I was reading through this press release for Obama, disguised as a BBC news story. It’s headed “Obama plan “could create 4m jobs” and it has the most superficial examination possible of The One’s great econmic plans. Curiously, there is no balancing mention of the staggering levels of trans-generational debt his plan will impose upon Americans. There is no mention of the fact that each job Obama “could” create is going to cost in excess of €250,000. This is what we are going to get for the next four years from the BBC. Obama worship. There will be no effort made to actually assess the value of what he is doing, all that matters is that he is doing it. Growing the State, wealth-redistribution, increased taxation – you can understand why the BBC love him.
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I was looking at the back cover of a Jack Higgins book, the blurb on the back could have been describing Obama:
The Obamessiah can do no wrong in the eyes of the BBC. Even if he was discovered eating the brain from the head of a live child, the BBC would find a way to excuse him and blame George W. Bush, Sarah Palin and Mossad. The pro-Obama coverage has not peaked yet, you can almost sense the moistening of the collective BBC loins as they report the latest Obama pronouncement.
Really, other people’s blogs as primary sources isn’t really helping your counterpoints.
Already the BBC is informing us of “quantitative easing”,in the same way they introduced us to “economic downturn”.
Heaven help them,if during the recession a big Mugabe story breaks just as we are printing new money.
Remember that to the BBC Obama = McFatty One Eye. Every time the Obama plan gets mentioned the BBC will keep saying that this is the same plan as the great leader Gordon Brown.
Barely a day passes without a clutch of sycophantic ‘stories’ about Obama appearing on the BBC’s ‘news’ website.
Today, in return for our license fee, we are treated to:’Obama grabs a hot dog – but who forgot the cheese?’ and ‘Winds of sleaze: Obama stands for change, but Chicago remains the same’.
The first is so asinine it needs no comment. The second is so twisted it almost defies belief.
Obama is a product of the suppurating wound that is the Democratic party in Chicago. He rose to power on a tide of its corruption.
And so the BBC’s Obama bandwagon rolls-on, its wheels lubricated by syrup and lies.
any chance of a new comments thread
That’s well MSM outlets like Al Beeb: Sell an ultimate failure (i.e. Brown-Nose) as a success.
I predict Obama will fail miserably but you’re not going to learn about it from Al Beeb.
I used to think that coverage of the Great God Barry was the same as that of our own dear royal family. But since the latest gaff of Prince Harry –
– I am revising this opinion. Obama gets better press than ANYONE including the Pope.
P.S. Is anyone asking how the video of Harry was shot? By whom? How did it leak? What will happen to the fellow who did this? If the betrayal was of Obama, no doubt the chap would be for the firing squad on the grounds of high treason.
Why not? Blogs are more reputable than the BBC since they do not pretend to be impartial nor do they demand to take our cash.
Oh dear, looks like Obama is not going to close the Guant. prison after all!!!.
Looks like the latest left-wing saint is losing his halo, reading the BBC story it is a wonder of spin!.
Since both Newt Gingrich and Mike Huckabee are prepared to give Obama the benefit of the doubt I’ll do likewise. My big worries are his policies towards the CIA and illegal immigration.
Obama is a know-nothing non-entity. A man with a nice tan and a talent for brain melting demagogy to figurehead the American establishment’s latest piece of poo-poo government. That he had filled his “administration” with all the evil detritus from the democrat 90’s goes to show how important this cretin really is. Which is, not at all important. He is pseudo-political drama queen to keep the unwashed masses distracted from (among many oter things) Hillary Clintons latest anti Serb blood libel about coming under sniper fire in Bosnia (which never actually happened).
I agree with “disillusioned Germany” let’s give him a chance.
At least he’s not trigger happy Bush
Please . . .
John Dee,
‘quantitative easing’ is the term that all the media/governments are falling for, its not just the BBC who are helping out governments by not using the terms ‘printing money’. They don’t want people to draw comparisons with zimbabwe. On Newsnight the other day Kirsty whats-her-name basically accused the government of trying to hide this fact. She’s hardly biased, one of the their biggest critics I’d say.
you may dislike Obama, no one has a problem with that, but to describe him as ‘A man with a nice tan’ is racist. Attack him for his views and his policies, not the colour of his skin.
John Bosworth
it seems that Harry filmed most the video itself, so he was kind of asking for it really. The press like an easy mark, plus the chance to say ‘look at these out-dated racist Royal toffs’ is a target handed to them on a plate.
There’s a very interesting post by Fraser Nelson over at the coffee house, saying that Obama’s stimulus package is rather better than our own – not least due to the fact that it involves a higher proportion of tax cutting. In fact tax cutting on a scale ten time what even the Tories are proposing.
Nevertheless, Nelson predicts that Gordon Brown will be trying to cast himself as Obama’s Daddy and will try to claim to have influenced the US stimuus package.
I bet Nelson is right about this. I also bet the BBC will do everything they can to shore up this lie.
Every time they do, we should all shout for Obama-scale tax cuts.
Linda said, “I agree with “disillusioned Germany” let’s give him a chance. At least he’s not trigger happy Bush”
Barrack Obama does not have the class George Bush has in is little toe. Nor the leadership skills, experience, fortitude, moral compass…I could go on. You are a fool to so say – George Bush has kept this county SAFE for 8 years. I daresay on the TANNED one’s watch, as bad or worse will happen as he dismatles Homeland Security.
Give him a CHANCE?? He’s in the white house, for Christ’s sake. We are stuck with this Chicago punk. This rank amateur. Refilling posts with the mob that allowed Al Queda to grow, while killing our soldiers in Bosnia, a place they had no business.
Bush is the last of leadership with a set of gonads, the last of a breed of man not casterated by feminism.
God Bless his “trigger happy” attitude, God Bless George W Bush, and may yo and your kind live to pray for another man like him to stand up and shoot when the time is needed.
An American Vet
The wife of a 30 soldier deploying to Iraq
The Mother of an Airman
The Sister in law of a marine in Afghanistan
The Aunt of a Marine in Iraq
God Bless America
And God Rot Obama’s Socialist Agenda
Obama is “cutting taxes” for failed businesses, rewarding failure. His plan is a joke.
You have taken the blue pill.
Martin | 11.01.09 – 12:05 pm |
Remember that to the BBC Obama = McFatty One Eye. Every time the Obama plan gets mentioned the BBC will keep saying that this is the same plan as the great leader Gordon Brown.
Exactly right. The BBC has already established their Narrative about Mr. Brown’s cunning plan is great because The Obamessiah is doing the same thing.
Never mind that this is a bit of loopy circular logic. After all, weren’t they just telling us that Mr. Brown’s cunning plan is leading the world in rescuing us all from the current economic peril, and The Obamessiah was just taking his lead? In that context, it seems a bit silly to use the US as proof that Brown’s plan is good. But that doesn’t stop the silly Beeboids from thinking that way.
Every time this connection is made between Brown’s plan and The Obamessiah’s, it’s to prop up Brown, not really Obamessiah worship.
“Mr Obama and his team know all those arguments, of course, but their bottom-line is that the one thing worse than spending the money is not spending the money.”
There ISN’T any money. They are printing valueless money!
The BBC is just using this to support Mr. Brown’s only defense of his policies: It’s better than the “do-nothing Tories”. In the BBC Narrative, the only alternative to the insanity of these policies is doing nothing. Atlernative ideas simply don’t exist to them (unless it comes from Vince Cable, naturally). This use of The Obamessiah as perfect support for Mr. Brown fits right in.
Obama publicly stated governments don’t create jobs at George Mason University last week:
If the BBC had any journalistic integrity they’d be reporting on the contradiction rather than being a megaphone for Obama’s press team.
once again, ‘I daresay on the TANNED one’s watch’.
theres no need to racially insult Obama. Disagree with his views, his ideals, what he says. But not his skin colour. By doing that you just play straight into the hands of people who think that anyone who opposes Obama is a racist.
The BBC must be racist then, for going on endlessly about his skin colour (the first black president etc). (Not that he is black, of course: he is half black, half white -oops… pardon my using such racist terms) Disgraceful behaviour.
I agree with you that Pres Bush made the right decsions in intervening in Iraq and Afghanistan. This has had two outcomes
1. It kept the Jihadis tied up in Iraq and Afghanistan.
2. The continuous protests by Muslims in the West against the intervention, showed that their allegiance was to their fellow Muslims, rather then to the western countries that had given them a decent life – in the case of Britain, a vey nice welfare handout.
Islamic trouble making in the West is now going to increase manyfold. We’re already seeing this as Muslims shout to Jews “to go back to the ovens”.
DP111 – You are no doubt absolutley correct – we are now going to see an Islam in the west completely emboldened by this B. Hussein Obama presidency. And more – the spewing of rhetoric such as what came from the pulpit of the right rev. Wright; the blaming of all humanities ills on whitey.
Disclaimer: If you’ve a weak spine do not read the following addressed to –
Mr. James Morrison:
How, exactly, by noting The Messiah’s level of melanoma in the epidermis have I insulted him?
A cat is a cat, a dog is a dog. I am mostly white, Irish-Welsch-Cherokee, a mutt, half breed and ornery Yank – you can call me so if you like and I will not call you a racist. I would agree: a cat is a cat and I person calling a cat a cat is simply, lets see…keenly observant?
I did not for instance, call the O the “n” word – and I do not here not because he isn’t, but because he is my president and I will not speak that way about the office.
Even if I had, that is still not being racist. I did not say that because he is TANNED he will make an inferior president – THAT is racist, and you are a dope. Sort of like a cat, only labotamized.
You said, “By doing that you just play straight into the hands of people who think that anyone who opposes Obama is a racist.”
No, sir, indeed – it is you who have played into their hands and beautifully,I might add. But, I precieve that you are British, and so I forgive you.
Not only I am all of those aweful racist things and ornery to boot – but born and raised an American SOUTHERNER! And I know exactly what racisim is. More than you, because there were water fountains for blacks and water fountains for whites, etc ad nauseum in my childhood and a less racist person such as myself you will not meet. Because I am not racist, I feel free to note that my skin is white and his is TANNED all I want, with zero guilt. People like you however, are fearful of race, making you an inhibited racist, but a racist none the less.
An American, Mr. Morrison, is every color and every creed. We note, proudly, our mongrel heritage, because what we are is not skin colors, it is a way of thinking, and of being that is inseperable from our pperson – a person which may be any color. A real American recognizes that spirit in any other American, not his or her skin color.
As a result, we feel free to refer to one another by skin color if we wish. It is not racist. It’s just accepting reality.
I live in a small SW town full of Indians, Spanish, and whites. My marshal is BLACK. Not tanned – Black. If I talk to Don and he and aI are shooting the shit and I tell a story I say WEll this Indian dude, …that Spanish guy with the red truck….That white lady lives by the post office….All perfectly natural and how the hell else are you supposed to talk?? I axe you?
So, in conlusion, please keep your PC rules to your inhibited racist self. Or, move to America where the colors consider themselves American first, and these colors do not run.
Millie Tant:
of course the BBC arent racist for going on about Obama being the first black president. the reason? because he is the first black president! my god, i can’t believe some of the idiocy on here tonight.
I’m glad James Morrison has got the point now.
For now. He does seem to chase his tail in circles, doesn’t he?
you are an interesting character, bety
Given the build up I expect him to have solved the Middle East and the credit Crunch by the end of his first week. When does he get sworn in again?
“So, in conlusion, please keep your PC rules to your inhibited racist self. Or, move to America where the colors consider themselves American first, and these colors do not run.”
Nah, the food’s shit and they don’t play proper sport.
Oh hang on, that’s probably racist…
Cockney: flip and twist all you like, but what is overwhelmingly evident is that even the right in the US is posessed of less cultural malice than the left in the UK.
This petty crap that i’ve had to hear all my like about “proper sports” “too rich” “too poor” “ties are striped in teh WRONG direction” etc., etc., etc., and it’s opposite speaks to a kind of persistent small-mindedness that I’m happy to find that my fellow Americans do not show in the same way Europeans do – even as they lecture others’ “insular” nature.
“…the food’s shit…”
In New Orleans or in Albuquerque? Austin or Miama? China Town or Savanah? Not sure which cuisine you refer to. But no, you cannot get a really good celery monray at any of those places, nor a plate of greasy chips.
Sorry Cockney, but for all that I love the UK (having lived there, and friends come here to the US for me to cook for THEM!!) England is not known for her cuisine. Though, I’d give my eye teeth now and then for a half pint of bitter and some sausage rolls ina pub with a view of the north sea. Someday!!
sorry, did not fill in the blanks 🙁
“Bush is the last of leadership with a set of gonads, the last of a breed of man not casterated by feminism.
God Bless his “trigger happy” attitude, God Bless George W Bush, and may yo and your kind live to pray for another man like him to stand up and shoot when the time is needed.”
I find myself applauding! It’s good to see some praise for this President’s record on foreign policy. I guess I’m a member of the 30 percent crowd in polls who think he’s dong a good job and would gladly sing his praises to others if I din’t think people would think me a nutter.
Anyway, back to the point – i’ve given up on the BBC trying ot be impartial about this President and the next one. But I personally would like to thank him for the job he’s done.
Late 20s Brit who isn’t soft or on medication.
Cockney, re: “Given the build up I expect him to have solved the Middle East and the credit Crunch by the end of his first week.”
The Inaguaration is on Jan 20.
The Middle East is going to be the really fun part. Wait till all those jihadis who think Obama is a “stealth” Muslim discover that he is, in fact, a Christian and an Apostate. He chose to become a Christian after being raised as a Muslim, so he’s illegal in most of the extremist nations in the ME.