bombard them without causing injury to the non-combatants.”
Oppenheim’s ‘International Law’
John Connor,
So you didnt watch the recent election in America…hahahah 🙂
Yeah, the BBC doesnt take sides 🙂
John Connor | 07.01.09 – 11:03 pm | #
“behind the scenes”
no names no pack-drill
“I also reject the implication that the BBC take sides. In my time at the Organisation I have yet to become aware of bias nor reporting that chooses sides. Some stories just lean a certain way however, and it is hard for many people in the world not to feel angry when we see the suffering in Gaza right now. If you expect the BBC to be completely non-biased on all stories then perhaps we should have covered 9/11 from the terrorists point of view too?”
John Connor
Beebish at its best.They really don’t know do they? The people in the “Organisation”.
Im still waiting for an answer to my question, how do you talk to someone committed to your extermination?
If you expect the BBC to be completely non-biased on all stories then perhaps we should have covered 9/11 from the terrorists point of view too?
John Connor | 07.01.09 – 11:01 pm | #
John, you really know how to set yourself up don’t you? 🙂
“..and it is hard for many people in the world not to feel angry when we see the suffering in Gaza right now.”
I’m sorry but you have just lost your credibility now – the BBC does not have the right to be for or against any side. Did you feel for the suffering for the people in Darfur? or the people in the Bombay attacks? or even the poor sods who lost their lives in the the world trade centre? No you did not quite the opposite in fact (e.g. Question Time 12/11/2001).
John Connor
Your posts generally. You are really digging yourself into a hole here ! Be careful. Your post of 11:03 is hilarious, but I don’t suppose you realise why !
“I don’t think that this particular thread does anything but show this website in a bad light.”
I agree,clean it up,push off.
John Connor
One of the many reasons I dislike the BBC is that instead of merely giving me the facts your journalists seem to feel I need to know their heartfelt opinions on every issue. I neither trust nor respect the journalistic integrity of the BBC as I know they are biased and distribute and produce facts that happen to suit their particular bias.
If you were honest and admitted to your Leftie leanings and were paid by voluntary subscription only I wouldn’t care, but I am forced against my will to pay for your organisation.
If you expect the BBC to be completely non-biased on all stories then perhaps we should have covered 9/11 from the terrorists point of view too?
John Connor | 07.01.09 – 11:01 pm | #
I haven’t laughed so hard in a while… when was the last time you didn’t let the terrorists (erm, militants?) have a say???
John Connor – very brave of you to stick your head above the parapet. Good luck.
Just so you know there are several high-profile beeboids posting here under pseudonyms:
“Nearly Oxfordian” – Jeremy Bowen
“Cockney” – Greg Dyke
“Martin” – Evan Davies
There are others, but I’m not sure about them, so can’t out them explicitly.
PS Good Luck again.
Let me add one thing, Mr. Connor: 90 percent of the regular contributors on this blog believe Al Beeb is a terrorist organisation. Me included.
John Connor is surely a spoof? Nobody could be so wonderfully fusty and Beebish,could they?