Hi folks. Today may be 250th anniversary of the birth of Robert Burns but it is also a milestone in my time here at B-BBC for it marks one year to the date since I first started posting here! I wanted to firstly thank Ed for his very kind invitation to me in the first place, and to all those other illustrious writers who have preceded my time here some of whom still illuminate the site with their excellent work. I also wanted to thank all of you readers for your wonderful contributions, believe me I feel your insights always dwarf my own efforts. It’s a breeze being able to write here for you and after this time I hope you have become accustomed to my ways! Thanks to you all – after one year I’m now warmed up – now let the sport begin!
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Congratulations! And thanks for the effort you put in. Much appreciated.
Has the BBC, in your view, become more biased, less biased, or remained much the same during the 12 months you have been blogging here?
David, it is an absolute pleasure. Thank you for your kind words
Cheers Tom,
I think it is as bad now as it was then. I think it is sensitive to accusations of bias, maybe more so now. I was re-reading some old posts here, and I don’t think that much has changed.
What a shock. The Scottish run Government spends thousands on celebrating Burns. Will they do the same for an English hero? Hmm. I think not.
Well done and thank you, David – you are doing a great service by running this blog.
Every post makes a difference, shining the light on the dark corners of a monolith that would much rather its activities remain unreported is important, never before has the BBC been under such careful scrutiny and as the normal oversight mechanisms have been sabotaged never has this site been more necessary.
Congratulations! And to celebrate your first anniversary, it looks as though we will have our three millionth hit today as well.
martin – Darwin.
David Vance | Homepage | 25.01.09 – 2:12 pm
I have noticed one big difference over the year.
12 months ago, it was still possible to agree with Andrew Marr’s analysis in the BBBC sidebar – “not so much a party-political bias….a cultural liberal bias.”
That is no longer the case.
During the course of 2008 word must have gone out to save Gordon Brown’s political arse at all costs.
The party political bias has become overt, even shameless.
Stories are either buried or hyper-inflated to suit a political agenda.
‘Spin’ is no longer an adequate metaphor for the wholesale manipulation of the news that is taking place.
That’s the big change I see.
Well, I would have thought this site was much older than 1. Go figure aye.
Anywho, thanks Dave for giving us somewhere to vent [daily] about Al Beebs bias.
You’ve done well, and I haven’t agreed with every post you write, but I do believe every effort makes a difference. It’s not an easy thing to do, put yourself out there, openly expressing how you feel – especially if your views are in a minority. That takes guts, and you deserve a medal for that if nothing else.
Only one thing to say, and I don’t mean it as a criticism, and that is you tend to stick too closely to both sites. Maybe every now and again you could spread yourself out a little, a comment here or there, a regular vlog exclusively on bias rather than on a few topics.. Use other web based media at your disposal, like you tube, blog talk radio, podcasts, etc.
thanks David – it cannot be easy to find the time to be constantly on the alert for BBC bias – not least it means you have to watch far too much BBC and don’t have the same option as the rest of us….to switch off when we get too angry
mikewineliberal: So what party? I must have missed it.
Thanks for your efforts, David. You have breathed new life into this blog.
Congratulations, Mr Vance – as I’ve said before, particularly for healing the great rift.
Let’s hope this blog can become an even bigger thorn in the side of the BBC and Left-liberal co-conspirators!
Mike Whine Liberal
Are the BBC celebrating Darwin because he is English, or for another reason ?
Are the BBC celebrating Darwin because he is English, or for another reason ?
Original Robin | 25.01.09 – 4:39 pm
No, because he is the atheists’ messiah.
Congratulations David Vance.
When is the book of bias coming out ?
Also keep up the good work in trying to keep the bad language off the site and allowing courtesies to be given to any posters who have a different view.
congrats anf kung hei fat choi from your Anglo chinese readers!
Congratulations, David – your energy, wit and dedication to the cause of shining a light on the evils of the BBC are inspirational.
Long may you continue.
Here we go; lots of public bunce behind the Darwin anniversary celebrations – http://www.darwin200.org/utils/who-is-involved.jsp
He was English; I’m sure of that. And O Dorkins, i think the anniversary is being celebrated because this particular Englishman was a great scientist.
Much appreciated, David, keep up the good work.
I think we’ve got the bastards on the run now – based on the changes they make in response to criticism here.
Many congratulations David – long may you keep it up!
DV: Thank you for keeping the blog going, and bringing the energy back up. The effort is appreciated.
Just watched BBC News 24 on the latest stabbing in London. Typical BBC, the people said that things were getting worse, so the fat male beeboid decides to peddle out Government lies as facts.
Here’s a tip to the BBC. No one believes the Government on crime and no one believes the crap YOU LOT pump out on their behalf.
Though the editorial content of pol-blogs Guido and Ian Dale is good, the quality of the hundreds of comments there is infantile, generally utterly pathetic and a waste of time. Not so B-BBC, where the comments are of as high an order as DV’s/ Natalie and others initial kick-off. Now that’s what I call blogging. I salute the posters, and the Blogmeister.
DV I criticised your style at first, but now I think it has settled in nicely. It’s reassuring to come here when you feel isolated in your own milieu. The energy people have mentioned is palpable when something particularly outrageous happens, like now with the ridiculous impartiality delusion. There’s a title.
“The Impartiality Delusion.” See, it’s a play on Dawkins. Ho hum.
My only regret is that nothing seems to change, and I get comments about ‘wasting my time’ which are getting to me.
Well done David Vance – this is an excellent site. You are truely a Blogmeister! The myopic BBC is a disgrace and needs abolition ASAP.
Congratulations! Great blog. To be honest I had thought it was yours to begin with, I wasn’t aware you were a “guest poster.” I suppose I got here a little late….
well done Vancey!
dont know how you manage to find all the time to do the blogging at ATW and B-BBC.
The Blogfather, indeed.
A year, wow it doesn’t seem that long. Well done and keep it up.
Hmm. The BBC again reporting on our tartan friends celebrating Rab C Nesbit or whatever his name was in Trafalgar square London.
I can’t wait for the BBC to report from the centre of Glasgow when some English people try to celebrate an English hero. I suspect several ambulances will be needed if the BBC even bothers to report it.
I really don’t think Rabbie Nesbit is worthy of national news coverage.
BBC apologists are now badly outgunned on this site, so don’t expect many to show up, much less stay.
Though it’s true that the BBC’s best survival tactic is still to ignore criticism and deny fault — to lie, and lie repeatedly like Peter Rippon — the loud sound of BBC silence on this blog isn’t anything for them to boast about, as they well know.
BBC staffers are now widely loathed and despised around the globe, especially, it seems to me, among the A’s and B’s who once could be counted on to provide political cover. That must be quite worrying. Jolly good!
Keep up the good work David.
Will there be cake? Or is the cake a lie?
Happy anniversary anyway.
Gosh is it already a year? How time flies, specially when you’re enjoying yourself.
Good work David V., as others have said; your presence here has breathed new life into the old blog!
Martin | 25.01.09 – 9:16 pm | #
“I can’t wait for the BBC to report from the centre of Glasgow when some English people try to celebrate an English hero. “
As far as I’m aware it’s against the law to celebrate anything English due to the fact that Muslims are offended by it. Try an open display of the Union Jack, for instance. I tell this to my American friends over here and they just can’t believe it.
Sorry, I heaped all of the blame on Muslims and that wasn’t fair. I meant to say that both Muslims and leftists are offended by the Union Jack.
Happy birthday, DV! Oh, wait, that was a few days ago . . .
Well, you’re doing a great job, anyway.
I tell this to my American friends over here and they just can’t believe it.
Jason | 26.01.09 – 1:27 am
They’re right to; you’re talking cobblers.
Jason, the Union Jack is British, not Englishg.
Bu**er. Fat finger syndrome strikes again.
mikewineliberal | 26.01.09 – 6:49 am
Roland Deschain | 26.01.09 – 8:10 am
Jason | 26.01.09 – 1:28 am
Anne Owers, chief inspector of prisons, has banned prison officers, governors etc from wearing tie-pins or cufflinks bearing the cross of St George (English flag). Since the union flag also is made up of cross symbols, this could be a problem for members of the religion of cross haters.
Well done David.
Whenever I’m feeling depressed about the BBC I log on here & realise that I am not alone.
Happy Anniversary.
Anon – Crikey, that’s an old one to buttress an obscure point!
I don’t think she has the power to ban. Spun out of all shape at the time I think.
BBC covered the story – http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/west_yorkshire/4305798.stm
mikewineliberal | 26.01.09 – 6:49 am | #
Why don’t you try hanging a few Union Jacks from your house and see what happens.
mikewineliberal | 26.01.09 – 1:18 pm
When you read that story you linked there, don’t you feel sick to your stomach at the way this country is now run.
The BBC in its approvy tone seems almost to be congratulating Owers as she bans national symbols and makes clear in her patronizing way that henceforth prisons will not be judged on the way they handle prisoners, but instead according to some PC charter whereby the prisons have to conform to multiculturist dogma and be given the thumbs up by minority leaders.
Why don’t you try hanging a few Union Jacks from your house and see what happens.
Jason | 26.01.09 – 2:34 pm | #
Cripes! Pray don’t tell Queen Victoria…
Congratulations on a job well done.
David Vance,
I am not going to comment on the old wife-beater , Robert Burns, but keep up the good work on this website.
It is very much appreciated.
A forum for freedom !