The blood libels carried on a daily basis by the BBC against Israel continued again this morning on Today during an item from Gaza when one of those very vocal “doctors” the BBC seems so adept at finding was allowed to allege that Israel soldiers had been going around shooting innocent people and then just leaving them to die. On top of this, we had some of the residents of Hamas infested Rafah claiming that there were no Hamas “fighters” in Rafah. Not one. Again, just one point of view permitted on the BBC. No Jews need apply.



Well, there’s no escaping the fact that Obama is to be sworn in today as 44th President of the United States and as you can see here, the BBC are worshipping at his feet. What a contrast with those occasions when a Republican was sworn into office! It appears in BBC parlance that only a Democrat can “unite” the nation (and planet) whereas Republicans only divide. I caught Justin Webb on Today earlier – revolting Obama sycophancy. I caught an item alleging how the US was literally falling apart because of lack of “investment” in infra-structure. It seems that no other President has considered these issues and so it will take The One to make it all right. Let us be be clear; today is one vast left wing love-in, with the BBC spending vast amounts of our money to ensure that they push the virtues of their man now in the White House. The smiling media faces, the sanitised coverage – get used to it – this is how it will be. Objectivity and critical analysis are out the window – fall at his feet and worship.


Nice to see the BBC putting such a favourable spin on the inflation-busting increase in Council taxes due in April. Note the disclaimer helpfully inserted in the very first sentence and then the use of the CPI to also help make us all feel that we are getting a good deal from the little tyrants that run local Councils. Further, the question is not what inflation is setting at now but rather where will it be in April when the new council taxes kick in! In fairness, Conservative Eric Pickles does get his say – but you have to wade more than half ways down the page to see that.


I notice BBC reporters are now swarming all over Gaza, like flies around you know what. The sympathy for the Hamas supporters is intense (Check this out) and one could be forgiven for thinking that Israeli forces just lobbed missiles randomly into Gaza, just as Hamas launch rockets randomly into Israel. Naturally nothing could be further from the truth with the precision of IDF/IAF strikes a matter of record but none of that concerns the BBC, who have now joined forces with the UNWRA jew haters to shill for the “fighters” from Hamas. I notice all BBC reports tallk about the Israeli assault on Gaza, rather than Hamas. I guess that also helps stoke up the hatred against Israel, the same hatred manifest in this video of BBC favourite Lauren Booth. Doesn’t what about the facts, Palestinians are always right and Israel is always wrong. That is the only narrative that matters in BBC worldview.


Ok, we all know that the BBC is going overboard as it hypes up the inauguration of Obama tomorrow. I thought it might be good to gather as many example of this as possible. I happened to catch Thought for the Day this morning to hear The One being compared to Moses. That was quite impressive. The Abe Lincoln comparisons have been coming thick and heavy as well! Any catch your attention? I have to be honest and say my stomach is not strong enough to watch the BBC Obama-fest even though, like you, we are forced to pay for this indulgence.

General BBC-related comment thread!

Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. This is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may also be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would be appreciated! It’s your space, use it wisely.


Great to see the BBC in top form so early in this new year. I tuned in to hear Kirsty Young introduce Vince Cable as “superman” on Desert Island Discs. Then I caught a trailer for the Westminster House starting at 10 tonight featuring “The Condensed History of George W Bush” – should be a riot.


I wondered what you think of the following comments made by Jeremy Bowen? “After inflicting so much pain and death, Israel still says that Gaza’s civilians are not its enemy. That is something that Gazans – and millions of others in this part of the world – do not believe.” I am sure he includes the BBC in that number, don’t you? Also, after Hamas firing rockets into Israel AFTER the ceasefire came into effect, I was curious as to why Jeremy has not asked his excellent UN for a comment on this act of war?


I see that Nicky Campbell on “The Big Question” on BBC1 this morning has been asking the question that is surely uppermost in all our minds at this time “How long before Britain gets a Black Prime Minister?” Nicky also wondered when the first “openly” gay PM would come to power. (Does Nicky know something about Gordon he’s not letting on?) How about a Black and Gay PM, Nicky? Of course this is all part of the vacuous hype leading to “Call me Abe” Obama’s coronation next week and the BBC is to the fore in cheer-leading for this. Well worth you license tax.


To be honest, I was sorry to see tonight that Israel has called a ceasefire. It would be best that the IDF/IAF continue to pound every Hamas savage into the dirt of Gaza but I guess this was an inevitable political gesture considering the Obama coronation coming to you 24/7 early next week. I caught Jeremy Bowen commenting on this announcement on the 10 News and was struck by his once-more repeated admiration for the Hamas policy of what he calls “Martyrdom and sacrifice” aka hiding behind women and children and finessing homicide bombers in the kindergarten. The BBC still refuses to share with us how many Hamas terrorists have gone in to meet Allah prematurely, instead preferring to imply that Israel has only killed innocents during this campaign. The coverage of this military campaign against Hamas is a textbook example of BBC bias against Israel and all the reason in the world why we should not be funding such naked anti-semitism .