The blood libels carried on a daily basis by the BBC against Israel continued again this morning on Today during an item from Gaza when one of those very vocal “doctors” the BBC seems so adept at finding was allowed to allege that Israel soldiers had been going around shooting innocent people and then just leaving them to die. On top of this, we had some of the residents of Hamas infested Rafah claiming that there were no Hamas “fighters” in Rafah. Not one. Again, just one point of view permitted on the BBC. No Jews need apply.
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Rather like the Beeb treating Brown’s latest bank bail-out like the second coming yesterday. Never, in the history of news items, has one backside been kiised by so many to the consternation of everyone else.
Unless you count the Obamadrama thing of course…
The BBC is the NU der sturmer, jew baiting its NU hobbyhorse? The BBC takes the word of murdering, lying psychopaths without question, hamas could claim a million babies killed by the Jews and the BBC would spout it like it was from the holy books, hamas terrorists are counted as civilians. dead children/women counted several time over and paraded around from hospital to hospital like some ghoulish trophies and the jew baiting BBC lap it up like mothers milk, the prime mentalist gives away millions of pounds to hamas thinking it will buy him some praise and the BBC love it!
The state broadcaster employing bigoted antisemites pretending to be journalists, they turn a blind eye to the real culprits while attacking the victim in hysterical hyperbole, what next? images of rats running thru the sewers while they peddle their outrageous slander against the Jews?
Cassandra 9:02
I really couldn’t have put it better !
Thank Allah I dont pay the tv tax!
Weird – Here’s Peston covering the bail out like the second coming.
We really need some evidence behind these ludicrous assertions.
Thanks muchly for your kind words.
Thanks for the link to Browns uber lacky, Peston!
I see nothing more than a clear attempt to distance the Prime Mentalist from the ill thought out kneejerk madcap gamble to ‘save the world/RBS'(again).
There is a train wreck coming of epic proportions, clear as day and yet Peston is still trying to protect his master.
The implications are clear to all but comrade peston who is looking desperate in his attempts to deflect as much critisism as he can from his master.
The head mental defectives ship is sinking but at least one rat isnt escaping just yet!
When ratface Peston jumps, let me know eh?
Haven’t heard about this (below) on the BBC:
(& Khaled Abu Toameh the Arab reporter is usually reliable – more so than the Hamas sources beloved by the BBC)
“Hamas militiamen have rounded up hundreds of Fatah activists on suspicion of “collaboration” with Israel during Operation Cast Lead, Fatah members in the Gaza Strip told The Jerusalem Post on Monday. They said the Hamas crackdown on Fatah intensified after the cease-fire went into effect early Sunday morning. … A Fatah official in Ramallah told the Post that at least 100 of his men had been killed or wounded as a result of the massive Hamas crackdown. Some had been brutally tortured, he added.”
Just a quick word to the BBC to say thank you for your continued support. As I left my muslim homeland to fight the infidels in the West in order to boost my honour, I prayed to Ala that he would provide weapons for the battle.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that Ala would hand over to us a state-funded broadcaster with billions of pounds available to help in the war against the West. Ala is truly great. Imagine oh great BBC, with your help, we could drive the Jews into the sea! How our honour would be enhanced! How encouraged we would be for further and greater victories! How our thirst for blood and war would be intensified! Just to imagine such honour is a wonderful feeling! The last time I felt so full of honour was when I stabbed my daughter to death for having a non-muslim boyfriend! The honour of my family was fully restored that day! And when the Jews are in the sea, I will feel an equally great sense of honour again.
Thanks again for always being so respectful of our religion and our customs. Thank you for not making a big fuss when we kill gays, or get together to stab our own children for bringing dishonour on our family, or treat women like dirt. Thank you for concentrating on other crimes like racism in the police force.
“Gaza returns to rule by thug”
(Melanie Phillips)
“Further evidence is surfacing that, far from having enhanced its reputation in the eyes of the people of Gaza, Hamas has been shown up as brutal thugs to their own people but cowards who run away when confronted by a proper army.
…”And where now is the BBC or Channel Four News? Where is the UN, or Human Rights Watch? Or don’t murdered or tortured Palestinians count when it’s other Palestinians doing the killing? (Don’t all answer at once).”
George R,
The cowards at the BBC cower before the hamas psychopaths, they cringe before them so they are ‘allowed’ by hamas to report from Gaza, I wonder how many murders by hamas have been ignored by the intrepid BBC hacks, I wonder how many ‘war crimes’ have been covered up by the BBC cowards?
Whats worse, the killer of innocents or those too cowardly to speak out?
Proof of Hamas firing a rocket from a TV station:
Link to a video on Youtube, showing out-takes of Alarabiya-TV’s Hannan al-Masri learning of a Hamas missile being fired from the ground floor of the Gaza TV complex housing the Alarabiya Studio.
Will this be shown on the BBC?
DV wrote;
On top of this, we had some of the residents of Hamas infested Rafah claiming that there were no Hamas “fighters” in Rafah.
Well that may explain why the bBC news coverage has yet to show anybody from Hamas with a gun. That way Al-Beeb promotes the view that only innocents died.
To the BBC reporters in Gaza:
Just a quick note to say it was so lovely to have you last week, and thank you so much for your splendid recent coverage. Ala be praised for an ally like you. You know you BBC employees will always be welcome in the heart of Gaza during any war, and you will continue to receive our protection as do all our close friends. And we will continue to arrange carnage shots with you like we did last week. Just give us a bit more notice next time and tell us at least 8 hours before each shot whether you require orphans, grandmas, or children in the shot. I felt we could have used a few more grandmas last week, personally.
And thanks for the introduction you use regularly on daytime BBC news: ‘The war in Gaza continues as Israel continues its bombardment’ – lovely! Great work, keep it up. Remember – 100% bias is your goal and you are nearly there.
Q. What do you call 1,300 dead Palestinians? (This is NOT a joke)
A. Hamas – Victory. BBC – Zionist atrocity. Israel – Survival.
What you won’t see on the BBC:
Mikewiney 9:34
I am really beginning to warm to you, do I see a potential convert ???
Great and spot on!
The freezers at the Gaza ‘hospitals are already crammed with the victims of the next IDF/IAF attacks!
Then its straight out the freezer and round the front and past all the hamas photographers/pornographers and hey presto, Abduls yer uncle, more instant proof and more than enough instant tragedy for any BBC hack eh? Then its back in the freezer for the next time!
Hamas have taken on board the art of recycling, must have learned quite a bit from their BBC advisors(on unpaid sabatical of course).
La Cump
I think there has been quite a lot of evidence that Hamas have used this period to murder many Fatah opponents. I don’t have links to hand, but it would sit quite square with Hamas strategy, generally.
Also, I am sure that the Israeli intelligence services will have good evidence on this.
Maybe it will all come out if there is an investigation into alleged Israeli “war crimes”.
There also has to be an investigation into the role of Gunness and Ging and their lackeys and paymasters.
Great chance for some “cutting edge” BBC investigative “journalism” !!!
Medievil 2:47
Oh, so spot on !!!
More than 1,300 Palestinians killed
Thirteen Israelis killed
More than 4,000 buildings destroyed in Gaza, more than 20,000 severely damaged
50,800 Gazans homeless and 400,000 without running water.
Will there be some revisions now that Hamas has claimed that they killed 80 Israelis? Why is one figure unreliable and the others holy writ?
If only Al-Beeb had reported like this in WW2
‘Today the Zionist/American agressors brutally bombed Berlin. Millions were terrorised by British and American bombers who killed men women and children. We now go to Berlin to hear from Herr Goering, who has graciously agreed to explain how the imperialist bombs of death have hurt German Children. Jeremy?’
I, too, would hate to see economic development in Gaza in the hands of the Gunness/Ging/UNRWA gravytrain. Here’s a very interesting, non-political, non-moralising perspective on why that should be so –
good read –v intersting -cheers
Grant – 3:38, exactly, where is the investigative journalism they are
always boasting about on those self-praising adverts they run?
Cassandra 9:02 – that just about sums them up, but who is the ‘prime mentalist’?
A very good link by Melanie Phillips on a BBC Midday News interview 09.01.09 conducted with British Army Colonel Richard Kemp, in which he sheds an objective perspective on the IDF operation against Hamas. The interview ends with the BBC interviewer saying she hopes she can speak to him again in the future. I can’t find one single occasion when he has since been interviewed by the BBC.