Had the misfortune to listen to Simon Mayo on 5 Live today interviewing Barton Gellman, author of a new book attacking US Vice President Dick Cheney. The entire interview was basically an opportunity for Gellman to knife Cheney’s reputation as frequently as possible, with several snide comments about Bush thrown in for good measure. Mayo is a simpering leftist bore.
Simon Mayo. A Nu Labour apologist.
For the life of me I never understood how that lumpy faced twat ever got into either radio or television. He’s the most untalented, unfunny, uninteresting, dull nobody. The kind of guy you’d expect to be working the night shift at a filling station, not presenting his own national radio show.
He one essential quality for the BBC and that is he is politically reliable, he is fully on board with the narrative and BBC agenda.
But, no criticism of Joe “thicko” Biden, the US equivalent of John Prescott ?
Grant | 16.01.09 – 11:31 am
John Prescott would never get away with this boast:
leftist bore? yeahh
nu labour apologist? yeahhhhh
terrific work here, fiction of the finest quality. living in denial of reality must be great fun for you guys.
Bill Buchanan | 16.01.09 – 11:39 am |
Jason | 16.01.09 – 6:38 am
The kind of guy you’d expect to be working the night shift at a filling station, not presenting his own national radio show.
The BBC’s hiring policy deserves a thread of its own.
John Sargent and Andrew Marr are utterly horrible to look at, but the BBC puts them on the telly.
Janet Street Porter screeches like a banshee and looks a fright and is a meejah darling.
Vanessa Felz, whom most of us would cross the road to avoid, is beamed into our homes daily.
And as for Ross and Brand, most sensible people would call the police if they saw undesirables like that loitering outside their property, but the beeb treats them like royalty.
I really don’t get it.