I see that the BBC is giving great prominence to the “Binyam Mohamad is innocent” story, this time focusing on the Miliband/US angle. The bit that I find interesting is the line “Binyam Mohamed, an Ethiopian who lived in the UK, believes US papers detailing his treatment support his claims.” But hang on, that is not quite the full picture, is it? Mr Mohamed IS an Ethiopian, and he is one who illegally entered this country in 1994. The way in which this law-breaker is being presented as some sort of dyed-in-the-wool Brit is staggering, just as his totally implausible stories as to how he ended up in Pakistan in AQ training camps are also being carefully sanitised. The BBC loves to run these stories, always carefully sympathising with the alleged terrorist. You can be sure this one will be on Question Time tonight. Maybe Binyam could be given an honorary knighthood?
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He isn’t British. He’s a terrorist using a false passport. If the septics want to torture him then I say go right ahead. Just make sure you hang what’s left over. He isn’t one of us and I have no problems with torturing terrorists. Good riddence.
I suppose instead he’ll get the Queens award for industry in passport production and a MBE, free house and a few million quid of taxpayers hard earned instead. Maybe a BBC chat show too.
Any bearded halfwit gets the support of the BBC. We all remember the way the BBC twisted the Teddygate story, seeing how the BBC openly lied about the protests and only changing their story when other networks like ITV and Sky gave us the truth and the pictures.
I’d like to know what his Country of birth is doing to help him….. probably bugger all, just as we should be doing as well.
Even Sky had their political wonk on who had in his hands the 7 pages of terrorist allegations and said “we don’t need to go through all these”
Sorry media but we do. I couldn’t care less if they threatened to cut his balls off. Muslims regularly hack the heads off of westerners for real.
I noticed that really creepy camp lawyer is involved, no doubt to appear on Newsnight tonight.
It’s almost as if our legal system has some sort of presupposition of innocence until proven guilty
It was of course an innocent trip to Afghanistan. Just sightseeing.
Get real.
Sorry, not how our legal system works
as nice as it would be to run it on the theory of well he is mighty dark
Oh man yeah the BBC should totally condone torture. Nice one David.
Anonymous: I bet you think Hitler was innocent as well.
So do you think the BBC should harass people who don’t have a TV licence then even though they write to the BBC and tell them they don’t?
What about car drivers who are told to pay up for speeding when they’ve not been near a court and are told that if they dare challenge they could have a higher fine?
Anon. People like you clearly have double standards. So go back to the 6th form little boy.
How does Al-Ja-Beeba resolve this muslims views on gay rights and womens status in society.
By not speaking of it.
He ain’t British, just an illegal immigrant and they should have put a bullet through his head in the Afghan desert. Save us all a fortune in legal fees, and it seems now state benefits for the rest of his worthless life.
i’m glad that we’ve sorted this misunderstanding out, it turns out that as you are against all punishment without trial, you strongly disagree with david vance in this instance. have i got that bit right?
the only thing you gotta understand is that the beeboid is scum and that includes you, anonymous scumbag lefty twat
clearly this blog was right about the decline in moral values under the Labour government
Anonymous: Well no one knows the truth. You don’t and we don’t. But if I have to rely on someone for my safety I vote for the security services, not some limp wristed 6th former or beeboid.
The relevent fact here is that the bbc are very clearly colluding with a dodgy immigration lawyer, to portray the individual as having some legal status in the UK. The point requiring investigation is who in the bbc is responsible for misleading the public in this way ang how high up the bbc management chain this cancer exists.
Why should the UK GVN prejudice a 200+ odd year alliance for the sake of this Ethopian?
A man who entered this country illegally. Abused our hospitality by breaking his ‘leave to stay conditions’ by going on holiday to Pakistan [BTW: How could he afford it]. Only to be captured trying to return to the UK wth a forged passport.
Forget the terrorist allegations.. Just from the above, it is clear that this guy is TROUBLE and quite frankly we have got enough criminals and spungers of our own – thank you!
So let the Americans, Pakistan, Ethopia or where-ever keep him.
Oh! And I forgot, supposedly he had a drug problem. So where / how did he get the money to buy drugs?
Clearly, a man worthy of our sympathy (NOT!)
I heard this man’s brother on 5 Live this morning. It seems that he was a nice gentle lad, who would not hurt a fly, so that’s all right. Apparently he converted to Islam, and only went to Pakistan to get over his addiction to cannabis. No chance whatsoever that he might have been radicalised. Needless to say his brother, who if I heard right is called Dr Ben Hur, was handled with kid gloves. Anything he said had to true didn’t it?
Anonymous | 05.02.09 – 3:28 pm |
i’m glad that we’ve sorted this misunderstanding out, it turns out that as you are against all punishment without trial, you strongly disagree with david vance in this instance. have i got that bit right?
You couldn’t be further from the truth. Your comments on this thread demonstrate your total lack of understanding of the situation. Naturally, it coincides with the BBC’s total lack of understanding as well.
Binyan Mohamed isn’t a criminal picked up by the police on no evidence. He is an enemy soldier captured during a war. Yet, you seem to be laboring under the delusion that there’s some presumption of innocence. This is entirely different from the criminal law you’re talking about. Nothing to do with it whatsoever.
The accusations of torture are another matter, an entirely separate argument.
You’re emotionally invested in a false premise here.
One final point:
If the BBC get their way, and this chap is returned to blighty, he will have to be watched 24/7, 365 days a year.
Add in housing costs, welfare etc.. and I reckon this guy is going to cost us the Taxpayer at least £500,000 a year.
Now lets suppose that an average earner pays £10,000 Pa in tax. So basically 50 Brits are going to have to work all year to keep this chump!
Why should we?
BTW I haven’t included the legal costs that we have no doubt already incurred or the compensation that he will no doubt claim. Meanwhile certain NHS patients (some of whom, will have paid into the system all of their lives) cannot get their hands on life-saving drugs because we [the UK] can’t afford it! Bloody brilliant.
David Preiser (USA): Spot on. The spotty 6th former who was posting just ignored the list of terrorist allegations against this man and of course we have no duty of care as he’s not a British subject.
Far as I’m concerned they can send him back to Ethopia.
Jonathan: you forgot to mention the endless ‘fees’ the BBC will pay him to go on various TV shows and radio programmes to give the ‘Muslim viewpoint’. I gather the going rate is about £1500 a pop. Not bad.
The cognitive dissonance here is amazing. You seem to be oh-so-eager to complain when the government is infringing civil liberties or giving parking fines without trial, but as soon as it comes to anyone remotely brown-skinned, justice takes a back seat to saving the tax payer’s money.
backwoodsman | 05.02.09 – 3:38 pm
My thoughts exactly.
James: I’m not bothered about the colour of his skin, but I am bothered about…
A) His nationality
B) His criminal record – false passports, drug taking etc…
Because of A + B – I don’t think he is our problem. Or are you suggesting that we take all of the inmates from Guantanmo Bay [SP]? After all, I’m sure quite a few of them have passed through our borders at some stage in their lives. So why are they any different from Binyan Mohamed?
Oh! And for the record, if the US had picked up a British citizen of Pakistani origin – then it would be quite different. I would expect the UK to make sure that he was treated in accordance with international law (even if he were guilty)and yes, once he had served his sentence, (whether reformed or not) I would expect the UK GVN to take him back.
You seem to have a fixation about the colour of this man’s skin.
The reason I object to the this man’s release is not because he is Muslim or Ethiopian but because he is a prisoner of war.
You can’t expect the west to release people caught in AlQueda camps or in Afghanistan back into society whilst they are still a threat to the enemy –us.
If we continue to release prisoners back into society whilst still a risk I believe the military might start not taking prisoners –alive anyway
Spot on, my feelings exactly. It is only the repuslive BBC that is trying to make out that this man is a UK Citizen. He should be returned to Ethiopia.
One final point – Parking fines and speeding tickets are not exactly in the same league as drug taking, forged passports or terrorism, are they?
And remember – his freinds say that he’s guilty on two of those counts.
Martin 2:02 pm
Yes, the BBC didn’t report favourably on Briton Ms. Gibbons, when she was jailed in Islamic Sudan; whereas as now, the BBC sets itself up, at our expense, as the defender of Ethiopian Gitmo inmate, one Binyam Mohammed.
This contrast of political treatment of the two people goes to the heart of the BBC’s ‘multiculturalism’: deride and denigrate the practice and values of Western, judeo-christian civilisation, and indulge in ‘cultural relativism’ whereby the historical practice and values of Islamic jihad and Shariah law are not to be criticised. (Of course, the followers of Islam smile at such practical, and to them, useful dhimmitude.)
The cognitive dissonance here is amazing. You seem to be oh-so-eager to complain when the government is infringing civil liberties or giving parking fines without trial, but as soon as it comes to anyone remotely brown-skinned, justice takes a back seat to saving the tax payer’s money.
James | 05.02.09 – 4:12 pm | #
I’ll bet you’re one of those dhimmified sheep who start shouting “racist!” as soon as any criticism of Islam is proffered, aren’t you?
And cognitive dissonance? Wow.How’s that first year psychology course working out for you at Uni? Work hard and I’m sure there will be a nice position for you at the Beeb, as, let’s say, economics correspondent, a few years down the line…
Pehaps this ‘British super patriot’ and totally innocent victim of Bush could be given a job as an advisor to the the Met and a job at the BBC?
Yeah that would please the BBC no end!
Perhaps, and Im just spitballing here, perhaps this ‘innocent victim’ will sue the ass of HMG when he gets here, with the help of his lawyer who just happens to be raking in millions of pounds of the legal aid that most British people dont ever get a chance of seeing! But then again, the spiv briefs get paid whatever the result, aaaaah the legal aid gift that keeps on giving(to crooked briefs)!
Legal aid given so freely to anyone with a fake story and a waiting ambulance chaser, legal aid that you and I would never see.
Since the yuman rites gravytrain set off courtesy of letterboxgob the UK now ‘benefits’ from the ‘services’ of thousands upon thousands of cash hungry ambulance chasers and leftist trouble makers with a law degree, the government is now so scared of legal action it has its(our)checkbook ready at the first hint of trouble, roll up roll up, free cash here, all you need is a convincing story and a bent brief.
Perhaps all this cash is what is really driving this forward? This ‘victim of Bush’ and British patriot will be in line for the mother of all compensayshun paydays for all the terrible injuries to his yuman rites.
The fact that our most gravely wounded troops get only a fraction of the cash mountain that this jihadist is in line for means nothing to the spivs and shysters that sponge off the legal aid cash fountain.
While the BBC and its chums at S. Chakrabarti’s politically selective ‘Liberty’ give the highest priority to Ethiopian B.M., of less consequence to them will be this:
“UK: Al Qaeda plot to murder MPs uncovered”
“Released Gitmo inmates up the jihadi rhetoric”
Plenty of prominent progressives have criticised the more unsavoury aspects of Islam, take this blog’s best friend Polly Toynbee. Sadly she also criticsed Christianity, which then leads to ranting against the BBC for their war on the native white male Christian, what about their rights etc
Cassandra, I will vote for you! very well put. The only thing that can end the orgy of waste and corruption that labour have allowed and participated in is the present economic crisis and possibly worse to come. Quite simply the money has run out – there is not enough cash anymore to fund all the looney left projects and political correctness. The only problem is that labour are prepared to borrow in a vain attempt to keep it going.
Ethan | 05.02.09 – 1:57 pm
Just logged on, have not read any other post yet but yours did me the world of good.
I concur, in fact I concur so much it hurts.
When did this Country become so bent over backwards to kiss the backside of such terrorist scum?
And before anyone points out about due legal process etc, How much care and attention to legal process do terrorist bombers usually give to their victims before detonating their ball bearing, nails and rat poison laden bombs in close proximity?
We should…
1 Trust OUR security forces to find and identify those planning and carrying out terrorism.
2 When duly indentified they should be KILLED, BEFORE they kill others, not brought before “due process”
This would have been known in the good old days of Common Sense as prudent and a very good DETERRENT.
You would think this would be the FIRST choice for a society so in thrall to the cult of “Health & Safety”
The only question remains is Who’s Health and Who’s Safety are they interested in??
Plenty of prominent progressives have criticised the more unsavoury aspects of Islam
Not on the BBC they haven’t, not compared to criticism of the US, the West, the capitalist system etc etc.
The BBC has allows the Iranian government a lot of slack considering it’s terrible human rights record, compare that with it’s obsessive pillorying of the US.
Polly Toynbee has always been the greatest hypocrite of them all, a visceral hatred of the free market hasn’t prevented her from making a few quid selling her pernicious books + articles to the free world.
Sorry, this is OT but I notice that Al-BBc’s Middle East web news must be woefully short of “Have Your Say” comments because the follwing “Have Your Say” quote appears today for the 12th day in a row as a headline ….
” All of this didn’t solve the Palestinians’ real problem, which is the Israeli occupation of their lands
Abdallah, Gaza Strip”
More likely it’s Abdallah in Al-Beeb’s newsroom.
Perhaps the only true test of his Britishness is the Golly question. If he KNOWS what a golly is and doesnt care..then he is British and deserves our support. If he THINKS HE KNOWS what a golly is, and thinks it represents an avatar of race hatred…then he is a BBC mongel and ought to be shot in the street like the dog he is. Whether he looks like one or not is irrelevant.
frankos: Well said. Considering the pro homosexual view the BBC takes why does it never point out that being Muslim and gay in the middle east is most likely to get you on the end of a crane jib?
Oh and doesn’t Polly Toynbee work for a Newspaper group that itself dodges taxes?
Incidentally the annual report reveals they paid £15.3 million in taxes last year despite claiming a group profit before taxation of £306.4 million after the sale of Auto Trader. GMG have always been adept at using the Scott Trust and other dodges to minimise tax charges. Guido congratulates them on achieving an effective tax rate 4.99%. Remember that the next time Polly Toynbee calls for higher taxes and everyone to pay a fair share.
Melanie Phillips:
“Rights and wrongs out of control”
“I have argued throughout that both the Guantanamo and control orders fiascos in the US and Britain arose because the west is facing an entirely new phenomenon: asymmetric warfare which conforms neither to our conventional definition of war (between states) nor of terrorism (discrete and limited goals). Accordingly, our existing structures of detention and trial, either criminal or military, are unable to deal with it. We need to devise new ones which are appropriate for this new phenomenon — and which do accord with our most fundamental principles, such as the rule of law and the duty to protect our society, rather than cherry-picking those principles to use some to undermine others in furtherance of the anti-western agenda of the doctrine of human wrongs.”
Here’s the US charge sheet on the Beeb’s new best friend:-
. The detainee is associated with al Qaida or the Taliban.
The detainee is ########## who lived in the United States from 1992 to 1994, and in London, United Kingdom, until he departed for Pakistan in 2001.
The detainee arrived in Islamabad, Pakistan, in June 2001, and traveled to the al Faruq training camp in Afghanistan, to receive paramilitary training.
At the al Faruq camp, the detainee received 40 days of training in light arms handling, explosives, and principles of topography.
The detainee was taught to falsify documents, and received instruction from a senior al Qaida operative on how to encode telephone numbers before passing them to another individual.
The detainee proposed, to senior-al Qaida leaders, the idea of attacking subway trains in the United States.
The detainee was extracted from Afghanistan to Karachi, Pakistan, where he received explosives and remote-controlled-detonator training from an al Qaida operative.
The detainee met with an al Qaida operative and was directed to travel to the United States to assist in terrorist operations.
The detainee attempted to leave Pakistan for the United States but was detained and interrogated by Pakistani authorities, revealing his membership in al Qaida, the identities of Mujahidins he knew, and his plan to use a “dirty bomb” [sic] to carry out a terrorist attack in the United States.
According to the Grauniad this is “Reprieve” (his legal team)’s version:-
According to Mohamed’s legal team, after working as a caretaker in Kensington he travelled to Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2001, in an attempt to resolve “personal issues”.
You’d have to still believe in Santa Claus to believe that.
Unless, of course, you worked for “Reprieve”, and were pulling in a few hundred grand in legal aid – that might help to smother one’s cynicism I suppose.
Actually closing Gitmo is a good thing. It means that our forces will be discouraged to take prisoners in the first place or at least extract what information they can then finish them off or let the scum bleed out.
Not only that, but the ones that are unlucky enough to be taken prisoner will simply be handed over to the authorities in Pakistan, Afghanistan or Iraq and left to rot there.
Here’s a choice a prison cell at Gitmo or Afghanistan? I know what I’d take.
Surely we should see this in the wider context.
In the history of Socialism there have regularly been purges of those who dare to question the totalitarianist nature of this evil creed.
These are always on trumped up charges, exagerations and other nonesense.
I doubt many people at al-Beeb really care about Gollywog.
If Jo Brand had said it on TV, it would have probably been ignored.
It is neccesarry for fascists and totalitarianists to regularly attack those who may threaten them.
Getting rid of Carol serves this purpose.
It says to all freedom loving people… we have the power and we are in charge…
Field.Size | 05.02.09 – 5:36 pm
“And before anyone points out about due legal process etc, How much care and attention to legal process do terrorist bombers usually give to their victims before detonating their ball bearing, nails and rat poison laden bombs in close proximity?”
Pretty sure it’s our role to be better than them, by doing such things as keeping justice, due process etc
“1 Trust OUR security forces to find and identify those planning and carrying out terrorism.
2 When duly indentified they should be KILLED, BEFORE they kill others, not brought before “due process””
We had that, it was the Jean Charles de Menezes incident, which just goes to show that blind trust in the police is never a good thing, especially when it comes to using lethal force. The though of expanding this mockery of British Justice to all suspected terrorists is simple-minded and ridiculous to say the least.
And this post really does cram in those clichés, what about my human rights, the good old days, common sense, health and safety, i’m impressed
If the army of beeboids and ‘uman rites’ lawyers had their way most of the allied forces would be on war crimes trials for the second world war and ‘itler’ would be seen as a victim (he has rights as well you know)
This Carol Thatcher thing has really pissed me off. I literally hate the BBC.
Does B-BBC operate a mailing list to co-ordinate complaints? If not a list should be organised to notify those concerned and to create concerted and constant action against the BBC.
Problem is James, your touchy feely love fest for the left guaranteed the atrocities that happened on the 7th of July!
There should be absolutely no mercy shown to those who support terrorism and especially those who are trying to carry it out.
Menezes was just bad luck BUT Id rather have the police out there ready to blow a terrorist away than having them second guess their every move, thus giving fuckers who wouldnt hesitate to lop your head off the chance to lop your head off.
11 ex-Gitmo prisoners on Saudi wanted list..
RIYADH, Saudi Arabia, Feb. 4 (UPI) — Eleven Saudis released from Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, are on a list of 85 wanted terrorism suspects made public by the Saudi Interior Ministry, officials said.
Tye point of this blogsite is – only YOUR brand of callow and naive PC burblings get editorial approval. The shower at the BBC give wholly unbdue prominence to terrorist scum and easy credence to their lawyers. They ignore the sentiment of probably 80% of the licence fee payers.
So far I have heard NO-ONE on the BBC reading out this foreigner’s charge-sheet. Those are serious charges – if true, that guy intended to murder a lot of us Westerners. And I have seen nothing to suggest that the charge-sheet is untrue. Just endless repeats of how hard done by the little diddums has been, how he was on an innocent trip to pakistan and Afghanistan.
The guy is a foreigner. He should stay abroad. We do not want or need him back. I wager that is by far the majority view – and the theme of this blog is that our views are ignored by the BBC. Instead, the BBC acts as a PR machine for people who want to break our laws, or even kill us.
And by the way – if Menedez had not been breaking our laws as an overstayer, he would not have been around to get shot. A classic case of wrong place, wrong time.
This is why morale is so low in the british army, if we got captured by these islamic lunatics,we would be on the internet getting beheaded.
While back in good old GB they get everything they want,plus lefty liberals worrying about their rights
And islamic lunatics don’t have to take part in Gordon Brown photo shoots either
According to Mohamed’s legal team, after working as a caretaker in Kensington he travelled to Pakistan and Afghanistan in 2001, in an attempt to resolve “personal issues”.
John Reith spins in his grave | Homepage | 05.02.09 – 6:20 pm |
Almost right. He was actually attending a gender awareness course run by the lesbian socialist collective of peace loving muslims at Kandahar football stadium.
The more discerning will remember that this was where the taliban held their torture jamborees, eye gouging, burning, hanging by wire and mutilation by amputation to name but a few.