I see the BBC has been reporting that Obama, using that famous rhetorical flair that sets him head and shoulders over his predecessor, has admitted that he “screwed up” over his choice of some senior nominees. Daschle and Killefer have fallen from grace even before they could ascent to upon high. This follows on from the Bill Richardson fiasco and then there is the pesky ongoing problem with Geithner! In all cases, paying tax seems to be a problem for these senior Democrats. With Obama’s poll rating now lower than those Bush recorded at the same time in 2000, who does the BBC get on to discuss this fall from grace? Yes, a former Clinton speech-writer. What could be more balanced? Each time Bush made any error, it was accompanied by media sneers from his arch rivals. But when Obama can’t seem to select anyone who is not a tax dodger, all we get is a sympathetic hearing from a fellow Dem! I also note that the BBC has been portraying Obama’s condemnation of the “Buy American” clause inserted in to the Trillion dollar bail out as evidence of his sensitivity to international trading opinion. But this “Buy American” caveat was inserted by his own Party – doesn’t Obama even know what they are doing? Once again, a complete lack of critical questioning from the BBC! They want to lie back and close their eyes and pretend all is well in this era of Obama despite the evidence that their Messiah has all too evident feet of clay.
For the first time last night I heard the BBC asking why Obama has all these washed up Clintonites back in power.
Probably because that was the price Obama had to pay to buy off Bill and Hillary.
martin – it’s also remarkable how despite the fact that Obama has stacked his regime with Clintonians, the BBC provides a whitewash to his claims to put in place fresh faces and no more Washington insiders.
David Vance: Yes the Obama regime looks rather tired already and Obama looks headless.
The Republicans gave the stimulus package the middle finger because of all the pork in it (totally ignored by the BBC of course) AND the public in the USA is behind the Republicans with this.
Obama is going to have a fight on his hands with Nancy Pelosi
Well at least he apologised – did Bush ever admit fault?
Wonder when the Beeb’s going to report that Obama, a true believer in AGW, has turned the thermostat in the Oval Office up to 80F? Whereas the Warming Denier fascist George W kept the office so cool that everyone had to wear a jacket? Come on Justin, do try to keep up!
I’m just wondering what President Bush should have to apologise for.
Following Sunday’s elections I think it’s looking ever more probable that victory in Iraq has indeed brought democracy, after all. The US has handed Al-Q the most massive defeat. So what’s to apologise for?
Obama is beginning to show his utter naivete, he is looking and sounding like a bad-tempered wimp.
Bu a highly dangerous wimp when it comes to overseas policy.
His early actions look like pushing the Israili voters to the right – in self-defence. Who can blame them ?
Obama’s crowd plus David Milliband (Mr Banana) as Foreign Sec – God help us.
Bush still hasn’t apologised properly for causing the hurricane that hit New Orleans ?
Obama has been showing benign neglect to the Kentucky ice problems – where’s the BBC outrage ?
Didn’t Miliband look pathetic?
I liked this from Guido
Obama Bitterly Disappoints Liberals
The military-industrial complex has just had a new makeover.
It is astonishing how quicky the wheels are coming off Obama’s Presidency.
I am quite enjoying it now and having a good laugh at the BBC’s coverage.
I wonder if any Beeboids feel they have made fools of themselves or if they simply have no shame at all.
just change the title of the website: obamabiased.
you hate obama, thats all there is to it. if he came out tomorrow and solved third world hunger youd find a way of belittling it, or calling it a socialist achievement. the authors here hate him, and you look for evidence that hes screwing up. just change the name of the site, obamabiased.com. that will do the trick
Nice to have you aboard, Quango!
Nah, mate, it’s just that after all those years of being told President Bush was too dumb for words, the final, demonstrable victory of the Iraqi people in Iraq over Al-Q and its allies has now become unarguable – yet the Beeb still can’t bring itself even to acknowledge the fact.
On Obama, what’s to like? He’s a liberal. Appointing people who think that only little people pay taxes is what liberals do.
You are thinking of lefty’s hatred for GW and everything he did (hence why you cannot find anyone on the left, including the MSM, who has gone on record to congratulate GW for his work in Africa in combating aids OR anyone thanking GW for introducing democracy in to Iraq).
Personally, if the Light Worker solved all the worlds problems tomorrow, and came up with a way of slicing bread with your cock, then Id be happy to thank him in person.
Anyway…dont confuse leftist rage with us on the right.
Quango 11:10
So the left don’t hate George Bush ? Or is that a different kind of hate ?
Personally, I don’t hate Obama. I just think he is weak, incompetent, naive and plain wrong !
I think that is the difference. The lefties HATED Bush. People here don’t HATE Obama, we just don’t rate him as highly as the BBC. Pointing out his screw-ups (his own term) is not hatred.
I have been away for a couple of months – I assume Quango is a troll ?
Obama: “I screwed up.”
Obama has made an anti-Obama remark and is therefore a racist. In fact it was probably his white half making a racist remark about his black half.
Mailman | 04.02.09 – 11:28 a
Justin webb mentioned these as achievements in his recent radio piece.
Nice one MWL 🙂
That guys credibility is like Obama’s political achievements…they both dont exist 🙂
I don’t recall Justin Webb saying a damn thing about Bush’s excellent record in Africa in his extended World Service retrospective of Dubya.
Bias by omission, as usual.
Maybe it was his liberal-approved victimhood half putting in a pre-emptive cringe so as to assuage his liberal-vindictive half.
Bet our Justin won’t any time soon be citing the poll that says that the most unpopular thing Obey’s done so far is to end President Bush’s policy on funding abortions in foreign countries. Nor have I heard him say anything recently about America’s role in establishing democracy in Iraq.
if he came out tomorrow and solved third world hunger youd find a way of belittling it
Quango | 04.02.09 – 11:10 am | #
You probably believe he can.
JohnA 11:50
I don’t read every thread here, but I don’t recall seeing Quango here before.
Anyway, I suspect he has gone off to be fed on another website !
mikewine 12:21
But did Webb ever mention any of Bush’s achievements when Bush was still in office ?
The Obamamambama mania will cool off very quickly as people realise just how out of his depth he is, add that to him being surrounded by some of the thickest leftist ideologues and chiselling crooks and you end up with the crappiest presidency since Carter(the worst ever president).
The insane new ecomentalist laws he is being pushed to enact are going to destroy millions of jobs and turn vast areas of the US into third world deserts, with a flick of his pen he will destroy the economic prospects of the very people who believed the crappy slogans!
The BBC will censor or spin the coming disasters for their Obamessiah but the sheer scale of the coming US nightmare will be beyond even the master spinners at the BBC.
I predict Obamamamba will be a one term turkey like Carter, his presidency filled with cock ups/sleaze/mistakes/blunders by the bucket load.
Heard Justin Webb pass comment on various senior Democrats ability to get their tax returns completed properly this morning for the first time. But then given Obama’s comments on the matter he probably couldn’t ignore it any longer. There was me thinking the the BBC were always in the van with the stories. Feels much more like the baggage train bringing up the rear on this one when he finally got round to metioning it.
Having had Obama stuffed down our throats by the BBC for months as being the best thing since sliced bread I think the comment makers here may be entitled to bit of schadenfreude when his feet of clay start to become apparent.
Any failings of GWB were promptly reported with ill concealed glee by the BBC but not similarly those of BO.
Strange, don’t you think.
No hate here either. It’s just that Obama – though being a great orator as long as the teleprompter works – it pretty much as clueless as we suggested before he was voted into office. I leave the hate to the political left. They’re better at it.
Here’s the frightening part: somewhere Putin is smiling. The international tectonic plates are beginning to shift. With President Bambi in the White House radiating “optimism” and “change”, and the media still brown-nosing him, reporters like Frei still in the thralls of their man-crushes, and no one asking real questions about future policy, there is nothing to do but see what plays out.
Putin’s first step? See below:
Bob Geldof (Sir God), who is at least capable of thinking for himself, was the only person to give credit publicly to George Bush for his aid to Africa.
If the Boy Webb ever mentioned it, you can pretty much bet your shirt he picked it up in a newspaper report or from hearing Geldof saying it.
I think this perspective by Victor Davis Hanson sums up Obama’s first 2 weeks. Hanson is an historian of classical Greece, so his use of the term hubris is probably apposite :
And after hubris comes Nemesis- it seems to be here already.
Two of the most senior appointments by Obama are of Republicans in senior office, one of those was in the Bush administration.
And he hasn’t suddenly implemented the communist revolution.
And many of his other appointments have previous experience under democrat administrations.
Don’t you think some of you are overstating the Obama Extreme Left no experience line.
If you instead wanted to question the ‘change you can believe in’ line you might get further.
But then whoever came in was going to have spend most of his energies attempting to deal with the unprecedented credit crunch which was nothing of their doing.
And exactly what fundamental do you think your darling McCain would have done so very different?
Sorry but you just aren’t selling this to me at all at the moment.
My view is that for a man promising “change” all we have seen from Obama is Clintonian recycling, and incompetent at that.
McCain was never “my darling” but had Palin been the candidate…
John Bosworth
I think that may be just a blackmail attempt by Kyrgyzstan. Some Russian dailies note that the motion to close the base is not yet on February Kyrgyz parliament’s agenda.
John Bosworth 3:19
And with Putin coming under pressure from his own people, I think we can expect some fireworks from him pretty soon.
Here’s a line I guarantee you’ll never hear from those “edgy” comedians on the BBC:
“Why are Democrats always in favour of higher taxes.
Because they never pay them!”
JohnW 6:00
Nice one !!
” but had Palin been the candidate…”
One day David, oh happy day.
I think you will find that the democrats and gangs like Acorn had a lot more to do with the US crisis than you would like to think.
Bron’s line about “the unprecented credit crunch, which was nothing of the (incoming administration’s) doing” is especially comical.
The credit crunch in the U.S. was caused by banks and mortage-finance companies lending to people who ultimately could not repay. The banks were forced to do so under Federal law passed in the Clinton era. One of the lawyers who was particularly keen, and well-paid, to enforce that law was a young Chicago “community organizer” named Barack Obama.
When the Bush administration attempted to reform that piece of legislation’s worst abuses, one of the Democrats in the U.S. Senate who particularly resisted that reform was the new Senator from Illinois. His name was Barack Obama.
Exactly. Why on earth McCain never hammered this point home during the election campaign just beggars belief. He had a golden chance to first nail Obama and the Democrats and then play the tough guy by putting Rudy Guiliani on a search and destroy mission to jail the culprits (mostly Dems like Barney Franks, controlling the House Finance Committee) – but he completely blew it. It was all on a plate for him.
Given that it was the economic meltdown that killed McCain, this omission was just astounding.
The media might have had something to do with it. They were going to crucify McCain if he so much as said “boo” to The One.
Point taken, Millie – but the media couldn’t have inflicted any more damage on McCain than had already been done, with the upside that the whole nest of snakes would have been out in the open. For me, McCain just had nothing to lose in doing that. He didn’t, so the lies persist – even now, the world blames Bush for the financial meltdown. It’s ridiculous.
The Republicans urgently need to revamp their media presence and to get their message out. Given the obscene MSM bias, the right has a hell of a lot of ground to make up in this regard, if 2012 isn’t going to be yet another disaster.
McCain pulled his punches and got what he deserved. As for the ‘obscene MSM bias’, well, that’s toothpaste out of the tube and it ain’t going back.
The good news: media implosion is already underway in the US and, IMO, is unstoppable, so it’s likely the hounding of media grandees is only just beginning. The American public will be in full cry well before 2112. Folks are far too smart to forget the deification of the Messiah.
What’s most worrying is the succession: Biden, Pelosi, and the silly little man from Nevada. Any patriotic American looking at that lineup will therefore hope that O survives his term in good health. And any enemy of the US — certainly that includes many in the BBC — will hope for the opposite.
Americans, unlike modern Brits, rarely waste time getting angry. Much better to get even, and serve it up cold. So it will be.
sawtooth and JohnW,
You’re right. And remember, the media and the Leftoids blamed Bush for Enron and the bursting of the dotcom bubble as well, even though all of that money burned while Clinton was fiddling…. Bush was subsequently blamed for the disappearance of money that never really existed in the first place. That sounds familiar somehow…
Obama has admitted to mistakes. Bush evaded when he was asked if he had regretted any decisions.
Bush massively overspent on Iraq, which he claimed would only cost $200 billion. Its worked out at a sickening $3 trillion of taxpayers money down the toilet, much of it due to the Pentagon’s incompetence and waste.
Obama’s biggest mistake is not sacking the incompetent, unelected moron Ben Bernanke.
Obama’s stance on bankers bonuses, speaking up for the majority of American people, is something we won’t see in Britain because the two largest parties are populated by politicians who want their cushy seats on the boards of various banks.
Re. the media implosion in the US, how I wish it were so. However, having just seen the first affirmative action President elected, how can we expect anything less than a full-on left wing media onslaught the next time around? They won and they know it.
Apart from Fox, who else offers any semblance of objectivity or balance? Indeed, the very mention of Fox illustrates the void that exists in UK broadcasting, which is crying out for a responsible, informed centre-right broadcaster to educate the public and counteract the BBC’s lies.
Obama has never apologised for helping to block proper investigation of the sub-prime business of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – which mifght have avoided or lessened the present mess.
And he never apologised for helping to strong-arm banks in Chicago to issue dodgy loans when he was a “community organiser”
Other than that I suppose he has little to apologise about, Because he had never done anything in public life, his CV is a blank sheet.
JohnW: Well, there’s plenty of grief at LA Times, Chicago Trib, Gannett, NY Times, Time, N’week (owners of WaPo), regionals cutting back pub. dates, etc, etc. These are all fresh headlines, w/in the last 3 or 4 months, a systemic change and not just a temporary response to the business cycle. Voters are voting with their feet. You’ll never see a CNN/BBC headline, but Google and be glad. Rather like plummeting bankers, kick ’em as they fall.
The networks are next; a couple of bigger names already wrecked (Olberman, P Noonan and, IMO, Matthews) and, I suspect, many more to come. No way the MSM will get to walk away as O unravels.
From a US perspective, the BBC is less than a pisshole in the snow. For the UK, of course, their MSM, above all the BBC, are a catastrophe. The Brits either fix it themselves, or they don’t, just like us. Very binary. We’ll see.
The exact form of the unraveling is unpredictable and will depend directly on the unfolding global economic mess, which has barely started. Haven’t a clue there. It’s far too easy to blame Bernanke (I know it wasn’t you): he’s simply stuck w/ the hand he was dealt, which includes playing w/ flapping pols like Obama and, God help all in the vicinity, Brown. Definitely no road map there.
What price apathy? Again, we’re about to find out. At the ‘macro generalization’ level, Americans are much less apathetic and whiney than Brits. That must have an effect.
As in the old Chinese curse, we are all condemned to live in interesting times. Including the Chinese.