Interesting piece here on “mending the feud” between the savages in Hamas and the crazies in Al Fatah. I was intrigued by the BBC reporters view that Hamas are “softening” their line. Oh really? Anyway, you’ll be disheartened to know that there is little chance of rapprochement between these two gangs because of, yes, that’s right, Israel. Love the line “as the bombs fall on Gaza” – just like Dresden, right. Trying to point out the bombs fall on Hamas rocket sites and weapon storage depots seems to have escaped the sophisticated BBC mind. You see whatever the Palestinian problem, it is always the fault of the pesky Jews.
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Check out the latest BBC Newswatch. Apparently most complaints to the BBC have been about Pro Israeli bias!!!!!!
Yes I read this too with much amusement. I think that means that the loony left anti-israeli and the pro-palestinian viewers are more determined to make their voice known then other people. Rather ironic. I guess there’s a lesson to learn. Other viewers need to learn how to complain. I imagine that the BBC probably hung up on most of them though and recorded only the pro-palestinians! Wouldn’t put anything past the BBC.
from The Spectator
Although television coverage of the Israeli attacks on Gaza is extensive, it is uninformative. The BBC, in particular its reporter Jeremy Bowen, seems to be in thrall to the images it can project. But, by its Charter, the BBC has a duty to educate, and what is missing in so much of the coverage is context. What is Hamas? What does it believe? Why is it not reported that the Arab press carries numerous attacks on Hamas for exposing the Palestinian people to suffering? Why is Hamas, despite being a Sunni organisation, close to Shi’ite Iran? What are the politics of the situation on both sides? Why, in short, is what is happening happening? The rise of Hamas adds to the idea, much loved by the BBC, that the authentic leaders of Muslim societies today are all political Islamists — the intellectual model being that of Sinn Fein: terrorists as the people who make peace. As a result, we are told about very little else. Just before the end of the year, for example, Bangladesh, which has one of the largest Muslim populations in the entire world, returned to democratic rule. British officialdom, notably the Muslim adviser to the Foreign Office, Mockbul Ali, and the Muslim Contact Unit of the Metropolitan Police, have liked to say that Jamaat Islami, the party of political Islamism in Bangladesh, can help control militancy in this country, where the Bengali population is extensive. Its extremist leaders have been invited here. Mosques like the East London Mosque, which furnishes the current leader of the Muslim Council of Britain, are close to Jamaati elements. In the Bangladesh elections, though, Jamaat was left with only two seats in the 300-seat parliament, and the secular Awami League was victorious. Virtually no attention from the BBC. Perhaps they would say faraway elections among dark-skinned people are boring — but then let us not hear their self-justifications about their unique educational role.
i noted some more hamas propaganda today:
1. kids found “starving”
2. 100 pallywooders ferried into a house that the israelis then shelled which killed 30 of them, “including children”
both reported on by the bbc this morning, with no comment as to what the source of that news was.
Libertarian | 09.01.09 – 10:51 pm | #
Thanks for referring to that Spectator article. Most interesting.
I believe this is the heart of the problem. The BBC and others like them have been supporting the worst totalitarian factions in the Arab and Muslim world, such that inflict more death and suffering on fellow Muslims than on anyone else.
I believe that this will be the Beeb’s downfall.
Pro-Hamas Doctors Caught Faking A Civilian Death… After CNN Airs Footage
the bbc fell for this as well
hard to believe that after all the fighting in WW2 , here we are – DECADES later, and we still have a substantial chunk of our populaton – which includes the BBC – that thinks that we have a “Jewish problem” and a “Zionist world conspiracy”
Augean Stables on BBC criticises BBC pro-Hamas bias:
Worth a link.
Fuck me – there was a minute of media analysis on Newsnight with the line ‘the pictures come from Gaza but the words from Israel’ (which I guess could be understood to mean international talking heads maybe, maybe. Absolutely spot on Beeb, well done.
Oh, oh, hang on a minute – ‘but I guess the pictures speak for themselves’ – ah, bugger. Well, if that’s the case – why the hell am I paying useless gobby twats wages then eh? Just send the cameraman.
They’re like Columbo – just when you think, well, can’t disagree with that, they put the boot in right at the end. UUUrrrgghh, typical.
Have emailed the moronic Hugh O’Donnell, who tried to convince me he knows all about the ME and it’s not the Jews who are the problem but ‘the Israeli state’.
Have told him exactly what I think of this crap.
Do you have a link to where Al Beeb fell for the fake CPR footage?
Also, anyone have an update on this mornings lead story on Al Beeb about the 100 kids being deliberately bombed by the evil zionists? Seems the story has disappeared now.
george whyte: The BBC have a history of putting up fake shit on their website.
The BBC are just cunts.
Let the Taqiyyah begin!
Well anyway, here’s Something from al Beeb with at least a semblance of balance for a change.
Note the rational, eloquent, factually-supported argument from the Jewish interviewees – then compare and contrast with the emotional blather, devoid of any facts whatsoever; from the effete keffiyeh-wearing dope.
He’ll be one of the shoe-throwing twats at the israeli Embassy on Saturday, I’d bet good Jizyah on it.
And they also have form for putting up antisemitic shit pretending to be history. Almost their entire history of Israel pages are one big lie.
Anat (Israel) | 09.01.09 – 10:58 pm | #
Heres the link I forgot to post.
Martin | 09.01.09 – 10:39 pm |
Apparently most complaints to the BBC have been about Pro Israeli bias!!!!!!
Predictable. Most Brits are just utterly turned off by the story. No national paper has led with the conflict on their front page for two days now. Even when the grauniad and Times were emoting about Hamas using schools as human shields far more people were reading about Jews being threatened by Muslim nutters in The Sun.
Those who are complaining therefore are a noisy minority and the 1.4m Muslims are going to outnumber the Jews/Brits who’re well informed.
Finally, for TV news ITN have been worse. The Bbc coverage is woeful, utterly context free and the conflict is viewed through a Palestinian prism. However, the Bbc haven’t been overt mouthpieces for Hamas like ITV News and Channel 4.
Hey guys, please vote here for Melanie Phillips, who exposes the BBC’s lies:
I’d bet good Jizyah on it
You shouldn’t waste that stuff. You only get so much. And in this era of streaming internet art, the situation is even more worrysome.
I was intrigued by the BBC reporters view that Hamas are “softening” their line. Oh really?
Yes, that seems to be today’s party line from Hamas via Al-Beeb.
A report from Paul Wood included a potted history of Hamas lasting about 15 seconds. It missed out the bit about being a branch of The Muslim Brotherhood which is banned in Egypt and much more incriminating evidence, but to my surprise he quoted two lines from the Charter about Israel existing only until it will be destroyed by Islam and a bit about their definition of Palestine being not only Gaza and the West Bank all of Israel – but then he qualified it by saying, “but that (the charter) was written 20 years ago and they’ve changed since then”.
Yeah, really!
“but that (the charter) was written 20 years ago and they’ve changed since then”.
Yes, now they want also Britain, the U.S., Canada, and Australia.
Yes, now they want also Britain, the U.S., Canada, and Australia.
betyangelo | 10.01.09 – 1:37 am | #
That isn’t a recent thing. It is all in their ‘holy book’ Mein Koran
AlJazeera, aka BBC without any pretence of impartiality, has been showing a report of a demonstration in the West Bank featuring dozens, if not hundreds of Arabs dressed in striped pyjamas like the ones the Jews wore in Aushwitz complete with some kind of yellow badge, maybe a yellow crescent moon. Absolutely sick!
Also “confrontations”, ie: street fighting which left several wounded including one with serious head injuries between Fatah and Hams supporters.
I haven’t really looked yet but I’ll bet BBC hasn’t covered it. There’s no excuse, they have Ally McBeal, oops sorry, Aleem Maqbool on the spot there.
Expect Qaz M along any moment to say it ain’t so, and to remind us of our manners. Sort of like having us take the blue pill, only forgetting to remember to tell us we’ll be choking shortly. As will he.
On the world service yesterday they were debating the Gaza issue. The presenter said at one point she’d welcome messages from people who changed their opinion on the matter as a result of hearing the debate, for example from pro-Israel to anti-Israel or anti-Hamas to pro-Hamas.
An innocent mistake I’m sure. Or am I?
I haven’t really looked yet but I’ll bet BBC hasn’t covered it.
I was wrong:
In the West Bank village of Bilin, protesters dressed as Holocaust concentration camp inmates and threw stones at Israeli soldiers, who responded with tear gas.
To be truly authentic perhaps they should have responded with Zyklon-B gas… love the noise machine the IDF use as a “humane” weapon.
Gaza ‘human shields’ criticised
Israeli troops had forced Palestinian civilians to stay in their homes after taking them over as sniper positions or bases, it said quoting sources in Gaza.
“This increases risk to families and means they are effectively being used as human shields,” the group said.
Hamas fighters also put civilians in danger by firing from homes, it added.
The difference is the IDF put the civilians in a safe part of the house to protect them…
···>hamas using boy as human shield
Hamas’ REAL secret weapon – Human Shield
4 terrorists behind a woman and her baby
I’m afraid we all know where this will end – just as with the war against Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel will be forced to pull out early – Hamas will re-arm with the help of so called NGOs and the endless circle will be repeated.
Its sickening. – the so-called leaders of the Western Democracies should be ashamed.
I note the Beeb used a quote from a Palestinian who says he didn’t support Hamas before but now does, to conform of course to their constant narrative in which the war on terror does nothing but “radicalize” Muslims who would otherwise be peaceful lambs blessed with the sweetness of hearts and flowers.
They could of course have selected a quote from a Palestinian who blames Hamas for the death of their loved one, wouldn’t be too hard to find. I believe we had a little Palestinian girl blaming Hamas for the death of her parents just recently. Oh but that would give the wrong impression now wouldn’t it.
Annie Lennox to fans: I’m not anti-Israel
… Another posting on Lennox’s facebook site read, “Where were you all this time as Israel has been bombarded by missiles over and over again. A continuous rain of attacks, we have lived in a constant state of alert, living in fear. We waited and waited and did nothing and now when we finally – finally – take a stand to defend ourselves are we treated like a terrorist nation. Unfortunately you were clearly oblivious to these events all this time. You have proven your ignorance and are standing on your soapbox without your facts.”
Own up, which one of you was it?
It was Annie Lennox’s dad.
BBC News 24 has just referred to ‘Hamas and Israeli militants‘ not accepting the UN ceasefire.
Hey guys, please vote here for Melanie Phillips, who exposes the BBC’s lies:…s/best-uk-blog/
Neck and neck at the moment. Vote early, vote oft … no, we are not the BBC, we don’t do that sort of thing.
“This increases risk to families and means they are effectively being used as human shields,” the group said.
The antisemitic AI is beginning to get seriously on my tits.
Jon said
I’m afraid we all know where this will end – just as with the war against Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel will be forced to pull out early
Mailman | 09.01.09 – 11:21 pm | #
I suspect it will soon be filed and forgotten as the media circus moves on to its next ‘scoop’.
I remain interested in it, especially as I do not yet have anything that I consider worthy reporting of facts to tie to some fairly hairy headlines and rather ‘selective’ top of the hour broadcast summaries, especially courtesy of a certain national broadcaster I am required to fund.
It is simply no excuse that others are doing it too, especially when it seems the MSM are shunting around any weak snippet another may have been given and spinning it up into whatever they feel like.
This seems to be yet another that reflects what the BBC carried yesterday, down to a headline that shouts something that ‘is’ with only a few paras later it all being something that ‘has been told to’:
Massacre of a family seeking sanctuary
I’m feeling there is definitely something there that might well equate to another tragic accident, but not a deliberate round-up and execution as gleefully portrayed 24 hrs ago. Funny how much can change in that time.
I also find the ordnance expertise (if slightly contradictory) of various shell-shocked grannies.. in hindsight… rather remarkable. The incoming fire seems to have been from artillery, F-16s and Apaches… apparently.
I am sensing very petulant payback for the IDF’s decision not to allow any access: ‘”you don’t let us in; we’ll run with anything we get out as we can claim it’s not possible to check.”
The wisdom of that decision is for the Israelis to consider later, as in any conflict they must now know who they are fighting, with weapons and with words and images. Personally the blanket ban seems to be serving them poorly, but the other side to this is that the MSM, and especially those who pride themselves on being objective observers, need to reflect on how their responses have served the cause of truth, trust… and the best interests of those they seem to claim they are most concerned with.
It may be that Israelis shells are killing innocents, but in the way they are portraying this conflict it might just be they are providing much more valuable ammunition to such as Hamas to keep on sticking those they are ‘defending’ in the places these munitions are landing.
Even just to the editorial order of things, and I am sure those here can list many instances where the BBc is as complicit as here:
H/L: Massacre of a family seeking sanctuary
S/H: The Samounis claim they were guided to a safe haven by Israeli troops • only to be cut down by shells
Last para at end….: Ahmad is strongly critical of Hamas for keeping its leaders in hiding while civilians suffer .
It would seem in the fog of war reporting, when a soldier gets seconds to assess a threat in a smoke-filled alley, quite a lot of time is taken back in editorial suites to cooly and calmly assemble some very loose pieces and create a much sturdier narrative in ways that seldom seem to reflect… the truth, at least as known at the that time.
I’m not sure when the news professionals of the age decided on ‘we don’t know; so let’s make it up as we’d like it to be”, but it stinks.
And I think it kills kids every bit as effectively as the hardware they rail against.
Paul Adams in his latest article on the BBC website, Where is Israel Heading?” quotes Yossi Mekelberg of the Chatham House think tank, mentioning that he thinks Israel’s forthcoming elections might have something to do with the timing and “excessiveness” of the Gaza operations.
And just in case the reader was under the impression that Mekelberg’s comments were just conjecture, Adams reminds us that:
“It would not be the first time Israel has gone to war with elections looming.”
Ain’t the BBC just wonderful?
כי זה חלק שני מסרט, ואם אנשים היו רואים את החלק הראשון אז הם לא היו יודעים שיש גם חלק שני כי הם לא קוראים את התיאור של הסרט ורוב הבלוגרים לא מוסיפים את התיאור שלי. למשל בסרט עם המחבלים במערה הם לא ידעו מי זה “משה וחצי” כי הם לא קראו את התיאור של הסרט. מאוד חשוב לי שאנשים יקראו את התרגום, וע”י זה שהם נכנסים ללינק של הסרט הם רואים אותו. כמו כן יש לינקים מתחת לסרטים שמובילים לסרטים אחרים. אם הסרט מופיע בבלוג הם לא מודעים לזה.
no idea what it means, but it looks pretty.
So the Burka Blackshirts and assorted Jewish haters are marching for “peace” again today. The same assorted rabble will be there and the “peaceniks” will have the usual punchup with the police and bystanders. Once again, Muslim toddlers from Leicester, Luton and Bradford will again be dressed in full Hamas fatigues, with mock suicide bombs round their waists as a Muslim peace message. I’m sure the victims of 9/11 and 7/11 will applaud this type of parenting as will our silent lefty child protection services.
But among the marchers will be that ugly witch – Lauren Booth – who has been a pathological Israel hater for a decade. Whenever she gets the rare opportunity to “write” a column, whatever the subject, it always appears to include some bile about Israel etc ad nauseum.
If the burqua was designed for anyone, then it’s the perfect choice for this woman.
Must be said that there seemed to be fewer marchers against the Iran-Iraq war, atrocities committed by Chechens suicide bombers,Hamas- Fatah interkillings, Iranian prison atrocities etc etc.
You colud argue this rentamob see to have an skewed agenda?
An article by Alan Dershowitz, Professor of Law at Harvard:
This chorus of entirely predictable widespread condemnation is the primary reason why no cease-fire will endure. Eliciting condemnation is the essence of the overall strategy of Israel’s enemies to demonise and delegitimise the Jewish state in the eyes of the world.
The strategy goes back to Yasser Arafat. When he turned down the Clinton-Barak offer of statehood in 2000-2001, the international community and the media focused its criticism on what Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia rightly characterized as Arafat’s “crime against the Palestinian people.”
In order to redirect the criticism against Israel, Arafat ordered an intifada of terrorism that included suicide bombings against civilians. When Israel responded with tough measures, much of the world turned against Israel. Calls for divesture, boycotts and war-crime trials increased and criticism of Arafat diminished.
A similar strategy was used by Hezbollah in Lebanon. When it attacked northern Israel and kidnapped several of its soldiers, Hezbollah was initially subject to criticism. Hezbollah then began to fire rockets from densely-populated civilian areas, terrorizing northern Israel. When it counterattacked, inevitably killing civilians who were being used as human shields, the condemnation shifted to the Jewish state.
Now we see a repeat of this strategy in Gaza. Hamas deliberately broke the cease-fire by firing rockets into southern Israel from densely-populated cities, using the areas around schools and mosques as launching points. There is an Israeli air force video showing a Hamas fighter moving his rocket launcher next to a United Nations school, firing the rocket and then running away – hoping to provoke an attack on the school.
Hamas knew that Israel would have to respond – what would any democracy do if its civilians were being rocketed? – and they knew that Palestinian civilians would die in the process. They also knew that the international community and the media would intensify their criticism with every dead Palestinian civilian.
That was their goal: to kill and terrorize as many Israeli civilians as possible; to provoke Israel into killing as many Palestinians as possible; and to generate as much international condemnation against Israel as possible.
For this despicable strategy to work, the international community and media must play its assigned role of uncritically counting and transmitting images of bodies without asking who is to blame for the civilian deaths.
Under international as well as domestic law, those who use human shields are responsible for their predictable deaths, not those who fired the fatal shots.
Consider the case of a bank robber who takes a hostage and fires from behind his human shield, killing and endangering bystanders; a policeman, in an effort to stop the robber from killing more innocent people, fires at him but kills his hostage by accident. Who is guilty of murder? Not the policeman, who fired the fatal shot, but the robber who fired from behind the human shield. The same is true under international law.
Those who condemn Israel for its allegedly “disproportional” response because more Palestinians than Israelis have been killed do not understand that important concept.
A democracy is entitled under international law and under Article 51 of the United Nations charter to stop armed attacks against its civilians. Israel is entitled to take whatever military action is necessary to stop the barrage of rockets that has targeted its civilian population, each of which is an “armed attack” under Article 51. It need not stop its military operation until the rocket attacks stop or are stopped permanently.
It may not take military actions unnecessary to achieve that legitimate military goal, but any military action that is reasonably necessary to stop the armed attacks is proportional, as a matter of law, morality and common sense.
When England was attacked by German bombers and then missiles in the Second World War, Churchill did not hesitate to bomb military targets in heavily populated cities. He went even further, bombing civilian areas as well in retaliation for and deterrence against the bombing of British cities.
A cease fire without real teeth – including international monitors who can assure that Hamas will not use the lull to rearm and reorganize – would save lives in the short run. But unless the international community and media stop playing into the hands of Israel’s enemies by blaming the victims of aggression, the Hamas strategy of firing rockets at Israel’s civilians from behind Palestinian civilians will be employed again and again. It is a win-win strategy for terrorists and those who support them.
Alan Dershowitz is Professor at Law at Harvard Law School and author of The case against Israel’s enemies
I agree with these anit-israel protests, bout time someone stood up to the country who is pushing the entire region into a deadly war. The UK is too weak, and scared, to criticise Israel (cos they are dubyas buddies) well I say the British people know what they are talking about. Israel is to blame, they need to know how everyone in the UK feels about them.
Annie Lennox to fans
She has issued an Official Statement,
What a waste of oxygen.
Alan Dershowitz is a dangerous lunatic. To compare the current situation to WW2 is completely idiotic, there are no comparisons whatsoever.
Nearly Oxfordian
every comment you make is a waste of oxygen
I know that’s a spoof, but:
they need to know how everyone in the UK feels about them
Thinking that you are ‘everyone’ is a mental illness.
Oops, sorry, my mistake. No spoof. Bill the Tosser is for real.
Do seek medical help. You are quite literally insane.
Frankos, what was that Hebrew all about, ffs?
Nearly Oxfordian
all you post on this site is racist nonsense. you dont come on here cos you dislike the beeb, you just want to share your hatred with all the other haters out here