Well, it’s Thursday night and for a bit of fun, it’s Question Time live, as promised last week! This week’s panel has Caroline Flint (Smug Left) Liam Fox (Centre Right) David Laws (Lib Dem – sandal-wearer) Sir Christopher Meyer (Dripping Wet, Left) and Janet Daly (Centre Right). A bit more balanced than usual but wait until the audience gets stuck in! It kicks off at 10.30ish and I will be back then to moderate. Hope you can make it – nice way to get ready for the weekend!
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within the confines of uk politics, i would have classed both Fox and Daley as being hard right.
David Vance,
Great summary !
I am waiting for the knee-jerk QT audience to react, like Pavlov’s Dog , to Janet’s American accent !
Life is so simple if you are a Leftie !
Gaz 9:03
Depends where you are coming from. For me, Fox and Daley are soft right.
But, maybe we can talk about hard left and definitions !!!
I kinda like Chris Meyer in a decent A Level teacher kinda way.
Anyway, good stuff on the live bloggy thing. Think i’ll crack open the beer, find stamina a problem if sober.
janet daly and liam fox centre right! c’mon.
There will be Red Wine fueling my moderation!
I view them as soft right. I was being kind.
mikewine 9.21
Who would you define as ” hard left” ?
I hope that Fox takes his gloves off, but, as we say in Scots ” ah hae ma doots “.
fox right???
Awa n bile yer heid!
That BBC Question Time website asking us what we would put to the panel is rubbish. Cant get any sense out of it.
Cameron 9:47
Let’s talk Scots and confound the Sassenachs !
It will also annoy my Anglo-Saxon friend, Martin who posts here.
If we use Scots’ swear words , he will be even more annoyed !
Robin 9:50
That is just a ramp !
Is it on BBC1 or 2? Need to tune my TV.
Dick 9:13
You are right, Meyer was just a Blair bag carrier ! Loved your joke.
Enjoy your beer !
David Vance wrote: “…nice way to get ready for the weekend”
I’d rephrase that, David: “Nice way to get ready for committing suicide – or least contemplate it!”
I’m not going to watch it. I’ll probably keep an eye on your comments though, people.
Last week’s Jenny Tongue getting bitch slapped in the 1st minute by Willie Walsh was pure comedy.
“You produce more CO2 than Kenya”
“Where did you get that stat?”
“Err…. the newspaper?”
What’s that thing about 75% of stats are made up on the spot?
Is swearing permitted?
I usually attend PMQ’s over at Order-Order and will hopefully be half cut before QT starts. It’s the only way I can watch those complete and utter hoons.
If it is witty…
bob 10:28
I suggest the swear box money should be donated to the BBC pension fund.
Thanks for the reply.
I grew up in London so in my case it’s more punctuation mixed with rage. I’ll do my best.
Meyer isn’t really left wing, he made his name under Major first of all. If you read his book you’ll see he’s pretty centrist about things. He was complimentary about Blair and Bush in the book.
Certainly erudite. Has anyone visited Craig Murray’s blog – whoooooaa – the lad’s gone west.
PS Grant, I’d rather donate the BBC pension fund to a worthy cause. i.e. the poor bloody taxpayer.
aw no -lez callem baw bags brar
Rod 10:36
Meyer’s book is 999999 on my reading list !
Cammie 11:52
I think you have caught me out here . Are you speaking Glaswegian ?
Ps it’s cammy :-))
Cameron 12:10
Well , I am sort of adopted Edinburgh, so I use a posh spelling, but have no loyalty to this dirty city !!
Perth is better !!
michael steele – thats the guy i was thinking of DG!
heard him on praeger a few weeks ago – awesome intellect.. great great guy…
the repubs need more like him.
Dick 10:37
Is that the same Craig Murray who was British Ambassador in Uzbekistan and was sacked by FCO for selling UK visas for sex, drunk on the job etc. etc ?
And interfering with Uzbek politics .
Always glad to be of assistance, Archduke. I’m a member of the “Draft Michael Steele for RNC Chairman” Facebook Group.
I think we need a chat-forum or something in order to discuss daily politics. The past few hours were great but we need more of that. Any ideas?
From The Times
January 23, 2009
BBC scuppers TV fundraising appeal for Gaza victims
Anyone see the C4 programme ‘Unseen Gaza’ – what was definitely unseen was the Hamas killing Fatah, the arms smuggling tunnels and the sound stage at Pallywood studio’s. Jeremy Bowen was there along with lots of bad joo’s did this to the fluffy cuddly Pally’s pictures. They did mention that there was a possibility for Pallywood to stage manage the pictures but it was NOT explored in any depth. Just as blinkered as al-beeb imo.
any chance of a new genral thread?
I had never appreciated quite how hot Caroline Flint is.
Cockney | 23.01.09 – 10:28 am
It’s an illusion.
Her face looks okay in repose, but once she gets going, the mouth curls in a rather unpleasant and sinister way.
And her voice is horrid.
When they addressed Sir Christopher Meyer, did they call him “Meyer”?
Caroline Flint was so full of s**t. I almost liked the Lib Dem guy, then I remembered what party he belongs to. Liam Fox is the sortof bloke we need in government. If Cameron’s top team included him, and brought back David Davies, he’d stand an even greater chance.
Caroline Flint was EUrope minister and the only question to do with that other government level we have was about that big oaf Ken Clarke.
I like Dr. Fox (Liam Fox – who’s an actual doctor – not that annoying shit who’s a judge on Pop Idol). He’s a self-made man, pro-American, pro-Israel, Eurosceptic. What’s not to like?
I make a habit of not watching Question Time, but when I turned over for a brief moment last night, he was talking about the need for a general election. The crowd applauded vigorously which must’ve been like a dagger to the heart of Beeboids everywhere.