You probably don’t know that Slovenia (that little country between Austria and Croatia) has just experienced its lowest recorded temperatures – 47 degrees below zero. Even were it the case that other news sources had no interest in this information due to global warming enthusiasm, the BBC is supposed to compensate for the innate bias of non-public funded media- so it is usually argued. In fact, the Beeb is married to the Met, which does a nice line in giving global warming advice (but is rather poorer at getting the weather right). Corporate socialism you see- shielded, funded, its interests well and truly vested in convenient paradigms and worldviews. This is also known as b-i-a-s, and it’s what this website is concerned with.
Not a peep
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That was an excellent rebuttal, Gog. I hope Mr Morrison has scuttled off to read and learn.
Simple abuse so often seems to be the response of warmists – one can’t help feeling there’s an element of panic in it. Must be al that cognitive dissonance they have to suffer.
Yeah I spayed my drink all over the computer screen. Now I have to waste paper towels.
“How many brownie points do I get for re-using a ham bone to make pea soup?”
Depends how many times you use it. I have a tea bag from 1963,should get me a Nobel Prize.
NearlyOx – given your vast scientific experience perhaps you could explain why this is?
Gog | 11.01.09 – 10:22 pm |
Oh God….you mean….Dreary Ox ISN’T the cleverest person in the world……….I can’t believe it…I’m off to sob into my pillow.
TY GCooper.
FYI these are the kinds of people rationalists are up against:
They really seem to think that it’s possible to control the weather!
This is what for some time I have found puzzling about many serious scientists. It’s easy to dismiss these folks as deluded fools, but I suspect that deep down these people know the odds are stacked against them. A lot of salaries depend on AGW!
Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny could learn a thing or two from the global warmists. All three are elaborate hoaxes.
While most 8/9 year-olds eventually grow out of it, AGW still has an staunch following among otherwise intelligent adults.
This loyalty always amazes me since reams of statistics prove the world’s temperature is not predictable.
James Morrison:
dear god, the stupidity of some of the posters on this thread is shocking. tell me, do you just see a cause that is generally considered ‘liberal’ or ‘left wing’ and decide to rally against it? or maybe you just believe the exact opposite of EVERYTHING
James dear, welcome!
Look love, there is no ‘Media’, there are only a load of commercial enterprises who write stuff and sell advertising space for Money (Times, Telegraph, Guardian, News of the World etc.).
These ‘commercial enterprises’ employ people who have mortgages to pay and kids to feed and porn channel subscriptions to pay.
“““““they aint scientists. they aint ‘higher beings’ they’re freakin’ Journos and usually pissed by lunchtime. The only ‘Media’ that we have is the BBC. The BBC have a contract with YOU. Its known as The Charter and the people who work at the BBC ignore it because they are all Authoritarian Socialists and they really, really Hate YOU.
Good luck with the Climate Change though! I’m never sure which is dumber; that we CHANGED the climate, or that we’re gonna Fix it.
Jon: It is mostly political. Clearly the climate does change, but the politicians have jumped on the bandwagon to use it as an excuse to raise money from taxes.
If the government really wanted to it could simply BAN all vehicles that have emissions above a certain level.
If the Government really wanted to it could shut down Heathrow and Gatwick airports. But it doesn’t. Why not? Because it’s not climate change it gives a shit about but raising taxes.
For example, how does charging the owner of a 4X4 £800 a year road tax reduce CO2 emissions if they happily pay it?
It’s bollocks and the BBC just act as McFatty one eyes rent boys, sucking cock at their masters request.
(From the Obama thread just under this one)
“…of course the BBC arent racist for going on about Obama being the first black president. the reason? because he is the first black president! my god, i can’t believe some of the idiocy on here tonight.”
Mr. Morrison seems to be having a difficult evening.
I remember a few years back (not sure if the figures have changed since then) that the Met Office claimed an accuracy figure of 80% for its weather forecasts. This was the same level of accuracy you would achieve if you looked out of the window and viewed the weather – and forecast the next day’s weather to be exactly the same.
My Gramps used to predict the weather by measuring the ache in his missing forefinger, cut off on a dare by his little brother as he held it over a pine stump.
Uncle William buried the finger someplace in the woods and never told anyone. My grampa could predict the weather for the next week with 100% accuracy!
Martin | 11.01.09 – 11:01 pm |
Not only from taxes
“Labour peer set to make a fortune out of eco-bulbs with 2.4m shares in Britain’s biggest lamp recycler”
Freezing temperatures, what freezing temperatures?
Let me just quote this:
“…Most news reports neglected to mention a major challenge to scientific claims in the UN’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) document at the core of conference policy discussions. The U.S. Senate Minority Report presents dissenting statements by 650 prominent international scientists, including current and former members of the IPCC. Further, the number of dissenters has increased from 400 just one year ago when the report was first released.
As news reports falsely told Canadians, “Scientists and governments from around the world have reached a consensus” about human activity causing global warming, the real story is that large numbers of scientists are switching teams to declare global warming science is far from settled and there is no consensus.
The Senate report quotes one Nobel-winning scientist as saying, “I am a skeptic . . . global warming has become a new religion.” A climate expert says the debate now follows “a fundamentally unscientific approach,”while a former IPCC member says the climate change models used to project global warming changes are only useful in “explaining climate changes after the fact.” Another former IPCC member is now undertaking a “detailed assessment” of how the IPCC policy-makers “distorted the science” when drafting its policy document…”
I agree with you that the BBC’s objectivity is doubtful but you are conflating weather with climate. It’s an O level mistake that undermines the purpose of this blog.
The BBC’s weather forecasts are only as good as the info the Met Office gives them, and the Met provides very blurry forecasts so that it meets goverment imposed targets.
U. S. Senate Minority Report:
More Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims
I don’t think the 650 International Scientists are “conflating weather with climate”, Peter.
Scientists tend to develop new theories all the time. How have you thought that our Milky Way was a lot bigger than previously thought?
That was meant to read “Who would have thought…?”
Minus 11 degrees Centigrade here, by the way. I can feel the warming of our planet… oh, no, sorry… that’s probably the mulled wine I’ve been drinking 😉
Go to bed Jorge.
I’m fine, mate! Took a hot bath, had some mulled wine and now I’m warm again. At least our heating is still working – unlike those of the poor sods in Eastern Europe.
Any criticism from Al Beeb re. the Russian gas blockade?
What bothers me most about this nonsense is that the shrill AGW set claim to be motivated by a “love of the planet” and yet they obsessively ignore every single scrap of positive news.
If someone I loved were dying in hospital and a doctor told me that there just may be a chance that they weren’t as ill as originally thought, I would pounce on that hope like there was no tommorow. It would fill my heart wit joy. However, if I were secretly hoping for their death because I had some sinister motive, I expect I would either attack the messenger or go into denial.
The AGW set don’t want the planet to be OK. Tell them it’s not sick and their reaction sure as hell doesn’t resemble that of someone whose motive is love. Their reaction resembles that of someone who wants to use the planet’s sickness as an excuse to fulfill a political agenda.
“What bothers me most about this nonsense is that the shrill AGW set claim to be motivated by a “love of the planet” and yet they” cover this once green and pleasant land with giant machines like something out of “War of the Worlds”.
The greenies probably all live in bijou closes with rustic sounding names like “Badgers Snatch” or live in flats with dismal window boxes and think grass is something you smoke.
Excellent insight, Jason – rather like Munchausen’s syndrome by proxy on the planet.
The Greenies who have been in power here in Germany (since the early 80s) are nothing else than hard-core commies. If you can’t win over the electorate with your communism / socialism just give the whole thing another name. I’d love to shoot the lot.
Jason, that’s been my problem with them, too. There’s just something hinkey about the way they won’t accept good news.
[i]James Morrison:
um, global warming is actually referring to the warming of the ice caps, and the seas. it is a paradox of the term that in fact some places may experience colder temperatures as our climate changes. ergo, a record cold temp does neither disprove, nor prove, global warming.
James Morrison | 11.01.09 – 7:16 pm | #[/i]
RE: MisterMinit: Stuart, do you have any examples where the BBC have used single stats to ‘prove’ global warming?
Hurricane Katrina leaps to mind immedeiately– not merely a single stat, but also a singular event. Remember how Katrina was all Bush’s fault because he didn’t sign Kyoto? (not that it mattered– Kyoto came up during the Clinton Administration, and it was the SENATE who didn’t ratify it, but that’s neither here nor there, it was STILL all Bush’s fault!).
I didn’t even have to THINK about that one. BBC and other left-leaning media have been doing this for decades.
James Morrison | 11.01.09 – 10:15 pm |
So because all the media report the same thing they are to be believed are they?
We moved to the Black Forest region of Southern Germany at the end of the 70’s. The media then (radio, TV, newspapers) were FULL of alarming stories about acid rain and how it was going to destroy the forests in a few years.
Well, here we are and so are the trees.
Here’s another point that’s worrying me greatly, Dreary Ox.
I pointed out that here, and on many other sites, you are as welcome as a boil on the knob.
You sent your sympathies, saying you were sorry to hear that I had a boil on my knob – very kind of you, but I said nothing of the sort.
Now, if you really are the Leonardo da Vinci of our age (combined with Cassanova, Viv Richards and, probably, Jesus), how come you can achieve such a fundamental misinterpretation of simple data? You see, we take your pronouncements very seriously, but this basic error might suggest to some cynical types that you’re nothing but a pompous arse.
So good, the computer said it twice.
betyangelo | 11.01.09 – 11:09 pm
My Gramps used to predict the weather by measuring the ache in his missing forefinger, cut off on a dare by his little brother as he held it over a pine stump.
Is your family the one in American Gothic?
The global warming, is first and foremost a reference to the polar ice caps. And the warming of them affects the climate elsewhere on the planet. Which is why the cold in one place may be the result of the warming up somewhere else. I’m not a scientist, but I know this much…
James Morrison | 11.01.09 – 8:02 pm | #
Let’s accept this as so. The melting ice caps would cause sea levels to rise as the warmists claim, and the low-lying islands in the Indian and Pacific Oceans would disappear – but they’re not! If any of these islands had disappeared or were visibly and measurably in the process of disappearing, we would never hear the end of it from the BBC’s reporters. But the islands are not disappearing because sea levels are not rising, and the ice caps are not melting so ‘global warming’ isn’t happening.
Allan@Oslo | 12.01.09 – 10:47 am
I’m no scientist. In fact I never did science past the old o-level.
But when the ice melts in my whisky, the level of my whisky doesn’t go up.
The ice displaces the whisky. When the ice melts and becomes water, it seems to occupy the same amount of space.
Or have I got it wrong?
Trev, when the ice happens to be on the Antartic or Greenland glaciers i.e. on land, and it then melts, then the sea levels should rise as warmists claim: but it ain’t happening!
mamapajamas: “Hurricane Katrina leaps to mind immedeiately”
Do you have any concrete examples (i.e. URLs) of BBC coverage that linked it to global warming.
Do you have any concrete examples (i.e. URLs) of BBC coverage that linked it to global warming.
MisterMinit |
Saint David thinks there is:
oh… and what’s this:
Gog | 11.01.09 – 11:00 pm |
Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny could learn a thing or two from the global warmists. All three are elaborate hoaxes.
While most 8/9 year-olds eventually grow out of it, AGW still has an staunch following among otherwise intelligent adults.
This loyalty always amazes me since reams of statistics prove the world’s temperature is not predictable.
That’s because it’s a religious belief, not a rational approach. Unlike Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny, though, the people who are passing on the myths actually believe them.
It’s just a couple of steps away from doing animal sacrifices to appease the weather gods. Mankind always wants to control his environment. Our brains evolved to make order out of chaos, and we see patterns even when there aren’t any. But when we can’t control big things in our lives, like weather, it gets scary. The first reaction is an emotional one. Of course, that’s also the last reaction for True Believers of any credo. They can go on endlessly about the whys and wherefores of the belief system, but in the end it’s based on that one, pure emotion. When challenged, it’s very frightening, and difficult to accept that others can’t share it: surely there’s something wrong with those who don’t “get it”, as opposed to those who do.
xlr: Thanks for watching my six on the Katrina thing. It was so obvious and widespread throughout ALL of the media that it shocked me that Minit even asked for “proof”.
Any response MisterMinit – or are you just trolling, as usual?