Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.
General BBC-related comment thread!
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Have your Say running true to form:
The Question: How can a truce be achieved in Gaza?
The Top Recommended Answer: “It is so easy: no more jihadi rockets, no more war.”
Not too difficult, really. But . . .
The BBC’s featured quotes: “The international community can do more to end this fighting, they should put pressure on Israel and Hamas to accept a truce ”
And also: “They will reach a truce like they have done countless times before, the question is – How many will die before an agreement is reached?”
Brainwashing British Children
Jeez, I can’t believe what an easy ride ministers get when the Beeb interviews them. It’s like the 1950s when they were asked “So then minister, what is your message to the grateful nation?”. Ministers are merely invited to make a statement – and the BBC coverage of Gordon Brown’s “tour of the regions” is an object lesson in fawning subservience.
Stark contrast to when Tory ministers are interviewed and every statement claim or promise is attacked – and usually following the exact same line of attack that Labour uses. Coincidence? I think not.
bodo | 08.01.09 – 2:03 pm
usually following the exact same line of attack that Labour uses. Coincidence? I think not.
Uncanny, innit.
Almost as if the beeboids were getting their questions suggested/dictated by Labour spin doctors.
Perhaps we should have a thread here to keep a precise tally of these instances?
We could even give an award to the beeboid who most closely stuck to the NuLab lines to take each week.
We could call it the Parrot Award.
Then we could all chip in and buy a giant stuffed parrot for David Vance to hand deliver to the BBC News centre, thus generating a useful photo-op for B-BBC.
I am actually quite relieved there is no Question Time tonight. I don’t think my blood pressure could stand it.
I am surprised the BBC didn’t have a QT special…. from Jerusalem !
This should be “good”:
Subject: Alan Johnston on the Gaza Crisis
From: Newsnight
To: Biodegradable
Date: Thu, 8 Jan 2009 13:22:37 +0000 (GMT)
Alan Johnston probably knows Gaza better than any other western
journalist. For three years he lived and reported from the Gaza strip,
before being kidnapped and held hostage for nearly four months in 2007.
Tonight he gives us his assessment of the crisis.
Join us tonight at 22.30
“…Shock at Senegal gay jail terms…”
Spouts the BBC.
Anyone want to take a guess at what the main religion of Senegal is?
Another warning to the gay community in the media that continually backs Islam.
I am surprised the BBC didn’t have a QT special…. from Jerusalem !
Or from Hamas HQ – think of all the beeboids and ‘Labour’ liars and rent-a-mob audience who could be flattened by a single F16.
I have printed out the ‘Charter’ but I cannot find the rules or guidelines which stipulate that the News must be unbiased and impartial. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Incidentally, I wrote to the Times today asking why they rely on the Norwegian doctor for information bearing in mind that anyone who has the internet, which must include the editor and his Gaza hacks, knows that he is a Maoist revolutionary who supported 9/11 and clearly hates Israel.
Don’t expect it to be published.
Did anyone catch Jeremy Vine on R2 yesterday with his feature on how public-sector workers who fall sick on holiday can call in sick and then get their holiday time back.
Most gallingly Vine had on an employment lawyer who he asked why public-sector staff can get this “benefit” whilst it’s virtually unheard of in the private-sector..his response, well if public-sector staff got those bonuses that private sector staff got then perhaps they would not get this benefit too! Vine laughed in total agreement…!
Aitch 3:32
Hope you enjoyed yourself wading through the NuLabspeak of the BBC “1996 charter” !
But, you are right , the words “unbiased”, “impartial” etc. do not appear.
However, under “Incorporation and Purposes ” :-
3(1) “serve the public interest”
5(1) “provision …of information”
So, I would argue that news reporting is provision of information. Therefore,not a place for journalists to give their personal political views.
Therefore, the bias in BBC news reporting does not serve the public interest and the BBC is in breach of its Charter.
Aitch 3:32
If your letter to the Times does get published, please let us know here, under the general comments section. Good luck !
Lovely story:
jeremy bowen ( age 54 and 3/4) is writing a diary, he tells us.
seeing as he is currently holed up in 5* hotel in jerusalem i imagine there will be a running commentary on the minibar, the cable tv and the slow service.
everything else is opinion and speculation.
Fresh row after BBC radio station makes fun of M&S job cuts in spoof advert
A local radio station made a spoof version of the M&S TV adverts with a woman’s voice saying: ‘These are not just any job cuts, these are M&S job cuts.’
A spokesman for M&S refused to comment on the BBC prank.
A BBC Spokesperson said: “The brief 10 second clip, which was part of a wider report, was drawing attention to what is an important story about employment and what is happening on our high streets up and down the country. ‘There was certainly no intention to cause offence. We gave significant airtime to this story because we realise its significance.
They really do not get it do they. An immediate apology and a promise of disciplinary action was required. Instead it’s the usual obfuscation and self jsutification.
Time for some long-overdue job cuts at the BBC.
This quote from Lord R of Rio
“The Government is determined not to repeat the mistake made in previous recessions of retrenchment”
seems to have vanished from BBC coverage. Perhaps because it is self evidently imbecilic. This intellectual colossus thinks that spending less than we earn is a mistake. No wonder this country is so thoroughly f**ked.
I had a look at “current account deficits” – just to check “how well placed we are” to face recession, and to see just how mistaken cutting back on spending would be.
Britain has the third worst deficit which in 2007, before the insanity of bail outs and bank nationalisations was – $111,000,000,000 (only exceeded by the USA and Spain.
In stark comparison Germany, much reviled by the Broonites, has the second largest budget surplus at (again 2007)$245,000,000,000. Which of these two nations is “best placed”? Why can’t BBC journalists just look at Wikipedia when Pa Broon starts uttering transparently bogus nonsense. There was a particularly vile bit of spin on the Toady prog this morning. the asserted that the Germany economy is structurally weaker because they depend on the rest of the World having enough money to buy their “luxury” exports.
the logical outcome of this is that
1) Germany is stupid to rely on high value exports
2) Britain is “better placed” than Germany because we have nothing to sell
3) Being massively, astronomically, in debt can only be cured by spending more money that we borrow from the Chicoms
All of course unchallenged by the BBC and Pestis its resident economic genius
I feel sure that this is all leading to a great leap back to 1971 and a BBC approved planned political economy. A wonderland where ‘sensible decisions’ are made on your behalf by ‘experts’.
An in proof of this I offer to Trolls and Beeboids the popular “fact” that you (dear reader) are too stupid to be allowed to decide if you want to use a 100w light bulb so how can you be trusted to spend the money that you earn?
Protest against Ross
Just went to the BBC website and “due to technical problems we are displaying a simplified version”. And how much better it is than the normal crappy complicated version !
TPO | 08.01.09 – 5:56 pm |
Have you noticed how whenever M&S has a sneeze the BBC inflate it into bubonic plague? The first time I noticed this I thought it strange that such a high value High St retailer should come under such fire.
Yesterday M&S weere given the full treatment again just because of a 5% drop in sales. But as someone pointed out on PM today British car sales have plunged by 25%. Suddenly 5% seems nothing.
Then I remembered who owns M&S. It’s the JOOOOOSE! Of course the BBC don’t like M&S!
Can’t Mossad – after all, they run the universe – not booby-trap Bowen’s minibar? It would be a service to humanity. I am even prepared to pay for it.
Nearly Oxfordian:
that sounds like a threat against the PM. I would watch it with language like that. Views and opinions are fine, but threats like that are not tolerated here.
Against the PM? Lost me there … Bowen was not yet the PM last time I checked. And I just love McFatty.
I have printed out the ‘Charter’ but I cannot find the rules or guidelines which stipulate that the News must be unbiased and impartial. Can someone point me in the right direction?
Aitch | 08.01.09 – 3:32 pm |
Here’s a link to the BBC editorial guidelines (often mentioned on here), which accompany the charter. The first sentence is always a good laugh!
Impartiality Guidelines
It would be a REAL shame if something happened to Bowen. I for one would NOT be jumping up and down dancing in the street if it did. Honest 🙂
Cattle Prod 6:27
The BBC’s hostility to M and S could be because the firm was founded by Jews.
But, it is more likely to be because Jeremy Paxo complained that M and S underpants were not big enough to fit over his head.
Stuart 7:26
Yes, the first sentence has given me laugh of the day !
Hi, sorry this is a change of subject but I thought we could try out an experiment of sorts tonight, for anyone in the UK. I thought if we all watch Newsnight on BBC2, and then afterwards discuss any bias that may exist in that particular show. I suggest this because this message board seems to have drifted a bit today, and maybe if everyone watches Newsnight then we’ve all seen the same program and therefore there can’t be any hiding behing generalisations or lies. If anyone else is interested let me know, we can discuss it here in this topic after newsnight has finished (or after however long people can stand watching it). The point is that the Beeb are proud of Newsnight, and believe that it is one of the most cutting edge and ‘fresh’ programmes, with a strong reputation for investigative journalism. Choosing this one programme to focus on will give a good indication of what bias may exist, and perhaps why. Thanks.
I am interested in speaking with someone who would be able to point me in the right direction with regards to issues with this blog…..
I’d like to know who is in charge of the WHYS program. How can that person be contacted directly?
I would also like to know if there is any place where one could speak to anyone who may have experienced harassment from some people on that blog off of the blog, if that makes sense.
If someone has any information, I would be very thankful…
Jebidiah 8:53
I think you will find the comments start flowing well before the end of newsnight !
Sorry I meant to say, issues on newsnight primarily regarding bias to do with Israel/Gaza. Hope that clears it up.
And yes, the whole of newsnight might be hard – perhaps the opening 20 minutes only!
So…uh David Vance. What DID happen to your complaint? You never told us.
It was good to see the BBC finally admit that Iran is helping out Hamas, though the way they were rather reluctant to say it.
I’m looking forward to this Alan Johnston interview.
I see there are a couple of bad polls in the papers for McFatty one eye tomorrow.
Anyone want to guess which news organisation won’t mention them?
Oh and has anyone told McFatty one eye that Zimbabwe is not supposed to be an economic model for the UK. I know that the fat wanker in Number 10 admires Mugabe but the idea that McFatty one eye is going to start printing money to try to get us out of the recession HE created is a joke.
Anyone want to take a bet as to when we will see the first million pound note to buy a loaf of bread?
Jebidiah 10:34
I think you will find it is a bit more lively when Question Time returns !
Sarah Palin Takes On The Media!! Exclusive Interview for “Media Malpractice”
President VÁCLAV KLAUS about Global Warming Hoax
Has anyone seen this yet?
Jihadists hijack radio station website because they dislike Christian British pop star
The bBC, selling Obama’s US Senate seat and half the story.
Impeachment call for Blagojevich
A investigative panel of state senators in the American state of Illinois has recommended the impeachment of Governor Rod Blagojevich.
He denies seeking to sell President-elect Barack Obama’s US Senate seat for personal gain.
The panel of state representatives said the evidence showed he was not fit to be governor, paving the way for an impeachment vote by the full house
Anybody else find it strange in how the bBC only names one party in this story about corruption in the US and it isn’t the guilty one.
“I think this is a good, glad, happy day for Illinois because it points out that nobody is above the law,” said Representative Bill Black, a Republican.
The bBC, selling Obama’s US Senate seat and half the story.
pounce | 09.01.09 – 3:02 am |
I’m a Republican (abroad) and I’m aware of the fact that Al Beeb are leftie smear merchants. Abolish the license fee. NOW!
The BBC has advocated for the withdrawal of all British troops from Afghanistan, and has done segments on Panorama, the World Service, and other places in which they promote the idea that not only should the US stop fighting and negotiate with the Taliban, but, using the IRA and Northern Ireland as a model, should bring people who do things like this into the government.
A social scientist in the Army’s controversial Human Terrain program was en route to Brooke Army Medical Center in Texas after being set on fire in and apparent Taliban attack in Afghanistan. It’s the third time in five months that a Human Terrain Team member has been killed or seriously wounded.
The woman has since died of her injuries. But to the BBC, the people who commit these acts are just like IRA freedom fighters, and should be included in the government of Afghanistan.
Coming up on Saturday
Intelligence Squared Debate
Is George W Bush the worst American President of the last 50 years?
It’s hard to believe a more biased premise. How about, debating George Bush compared with Presidents of the last 50 years, as a more appropriate title for a debate?
Given the BBC’s homage, how about Barack Obama, best President ever?
Surely the American Embassy has a legitimate cause for complaint here.
deegee | 09.01.09 – 7:01 am
It’s hard to believe a more biased premise.
Intelligence Squared is a commercial outfit that makes its money from ticket sales.
It has no obligation to be impartial, and – arguably an obligation to choose motions that will maximize revenue for its shareholders.
Besides, when I was on the committee of the school debating soc, a provocative motion was always better than a bland one.
Melanie Phillips:
“The Experience This Week of a London Jew”
(-with reference to how BBC is disinclined to report such experiences in UK)
Reasons to support the IDF – Part II –,22056,5036782-5010140-17,00.html
Girls of the IDF | The Daily Telegraph
It’s all true; I’ve been there and apparently its rumoured that Israel provides silicone fortified milk (see above for evidence).
Given the BBC’s dominant gender/sexual identity, perhaps the IDF should also produce a gallery of IDF hunks as well to get them (the BBC) all hot and bothered and begin building bridges.
Maybe this is an area where things have been going wrong in the past, I’m sure Martin would be able to advise.
“Intelligence Squared . . . has no obligation to be impartial”
True. Unfortunately “Anonymous” 9:49 am (who can’t even be bothered to adopt a “nom de blog”) misses a subtle point. Since it’s the BBC which is obliged to be impartial, sponsoring this particular piece of junk debate (and nowhere a debate with, for instance as deegee suggests, an anti-Obama theme) the BBC displays its bias.
BBC Radio 5have been SO in favour of the plan of fatty spliff to spy on our emails.
Clearly the BBC has totally lost the plot. If the Tories had this idea you just know the left would be up in arms.
Anon 10:56
Yup, a gallery of IDF hunks would get the beeboys holidaying in Israel, and , with a bit of luck, they would get busted for drugs and spend some time in an Israeli prison. Problem is , it would probably be full of Arab boys.
Anyway, great to get my comment in before Martin.
Umbongo | 09.01.09 – 11:12 am
The BBC isn’t ‘sponsoring’ Intelligence Squared.
I2 is normally sponsored by the Spectator.
Nor is it ‘junk debate’ as anyone who has attended one can vouch.
The BBC is, however, broadcasting six debates. The one deegee and you object to is the first.
The motions for numbers 2 and 3 are :
The UN is terminally paralysed: the democratic world needs a forum of its own
Major reductions in carbon emissions are not worth the money
So much for your theory that the BBC wouldn’t run one that challenged its supposed corporate mindset.
Village voice gossip columnist Michael Musto was on Keith Olbermann’s show to discuss the cocky (fnar) demands from the US porn industry for a government bailout. I wouldn’t normally recommend something from Olbermann but this clip is worth watching for the following gem from Musto:
“There are gonna be hookers out on the street, it will be terrible. And I know these people, I know people in low places. They’re gonna have to crawl back to their old jobs at BBC World News.”
(Musto’s comment is @ 3:40 if you want to skip the rest)
Richard Landes, the guy behind the documentary Pallywood: According to Palestinian Sources, was interviewed by the BBC about Pajamas TV’s decision to send Joe the Plumber to report in the Middle East. Some good digs at the BBC: