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General BBC-related comment thread!
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The BBC, as part of the consumptive identity and grievance industries, are really making a meal out of the Harry Paki incident.
Safraz Mansur is on Radio 2 lecturing us all about cultural sensitivity.
Here’s a few tips about cultural sensitivity Safraz:
1: Don’t go to somebody else’s country and tell them how to live.
2: Give up your old national identity when you choose to emigrate to somebody else’s country.
3: Get a proper job and contribute to your new host country.
Mads Gilbert also has a supporting role in a Pallywood production circulating the net where he and another ‘doctor’ pretend to deliver CPR to a dying boy. I haven’t mentioned it before as the BBC didn’t cover it although Channel 4 and CNN did. Channel 4 even stated that the cameraman (debatable as it would mean he was photographing himself) worked for them.
Little Green Footballs has been following the story closely. And has linked to the video broadcast by both stations. A Muhammed al-Dura story for 2009
and what about Dr Mads Gilberts statement do you disagree with?
Sorry that was me, I dont why it did it anonymously
To my mind an officer should never use foul language or terms that have a racist usage, even when used ‘affectionately.’
That’s what NCOs are for. 😉
Anyone with a couple of spare minutes might want to have a look at the World Have Your Say on the BBC website – Can Israel do whatever it wants?
One truly scandalous comment was allowed through:
“… Can i just point out that if Britain had left Germany to finish the job in the late 1940’s Palestine would not be suffering now at the hands of the Israeli’s…”
So I added the following (subject to moderation of course) and I would urge others to add similar comments:
BBC moderator: are you really going to leave Ros Atta’s comment on here: “… Can i just point out that if Britain had left Germany to finish the job in the late 1940’s Palestine would not be suffering now at the hands of the Israeli’s…”
So, if we had allowed Hitker to kill all of the Jews??
By any reasonable definition this constitutes racist hatred. This is a criminal offences under British law. Both the author and the publisher of such comments – YOU – are criminally liable.
I understand that BBC policy is to project a pro-Islam and anti-Israel mesaage and I also imagine you’re a poorly paid liberal arts graduate with few other job options in this market – but it’s really not worth getting a criminal record is it?
“The media conspiracy against Israel”
“The reaction from the Arab world has been mixed. In some Arab countries there have indeed been chanting protesters, burning flags and attacks on embassies. But from others has either been a muted silence on the conflict or an unequivocal condemnation of Hamas.
“And what has the BBC said about this? Where has this been reported in the great British media?”
And where are the BBC reports critical of the threatening, intimidating, violent demonstrations which have been held in support of Islamic jihad?:
“Oslo: Jihadists use children as human shields during violent anti-Israel demonstration” (video clip).
Paris: “Hand grenade thrown at synagogue in Paris suburb”
While the BBC (and much of the UK media) go on a red herring hunt about the non-racist use of the term Paki, the BBC misses the real Islamic jihad going on now:
“Jihadists threaten to behead Madonna over Gaza”
This is rich – the BBC reporting an agitator’s open letter against state broadcaster ‘propaganda’:
i”The letter – signed by more than 20 academics and lawyers – lists six broad categories of bias and brainwashing.
It says the state TV monopoly has ignored many stories of social unrest and riots, and whitewashed serious events like the recent milk contamination scandal.
The letter’s author, Ling Cangzhou, told the BBC that its signatories were fed up with the positive spin on domestic news from the central TV station and the negative tone on international events.
He said that the letter should at least alert the public to the problem, though the state TV broadcaster is too pervasive to be boycotted effectively.”
deegee | 12.01.09 – 9:48 am |
That’s absolutely insane, but not at all surprising. I await any defender of the indefensible who cares to explain a journalistic reason behind revealing Israeli military positions. What would that possibly add to these reports?
Come on BBC, you have no problem keeping shtum when you’re interviewing Muslim terrorist leaders in their hideouts, right? So why is it only Israel is “censoring” you?
This has got to be one of the clearest examples of just how far gone they are.
Blobby: that is hilarious! Are the BBC completely lacking in a sense of irony?
Martin 11:28pm: “I had to laugh. On Radio5 this morning some reporter was telling beeboids about how the Muslim loons in Iraq made Goat farmers put pants on the Goats to stop the young Muslim males getting so turned on and wanting to stick their dicks into the Goats.” The suffering of my people is not a cause for amusement.
James Morrison | 12.01.09 – 12:50 pm
and what about Dr Mads Gilbert’s statement do you disagree with?
Quite a bit.
But let’s cut to the chase.
When Dr Gilbert was asked whether he approved of Al Qaeda’s 9/11 attack on the WTC, he replied in the affirmative.
I would reply in the negative.
How about you?
Yeah, if you read the article he replied in the context of the discussion. You can’t just cut and past bits you like here and there y know.
And no i did not approve of the attack. But I also see why it happened. And it was not simply because of the work of ‘evil’ or ‘bad’ people. there is more to it than that. those attacks cannot be separated from US FP throughout the last 30 years. does that make them justified? no. but it does help explain them.
Does anybody have the link to the 2007 BBC article on the UN school Head Teacher that turned out to be rocket manufacturer for Islamic Jihad.
I’d also like the link to the Reuters video of terrorists firing mortars from within school grounds.
I know this is not really on-topic vis-a-vis BBC bias, but since the ineffable James Morrison has steered it that way:
I wonder if JM can explain why of all the various countries and cultures affected by US foreign policy over the last 30 years (central America, Peru, Philippines, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, sub-Saharan Africa, eastern Europe, Serbia, Greece, France, Russia etc etc) it was one in particular that decided that the answer was to slaughter thousands of entirely innocent civilians?
James Morrison | 12.01.09 – 4:23 pm |
‘And it was not simply because of the work of ‘evil’ or ‘bad’ people. there is more to it than that. those attacks cannot be separated from US FP throughout the last 30 years.’
And in the same sense, the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau can’t be separated from the D-Day landings, but that doesn’t mean the latter caused the former to happen.
What Iranians Are Saying about Gaza, according to Radio Free Europe.
Not to worry, I found the links.
For BBC: re- Mads Gilbert
Very late in the date, BBC ‘Newsnight’ has this question for tonight’s edition (from its blog):
“Our reporter Tim Whewell has turned up evidence that the Gaza conflict is being used by radical Muslim groups here to stir up young British Muslims. Should the Government be doing more to counter the influence of these forces, and what could be the security consequences for all of us?”
[Or should the BBC and Labour carry on supporting Islamic jihad Hamas?]
Out of 496 comments to the James Stephenson piece I refer to above, fully 226 have been removed, at time of writing .
This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the House Rules.
Is this some kind of a record?
deegee | 12.01.09 – 10:38 am
Look and see now (there’s a link “next” which will take you to comments ·500+), there are precious few comments remaining at all.
I’ve given up on them so I posted this as a parting shot – much more “outspoken” and angry that anything else I’d posted:
I’ve just received notification from the moderators that no less than twentyfive (so far!) of my posts have been removed!
I refuse to waste any more of my time attempting to correct the lies and hatred being peddled here, only for my comments to be deleted.
So much for the “Zionist lobby” stifling debate!
This is a clear case of the pro-terrorist, anti-Israel, antisemitic lobby winning a round here because they’ve beaten me.
Not with reasoned argument but by silencing my voice, and the voice of others.
I hope the result will be different in Gaza and that Israel will prevail over those who are determined to “wipe her from the map” and then would do the same to Jews all over the world… then they would come for the gentiles too, make no mistake.
As for the BBC and its legion of terrorist enablers posing as professional journalists; your day will come too. The British people are tired of your bias paid for with their money.
Am Yisroel Chai!
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blah blah blah, yaddah yaddah yadda
“BBC’s Mark Thompson hints support for merger of Channel 4 and Five”
[What does Thompson have to do with pontificating about what public policy should be for Chaennels 4 and 5?]
A quote from Thompson:
“What UK broadcasting needs is the same as the rest of the economy: simplification, consolidation and the right kind of public-private collaboration.”
-And, Thompson, neglects to add: an immediate end to the compulsory UK BBC licence fee, or BBC poll tax, as it is commonly known.
Does anybody have the link to the 2007 BBC article on the UN school Head Teacher that turned out to be rocket manufacturer for Islamic Jihad.
I dunno about the BBC version but here’s this:
I’d also like the link to the Reuters video of terrorists firing mortars from within school grounds.
Grimer | 12.01.09 – 4:36 pm
You’ll find that on the IDF YouTube page:
Will we be seeing this poll on the BBC?.
I don’t know if anyone else has seen this, but the BBC has been doing a special feature opening the world’s hearts to the Palestinian cause.
Gazan families: Pulling together
With the conflict between Hamas and the Israeli military in its third week, BBC News returns to two Palestinian families in different parts of the Gaza Strip to find out how they are coping.
We could not reach the third family, headed by Tamer, in Beit Lahiya by telephone.
Now, the BBC spends endless hours showing footage of the damage done to Gaza, bleeding and dead Palestinian victims, and things blowin’ up real good. The BBC has also given a significant amount of on-air time for people defending Hamas, excoriating Israel, or some combination thereof. So I ask, why does the BBC feel the need to go even further in focusing on the Palestinians?
This is nothing other than choosing sides. The Palestinians are the only side worth caring about, judging from the BBC. I won’t hold my breath waiting for the BBC to ask these Palestinians if they’re involved in any attacks on Israel, or are “happy” when Israelis die.
This is above and beyond the call of duty. The BBC is advocating for a cause.
“I know this is not really on-topic vis-a-vis BBC bias, but since the ineffable James Morrison has steered it that way:
I wonder if JM can explain why of all the various countries and cultures affected by US foreign policy over the last 30 years (central America, Peru, Philippines, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, sub-Saharan Africa, eastern Europe, Serbia, Greece, France, Russia etc etc) it was one in particular that decided that the answer was to slaughter thousands of entirely innocent civilians?”
A cracking good point.
I was wondering that if Godon Brown who was voted the most unpopular Prime Minister ever as recently as Christmas, beating Blair, Major and Thatcher to the title (which in it’s own right deserves bemused applause) how could Nic Robinson give him such a good write up today on his BBC Editors blog?.
Between the BBC and New Labour, between the multi-culti propaganda and mass immigration, between the lies, the agenda and the deluge, the worthy anti-racist cause has been put back a few decades.
Perhaps that is why the British public are lukewarm in their condemnation of the man.
With Gordon Brown 10 points behind Cameron in a poll, it seems that Labour’s attempts to deflect the criticism they are sinking under has not worked.
Mr Browns claims of ‘Saving’ the World’ seem very hollow to the British Electorate, to my mind Gordon Brown has been one of the biggest disasters of modern times, I suggest that he take up his true vocation and find some local council to run.
Whatever the polls indicate you can rely on the BBC ignoring the story, and instead concentrate on more worthy causes such as portraying the Israelis as monsters.
and ex RAF were fairies,
TPO | 11.01.09 – 9:40 pm | #
Ah TPO – good to see you have Martin’s number too 😉
PS Martin, even a beeboid like me knows that the British military don’t make a habit of allowing our ‘enemies’ to train in the same platoon as an HRH at Sandhurst.
and ex RAF were fairies,
TPO | 11.01.09 – 9:40 pm | #
Ah TPO – good to see you have Martin’s number too
Sarah Jane | 12.01.09 – 10:39 pm | #
Me too I’m afraid.
Good to see you back.
James Morrison | 12.01.09 – 4:23 pm
Yes, you are right that US policy over the past 30 years does help explain why 9/11 happened.
US policy has sought to uphold the values of freedom and democracy in that period.
Al Qaeda despises Western values like freedom and democracy and plans to replace them as the world’s dominant ideology with a politicized form of Islam.
So now we ‘understand’ them, what do you propose we do?