I see that Carol Thatcher has received death threats over her alleged ‘golliwog’ comment about a tennis player.
Miss Thatcher, who has taken refuge in Switzerland following the furore over the incident, is said to be considering suing the BBC over her dismissal from The One Show. Her agent said: ‘It’s been an awful time. We’ve even had death threats.’
If this is true – should she not report the BBC to the police? After all, several BBC “personalities” (aka license fee parasites) have been keen to rush to the media and report on alleged comments made off-air. In doing so, have they endangered Carol Thatcher’s life? And I wonder WHO might be making death threats against her? Have these intrepid seekers of truth not gone after THAT angle?
This entire “golliwog”story is back to front. The word is not illegal, the usage is not proven – this is all BBC driven hysteria. We know nothing of the context of the comments, nor do I quite understand why a private conversation can be so very publicly trailed through the media. Well, that’s not true. It’s to ensure damage to the brand Thatcher, to associate it with racism, and to extol the right-on vanities of hypocrites such as Jo Brand and Adrian Chiles.
On what grounds could she report the BBC to the Police? It’s not clear to me. Reckless endangerment requires a little more i think than her agent reporting she’s received death threats. I’m sure the odd crank, perhaps even the odd Mail reader, threatened violence against Ross and Brand. Their case would have been stronger, but still non-existent.
‘Sunday Mercury’:
“Golliwogs selling out after Carol Thatcher BBC storm”
“Georgie Haywood, manager of The Pied Piper in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, says she is still selling the toys and demand is higher than ever.
“Our customers have all been really supportive and weβre doing a great trade in Gollies,” she said.
George R- what is it about Thatchers and showing us the way out of recession?
A consumer revolution led by Carol π
Also note that the only coverage given to the lead Daily Mail story abouy Jacqui Smith’s abuse of expenses is Ms Smith’s rebuttal
Whilst Carol Thatcher is still out of work,Jo Brand is still ugly,but Thatcher will get a job.
The BBC have leaked information to the media and have run a coordinated campaign by its management and employees to further inflame the situation. How is that any different to the government’s failure in its duty of care toward Dr. David Kelly? The BBC are conspiring to incite murder.
BBC sexy-up another soundbyte. They cut up comments of a wildcat striker to make him appear racist.
Via Bishop Hill:
Mikeshiteliberal….I’m sure the ‘odd crank’has been busy in this case too.How much does it cost to phone Switzerland Mike?
I’ve been looking at the actual golliwog material over the last week. There is no doubt it was based to some extent on the black and white minstrels of the 19th century but so what? If you actually look at the golliwog products over the last century including children’s books you;ll find the golliwog character is well dressed, drives a car, plays golf, reads books and partakes in a range of activities that are the societal norm. You couldn’t find a more liberal representation of a black person at its time (if you subscribe to the direct representation). In fact perhaps if more black kids did read golliwog books where the black character is an integrated, law-abiding and aspirational member of society then perhaps that section of the black community that lacks any social cohesion might forgo the standards set by your average hip-hop gangster, sexist, homophobic thug.
There are no more grounds for police action than there are against David for inciting BBC hatred.
Eric: Yes on the BBC News 24 paper review last night when this story came out, the beeboid spent a good minute or so just reading out the Home Office reply. No attempt from the BBC to comment on the story.
2She’s not broken any rules” was the beeboids only comment.
Shame they don’t say that for Tories.
If she employed her husband as her constituency assistant, I could sort of understand it since he lives in her constituency in the ‘big house’.
But all the papers say he is employed as her Commons assistant.
Well, if he doesn’t sleep over at the sister in law’s ‘cos he has to look after the kids…. what Commons work can he do?
I expect Michael Crick will be onto it pronto…….
For some reason the bbeboids seem to think that the home secretary creaming off Β£116,000 worth of TAX PAYERS money, is so much less important than a private individual saying someone looks like a golliwog in a private conversation. I think the beeboids are going to find that an awfull lot of the general public disagree with their values, or lack thereoff !
Another nail in the bbc cofin.
“There are no more grounds for police action than there are against David for inciting BBC hatred.”
This seems to have got them worried.The BBC instigates a Salem Witch trial by media,when things turn ugly,”Nuffink to do wiv us Gov”.
This defence simply will not do,this was utterly irresponsible behaviour by the State broadcaster,the whole incident could have been handled internally as it should have been.No doubt Chiles and Brand thought to conform with the house ideology of the BBC,but Hunt should have known better.
To compare the multi-million budget BBC,bound by charter as it is to a privately owned internet blog is risible.
If the myrmidons of the BBC do not know the power they wield,and have wielded against a private individual,them perhaps the terms of the Charter should be reviewed.
This is an interesting story over how white people feel that only they can defend the rights of coloured people in the Uk.
Fat trollop of dyke finds offence at the use of the term ‘Golliwog’ and reports the matter to the thought police.
Err bBC I know you read this blog.
I have a friend from the Seychelles. He serves this country in the British army. His office is a shrine to the Golliwog. He has a golliwog on the wall, he drinks out of a golliwog mug, he has a golliwog key ring, coaster and drinks stand . Maybe the bBC should run a program on him and then try to tell him he is a traitor to the cause.
I won’t include myself in a bBC program on how coloured folks don’t get offended as much as politically correct white people do, simply because I would have no problem smashing the teeth of such a person down their throat. (And that includes Jo (why do people run round me for exercise) Brand)
If the bBC wants to chase me down and sue me, please do. I will have no problem carrying out my threat of smashing the head in of any Al Beeb reporter who comes my way.
Pounce a dark skinned person in the Uk who is proud to be British.
Regarding Gollygate. I feel so sorry for Miss Thatcher. That such an innocuous remark, made privately and light heartedly should lead to death threats is truly terrifying.
Left wing extremists used to be the preserve of the GLC and Lambeth council, now they are fully in control of OUR state broadcaster.
The BBC bigoted reds use their powerful propaganda machine to goad these lunatics into making threats. This country feels more like Zimbabwe every day.
Pounce, you are a star π
This is just another box-ticking exercise from the long list of liberal causes.
A couple of years ago, BBC local television ‘news’ in the South East ran a ‘shock horror’ item about a teddy bear shop seen to be displaying golliwogs in its shop window.
The shop had done so for many years. There had been but a single complaint, from a young, articulate black man who seemed so well versed in the lexicon of the race relations industry that one might suppose he was employed by it.
On the strength of that single complaint to the BBC, a film crew, satellite van and reporter were despatched to the town and the piece broadcast.
Wisely, the shop owner simply refused to discuss the ‘issue’ (such as it was) with the race Taliban, so the item fell rather flat.
Boxes ticked, the shop reopened the following day, doing business as usual. It continues to sell its handmade teddy bears and golliwogs.
No doubt everyone at the BBC regional news office felt ever so right-on, that day.
The complainant probably received a promotion.
Just look at the BBC complaints site
Published on the 9th of January someone complained about the use of the word ‘Hun’ in a Rab C Nesbitt programme. Hun is clearly a racial slur referring to an old culture which has little significance with Germany and implies barbarism. But did the BBC punish anyone? No. They said “the remark was intended as a joke.” So the BBC decided that racial slur was a joke but the BBC decided that Carol’s comment was not a joke despite her denials.
No one likes a grass.
Three questions have sprung to mind;
1. The BBC have now happily broken whatever unwritten sanctity these odious Green Rooms allegedly had. I sincerely doubt Carol Thatcher is the very first to do or say something questionable so what has gone un-splashed across the papers?
2. Have the BBC jumped on Carol to try and disctract from the growing flood of sleaze, corruption and dishonour at the heart of our Government? Just this weekend it has enveloped a BBC reporter’s sister (Jacqui Spliff) and the man who stood aside to allow Gordon Brown to ascend the throne of the newly created Parliamentary constituency of Kirkaldy and Cowdenbeath in 2005.(Lord Moonie)
3. If the BBC are prepared to breach assumed confidentialities from the pernicious Green Rooms, and hang the consequences, why are they unwilling to volutarily publish the Balen report? The safety and security of Carol Thatcher has taken a back seat to the need for headlines. Any suggestion that the Balen report would be unhelpful to the security of the BBC reporters in the middle east can now similarly be dismissed with a wave of commissar Jay Hunt’s clammy hand.
Carol Thatcher has been successfully targetted by Childs and Brand.
Childs sanctimonious behaviour is poisonous and political and Brands alledged reaction is quite unbelievable in the light of her frequent foul-mouthed comments.
The BBC conduct is in keeping with its narrow left authoritarian stance but a bad example of employer/employee relations.
Bob @ 2:50 pm i agree and especially as this grass is a fat fcuk that needs to go on a major fcukin diet
How come there were swarms of BBC staff in the Green Room ? How much does all that cost us, show by show, day by day ?
“…you’ll find the golliwog character is well dressed, drives a car, plays golf, reads books and partakes in a range of activities that are the societal norm. You couldn’t find a more liberal representation of a black person at its time…”
Doug | 08.02.09 – 12:38 pm | #
You’re right, Doug. But this would wind them up no end:
Paul – Golliwog goes fox hunting.
OMG!!! I missed that one. Just imagine if anyone had mentioned that there would be the BBC’s equivalent of the Nuremberg trials. And then the animal rights nutters would weigh in.
Paul | 08.02.09 – 3:19 pm | #
fantastic stuff!!
to be honest, why carol thatcher even wanted to work for the leftist BBC is beyond me.
surely her mum would have warned her?
Sean Gabb on golliwogs, one eyed scottish idiots and poo through the post
“But it might also be offensive to millions of people that the BBC β’ which is funded by a compulsory levy on everyone who can receive television signals β’ broadcasts a continual stream of nudity and obscene language; and that it pays the biggest salary in its history to Jonathan Ross, whose only public talent is for foul-mouthed buffoonery. The British ruling class β’ especially through the BBC, its main propaganda outreach β’ has a highly selective view of what is offensive.”
good article. worth reading it all..
‘Brussels Journal’
“PC Terror: On Golliwogs, One-Eyed Scottish Idiots and Sending Poo Through the Post”
So, we’ve had someone sacked from a TV role for uttering a non-PC word. Perhaps there’s an opportunity here for somebody to rehabilitate the person concerned with a documentary like the one done for Big Fat Ron Atkinson in 2004?
“What Ron Said” narrated by, erm, Adrian Chiles:
The difference between the Nuremburg trials and the BBC inquisition is the Nuremburg accused got a fair trial, the BBC kangaroo peoples tribunal/soviet had the guilty verdict in from the get go.
I would not agree with Carol Thatchers had she uttered the derogatory word in public, as it was she used the word in private, which makes me think that the BBC’s outrage is a cover for it’s own double standards, for me this is a non-story to deflect attention from it’s ‘stars’ bad behavior (Brand, Ross etc).
DV is right to highlight the double standards that the BBC employs depending on the political views of the ‘offender’, the response of the British public is very revealing, 3,000 complaints from people supporting Thatcher, 300 supporting the BBC, that makes me think that the BBC have got it wrong again!.
George R – snap!
Cassandra re: Nuremberg trials
Fair enough. I wasn’t really going for the legal technicalities but the scale of the event and seriousness of the allegations.
I blame Mrs. Thatcher for this. She should have broken up and privatised the BBC in 1983-4, along with getting rid of the old GLC and the ILEA.
The next Conservative government should go ahead and complete the job,in its first few weeks in office.
Yes, snap. Let’s hope that the BBC’s Stasi activities ring a political bell in Europe too.
The hypocracy of the Carol Thatcher incident seems to know no bounds. On Friday Jo Brand was on QI making quite obscene jokes about Carol’s mother. All broadcast to the nation without a peep of protest.
What is the point of disciplining someone for causing offense and then employing some one to be offensive.
Or is it that it is not the causing of offence that matters, but who you offend?
Is it possible to use Jay Hunt as a euphemism for something?
Unless there was some sort of video or recording of her saying it she should have just completely denied it like all our politicians would. It would have been their word against hers and as death threats are now involved she could have taken them to the cleaners.
Over at Guido Fawkes, further discussion on the Mail on Sunday’s revelations about the Home Secretary pocketing Β£116,000 for claiming for her sister’s house.
Two points:
the BBC is not reporting it BUT:
the sister is a BBC reporter.
So how come the BBC isn’t reporting such a juicy item when it has a reporter on the inside?
Fat and two-eyed but intellectually blind Labour Party supporter Jo Brand is being investigated by the police for allegedly inciting criminal acts against people who’s politics she doesn’t like.
While presenting a BBC television programme on the 16th January 2009, she rejoiced that the membership list of the British National Party had been
published on the Internet. Her exact words were: “Hurrah! Now we know who to send the poo to”.
Perhaps Jo wants a little revenge on the old political establishment, whilst hoping for protection from the new political establishment?
Sorry if this is off topic – but general comments very low down the page now
But if you look very hard on the front news page on the BBC website you can just see (if you try very hard) the line that ‘Smith denies expenses wrongdoing’ – no photo to suggest which Smith – could it be Mel or Delia – well it couldn’t be the Home Secretary – could it?
I hope the BBC continues with this sort of nonsense. It is cutting its own throat.
Perhaps Jay Hunt should change her Christian name to Witch…
I am really intrigued. Does anyone know who was referred to Caroline Thatcher. Maybe he did look like a gollywog? Perhaps she was misquoted and he really looked like a pollywog? Not racist therefore OK?
BTW I may have divulged this family secret before. Once I did have a gollywog until he was murdered by my mother and father who claimed at the time he had gone for a walk and would come back soon! After the statute of limitations had expired they came forward with the weak excuse of unraveling wool. π
I was traumatised and take antigollywogism very seriously. π
Re jon dee @ 3-08
For Childs read Chiles.
He remains sanctimonious and devious.
Anyone with a grasp of political history can see where this PC madness could well end up, peoples courts, guilty untill proven innocent, trial by accusation with guilt predetermined, nightwatch and the old favourite night and fog laws so beloved of the dictatorship!
The democratic values we hold dear are not cast in stone and unbreakable, they have to be maintained and defended and this takes effort and will, there are many who despise freedom, who wish to limit and constrain freedom to impose their own value set on others.
If we allow the PC fascists to dictate what we can say then do you think they will stop at Gollywogs? At the end of the PC line are the reeducation camps and further down the tracks are the death camps, the PC dictators will NEVER stop, they will carry on bit by bit stripping the freedoms we enjoy untill we have NO freedoms left, the tyrant has never been able to exist within a free society, the dictatorships of history have always preffered the obedience, silence, fear and discipline of the masses to thrive, they cannot and have never been able to thrive in the fresh air of freedom, they realise this and have to steal power slowly and sneakily, they are in fact a cancer on society, the sooner they are exposed the better, the work camps beckon, the ditches filled with murdered dissenters both real and imagined are waiting as they have waited throughout time, sometimes to be filled with the corpses of people who thought the storm would never reach them and sometimes not, if any of you imagine that the dictatorsip will ignore you then think again!
You may not be interested in fascism but fascism is ALWAYS interested in you, see you in the cattle trucks eh?
Im sure that during the build up,to the Us elections that on an episode,of Have I Got News For You. A Black American comic used the words cracker and honky,whilst refering to a whiteman,these terms are raciast,but no action was taken by the beeb
JohnA said: How come there were swarms of BBC staff in the Green Room ? How much does all that cost us, show by show, day by day ?
It’s a good point well made.
Should there have been any BBC staff in the room at all? Green rooms are traditionally for performers. Carol Thatcher wasn’t a guest she was working on the show. As was Adrian Chiles. Chiles’ article described other members of staff there along with Jo Brand and someone connected to Comic Relief.(Why were they in the green room if they weren’t on the show?)
I expect they were originally but have become a taxpayer funded free drink and grub bar for all who enter the BBC, guests, staff and visitors alike.