Great to see the BBC in top form so early in this new year. I tuned in to hear Kirsty Young introduce Vince Cable as “superman” on Desert Island Discs. Then I caught a trailer for the Westminster House starting at 10 tonight featuring “The Condensed History of George W Bush” – should be a riot.
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Cable on Desert Island discs was rather moving. You can’t help but like him. Very churlish of you Mr Vance
I thought Brown was superman –there can’t be two!!
Cable is a dickhead. The man has no idea and on many occasions has gone against things he’s said in previous interviews (Northern Cock being one) but beeboids never pick him up on these lies and errors.
Why not?
Sorry but his request for an Aston Martin moved me to tears. Of mirth.
what about his wife’s cancer?
I was unable to hear the entire programme, the unctious intro from Miss Kirsty and the Aston Martin request ending, together with the Stephen Hawkins bit was all I heard. I’m sorry if his wife has cancer – I lost my father from cancer and know all about what it can do.
Well, that’s that, then. Has she changed her name to Hillary Bush?
The US Secretary of State-designate, Hillary Clinton, has said countries including India must be made part of any agreement on climate change and announced that the Obama Administration would appoint a Climate Change Envoy for the purpose. “As we move toward Copenhagen and attempt to craft a climate change agreement, all the major nations must be part of it. You know, China, India, Russia, and others, they have to be part of whatever agreement we put forth,” Clinton said during the course of her nomination hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee yesterday. “I think, as I say, this can be both included in but also independently given attention to by emphasizing energy security which I intend to do,” she said.
In response to a question from Senator John Kerry, Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Clinton said: “We will have a climate change envoy negotiator, because we want to elevate it and we want to have one person who will lead our international efforts.” At the same time, she said that America’s credibility leading internationally will depend, in large measure, on what the US is able to accomplish here at home.
I think I’m going to enjoy this Obama guy.
Watch him screw the lefties day in day out.
Perhaps they should appoint Al Bore?
Just what we expected and why Obama is loved at the BBC.
“This is the Obama we warned you about, the Obama he warned you he was”
apparently ,there is a “Civil Sevice Islamic Society”
Kuffars need not apply.
Anonymous | 18.01.09 – 3:38 pm
i disagree with the analysis.
it IS better to keep your enemies closer than your friends. you get more opportunities to spy on them, for starters…
plus venezuela has lots of oil.
its not really in america’s strategic interests to push them into the orbit of Iran…
your tax money at work
the civil service islamic society
And its openly sectarian
“Who can be member?
Open to all Muslim Civil Servants as long as they pledge to uphold the Civil Service Code, respect their parent departments guidelines,”
Infidel Kuffars need not apply.
the real face of hamas
“This footage shows Hamas firing on a wedding party, killing guests, and beating the groom to death. Their crime?
They were singing.”
I remember having to go to the Department against Transports Offices in London and their information screens had a lot of information for gays.
Later I went to the pub right opposite them and it seemed to be a fluffy pub.
I wonder how the Civil service Islamic Society members get on with the gays.
I also like the way the society wants to influence government policy. The electorate are obviously to be ignored.
Cable on Desert Island discs was rather moving. You can’t help but like him. Very churlish of you Mr Vance.
Do you mean in the sense that, even Hitler sent his mother flowers for her birthday and was very nice to his dog before he shot the thing?
My truly well considered advice having spent many many hours, over very many years, researching these types of things, would very seriously be this.
Do not trust a politician who seems nice, any more or any less then one that seems a complete ‘bar steward.’
Treat all promises they actually make or seem to have made, as you certainly should any that come from a Double Glazing salesmen, with a combined, cocain, gambling, and general spending addition.
They really can not be trusted to do anything they say they will do, because it really is not in their hands. That includes ALL Prime Ministers and Presidents.
“Events my boy, events” can change everything within a second. Therefore he who controls all of the money and most if not all of the really important events, controls our government, even if he or his chums are not directly bribing them. Which one way or another they ALWAYS are.
Once again, you’re beseeching us to take your advice.
Take mine: go ramble pointlessly somewhere else.
Actually Atlas might have a point. While the Biased Bullshit Corporation acts as NL’s mouthpiece it’s the puupet, not the master. Maybe we should be taking a big pair of scissors to the strings the likes of Rupert “It’s The Sun Wot Won It” Murdoch likes pulling?
weirdvis: ‘YAWN’ Troll alert. Here we go again. If you don’t like what the Sun newspaper or Sky News says, don’t pay for it.
How many F**king times do we have to point this out to you liberals?
The BBC is the rent boy for Gordon fatty Brown but we all have to pay for it.
If Sky were up Nu Liebour’s arse I’d cancel my subscription to them. With the BBC I have no choice.
Well DUHH. “Climate Change” is about setting up the apparatus of global government. So of course they need the other major powers on board.
actually Sky (with Mr Anji Hunter the worst offender) are up Brown’s ar$e so far that they’re probably the only thing stopping the BBC coming out of the other end. But as you say we have the choice whether to subscribe or not.
Atlas shrugged: Correct.
The role of the media (BBC et al) is not to get in the tank with any politician, conservative or labour. However, we know, for example, that if Obama fails it will be a stain on the pundits who openly backed him, thus the media is compromised.
If a reporter is truly a ‘reporter’ he or she should not become a celebrity and appear on shows like Desert Island Discs.
In the UK I put the blame firmly on the shoulders of Robin Day who became more famous than his stories, his questions were more noticed than the answers he got.
AND the idea that David Frost’s interview with Nixon is now the subject of a West End/Broadway hit play and a Hollywood movie fills me with dread. The worst thing to happen to American journalism was the Watergate Scandal and the subsequent film.
The ambition of every journalist should be to report the facts, not become the star of the show. The only time a reporter should become ‘famous’ is after retirement.
Martin: I’m neither a troll nor a liberal. I said that Atlas had a point. That doesn’t mean that I’m halfway up his hole. If you can’t be bothered to read and understand what I said then please refrain from giving me your half-arsed, if you don’t like it then don’t buy it, rhetoric. And just to clarify my position I. DON’T. BUY. IT. (The Sun) Any more than I buy the crap pedalled by the Biased Bullshit Corporation.
Be warned everyone: if you pop over to Cranmer’s, you’ll find His Grace’s comment columns chock full of Atlas’ demented ravings too!
emil: Sky does have a liberal bias but compared to the BBC it’s not as bad by a long way. As for supporting fatty one eye and that jock moron of a Chancellor you’ve only got to listen to Jeff Randall who gives Labour a good kicking every week. Sky does stick it to the Government (like using the term recession which the BBC refuses to unless they are talking about George Bush and America)
You’re quite correct that Sky does not show the same political bias as that of the BBC. But then, they aren’t in El Gordo’s pocket and can take whatever stance they like.
We already know what happens to Beeb journalists who do not toe the party line. Andrew Gilligan got fucked over by Campbell and his resignation became a black day for honest, investigative journalism. What we get instead are terrorist suck-ups and dishonesty on a breathtaking scale.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens to the Television Centre Politburo when El Gordo gets his overstuffed and treacherous arse kicked out of office.
Can we keep the language decent please?
Actually Atlas might have a point.
If there is one thing Atlas always has is points. What would be very nice, is if at least one or two of you other people actually tried to dismantle one of them for a change. Instead of simply being rude for no possible humor, purpose, or point, and so reinforcing my already not to high opinion of your collective and individual intellects.
Most of you including David keep asking questions of WHY this and WHY that. Then when someone gives you on a plate the only possible logical explanation that can exist. You don’t even read the answer properly.
You would all rather just conclude the BBC is either mad or very bad, and leave it at that. I ask you is that not self induced utter ignorance, or just go down as modern thinking, these days?
My main bone of contention with the BBC is that is has a very definite leftist bent which is longstanding. Since my politics are somewhat right of centre I object to having a legal gun pointed at my head if I fail to comply with supporting an organisation that craps on my political and world views from a great height.
They should report news impartially or not at all.
The ambition of every journalist should be to report the facts, not become the star of the show. The only time a reporter should become ‘famous’ is after retirement.
John Bosworth | 18.01.09 – 6:45 pm | #
This is the only credible manner by which especially a BBC presenter should behave. The BBC has a charter, that if it ever did pay any real attention to in the past. It sure as hell does not even attempt to appear to even what to attempt to appear to be doing so, now days. To SAY THE VERY LEAST.
PLEASE consider this.
We all agree I think that the BBC is highly dishonest and in no way impartial even on one of its better days.
Given this, and given that the way the BBC is funded is completely different in every important respect from the manner by which SKY is funded. We are lead to believe anyway.
Then why is SKY NEWS almost as totally dishonest, full of exactly the same establishment agendas from top to bottom, party politically bias, fascist, repetitive, highly limited, inaccurate, often boring, pointlessly sentimental, and controlled by the establishment in every possible important manner short of actually turning the knobs and flicking the switches, in the editing room????????
There is little point in having a go at the BBC, without putting it in the same context of the controlled media in general.
If you do this however, things do not make sense, as these things are presented to us by the media.
Because there should, using any form of logic, be a simply enormous difference between SKY and The BBC but there is hardly any difference whatsoever.
I account for this by concluding that they must at a higher or much higher level, both be controlled by the same people. Because it is clear the free market is having as good as no effect at all. This in spite of the FACT that we all know a true free market always does have a tremendous effect on all commercial operations. I account for this by concluding that they must not be operating in any real freedom at all, never mind any real form of even freeish market.
Under these conditions. How on earth can we expect our media to tell us the truth about anything that is really important for us to know?????
The simple answer is; that only an utter fool would trust our collective main stream media, under even normal circumstances.
However under our current financial ones, only a complete mind controlled idiot, who can only dream of becoming an utter fool, if he worked very hard indeed, would trust our highly controlled media, for anymore then the sporting results.
It was a lefty “love-in”, can’t see them treating a nasty conservative the same way.
You’re not FORCED to pay for the BBC. Nobody is.
If you can’t stand up for what you believe in, cancel your licence fee and make a stand against an unfair law, then expect to be walked over.
People like you don’t have the guts to make even the most half-hearted stand against refusing to pay the licence fee, yet you come up here gobbing off loudly about rent boys, cocaine snorting and god knows what to lance your anger.
And you claim you were once a soldier?
More scared of a criminal record than being shot, eh?
If you can’t even get your own hypocrisy in order, don’t expect the BBC too.
Why should anyone take anything that is said on this blog seriously when it’s just the ramblings of a pack of cowardly, hypocritical, keyboard warriors too scared to make even the most moderate of protests against the BBC yet perpetually hoping they will incite others too.
Actually, reading this blog is like watching a lot of cackling hens in a slaughterhouse walking willing up the slopes to have their heads chopped off.
“Oooh, somebody should do something about and do it now.”
But not any of you lot of course. You wouldn’t want to get in any trouble.
The press barons and so called independent media have their own agendas. The root of the problem is money. They can make more money out of dishonest, inflamatory and sensationalist drivel than they can out of honest reporting. They can also make a lot of mileage out of patronising and appeasing the government of the day. Since NL is arguably the most corrupt and despotic regime we’ve ever had then it’s all the easier to keep them happy by greasing them up.
The difference difference between BBC and the rest is that I don’t have to pay to be fed drivel by the independents (I don’t subscribe to SKY for instance). I DO have to pay to be fed drivel by the BBC. Since the BBC is forcibly funded by people of all political persuasions then why should I, or anyone who does not share leftist, Hamas loving beliefs, be expected to put up with such a travesty?
Shock hooror – a Christian outs himsel at the BBC
you claim the media loves hamas. what is this based on? I see the BBC/sky etc make reports from gaza, which include interviews with hamas people, or profiles about it, but they don’t exactly come out in favour of it. the difference i think is generational – in previous years (decades) we had a press that was very pro-israel, and pro-american, and now we have a press that is more willing to look at both sides, and not simply decide to take israel (or americas) word for it. that is a good thing in my view.
Don’t take my word for it. Go watch BBC’s News 24 for yourself. Take notes. Weigh them up. Form your own opinion.
On the whole I found most of the comments relating to the Israeli POV to be negative or ignored and those relating to the martyrdom brigade to be more sympathetic, certainly more dramatic.
I’m listening to BBC News 24 right now. Christian Fraser reporting from Gaza. A bigger piece of pro-Palestinian (therefore pro-Hamas) PR you wouldn’t believe.
MilkyWay: Utter rubbish. The BBC put a bunch of terrorist scum on the same level as a democratic Government.
Hamas are thugs and crooks. Do you think men that molest children should be given the right on the BBC to put forward their case?
The BBC gives Hamas an easy ride over its ‘claims’ and Jeremy Bowen looks like a man that would have a big smile on his face walking around Auschwitz
Flapper | 18.01.09 – 9:27 pm |
What do you suggest? Are you doing anything? Or are you a troll?
Flapper Dear, The BBC is quite annoying but thats all.
Its not worth getting all Robespierre about.
Why should anyone take anything that is said on this blog seriously when it’s just the ramblings of a pack of cowardly, hypocritical, keyboard warriors too scared to make even the most moderate of protests against the BBC yet perpetually hoping they will incite others too.
And you’ve just joined us. I think this forum is not quite your style, try meditation or deep breathing exercises to get rid of your pent up aggression.
Flapper | 18.01.09 – 9:27 pm | #
This is what happens when BBC employees run out of crystal meth and the rent boys put their pants on and go home.
Flapper hasn’t “just joined us”. he used to be “kill the beeb”, and may even be “Ratass shagged”… he hates the site, but keeps coming back
He must just be short of friends-welcome anyway
What would you suggest Flapper ?
if you are inciting anyone to break the law you must reveal your true identity and location oytherwise you are the two faced one.
I suggest you all leave the safety of nan’s basement and protest outside the BBC instead of banging on up here like some giant twat farm.
We`ve done that. Now what ?