My thanks to B-BBC commentator Biodegradable for pointing out this image of Venezuelan thug Hugo Chavez which the BBC uses to accompany the news that his country is expelling the Israeli ambassador. US-loathing Iran loving anti-semite Chavez is very much the BBC’s kinda guy having all the necessary qualifications to ensure positive images and positive coverage. Viva la revolution.
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Ok, ipreferred, let’s go along with that. But can you now move onto the next step – the whole point of this thread – that by choosing this specific photo of a “rather distasteful guy” (your words), the BBC is leaning towards its usual default-setting? Especially bearing in mind the eloquent words of a commentator above regarding the manner in which they choose specific photos of, for example, G. Bush?
Some posters here are as intolerant of other opinions as … as .. BBC interviewers
I have no intention of being tolerant vis-a-vis antisemitism or Hamas apologists. Suck it up.
Well I did say above that I found the picture rather amusing – it hardly makes Chavez look like a serious statesmen. Bush is a tricky one – since he is a worldwide object of ridicule these days. The picture they’re using on the ‘bushisms’ article is pretty plain, and the pictures on the ‘rise and fall of bush’s popularity’ graph page are quite flattering I think. The thumbnails used linking to both do however make him look silly.
Many of the photos of Chavez on other BBC articles featuring him do seem to show him at various parties, bizarrely. The source for most is AP or AFP, so whether the bias is in selection or actual photography it’s hard to say. I don’t know how closely they control his PR either. The strange thing about Venezuala is that he really is a cult personality, worringly so, and for all the talk of defending democracy we have on this site, you can hardly deny the Venezualans can you?
ipreferred 12:03
I wouldn’t agree that Bush is a worldwide object of ridicule but, to the extent that he is, it is because left-wing media, like the BBC, have portrayed him that way for their own political purposes.
In the same way that they ridiculed Sarah Palin, but not the utterly ludicrous Joe “thicko” Biden and his gaffes.
The funniest one I remember about Biden was when he gave a speech and asked a Senator to stand up. Difficult as the Senator was in a wheelchair. Not broadcast on the BBC, of course, but widely available on the internet. Now, if Sarah Palin had made the same gaffe…. !
Bush is a tricky one – since he is a worldwide object of ridicule these days.
ipreferred | 08.01.09 – 12:03 pm
Ask yourself why.
‘Jihadwatch’ (aug. 2008):
“Counter-terror officials ‘increasingly concerned’ about Hizbollah activity in Venezuela”
Is the BBC similarly concerned?
Bush is a tricky one – since he is a worldwide object of ridicule these days
First of all, he isn’t. The fact that leftoid airheads ridicule him proves nothing.
Secondly, if the BBC were remotely doing what the charter requires them to do, they would report on him factually, not ridicule him because supposedly ‘everyone does’.
You have been wasting the blogger’s time here. If you had no opinons, or no intellect or knowledge on the subject matter why did you even bother to comment in the first place? As for lazily asking for details/opinons on the man from everybody when all you had to do was read.. why should people jump when you say so..? what did your last slave die of???
Do you mind if I cut and paste your posting and submit it to the BBC as a complaint. I thought it rather erudite.
Ratass Shagged | 07.01.09 – 6:37 pm | #
Be my guest!
Talk about erratic!
A week after expelling Israeli officials over Gaza op, Venezuela looks to repair ties
he loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not…
Venezuela severs ties with Israel over Gaza
Venezuela has broken off diplomatic relations with Israel to protest its military offensive in Gaza.
The decision by President Hugo Chavez’s socialist government comes more than a week after it expelled the Israeli ambassador in Caracas and seven embassy staff members.
A Foreign Ministry statement said Wednesday that Venezuela “has decided to break off diplomatic relations with the state of Israel given the inhumane persecution of the Palestinian people.”
Shut the door on the way out of the civilised world, and don’t let it hit you on the arse, Hugo.