Just a little reminder that a week has flown by and tonight we face another episode of Question Time Live! Here’s the panel of charmers the BBC has lined up for our edification – Liam Byrne, Justine Greening, Salma Yaqoob, Kelvin MacKenzie and Monty Don. I’ll be here this evening and hope you will be able to join us – it’s a dirty job but someone has to do it!
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That Moozie gets everywhere. She was on Newsnight last night as well. Where is Littlejohn?
Another week without Red Ken? What are the BBC thinking of? It looks like Salma Yaqoob is the resident nutjob then.
Does anybody know whereabouts in Bath QT is being hosted tonight?
Salma Yaqoob – for those times when Galloway just isn’t Muslim enough
Where is Littlejohn?
probably in a pie shop judging by recent appearances
Apparently re Salma Yaqoob – “In her youth she was concerned about the treatment of women in countries such as Pakistan, and even considered converting to Christianity. However she concluded that the Qur’an gave women more rights than the Christian Bible, and began wearing the hijab at 18.”
With deductive powers like that she will go far.
Monty Don ? For heaven’s sake !
Gardener’s Question Time’s normally on a Saturday, surely?
Anonymous @ 9.29- it’s being recorded up at Kingswood School on Lansdown Road, according to the Chronicle website. In the main hall, I presume.
I wonder if the BBC will manage to stop anyone asking a question about Geert Wilders.
David Vance – As you have been on this programme as a panelist yourself, can you tell me, are some comments or questions edited out?
The panelists are given broad indications of likely questions. There is no editing out of comments.
i wasnt going to bother watching the crap, but the Geert Wilders matter pointed out by caveman is enough for me to set a reminder call on the ole dog n done
i forsee Yaqoob ranting and raving over this matter and thats gotta be worth watching
Always a good laugh!
Can’t wait!!!
caveman | 12.02.09 – 11:36 am
Because it’s sought to bury coverage elsewhere right?
Good to see Monty Don back on the television after his stroke.
Justine Greening – a politician with some (gasp!) real-world experience.
Liam Byrne – not my cup of tea politically, but seems an alright bloke: “Never put anything to me unless you understand it and can explain it to me in 60 seconds… If I see things that are not of acceptable quality, I will blame you.”
Kelvin McKenzie, pretends to be a man of the people, a scumbag at the end of the day.
Salma Yaqoob, psychotherapist, which even Derek Draper can call himself.
Wrote an article portraying an Islamic Republic of Great Britain, ending with Salman Rushdie fleeing the country and described 7/7 as “reprisal attacks”. Isn’t she charming?
Cross off each item as it is reached:
Israeli elections – Netanyahu: a bad thing
USA: bad thing but getting better because of the Lord Saviour Obama May His Name Be Blessed
Bankers and Wall Street: a bad thing
Handouts and government assistance: a good thing
Islam – a good thing
Christianity – a really bad thing
Gordon Brown – superman
Obama – superdooperman
and one for Monty Don:
Gardening: a good thing – but beware of global warming
I think I’m off to the pub this evening
Isn’t Salma Yaqoob the one who can’t even bring herself to utter the word Israel? It should be interesting to see how she manages to debate if the Israeli election is a topic.
Kelvin Mackenzie should be good, as long as he has not been brainwashed by the beebanoids.
Because it’s sought to bury coverage elsewhere right?
mikewineliberal | 12.02.09 – 1:22 pm
I watched the BBC24 hour news for about half an hour yesterday – no mention. And probably none for the rest of the day.
Does it not qualify for one mention in half an hour of what is claimed to be national and global news?
Do you seriously think the following is not worthy of being the major story of the day:
“Muslim in House of Lords threatens Britain with his mini-army of 10,000 supporters – weak government surrenders immediately”
However, MWL, if, on the other hand, they show the FITNA film in full on the BBC in prime time in the next few days, then I will buy a TV licence.
I will be interested in Ms Greenings views on the Wilders matter as the Tories seem to be rather silent on this matter of free speech
caveman | 12.02.09 – 3:06 pm
It was on the News at 10 last night, at about 10:15. Nick Higham did a long piece, interviewed Wilders, Ahmed and Pearson and showed clips of Fitna.
They really did not bury it.
And lead item on website:
I agree, the Wilders story was not buried as it was on Wednesday night’s 10 o’clock news. They took their time though as I knew about it from other sources on Tuesday night.
Why, though, does every reference to Wilders include reference to his forthcoming trial whereas Lord Ahmed’s threat to blockade Parliament with 10,000 Muslims is brushed under the carpet? Surely both facts are relevant to this story?
Dominos pizza has started using halal meat and stopped using pork,in some locations to appease muslims
Also never a mention of Lord Ahmed’s upcoming sentencing after pleading guilty of dangerous driving – a man died as a result of Lord Ahmed texting whilst driving his car. I can’t believe that the BBC would not mention this if it was a Christian Conservative MP.
Why not Alan Titchmarsh ?
Notasheep 5:58
It will be interesting to see how the NuLab establishment cover up Ahmed’s crime.
Has Geert Wilders killed anyone ?
Grant asks “Why not Alan Titchmarsh?”
Answer: Beeboids have long memories. Titchmarsh is associated with BBC Birmingham. Metropolitan BBC types hated the old BBC Pebble Mill and everything that came out of it. Titchmarsh is therefore not trendy.
Titchmarsh is also a genuine guy and not a phony. Two reasons for him not being invited to sit down with Dimblebore and his Britain-bashing audience.
Kath 3:14
Good point. The Tories silence is deafening and , really, sitting on the fence is not an option.
John Bos 6:14
Spot on !
The one thing the BBC hate more than anything is independent thought, any loose cannon is a problem in their little minds.
I would love to see Robin Page on QT ! Dream on !!
I’m most disappointed that I won’t be here for the Live Blog tonight as I am going to see one of the best bands ever in a reunion concert. 🙂
I’ll be with you in spirit, of course – and will run the iPlayer version with the CoverItLive comments in the morning!
The inevitable Geert question should be a corker!
Scumbag McKenzie is held in such high regard.
BritishSquaddie | 12.02.09 – 5:52 pm |
Dominos pizza has started using halal meat and stopped using pork,in some locations to appease muslims
That’s just good old capitalism, US-style. Why not expand the customer base? It’s not like they’re forcing anyone else to eat something they don’t like just to appease a few Mohammedans.
‘…Nick Higham did a long piece…’
mikewineliberal | 12.02.09 – 4:57 pm |
Ah yes. Nick Higham!!! Following the outrage over the disgusting and obscene Question Time on 13/11/2001, Higham sought to justify the BBC on their breakfast bimbo slot by saying that ‘Middle England’ had an ‘uncomplicated’ view on such matters.
Higham is vermin of the first order.
glj | 12.02.09 – 7:43 pm |
A representative from the world capital of self pity I see.
Anyone for Heysel.
I think Kelvin McKenzie is a great bloke especially when he bitch slapped Janet Street Puker
I’m not familiar with Kelvin Mackenzie. Is he one of the quietly spoken, shy and retiring, privately educated toffs like many of the more “important” folk in the Labour Party? Or is he one of the quietly spoken, shy and retiring folk in the Labour Party whose children are privately educated. Or is he just someone who says it as he sees it i.e. not a politician?
Stop-watches out. How many seconds will the Tory be able to speak before David interrupts? Or am I being unkind, I don’t mean to be.
I think Kelvin McKenzie is a great
TPO | 12.02.09 – 8:45 pm | #
Speaks volumes.
David Preiser (USA):
BritishSquaddie | 12.02.09 – 5:52 pm |
Dominos pizza has started using halal meat and stopped using pork,in some locations to appease muslims
That’s just good old capitalism, US-style. Why not expand the customer base? It’s not like they’re forcing anyone else to eat something they don’t like just to appease a few Mohammedans.
David Preiser (USA) | 12.02.09 – 8:23 pm |
I can’t work out whether you are being sarky or straightforward.
If the latter, I have news for you…
I’m not familiar with Kelvin Mackenzie
Orson Carte | 12.02.09 – 9:07 pm |
Can’t swear to it but I think one of his headlines was “Up Yours Delors”
He seriously pisses of socialist shite and Liverpool. Both of which are really one and the same.
I’d invite him round for dinner.
I hope she has the courtesy to take her Islamic garb off before coming on British national television.
He seriously pisses of socialist shite and Liverpool. Both of which are really one and the same.
I’d invite him round for dinner.
TPO | 12.02.09 – 9:48 pm | #
Nice to see that bBBC’s resident racist has more than one string to his bigoted bow.
btw Liverpool Council has been in the control of the Liberals/LibDem’s for much of the last 40 years, but let’s not allow the facts to get in the way of things.
Given your penchant for half truths and lies it’s no wonder you’d enjoy McKenzies company so much – birds of a feather.
glj | 12.02.09 – 10:30 pm |
“btw Liverpool Council has been in the control of the Liberals/LibDem’s for much of the last 40 years, but let’s not allow the facts to get in the way of things.”
The problem is that the Mad Hatter (sorry, I mean the Mad Hatton) dented the city’s reputation in only a few years with his crazy Trot plans.
Give Mad Hatton his due, though – he is now a property owner in Greece / Cyprus. I wonder if he’s still true to his socialist word and rents it out for free to disadvantaged Scousers
Last night’s ‘Elephants in the room’
Parents and truancy-no mention of the mass bunking off school for 3-6 months at a time to visit the homeland, learn about your culture, way of life etc. as it is still practised, meet the cousins, arrange for bride/bridegroom to come to UK in a few years time. After missing school important exams etc. return to same school your parents falsely claimed you were leaving permanently and carry on with no threat of sanction even though the authorities know exactly what is going on. One rule for some parents!
‘Elephant number two; any attempt at reversing that part of climate change that can be attributed to human activity in the UK is pointless given our ever increasing population due to immigration and the cultural requirement of so many of them to have very large families.
Best not mention either on the BBC
As for Monty Don and his claim that 1998 being the warmest year ever; well I thought he would know about Vikings farming in what is now Greenland just 1000 years ago!
Nice to see that bBBC’s resident racist has more than one string to his bigoted bow.
glj | 12.02.09 – 10:30 pm |
Calm down! Calm down!glj!
Can you really see much difference between Lib Dems and Labour? I can’t.
Please don’t be over sensitive about people criticising the city of Liverpool. You will end up appearing like you have a chip on your shoulder. I thought the chip fell off when Boris Johnson kept repeating his apology for suggesting you overreact or something, about 20 times, the last time he visited your city.
You might have some good architecture left over from your glory days, and, to be fair, your people are quite friendly in the daytime, but, let’s face it, you do fly off the handle at the slightest provocation.
I live in Manchester, and please feel free to call it socialist shite • because it is. Our council can out-shite your council any time. No Tory could ever get elected here in central Manchester Labour heartland. The voting habits of the Mancunians are always a source of shame on the city of Manchester. They vote for people who want to obliterate all aspects of Manchester’s great history, apart from trade-union related episodes.
If only the people of Liverpool would spend as much time thinking about the policies of their elected representatives as they do thinking about football.
“The voting habits of the Mancunians are always a source of shame on the city of Manchester.”
Residents of The City of Manchester have a hard-coded “Vote Labour” gene passed down the generations.
Even Salford next door has about ten Tories on the council !
Even Salford next door has about ten Tories on the council !
Mark | 14.02.09 – 4:02 pm |
– and Trafford (next to the City of Manchester) still has grammar schools.
Manchester, meanwhile, has one of the highest levels of failing schools in the country