Been a busy morning for the BBC in the promotion of the Hamas cause. Around 6.45am they were phoning Gazans up and asking for feedback on how things were going in Hamastan! You can imagine the predictable results! I was wondering how they got these telephone numbers as it would be interesting to know who provided them and who set the calls. Then, half an hour later, it was time for a discussion on how the Egyptian government is coming under increasing pressure from its own people to open the crossing at Rafah – Gaza’s border with Egypt. The BBC reporter did mention the fact that this area is criss-crossed with tunnels which Hamas use for smuggling weapons into Gaza but for some odd reason, he never wondered who provided these weapons to Hamas, nor indeed where the cash came from to buy these weapons. After all, I thought Gaza was cash-strapped? Half an hour later, we enjoyed thought for the day with Dr Usama Hasan, a Muslim academic before segueing into an interview with Ron Prosor, the Israeli ambassador to the UK. Sarah Montague’s attack line was that the Israeli shelling on a UN school undermines any credence to their cause and she refused to accept the obvious, namely that Hamas use women and children as human shields, so committing war crimes. The second BBC attack line is that Israel was to blame for the breach of the cease-fire last year because it killed six Hamas terrorists! Ambassador Prosor performed admirably under the circumstances but the chill in the air during the interview was visceral. The BBC really are unhinged.
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Start the Week 3rd March 2025
Jeff – exactly. They hate Trump no matter what. Their reasons will appear illogical and contradictory over time. This hatred…