Ok, so we may be “officially” in recession but hey, surely things can only get better under The Great Leader! Anyone catch him on “Today” this morning? I see B-BBC regular Notasheep is prominently quoted by the BBC in the link. So what did you think of the Brown interview? I was unable to hear it but for my sins, I did hear a curious interview conducted just after 7am with Nouriel Roubini, professor of economics at the Stern School of Business at New York University. This guru gave a surprisingly upbeat assessment of our economic prospects – I presume his role was that of John the Baptist to Brown’s appearance at 8.10am? I know that the great Roubini is a man whose opinions are much in demand these days and I also know that he is a big supporter of Obama’s economic team, so I suppose no better man to prepare the way for Mr Broon? The BBC select their guests with great care.
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well done goaty!
I’ve got to admit I’m surprised that they’ve given NotaSheep such a prominent posting, and linked to his blog posting which is not particularly complimentary about the Toady programme.
Perhaps they couldn’t find anyone more symapthetic to Gordon?
I am really amazed that the BBC highlighted “Notasheep’s” comments at all, since they are critical of Brown. Must have slipped through the net or maybe it is one of the BBC’s token efforts at “balance”.
Congrats to Notasheep for the BBC notice.
Could it be that the “Labour At Any Cost” faction within the BBC is again gaining ground against the Friends of Gordon?
David Vance writes: “The BBC select their guests with great care. ”
Indeed they do! And just this morning I found myself wondering whether for the next four years on the BBC we will have spokesman after spokesman from the former Bush administration commenting on the policies embraced by the Obamessiah?
Driving to work, thought I would listen to the 8:10 interview on Toady about the recession, switched on, heard Brown introduced, and switched off – I’d heard quite enough. Much better day!
Wise words Deborah!
The fragrant Victoria Derbyshire was talking to “Dragon” Duncan Bannatyne this morning about how he cut his (19 year old) daughter’s allowance after he found she’d been smoking.
As a final throw away question, she asked him which politicians had the best approach to the current financial crisis. “Gordon Brown and Alisair Darling” came the reply, along with a comment along the lines that Cameron was too inexperienced.
Since Bannatyne is listed (in his Wikipedia entry) both as a firm supporter of Brown, and a Labour Party donor, methinks that VD had already done her research before asking the question.
Exactly what is wrong with the BBC downplaying the recession? If anything, putting a positive spin on it can only lift people’s spirits. Admittedly, the BBC are very good at dramatizing global warming reports to manipulate opinion to suit their aim. But in this instance – even if they are just shilling for Brown – giving the public some hope can only be good.
Roland Deschain: Yes, I also wondered about the prominence given to my posting; most peculiar bearing in mind the views I expressed. I wonder why they did it…
And thanks to The Beebinator.
isnt Roubini a notorious doom monger.
While over on the (Dont) Have Your Say is a title Out Of Work. Unemployed people describe their FIGHT to find work.
Fight ?! That`s just a silly emotive term. It`s a chore to look for work, perhaps a struggle (they use that later on ), a bind ,an effort,an exertion, even a job or work to find work. There will be competion for the jobs, but unless there are gladitorial matches for the privilege of one,there is no fight. That word should be saved for a proper use of it.
I posted (more or less) the following comment earlier, but it seems halsocan is on the blink.
David Vance writes: “The BBC select their guests with great care.”
Indeed, it does! I found myself wondering this morning whether for the next four years the BBC will be featuring members of the former administration commenting on every single policy embraced by the Obamessiah – because that partiality is certainly what we have endured for the past eight!
Sorry for the duplication – it seems haloscan must have its servers out of synch again.
The Beeb only put views like that of notasheep up so that it makes them look balanced, and so that not every single comment reads ‘its the jews fault’ or ‘its the tories to blame’.
The BBC must long to write headlines like: Racist Tories offend hard working travellers while evil Jews kill peaceful and misunderstood Muslim freedom fighters. Oh and Obama will need 40 years to clear up Bushs mess.
Oh and Obama will need 40 years to clear up Bushs mess.
Richie | 23.01.09 – 8:32 pm | #
Maybe he’ll try and do a Chavez and change the constitution so he can be the first 10 term President, sorry, Messiah. I’m sure that’s exactly what the American voters wanted!
I see the BBC’s 10pm news is doing its level best to pump the ‘it’s all America’s fault’ myth.
Just had your reminder from your ZaNuLabour owners, chaps?
Talbot 6:33
“giving the public some hope can only be good “. Well, not if it is false hope, which is what the BBC are spinning, talking about recovery when the recession so far is just the tip of the iceberg. That is irresponsible journalism.
But, the BBC are simply carrying out the orders of their Labour masters.
Haloscan is definitely on the blink. Some of my posts keep disappearing and reappearing and so on.