Hat tips: me, “Libertarian” in the comments, and Dumbjon of House of Dumb who asks, “You mean it wasn’t the Jews after all?” The title of this post is a reference to a notorious BBC documentary.
The Power of Nightmares …
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When the Beeboids have finished re-watching ‘The Power of Nightmares’, they can follow it up with ‘Don’t Panic I’m Islamic’ and round the session off with ‘White Girl’ just to remind themselves that there’s nothing to fear from the Religion of Peace.
Funny isn’t it but since the events of July 7th “Power of Nightmares” appears to have been put in the memory hole. I have yet to see it repeated on UK Gold/History or whatever.
Good stuff, courtesy of Michael J Totten
We need to click on and read three links to find out what is the subject of this blog entry. oh, dear, I do hope B-BBC is not going over to the Justin Webb school of (non-)Communication.
The ‘Power of Nightmares’ was scheduled to be shown on an Australian TV network the week the bombs went off in London.
As in the UK, it soon went down the memory hole never to be mentioned again.
Here’s a link to Australian blogger Tim Blair’s old site about it from the time:
Inexplicable Schedule Change
Why no mention of this on the Beeb?
‘Palestinian sources in the Gaza Strip said Hamas lost several hundred of its fighters in Israeli air and ground attacks over the past 18 days. At least 2,500 Hamas gunmen were wounded during the same period.’
Surely their own ‘Palestinian sources’ have access to the same information…
Unfortunately the 7/7 terror attacks have also gone down the BBCs memory hole. The poor victims of that particular real life nightmare are amongst the many forgotten. Figments of our imagination no doubt.
Just posted the following on the World Have Your Say slot to test the Beeb’s even-handedness… HAve also complained to the BBC about the original Ros Atta post (still posted – link attached)
If Hitler had targeted Arabs rather than Jews and finished the job we wouldn’t be in this mess now.
(Moderator – I presume you will allow this post to stand given you have not deleted Ros Atta’s comments – copied below:
“…Can i just point out that if Britain had left Germany to finish the job in the late 1940’s Palestine would not be suffering now at the hands of the Israeli’s…”
Unfortunately the 7/7 terror attacks have also gone down the BBCs memory hole.
Oscar | 15.01.09 – 1:36 pm
Unlike Jean Charles.
steve E. | 15.01.09 – 1:24 pm |
Surely their own ‘Palestinian sources’ have access to the same information…
You bet they do. And here’s how they report it:
‘More than 1,000 killed in Gaza’
More than 300 of the dead are said to be children, 76 are women and more than 4,500 people have been injured, of whom 1,600 are children and 678 are women.
Oh, sure, they use attributing quotes in the headline, and “are said to be” in the above, but no scare quotes or anything in that nice big colorful chart. The women and children figures are presented as cold, hard fact.
In case you might question them, the BBC says this right below the chart:
It is impossible to independently confirm casualty figures as Israel has refused to allow international journalists to enter Gaza.
So it’s Israel’s fault you think that all the Palestinian deaths are innocent civilians.
I was pondering over the Hamas claim of the high numbers of children killed. I have no access to any data on the average size of families in Gaza but its a fair guess they have large families – an indicative comparator the fertility rate in most of Africa is an average of five children per mother. Say four?
Since Hamas hide among civilian population, any shell which hits an occupied house will by simple math take out a disproportionally large number of children to adults as “collateral damage”. If target rocket-firing husband is home eating diner, it will be one woman and four children down, relative to one terrorist down. Doesn’t have to happen too often for the numbers to escalate
I am equally certain Hamas and their Norwegian medics are lying scum, however there are other explanations why the number of children might be higher than expected, but as a consequence of Hamas hiding behind civilians, and not as an Israeli intention to target children.
None of this matters to the BBC, that just recycles Hamas hospital footage of hurt children, and not a terrorist in sight.
What do the BBC want with a ring of steel, terrorists don’t exist according to them. Perhaps they are afraid that the viewers might have something for them!
Just wait untill IDF drone video comes out showing hamas activists off loading ‘casuaties’ at the front door of the hospital in front of lots of cameras then straight thru to the back where thay are taken round the front and pushed in front of the cameras again, dead children being used like stage props all stage managed theatre as learned from hezbollah!
I wonder if the BBC will do a panarama special about hamas dirty tricks and fake casualty figures? Perhaps they will investigate hamas gunmen murdering opponents in their hospital beds, perhaps the ‘mad marxist’ tried to give them the kiss of life? Perhaps the BBC will expose hamas gangsters stealing aid/blocking refugees from escaping the conflict zone/hamas gunmen herding children in front of their gunmen/using UNWRA as coverusing ambulances to transport snipers/rocket crews?
Yeah, I can see it now clearly, a hard hitting expose of hamas cruelty, hmmmm, then again perhaps not eh?
Those faked up casualty lists will never ever ever be exposed by the BBC, after all, they dont want their ‘people’ kidnapped do the and after all the real victims are only Joooos eh?
Derek: the news that the shysters who brought us “The Power of Nightmares” have got the sheer nerve to have an anti-extremist/militant/misguided criminals “ring of steel” erected round their fundament is absolutely hilarious! Especially, as you note, that according to them terrorists don’t exist. But even if they did exist, surely this is precisely the kind of strategy that will be sure to “radicalise Asian youths” still further? Shouldn’t we be welcoming them into BBC HQ instead? (oh, I forgot – we are…)
And if by some vague chance these youths DO succeed in penetrating the BBC’s ringpiece, I trust the first reaction will be for us all to try to “understand their grievances”, and ensure that there is no “backlash” against the ROP?
AndrewSouthLondon: the figure I saw recently for average number of children per mother in Gaza is 7. I think it is in one of the articles I have posted today, sorry no time to look now.
AndrewSouthLondon | 15.01.09 – 4:07 pm |
Eighteen year-olds who launch mortars, throw grenades, etc., are counted as children. It’s so often “youths”, you know? The eighteen year-old Israelis are “soldiers”.
“What do the BBC want with a ring of steel”.
Really Mr Buxton,it is obvious,ask Martin.
Hezbollah used the same trick at Qana. The BBC and the MSM in general, are corrupt.
Please can you make it more obvious what this thread is about. Ta.
Kind regards,
Jack Hughes
Hezbollah used the same trick at Qana. The BBC and the MSM in general, are corrupt.
The BBC is many perfectly awful things, corrupt not really being one of them.
The BBC does not do what it does because of corruption. The BBC does what it does because it is simply doing the job it is paid very well to perform.
Encouraging international terrorism and general war and violence around the entire world, is THE JOB of The BBC.
It is the job of The BBC whether those doing the job, have worked it out yet, or indeed care one single little bit how many ordinary Arabs or Jews die horrible,and needless deaths.
If you were offered 100k, or far more, wages plus expenses and index linked pension, would you not take The Devils shilling?
Could someone explain to me, because I know I can be perfectly certain the BBC will not give me a clue.
What EXACTLY is International or national terrorism supposed to achieve for the ordinary people, even under the most favorable BBC type propaganda. Other then more dead people and more reporters on expense accounts working very profitably for the BBC?????????
We KNOW that ALL terrorist organizations are basically run by organized criminals working for the interests of their own establishment. Otherwise their OWN establishment would have wiped them out before they ever got started. Or our own would have swatted them like flies before they were even conceived. Or simply taken their funding away, or even more simply stopped giving it to them in the first place.
So why does The BBC seemingly not know this?
There is only one conclusion that can be logically reached.
The BBC’s job is to promote violence as a normal way of conducting international relations.
This because it suits very much our own establishment, which is basically the International Banking System, for the BBC to carry on doing so, as much and as often as possible.
Put another way.
Peace is not good for The System, or the people who own and therefore control it, or the people who work for it, namely the people who work for the BBC.
Which is the ONLY repeat ONLY reason why we ever did have terrorism in the past, and the ONLY reason we still do now.
All the rest is pointless, although interesting details. More in the realms of children arguing over ‘who hit who first.’ Then moving so much as 1mm towards actual peace, freedom and prosperity for the worlds ordinary people.
Dear AS,
So you are saying that the BBC are part of a concerted attempt to sow the seeds of strife and hatred, lying and dissembling in the service of those who have a veted interst in conflict between nations and peoples?
I know the BBC are evil and are staffed by serial lirs and bigots who wouldnt know balance and truth if it sat on their collective faces!
It does seem that the BBC pushes hatred and fear, conflict and distrust but as to the ultimate purpose?
BTW I would refuse a milion pounds to join that band of snakes! I will have to account for my actions in the next place, having BBC on my ‘card’ would mean an eternity of punishment!
NotaSheep:”the figure I saw recently for average number of children per mother in Gaza is 7″
Do these Hamas terrorists have their mind on the job – exterminating Israel – when they are home banging the missus at every opportunity? Hope she keeps her headscarf on, in case she inflames him.
(Incidently, why does there seem to be so little Muslim porn on the Internet? Are they all gay? Where are the headscarved nubile naughty teens? Burqua’d Blow-jobs-Are-Us? Or are those Ahminedjhads busy jerking off over kafir chicks? Just asking.)
The role of “innocents” in propaganda is interesting. I recall reading the Nazis in the thirties claimed all sorts of stuff about jews drinking childrens blood. Copycat stuff cortesy of Hamas spin doctors (Dr Mads included) Israelis war on children – BBC thank you for lying to us every night. Just feel their pension grow stiff.
Are teenage Hamas combatants 14/15yr old brainwashed kids included in these casualty figures?
A lot is made about child soldiers in Africa, I am sure the Islamic loons are doing the same here.
A 14 yr old with an AK or explosive vest, is just as dangerous as a grown adult.
>(Incidently, why does there seem to be
>so little Muslim porn on the Internet?
>Are they all gay? Where are the
>headscarved nubile naughty teens?
>Burqua’d Blow-jobs-Are-Us? Or are
>those Ahminedjhads busy jerking off
>over kafir chicks? Just asking.)
Andrew they probably enjoy this sort of thing ..
BTW I would refuse a milion pounds to join that band of snakes! I will have to account for my actions in the next place, having BBC on my ‘card’ would mean an eternity of punishment!
Cassandra | 15.01.09 – 8:13 pm | #
Very wise move indeed. Or worse he might send you back there, for another stint at the BBC, selling off other peoples grandmothers to the lowest bidder, while looking like butter would not melt in your mouth. Assuming of course you did actually take the BBC’s Wages of Sin.
The BBC collectively or any of its individual employees do not have to know exactly the truth of their own reality, they just have to believe a credible and self interested version of it.
As in any large corporation the foot solders at the bottom of The BBC are not required to know even who the ultimate boss actually is, never mind for what ultimate purpose he gives the orders and directive he does.
In a NORMAL corporation we often wrongly, but just as logically assume it is simply to make more money or profits for the share holders.
Now the funny thing about the BBC is there is no profit motive or indeed shareholders. However their is very much ultimately only one person at the very very top of The BBC’s pyramid shaped and highly departmentalized structure. It is not The Chairman or The Managing Director of the BBC, and it is certainly not parliament or Gordon Brown either.
SO WHO IS IT. Who really controls the BBC?
Because you can be absolutely certain something as important as the BBC is not going to be in trusted to a mere employee or civil-servant. It certainly is not going to be in trusted to a, ‘here today gone tomorrow,’ ‘selected for election’ Prime Minister. The Queen herself I am sure has far less evil and less stressful things to do, like opening hospitals and such like.
So WHO actually ultimately controls The BBC?
I know, please ask yourself why you do not, in common with possibly as much as up to 100% of The BBC own employees?
I give this as evidence of my last statement.
“It’s not a conspiracy. It’s visceral. They think they are on the middle ground”, Jeff Randall, former BBC Business Editor, in The Observer, Jan 15th, 2006.
Why do they believe they are in the middle, when the middle is the Third Way, and the third way is FASCISM?
The BBC are a FASCIST organization in all but name, and always have been.
Who defines the middle?
The BBC and the establishment they work for, because they also define what is left and right, and always have done. NOT US, not EVER US.
I hope this starts some of you properly thinking for once in your lives.
If enough people start doing so one of two things will happen.
1 The powers that be might start not taking the piss quite so much or quite so often.
2 They will get really angry, and then come down on us all like a ton of bricks, even earlier then planned.
I must admit to not knowing the answer to this question.
Women serving in the IDF – wow they look hot! No interest to me personally as I am happily conjoined, but seriously, where are the Muslim Minx’s? I don’t believe the ragheads are the only segment of society in 2 million years don’t have their own terrestrial desires. What say you Muslim Apologists?
Plane landing on the Hudson River has taken the Gaza propaganda off the screens for a while.
In the meantime just caught sight of an ex UN colleague of mine pleading for the shelling to stop.
Jodie Clark although the Beeb captions have “Judy Clark” is an old friend of mine from Iraq.
Whilst I I sympathise with her plight, I know how sprawling these warehouse complexes are and how they are very much part of the local infrastructure and largely locally controlled (whatever the UN say)
I wish Jodie well, but also wish the general public could realise that Hamas are using the facilities to launch attacks, period.
It has almost come to a point for the Isreali’s that they might as well do what they want anyway, they are going to face accusations of war crimes however carefull they are.
fat chance any islamist would bomb them.
Atlas, why do you keep calling them fascist when they hate fascism. they are a commie organ
Atlas, why do you keep calling them fascist when they hate fascism. they are a commie organ
adam | 15.01.09 – 11:08 pm | #
I don’t see much difference between the two.
“Both communism and fascism value collectivism over individualism, and see the state as the ultimate expression of good, with the individual only existing to serve the state. Both communism and fascism have given rise to totalitarian police states, where the freedoms of individuals were sacrificed for the good of the state.”
“In both communism and fascism, the state is everything, the individual is nothing”
So it really doesn’t matter what you call them the aim is the same – More government – less freedom.
fascism doesnt really mean anything. It is usually in reference to nazism, which has nationalistic elements, which is why the beeb doesnt like it
but as long as we are talkin bout the same thing
Atlas shrugged | 15.01.09 – 9:38 pm
The BBC are a FASCIST organization in all but name, and always have been.
Who defines the middle?
The BBC and the establishment they work for, because they also define what is left and right, and always have done. NOT US, not EVER US.
Now you’re talking sense. But I would qualify it as “Intellectual Fascism”. One must have the proper thoughts in order to be accepted into the community. Unapproved thoughts are shamed, and it’s getting to the point where even having even one thought outside the accepted range means that one is evil, full stop. I think we’ve all seen a bit of Thought Police rumblings from the BBC.
The BBC (and the Leftoid media and intelligentsia) get to define the terms of all public arguments, which is a win for them in and of itself. It makes things much harder for opposing parties to argue because the terminology is rigged.
David Preiser (USA) | 16.01.09 – 4:08 pm |
Unapproved thoughts are shamed, and it’s getting to the point where even having even one thought outside the accepted range means that one is evil, full stop.
Yep, there was a glaring instance of this on Hardtalk. John McCain’s former campaign manager – I can’t remember his name, but he’s the one that looks like the young Charles Bronson – was in the hot seat.
The beeboid kept insisting that Sarah Palin’s ‘this is real America’ remark was an unwarranted insult aimed at liberals, fags, pinkoes, you name it.
as if the beeb wont ascribe race and hate value to the south.
i saw them doing it at election time.