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Jeremy Bowen doesn’t give a shit any more – there’s not even the slightest pretence of impartiality, the briefest nod in the direction that he cares how his reports are perceived. He’s a full-on Hamas spokesman and the BBC hierarchy evidently approves:
I have to turn to Israeli sources to avoid the BBC’s pro-Islamic jihad Hamas views:
‘Jerusalem Post’
“Hamas interior minister Said Siam dies in IAF air strike”
DB wrote “…Jeremy Bowen doesn’t give a shit any more – there’s not even the slightest pretence of impartiality, the briefest nod in the direction that he cares how his reports are perceived. He’s a full-on Hamas spokesman and the BBC hierarchy evidently approves…”
Hopefully the IDF might target him then 🙂
DB: I like the poem.
RR @ 15.01.09 – 11:16 am
RR, Regev actually had a sly swipe at Humphrys and the beeb • when asked why journalists were not being allowed into Gaza, Regev stated that Italian journos had been allowed in, along with the New York Times and AP, who had reported a version of events which seemed to confirm the Israeli line.
Humphrys persisted along the lines of: (I paraphrase) “Why don’t’ you allow the BBC in to confirm this?”
Regev: “Isn’t that good enough for you?”
Clearly, the truth is only the truth when the BBC endorses it.
The BBC have reported on the UNICEF maternal mortality rates, what they forgot to mention was the following information that I have lifted directly from the report:
Two thirds of all maternal deaths occur in just 10
countries; India and Nigeria together account for one third of maternal deaths worldwide
Africa and Asia account for 95 per cent of the world’s maternal deaths, with particularly high burdens in sub-Saharan Africa (50 per cent of the global total) and South Asia (35 per cent).
Now remind me what religion holds sway in this region,and also what value a woman’s life has over a man’s?
Around 70 million girls and women aged 15•49 in 27 countries of Africa and the Middle East have been forced to have female genital mutilation/cutting.
60 million women aged 20•24 were married before they reached the age of 18.
As UNICEF mention in the report, these young girls die from religious practices as much as the lack of ante-natal support, yet the BBC concentrate on generic figures and how much should be paid in aid.
Pretty poor reporting from the BBC.
new runway at heathrow means we’re all going to stew in our own juices and the planet is going to die
where’s swampy when u need him
Mick McDonald | 15.01.09 – 6:19 pm |
Clearly, the truth is only the truth when the BBC endorses it.
As I recall, it was Humphrys himself who, in response to Sir Peter Green’s question about what the BBC would do if the license fee was ended, said that the BBC would continue to “interpret” the news as best they can.
Not to be found at the BBC:
“Roots of the Gaza Conflict”
(by Nonie Darwish, ‘an American of Arab/Muslim origin’)
DB: I like the poem.
Martin | 15.01.09 – 6:18 pm
Like? You “like” the poem. That just won’t do. NotaSheep loved it. He knows his stuff.
I’ve just noticed that I created a new sonnet rhyme scheme – abba acca bdbdbd. I should kick it all into the long grass and get drunk more often.
Or maybe not.
So we can expect the Islamic/’liberal-left’ political alliance to be out demonstrating in force against the Sudan Islamic government’s actions? And the BBC will send Bowen to cover the Islamic jihad in DARFUR?:
“Sudan Government resumes bombing in Darfur”
Interestingly, groups of agitators have been parading their jihad message in front of the London cinema, showing Daniel Craig’s new film “Defiance” – the true story Jewish Polish Partisans fighting the Nazi’s.
This antisemitic bunch of goons cannot square the circle. It goes unreported – like most antisemitic incidents and the thuggish behaviour of jihadists – on the BBC.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again:
There is nothing the Liberal-Left-Jihad axis hate more than a Jew who fights back.
Oh, and the BBC’s favourite cause: the Stop the War Campaign have never actually ever stopped a war. Anywhere. Despite being a miserable failure, they receive full-on attention from the bruvvers at the Beeb.
Ricky Martin
Yes, the new film ‘DEFIANCE’ about Jewish Resistance fighters in World War Two sounds interesting, and worth supporting.
Interesting, one of the film’s actors, Daniel Craig, has declined to appear on BBC’s J.Ross’s programme, following the insult to Andrew Sachs.
Here is an extract from an interview which Daniel Craig gave about ‘DEFIANCE’; amazingly this example of resistance from the Second World War does not have the support of some of the political left. It would have done a generation ago:
[Extract from ‘Sunday Times’ interview with Daniel Craig]:
‘”Well, the big story is the obvious one: that there was total annihilation of the Jewish population in Europe,” Craig says, explaining why it took so long for the facts behind ‘Defiance’ to come to light, mainly because of the reluctance of those who took part in it to talk until many years later. “So, in a way, this is a small story about a relatively small number of people who resisted. But there was also survivor guilt. And they did bad things to survive • though that makes for an interesting moral argument.”
‘The film highlights the intense differences between Tuvia, the leader of the Bielskiotriad, and his brother Zus, played by Schreiber, over tactics and morality. Zus favoured retribution, not only against the Nazis, but against the locals who sided with them. Tuvia believed they needed to survive with their morality intact. “We may be hunted like animals,” he declares in the film, “but we will not become like animals.”
‘”That’s the question, isn’t it?” Craig says. “What’s worth fighting for? What I find fascinating was that this normal man, a farmer, was thrust into the role of leadership and somehow figured out these great moral questions. That really made the story interesting for me.”‘
DB: You’re not Bill Shakespeare…. yet
David P:
Mostly it’s Frei and his crew telling us what to think about our news, with a healthy dose of “the world’s opinion” on us. That’s what it’s really all about, and is the attitude with which Matt Frei came into the project.
David Preiser (USA) | 15.01.09 – 4:40 pm |
Honestly, I often have the thought that the BBC intent underlying its overweening swagger is to recreate the British Empire by other means.
(Not in my name.) And to think that we pay for this nonsense.
I was amazed to see today from a Dutch poster that they also have to pay for BBC News as part of their TV package in the Netherlands. And you get it on PBS. My, but aren’t they the busy bees, buzzing everywhere!
“Interesting corrupt fact for today: The Pesticide Action Network, who were interviewed by the BBC yesterday, welcoming the EU’s decision to ban a range of pesticides, are funded by…the EU.
This is how the corrupt EU uses your tax money, this is why their accounts are never signed off.
That is why we are better off OUT.”
Funny that the BBC didn’t mention it.
if bugs are causing all the methane on Mars, I presume that with all the gas emitting from Broadcasting House, the BBC must be staffed by creepy little bugs, a bugs life indeed!.
The po faced socialist half wits are about to trample on the “green shoots2 of our entertainment business.
Please read and sign the petition.
And the BBC gets soft loans from the EU.
And, as we sit shivering in our living rooms, this freezing January, the idiotic Richard Black writes the following: “Farmers could help curb rising global temperatures by selecting crop varieties that reflect solar energy back into space, researchers say.”
What ‘rising global temperatures’? Even if there has been a temperature rise in the last 50 years (and the satellites say there hasn’t) even the warmists have to admit, there has been no upward movement since the late 1980s.
How much longer are we going to have to endure the BBC perpetuating this anti-scientific drivel?
The bBC, that nuclear deterrent and half the story.
A life under the ocean waves
HM Naval Base Clyde is simple to find they say. Just head out of Glasgow and follow the barbed wire. Miles of it. But considering what the base contains you would expect it to be pretty well guarded.
The Royal Navy fails to mention the anti-Trident peace camp that runs along the other side of the main road up to the Faslane base – a colourful collection of shanty-like sheds and caravans – just as striking as the barbed wire….
Anybody here driven from Glasgow to Faslane. I have many a time. And you know what, you don’t see barbed wire like that suggested by Al Beeb until you near the Naval base. Helensburgh is just down the road and while the town is on one side of the road on the other is the sea. (Not much scope for barbed wire there) two major routes to the base (About 20 miles from Glasgow) In the middle of Glagow hook a right (actually it’s a left) onto the great western and drive through the student digs or continue on the M8 and then hook a right onto the M988 and the bridge across the Clyde. Not much scope for barbed wire on either route.In fact the road from Cardross to Helensburgh is one of the most picturesque drives you could ever navigate. (Again not much barbed wire) I wonder why the bBC paints this vision of barbed wire oppression?)
As for that peace camp. Well I’ve run the perimeter of the naval base loads of times and the peace camp only occupies a small section opposite the South gate. It doesn’t run the perimeter of the camp and it takes me around 15 seconds if that to run the length of that so called peace camp. If any hippy wishes to contest me on that please feel free to walk on the main road from edge to edge. If it takes you more than a minute then you must be a cripple.
The bBC, that nuclear deterrent and half the story.
GCooper | 15.01.09 – 10:06 pm |
Indeed – I wonder if the idiotic Dick Black would like to comment on the suffering being caused to vulnerable people of the BBCs ever increasing “Global Warming” hype.
Millie Tant | 15.01.09 – 7:52 pm |
I was amazed to see today from a Dutch poster that they also have to pay for BBC News as part of their TV package in the Netherlands. And you get it on PBS. My, but aren’t they the busy bees, buzzing everywhere!
Only the half-hour BBC World News is on PBS, plus a few sitcoms, which differ locally. BBC Worldwide has its very own cable channel in the US, in partnership with Discovery Communications (The Discovery Channel, and others). BBC America shows a full day of lightweight fluff from Channel 4, with a few BBC dramas, Top Gear, and Dragon’s Den, squeezed in between the full BBC World Propaganda America at 7pm, and then rebroadcast at 10.
It’s all commercial, so I don’t have to watch it or pay for it if I don’t want to, although I do have to pay an extra $3 and change per month for the package of extra channels which includes BBC America. I don’t have to pay that, but if I don’t, I don’t get to see G4 or a couple of other channels that I do watch. So I suppose the BBC gets a fraction of a penny of my monthly cable payment.
I try not to watch Matt Frei anymore, but sometimes I can’t help myself.
Speaking of which, BBC World Propaganda America just had a segment with Phillipa Thomas visiting a couple of areas of urban blight. This may be shown on News 24 or something as well. She was talking about economic stimulus cash needed for housing in these blighted urban areas which have been so hurt by the economic crisis, dreaming of the day when President Obamessiah handed over the needed cash to rescue the poor black folk.
Except she was in South Philadelphia and East Baltimore, places which have been blighted for decades. Nothing to do with the current housing crisis, although she got some local white man who refurbishes urban housing to say that the real problem was how much the US needs these houses on the market.
He didn’t mention the fact that the houses were abandoned because nobody wanted to live there. Years ago.
Trust the BBC to give an accurate report about the economic crisis? Not likely.
As expected the BBC have given the boy Millibands idiotic utterances some airing.
Miliband regrets ‘war on terror’
The idea of a “war on terror” is a “mistake”, putting too much emphasis on military force, Foreign Secretary David Miliband has said.
Now there is a story about terrorism that should be aired, and I’ve scoured the BBC website in vain for any clues.
Here it is in a more reputable news site:
Alleged terrorist freed to walk in the park
An alleged al-Qaeda terrorist said to be connected to Osama bin Laden has been freed to take regular walks in a park to stop him developing a fear of open spaces
The daft thing is some dork of a SIAC ‘judge’ has ruled that ‘The man cannot be named for legal reasons’
It took 30 seconds to find this:
And this:
There’s loads more on the man who masterminded Strasbourg Cathedral bomb plot, the plot to bomb Los Angeles airport and who was Al Qaeda’s chief recruiter in Europe and of course one of the Finsbury Park mosque terrorists.
Not one word from the BBC about how one of the world’s most dangerous terrorists is allowed to roam a park in Brighton.
Why he is still able to walk is a mystery to me.
The bBC, that nuclear deterrent and half the story.
It seems that the bBC story on how evil and oppressive Faslane is (Yup the bBC version of Mordor) was just the starter for this story about how we should get rid of our nukes and spend the money saved on our armed forces. (Until that is gordon decides to divert the cash to the SS,NHS and wages for MPs that is)
Strange how nobody mentions Iran in this article.
Generals in ‘scrap Trident’ call
The UK’s nuclear deterrent should be scrapped, according to a group of retired senior military officers.
In a letter to the Times, Field Marshal Lord Bramall and Generals Lord Ramsbotham and Sir Hugh Beach denounce Trident, calling it “irrelevant”. They argue that rather than spending £20bn renewing the scheme, more funds should be spent on the armed forces.
I suppose tomorrow the bBC will run an article saying how the money saved can be used to rebuild ‘Gaza’. Silly me I thought they had, its now called Tower Hamlets.
Classic Radio 5 phone in. nicki campbell a leftist beeboid is sneering at the money being spent by Man City.
Of course it’s OK for the BBC to take 3.5 billion a year in an unfair tax and then spend millions of wages for the likes of Jonathan Ross.
Not only that but the BBC doesn’t complain when their favourite leftist socialist who earn millions making shite films throw their money around.
BBC report today:
“Muslims urge end to anti-semitism”
Some ‘prominent’ Muslims have issued a statement asking other Muslims to stop their anti-semitic attacks in Britain.
The BBC has dutifully reported this statement, in an unprominent place. Perhaps the BBC does not regard anti-semitism in Britain as a significant problem. Certainly it has avoided reporting much of it.
Beeboids should read blogs like those of Melanie Phillips’ more :
“Molotov latte to go, please”
From the brilliant Peoples Cube Site:-
“The Adventures of Media the Lapdog”
On this morning’s Today programme, a discussion about the Spanish civil war and reopening files concerning Franco’s human rights violations. The BBC managed to find a 93 year old communist who still remembered but did not forgive.
As far as I can recall there is never any member of the Nationalist forces interviewed about their memories. In a civil war atrocities are committed by both sides, in the BBC world only the non leftists commit human rights violations.
I try not to watch Matt Frei anymore, but sometimes I can’t help myself.
David Preiser (USA) | 16.01.09 – 12:36 am | #
Can’t help yourself, David, heh! I don’t watch Frei Boy any more, or Philippa Thomas either, and it is no hardship to go without seeing them sneering, wittering and emoting.
Nowadays I come here to find out what they are up to at the B’Oid Farm!
George R | 16.01.09 – 9:46 am |
If the BBC truly gave a damn about Social Cohesion, full stop, as they claim, rather than just a certain kind, they’d be pushing this story as hard as they push the “Don’t Panic, I’m Islamic” theme.
Because of the level of publicly visible activity by anti-Jewish Muslims, I’m having a hard time believing that the BBC is justifying their silence on the issue simply because Jews do not make up a significant portion of the UK population.
I don’t care how many Jews work at the BBC at any level, self-loathing or not. This editorial policy is causing harm to British citizens, or, at the very least, failing to speak out against it.