Managed to miss most of the first of the 2009 “Any Questions” programme and given that it had the loathsome Tony McNulty and the abomination that is Sarah Teather no bad thing. Alas I did catch Teather doing her party piece and getting viciously stuck into Israel. All that was missing was the violins as she spewed out her pro-Hamas talking points. I also heard McNulty having a go at Christians, so no real change there. However the bit that struck me most was the actual introduction to the programme. It came from Kingsmead School in Enfield. Dimblebore thrilled about how the school is proud of the “multicultural and inclusive ethos in a community of 87 ethnic groups” that make up this area. Sorry, is this a British school or not? Maybe “Any Questions” could one day find a school with “modern facilities” which is proud of it’s British ethos? It’s not just the panelists and the audience which the BBC stacks, it is even the choice of venue.
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Sorry, got to say this – this is addressed to several posters 😉
There is no apostrophe in “its British ethos”.
Thank you Sir – I stand corrected!
there is however, a “p” in pedant
Any chance of a school ‘proud of its English ethos’?
Thought not. Oh well.
It is curious that we find the French pride in their traditional identity charming, but the idea of keeping our own English traditions and culture so repugnant
Given the jarring inarticulacy of one of the school’s pupils, (sorry students) who asked a question concerned about their job prospects or sumfik or nuffik, it’s not much of an advert for “diversity” and “multiculturalism”.
I see from their website that they specialise in the performing arts. Well, that might just be one of the problems right there. See, we don’t need more performing artists, we’ve got quite enough. We need doctors, scientists and engineers. Funnily enough, articulacy is, or at least was, a prerequisite for those jobs.
So sorry old son. Kingsmead school hasn’t prepared you at all for the real world. But that’s never been the point of the insane left wing state “education” system, has it?
there is however, a “p” in pedant
From someone who (a) is not proud of his/her/its language – culture – heritage, (b) posts Hebrew paragraphs without having a clue what they mean.
I’d rather be a ‘pedant’ (in English: someone more literate than you) than Frankos.
The BBC would never film in a school that had no ethnic mix – if one still exists. If they did I would imagine we would all find it a bit odd – mission accomplished!
It is curious that we find the French pride in their traditional identity charming, but the idea of keeping our own English traditions and culture so repugnant
Speak for yourself. You are not the queen, and you don’t speak for me.
We need doctors, scientists and engineers. Funnily enough, articulacy is, or at least was, a prerequisite for those jobs
Yes. And literacy.
Yes. And articulation.
Given the jarring inarticulacy of one of the school’s pupils, (sorry students) who asked a question concerned about their job prospects or sumfik or nuffik, it’s not much of an advert for “diversity” and “multiculturalism”.
I see from their website that they specialise in the performing arts. Well, that might just be one of the problems right there. See, we don’t need more performing artists, we’ve got quite enough. We need doctors, scientists and engineers. Funnily enough, articulacy is, or at least was, a prerequisite for those jobs.
So sorry old son. Kingsmead school hasn’t prepared you at all for the real world. But that’s never been the point of the insane left wing state “education” system, has it?
Nearly Oxfordian:
do you practice being obnoxious or does it come naturally.
Stick to Any Questions and not attacking each other! Please.
It comes naturually to Nearly Ox, its a gift of his. That, and prejudice, hatred, bias, and general nastiness. Oh, and he doesn’t know a god damn thing like he claims he does.
Posted by an illiterate tosser who can’t even write a correct English sentence.
Ladies, ladies!! Please.
And there I was, thinking that someone civilized had hijacked the ‘Nearly Oxfordian’ name. But all’s back to normal.
How’s my wife’s virginity, Dreary Ox?
A “value” in the sense mentioned here by Dimblebore, is an abstract politically passive opinion, held by someone who no longer knows what real virtue is, nor virtue’s corollary of worldly success.
Multiculturalism is decadent pseudo culture. And how instructive could it be that the school’s specialisation is in the objectively valueless field of Performing Art’s?
‘Inclusive’ in this instance doesn’t include us.
Good point, and thanks for sticking to topic.
I knew Kingsmead School well as I used to live up the road from it. A shit-hole full of working class chav scum, not a brain cell between the lot of them and all destined for a working life in Superdrug or Broadmoor.
There’s your ethos.
Perhaps Dimblebore could have taken his Mercedes 100 yards up the road and explored the multicultural joys of Enfield town and figured out for himself, just because it’s full of ethnics doesn’t stop it being a wankhole.
BBC types know that a school with 87 different ethnic types is a wonderful school. For other peoples kids that is, not their own. They’ll go to very different schools in the home counties courtesy of the generous wages the TV taxpayer gives to senior BBC staff.
Fuck off, Chuffer – you are neither use nor ornament, don’t have charm or functionality, never mind intelligence.
And how instructive could it be that the school’s specialisation is in the objectively valueless field of Performing Art’s?
Oh ffs – the arts teach you to stick an apostrophe in the right place as a symbol that you know and appreciate what culture means.
The performing arts are part of that culture, and anyone who thinks they are valueless (objectively or not), is a boorish clown.
Anonymous | 10.01.09 – 10:09 pm |
Exactly right – Maybe they should come to a school in the North East – there is a lovely geordie ethos here that has not changed in years – well until recently.
I have to say that all these great shows on the BBC have really made me want to convert to islam.
My intention is to get myself a big fat bomb, strap it to my groin and go into a fuckoff big shopping centre and blow myself up alongside all the fuckwits and morons that waste their days in there.
P.S- If this worries you and you want to send the cops I live with Atlas Shrugged, honestly!
P.P.S- Atlas- Please tell your nan I’ll pop by her room later.
Oh ffs – the arts teach you to stick an apostrophe in the right place…
You’re out of touch if you think arts education bothers with the correct use of punctuation nowadays. Besides, don’t you have anything more substantial to contribute to debates beyond pointing out others’ apostrophic oversights?
If “Art” were a person it would make more sense. But only a little bit. 🙂
Dimblebore is so proud of his inclusiveness, in this case of 87 ethnicity’s, but there is one ethnicity not included, the traditional British nation, or ethnos in Greek. For Dimblebore, Britain has been relegated to the holding of “values”, the old Britain is most certainly not included. Meanwhile our home, the only one we get, is slowly supplanted and dissolved.
Neox, does it bother you that everyone thinks you’re a total cunt? Thought not. Well you are and your endless snapping and snarling is a bore and adds nothing to this otherwise excellent blog.
Please fuck off again and dont come back…
its a sign that a civilisation is fucked and lost all sense of direction when you have your state broadcaster celebrating “87 different ethnic minorities” in a school.
back home in Ireland , thats called a “problem”.
in America, thats called “white flight”.
Stick to the core topic and stop the ad hominems, it does NOTHING for the site. You all make great points when on topic but all this name-calling is beneath you. Stop it, please.
As the general thread is a bit buried now, I hope no one minds if I just point to the risible headline currently on the BBC’s ‘news’ wesbite: “UK slump is worst for 28 years”.
Slump! Slump!? .
The BBC will use any word in the book to avoid the shaming their masters, won’t they?
Slump. Gotta love their euphemistic evasions, eh?
Fuck off, Chuffer – you are neither use nor ornament, don’t have charm or functionality, never mind intelligence.
Nearly Oxfordian | 10.01.09 – 10:09 pm | #
As usual, nop notch debating skills from good ol’ Dreary Ox. If in doubt, use the F-word, a sure sign of charm, functionality and intelligence. Hence the success with all the girls, I suppose, including my wife before I met her.
interesting story from ireland last year
here is the BBC story
“Anti-EU gang assaults Irish MEP ”
and here is the video of the ACTUAL incident…
there was no gang. no assault. no arrests. the MEP tripped when he lunged for a camera…
OT but interesting
historical interest rates from the bank of england.
Poor old Prince Harry.
The mention of 87 different ethnic types is a typically meaningless lame boast, any other average person of whatever race or culture wouldn’t automatically put that factor at the top of their list of driving positives.
They would prioritise a decent education for their kids. However, for the BBC types who’ll never have to contemplate living in these social utopias, or sending their kids there, it just fulfils a warm box ticking moment.
Hey, the appearance of this website has suddenly changed and then changed back. What’s up?
“The great white backlash: Working class turns on Labour over immigration and housing”
Now why would the working class turn to a “right wing” party – probably because it isn’t.
aspects of the Gaza war that the bbc is not reporting on
“On Monday, Dr. Ashour was not the only official in charge. Armed Hamas militants in civilian clothes roamed the halls. Asked their function, they said it was to provide security. But there was internal bloodletting under way.
In the fourth-floor orthopedic section, a woman in her late 20s asked a militant to let her see Saleh Hajoj, her 32-year-old husband. She was turned away and left the hospital. Fifteen minutes later, Mr. Hajoj was carried out by young men pretending to transfer him to another ward. As he lay on the stretcher, he was shot in the left side of the head.
Mr. Hajoj, like five others killed at the hospital this way in 24 hours, was accused of collaboration with Israel”
“Unwilling to take Israel’s bait and come into the open, Hamas militants are fighting in civilian clothes; even the police have been ordered to take off their uniforms. The militants emerge from tunnels to shoot automatic weapons or antitank missiles, then disappear back inside, hoping to lure the Israeli soldiers with their fire.”
“In one apartment building in Zeitoun, in northern Gaza, Hamas set an inventive, deadly trap. According to an Israeli journalist embedded with Israeli troops, the militants placed a mannequin in a hallway off the building’s main entrance. They hoped to draw fire from Israeli soldiers who might, through the blur of night vision goggles and split-second decisions, mistake the figure for a fighter. The mannequin was rigged to explode and bring down the building.”
now ask yourself – why is the NEW YORK TIMES reporting this – and that is a liberal american newspaper – and yet the bbc refuses to follow up on it or even mention it?
Because the BBC cannot conflict it’s viewers/readers with the shock of an actual ‘report’?
The BBC whips up the mobs fury by peddling false stories about atrocities and war crimes, then stands back and watches happily as the howling mob attack Jews in the streets!
Der Sturmer did the same thing in 1930s Nazi Germany, any lie and slander however outrageous will do because once the lies are out among the racist mob it cannot be taken back, so you have the BBC(der sturmer) crying baby killers/war crimes/mass murderers and passing off unfounded accusations against the Jews as facts and hey presto, the baying mob feel justified in attacking Jews in the streets!
The BBC should be taken to court and tried for inciting murder and race hatred.
Hmm, can you imagine the faces at a an internal BBC meeting if you dared to say the words “English ethos” – priceless. In BBC Lala land Hamas’ culture is to be valued but the very idea of an English culture is to be despised. Sarah Teather and Ken Livingston, never knowingly undersold when it comes to the appeasement of radical Islam, no wonder the BBC give them air time.
If anyone’s got a spare few weeks, here’s a LIST of everything that offends muslims in the west.
Work in progress of course.
Offended Muslim Syndrome Awareness can be found here.
Let’s all start a charity to support offended muslims and get a fading rock star to back us. I nominate Shaking Stevens.
Technical problems with the Marr- Cameron interview or BBC bias towards their masters NuLabour?
My money is on the latter.
Cassandra: that puts it better than I’ve heard it so far. Perfect – but incredibly depressing.
Blobby, I have contributed far more to this site in one day than you have in your entire life. Bugger off.