My thanks to B-BBC commentator Biodegradable for pointing out this image of Venezuelan thug Hugo Chavez which the BBC uses to accompany the news that his country is expelling the Israeli ambassador. US-loathing Iran loving anti-semite Chavez is very much the BBC’s kinda guy having all the necessary qualifications to ensure positive images and positive coverage. Viva la revolution.
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Apparently Chavez has ordered Venezuelan Jews to denounce Israel. I wonder if this , and the expulsion of the Israeli Ambassador, is a prelude to something more sinister ?
He’s a nasty piece of work for the BBC just lurve him, Grant.
He is one of the beauty queens favoured by the BBC–Chavez, Castro,Kim Il Sung (sic),Stalin and Mao –all a bunch of centralist control freaks loved by the Guardian types.
its a classic example of Al beeb propaganda
How is he anti-semitic?
Surprise, surprise. No mention from the Beeb of the UN-flouting transportation of arms from Iran to Syria via Venezualan aircraft
Now that Obama is cuddling up to him, Chavez will become the Beeb (and the Left’s) biggest darling.
youre taking the piss right?
While the BBC publicises a smiling Chavez (on its News Front Page), in his diatribe against Jews, the BBC omits reports of the increasing anti-Jewish attacks in Europe (beyond Toulouse, BBC):
‘Muslims attacking Jews all over Europe’
“Of course AP didn’t say that. Many of these incidents happened in passive voice. As for the rest, the perpetrators, according to AP, were these: ‘Assailants.’ ‘Someone.’ ‘A 27-year-old Dane born in Lebanon to Palestinian parents.’ And ‘a gang of 15-20 youths.’ Yet oddly enough, France’s interior minister met with Muslim as well as Jewish leaders. Now, why was that? What do Muslims have to do with these assailants, this Dane, and this gang of youths?
“In a story like this, the truth can’t help but come out, in spite of the PC mainstream media’s best attempts to ignore or deny it.”
Not intentionally taking the piss. I was asking if there was some specific anti-semitic action he’d taken in the past that I wasn’t aware of.
How is he anti-semitic?
Oh, for fuck’s sake.
Well I see the spirit of free debate is strong on the site today then. Consider me completely ignorant with regards to Mr. Chavez and please inform me? Citations would be nice.
ipreferred | 07.01.09 – 11:14 am
Happy to oblige –
The Simon Wiesenthal Center strongly condemned antisemitc statements by the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez Frias, who had said that “the world has wealth for all, but some minorities, the descendants of the same people that crucified Christ, have taken over all the wealth of the world”. Chavez made this statements during a celebration of Christmas, last Dec. 24, at a rehabilitation center.
Venezuelan-Americans Concerned Over Chavez’s Anti-Semitic Remarks (United States, Middle East)
Aug 10, 2006
The Miami Herald
Report: Anti-Semitism on Rise in Venezuela; Chavez Government “Fosters Hate” Toward Jews
An ex adviser of Chavez and Hamas representative in Spain till his recent death was Norberto Ceresole. Perhaps if Chavez enlists the aid of the BNP we can expect to see Nick Griffin receiving many invites to ‘Any Questions?’ and ‘Question Time’?
When Chavez took power his country was stuck in a cycle of poverty because it’s government had given away most of it’s oil money to American companies. Venezuela was gained next to nothing in wealth from its own natural resources. Chavez has not done a perfect job granted, but he’s at least trying to fight for the poor in his country. Plus, he’s a democratically elected leader who the US (who love their democracy) tried to oust from power!
Plus, and this is really the key here, when have the BBC ever made it sound as if they love Chavez? They report about him in the way all media do.
Oops! Norberto Ceresole was and ardent neo Nazi and holocaust denier
Thanks Tom. He does seem to have some issues doesn’t he? I might be mistaken – but is this the first actual policy decision (expulsion of a diplomat) that reflects his previous rhetoric? If so, then that’s a dangerous move for the country. The second article was particularly alarming, although it’s good that the people of the country recognise what he’s trying to do.
As for the picture, well, it made me laugh, so I’d hardly any more respectful of the man’s ideas or policies.
Thanks for the hat-tip David!
I’ve already given you a useful link. Please use it in future before challenging such truths as Hamas want the total destruction of Israel and the death of Jews every where, or, as in this case, Chavez is an antisemite.
Ricky Martin:
Beloved by the BBC morons, Chavez has closed down all opposition media apart from his own version of the BBC.
Contacts in Venezuela tell me that State sponsored antisemitism is on the rise in a country where it had virtually never existed before.
Chavez is a close ally to the Iranian thugocracy and recently signed a deal with Libya, Iran & Russia to start a gas cartel. First sign: Russia cuts off Euro gas. Wait for the next world crisis folks.
As I mentioned in my first post, Chavez has ordered all Venezuelan Jews to denounce Israel. I don’t have the link to hand, but you can google it.
If true, that looks to me like anti-semitism.
What is your definition ?
Look, nobody is making a fuss about the atrocities being committed by the Sri Lankan army against Tamil civilians right now. The BBC don’t seem to care. But, if the Sri Lankans were Jews and the Tamils were Muslims… Get it now ?
Do you think the BBC hack who filed this profile was masturbating when he wrote it?
“Profile of the charismatic and outspoken president of Venezuela.” (BBC search term, honest!)
In September 2006, Mr Chavez delivered a speech to the United Nations General Assembly in which referred to US President George W Bush as “the devil”.
The speech was met with applause in the UN, but was roundly condemned by US politicians and pundits.
But this probably why the BBC love Chavez. They are probably hoping Gordon Brown will follow in his foosteps and censor TV stations that are critical of him.
George R 10:35
A point I was going to make ! EG. there have been massive riots by Muslims in Malmo, on and off ,for many weeks now. These events are very serious for Europe, but not reported by the BBC. Why ?
Maybe , ipreferred can tell us .
Oh yes, of course, ” don’t want to inflame the situation” !
Bill 12:19
But the BBC do not report Chavez’s anti-semitism !
Jon Stewart’s angle on Chavez.
Ever since this fatigue-adorned, tubby commie thug diplomatically referred to President Bush as the devil, the BBC has been going weak at the knees over him.
For BBC, re-Chavez; a report of 2 years ago:
“Venezuela’s Jews fear anti-semitism”
Chavez is beloved of Livingdead. That should tell you all you need to know.
As I mentioned in my first post, Chavez has ordered all Venezuelan Jews to denounce Israel. I don’t have the link to hand, but you can google it.
Grant | 07.01.09 – 12:49 pm
ipreferred is a lazy git who can’t be bothered to google anything. Instead he challenges whatever is said on the basis of his own preconceived ideas and prejudices. Either that or he’s a worthless troll, or a mixture of the two.
There’s the link on one of my previous comments on an earlier thread:
I am a lazy git, and since I have no preconceived ideas on some subjects, I ask that you inform me of yours. I just like to know from where you obtain your opinions. I could google, sure, but I’d rather understand your opinion from your point of view, and then make up my own mind.
ipreferred | 07.01.09 – 1:36 pm | #
I have a better suggestion. Why not bog off or stop bothering other posters or learn to wipe your own ass? Preferably all three.
since I have no preconceived ideas on some subjects
You have – about the ME / Israel, of which you know nothing but still spout your nonsense.
Yes, just bugger off.
ipreferred | 07.01.09 – 1:36 pm
I’d much prefer that you did your own research, form your own opinions on the basis of information you’ve found for yourself, then come back here. Your form of argument based on total ignorance of the matter under discussion is pointless and one of the identifying signs of a troll.
I’d rather understand your opinion from your point of view, and then make up my own mind.
There’s something rather ghoulish about that. Like I said, form your own opinions for yourself, then if they differ from mine or anybody else’s come back and argue your case. Asking us to prove well known facts is the behaviour of a troll and boring.
Better still take Andy’s advice and GFY
ipreferred is an irritating git who has the same modus operandi as that erstwhile troll, Gunnar (“Hi David…” etc)
You called?
That choice of photograph is a stunningly clear example of BBC bias. They obviously had hundreds if not thousands of photos of Chavez to choose from, most of which I’m sure would have been completely neutral pictures of the man by himself. A journalist who was putting together a story without a biased agenda would of course have picked one of these.
Not the BBC. They quite obviously deliberately set out to choose one which would make their socialist hero look “caring.” In doing this they prove themselves worthy of any totalitarian propaganda machine. I’m pretty sure the state-controlled media in Venezuela prefers using photos of Chavez like this, too.
If anyone disagrees with what I’ve just said and thinks the criticism is unfair, perhaps they’d like to supply me with links to BBC stories about Bush which feature photos of him cooing over a child and which have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with children or cooing.
God how I hate the BBC. My only consolation is that I’m convinced it’s living on borrowed time. Every one of those disgusting, disgraceful, sub-journalistic sons of bitches needs to lose their careers as soon as possible.
I prefer a firing squad.
Hi Gunnar. Great to hear you’re still around…
I must defend IPreferred. He asked for info and it was provided by posters here. He seems to have come round to your way of viewing Chavez.
Let`s give him a little more courtesy, otherwise we will only be talking to ourselves.
Hi Robert, hi guys. I do feel that Chavez is persecuted by the anti-left British and American press.
ipreferred 1:36
Intelligent, educated, people don’t “obtain opinions” except from barristers.
They read about subjects, experience life, discuss with others, think about a topic and come to their own conclusion.
If new evidence or experience comes to light , they may change or modify their opinion.
Gunnar | 07.01.09 – 5:42 pm | #
Do you mind if I cut and paste your posting and submit it to the BBC as a complaint. I thought it rather erudite.
Bill Buchanan | 07.01.09 – 12:19 pm |
When Chavez took power his country was stuck in a cycle of poverty because it’s government had given away most of it’s oil money to American companies. Venezuela was gained next to nothing in wealth from its own natural resources. Chavez has not done a perfect job granted, but he’s at least trying to fight for the poor in his country. Plus, he’s a democratically elected leader who the US (who love their democracy) tried to oust from power!
Plus, and this is really the key here, when have the BBC ever made it sound as if they love Chavez? They report about him in the way all media do.
Yes, Chavez had the government teat engorged by oil, after he forced out the foreign concerns who created the industry for him. He has since spent himself into the ground, because he based it all on the one thing. It won’t last, and he has already caused a brain drain that is only going to make his country get worse.
Democracy in Venezuela? Not even Human Rights Watch thinks so. Chavez is only slightly more democratically in charge than Sadaam Hussein was. And what about his known support for FARC?
As for the BBC’s tireless support of Chavez, why do you think they trumpeted his condemnation of Israel, and found a classic propaganda picture to accompany their report? It reminds me of pictures of Tito with those Young Pioneers (or whatever they were called). The BBC loves Chavez, and has made many reports promoting his achievements and misrepresenting facts to make him look good. Search this blog for Chavez and you’ll find plenty of stuff.
I’ve been thinking. Had Chavez said “Let’s build concentration camps for the jews” Al Beeb would probably have used the same picture. What do you think? Disgusting.
Bottom line of the BBC report:
Venezuela also has a large Arab community who have welcomed the government’s move, our correspondent adds.
You bet!
Venezuela welcomes Hamas and counts Iran as “great ally”
Turkey holds shipment from Iran to Venezuela
Venezuela Hosts Iranian Terrorists
Venezuela’s Chavez denies Iran-Syria weapons connection
Thanks for these links. Especially the Turkish action in holding a shipment. It will be interesting to see what the Turks do. They are no friends of terrorists !
Original Robin | 07.01.09 – 5:10 pm |
“I must defend IPreferred. …
Let`s give him a little more courtesy”
I second that motion. I second that motion. Some posters here are as intolerant of other opinions as … as .. BBC interviewers.
Those are interesting links.
It seems like terrorists might want to form alliances with South American coke barons…
Well I’m glad a couple of people tried to defend me. You’re right though, I should do a little more of my own research. One of the problems I have when I attempt to argue my opinion on this website however, is that my sources are always shot down and my opponents claim that I don’t know certain ‘facts’. Hence, by observing the same information as said opponents, I can hope to understand their side of the argument.
It’s a shame that if one doesn’t join the general outcries against X on this website, if one tries to provide a moderate voice, a devil’s advocate or a genuine dissenting opinion, one is instantly attacked. Accused of working for the BBC with no evidence, or told that they are some kind of king living in a castle in Islington. It’s astonishing how completely intractable some people can be.
Oh and with regards to Mr. Chavez, I had no real opinion so gave the guy the benefit of the doubt. Thanks to your sources (which this time I really was just too lazy to look up myself), I have seen that he’s rather distasteful. Present an argument, then evidence, and people will follow you.