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One thing I did notice about the gun plods was how they didn’t take any shit off people and people didn’t gob back that much.
I’ve never been a fan of arming all our Police as I could imagine that tosser in North Wales ordering speeding motorists to be shot on sight, but I’m starting to think now that arming our Plods is the only way to get order back on the streets.
Remember the BBC at the Italian elections and how they were so cocksure that the socialist comrades would triumph? Oh how they evangalized for their comrades, the right were going to be crushed etc etc, the beeboid droids were at the celebration party ready to report and celebrate with their ideological comrades!
Then it all went sour and the socialists lost, the grief of the beeboids was palpable and the shocked look was a joy to behold.
Cut to now and the Italian socialists are in complete meltdown, their head commissar is stepping down, the party is mired in corruption charges and they have just been slaughteed at the polls AGAIN, it seems the Italian public dont want anything to do with the comrades and their socialist utopian dreams.
The BBC of course cannot fathom why the voters are treating the socialists like an old pair of tramps underwear, the BBC comrades are stumped as to why their politics are being flushed like yesterdays bad curry!
Newsflash for the comrades, there is more to come, a whole lot more, the socialists are in line for destruction at the coming europolls, hey ho such is life eh?
With all this gloom and doom its going to be a hoot to watch the beeboids suffer defeat after defeat!
Cassandra 6:14
Not to mention the almost total non-reporting of the Canadian and New Zealand elections last year by the BBC !
BBC website headlines.
‘Latest’ on home page “Chinese officials say that HIV/Aids was the leading cause of death last year, killing 7,000 in nine months.”
Go to the article headline is “Aids is China’s deadliest disease”
Go to first paragraph “leading cause of death last year, compared with other infectious diseases.”
In 2002 about 270 000 Chinese died of TB. Over 700 000 died of heart disease. So HIV/AIDS is not quite “the leading cause of death” or even “China’s deadliest disease”. Why would it be?
John 8:58
I shall leave Martin, who posts here regularly, to reply to your question if he reads this !
“On Tuesday, the UN said that 2,118 civilians were killed in the conflict in 2008 – an increase of 39% from 2007.
Militants were to blame for 55% of the deaths, while US, Nato and Afghan forces were responsible for 39%, the UN said.”
surely, the terrorists are to blame for all of these deaths since its their actions that create the problems?
Then again, considering how we are hearing Afghanistan is an unwinnable quagmire every day I was surprised to hear that “only” 2000 civilians had died all of last year. Isnt that less than the number of people killed on America’s roads?
Gosh, maybe Afghanistan isnt quite the quagmire the MSM is making it out to be.
Libby Purves had a guy on this morning praising multiculturalism.
As we all should. There is no real difference between us :
The BBC is on the case with Islamic clerics and their jihad promise over Gaza, made in Turkey:
“Clerics urge new jihad over Gaza”
The usual BBC reporter in Turkey is Sarah Rainsford, who seems to support the application to get 75 million Muslim Turks into the EU (as does the UK Labour government, of course); on this occasion the BBC reporter is Bill Law, who:
“was the only Western journalist at the meeting. ”
Turkey’s regime, which is veherment in its support of Islamic jihad, will complete the Islamisation of the European Union when the EU dhimmi ‘leaders’ (inc. Brown and D. Miliband) engineer Turkey’s entry in the very near future.
“Islamic clerics gather in Turkey to declare new jihad over Gaza”
‘What happened to the old one?’
The only racist issue with the Police is the blatantly racist Black Police Officers Association. How come such an organisation is permitted to exist?
“The anti-Anglicanism of the BBC”
(-Talking of respect for British history, no doubt the BBC will be positively interested in the new film, ‘Young Victoria’, reviewed here by Andrew Roberts):
“Hollywood learns a history lesson at last”
Libby Purves had a guy on this morning praising multiculturalism.
As we all should. There is no real difference between us :
JohnA | 18.02.09 – 10:56 am | #
Oh, but there is, there is! Didn’t you know? It’s called [Insert dreaded D word]…
Today has a feature on Jade Goody with interviewees – Max Clifford – her publicist – and Matthew Parris – the ex “Conservative” MP.
The proximate excuse for the interview is the courage with which JG is facing her sentence of death from cancer. No argument there. The substance of the interview was why we (the public) are interested in her. Forget Max – he’s there as a great ad for “Max Clifford – Publicist to anyone who can cough up the dosh”.
I think it was Parris who instanced the fascination of the British public with grotesques (eg the Vicar of Stiffkey). Then he goes off on a rant condemning “middle class” contempt for Jade. The BBC really hit the self-hate jackpot here although I am not surprised that Parris took this line. However, I am mystified why anyone would admire Jade who – although brave – has as much talent or native intelligence as a sea-slug and who only came to the notice of the public in a TV programme obviously aimed at the underclass (but enjoyed by a surprising number of people who are apparently able – with or without state assistance – to walk and chew gum at the same time).
Of course the “middle class” has contempt; not for her but for the publicity machine which holds her up as an example to be followed instead of a warning to the unwary. That’s what “middle class” and “respectable” working class is and was all about. My grandfather – a docker who worked hard all his life – would also have had nothing but contempt: again, not for Jade personally, but for the Max Cliffords of this world and the sewer-fishing MSM who have leeched onto Jade’s obvious inadequacies and, particularly now, squeeze as much circulation out of publicising her terminal illness.
The whole spectacle is quite disgusting – especially the sight of Matthew Parris dancing on Jade’s soon-to-be grave while assuaging his middle class guilt: yet another BBC coup.
Radio 4 this afternoon – yet another utterly boring, utterly unconvincing play about immigrants, complete with false accents. All lovey-dovey up in Glasgow. All so untrue.
Why are we forced to pay for all this trash ? And who commissions it ? Seems to me that anyone who sends in a rubbish script focussed on the BBC’s favoured causes gets automatic airtime.
jonah has “wished her well” and the bbc play along.
with his reverse midas touch i expect her dead by the weekend.
The BBC and Jacqui Smith:
For the past two weeks, the BBC has consciously avoided all but the briefest mention of the Jacqui Smith • second home expenses fiddle • story. When asked on the Daily Politics to explain his lack of inquisition • Nick Robinson attacked both the Daily Mail and BBC viewers who did not understand the complexities of the case. He had looked at the evidence, and it was clear that the Home Secretary had no questions to answer; she had not broken the rules.
The initial ruling of the Parliamentary Standards commissioner [PSC] • not to investigate – seemed to support Mr. Robinson’s stance. However, following further revelations from Jacqui Smith’s London neighbours; some of whom allege that she only spends about a third of her evenings at her ‘main’ home, the PSC has had a sudden change of heart. So has the BBC • on the 1 O’clock news it covered the story (well up to a point)… the allegations against Jacqui were briefly mentioned, together with a videotaped interview with the Home Secretary denying any wrong-doing. However, most of the piece, concentrated on what the BBC reporter called ‘political machinations’. Apparently those evil Tories had been contacted by Jacqui’s neighbours… worse still • David Cameron’s office had pointed them in the direction of the press. What a scandal!! I mean Her Majesty’s opposition trying to keep a GVN sleaze story in the public eye • gosh I bet that’s never happened before 🙂
But this BBC story has a happy ending. Apparently, an unnamed source who works for the BBC (hopefully not Jacqui Smith’s sister or her boyfriend • although I wouldn’t put it past the corporation) can categorically refute the neighbour’s claims. Jacqui does spend most of her time in London. So in summation • according to the BEEB, Nick Robinson was right all along, Jacqui is innocent and the whole thing is some terrible evil Tory plot. Case solved.
Nail on the proverbial again my learned friend!
The beeboids dont seem so keen to report on elections that their comrades lose, all of a sudden the story vanishes when the comrades get crushed, funny that isnt it? the beeboids just lose interest all of a sudden and then the nations new elected leaders are put on the famous BBC BLACKLIST and smeared at every turn.
New Zealand doesnt seem to have a government just an oppostion, the oppostion get any airtime availible and the elected government is invisible!
The BBC shows its hatred for democracy everytime a hated right wing government is elected, if it were upto the BBC there would be a complete ban on any party more right wing than the limdems!
It was truly shocking that the BBC didn’t report the result of the Canadian election. In our household we often watch CIBC news online; and political debates are so civilised – representatives from all parties discussing calmly and intelligently – compared to the BBC bully-boy(person) aggressive browbeating nonsense.
Canadian Broadcasting is funded from taxes, with an annual budget set in parliamentary debate, depending on their performance.
HYS rejected me again.
“What are your top money-saving tips?”
SENT:18-Feb-2009 10:11
COMMENT: Declare your main family home as a “second home”. You can then stay with one of your relatives when working in London and declare their sofabed to be your main home. This will enable you to claim second home expenses (tax free and perfectly legal) to pay off the mortgage on your real main home.
Alternatively, if you’re not an MP, turn of the central heating and do some running on the spot to warm up.
Pacific Rising
Brilliant !!!
It is a mark of the ludicrous extent of bias among BBC staff that your comment was rejected. It should have been allowed in on grounds of being amusing, even if irrelevant. Only the thought police would bar it.
I notice that the BBC were in full force backing spliff.
Jo Cocburn was quick to find someone who claimed Spliff was at her sisters house most nights of the week. Presumably this lady will be writing to the standards commissioner then?
Then Cocburn hints that the Tories are behind this as the people who complained (how dare prolls complain about a Labour politician) went to the Tories first.
I see a Joe the Plumber story here. I bet the BBC sends lots of journalists to investigate these people, but not spliff.
And spliff could clear this up quite easily. She goes no where without plods being with her. So all they need to do is release the Police logs of when officers were outside her sisters house and when they were not. They could do that since spliff was Home Secretary.
Better still, the BBC could do a FOI themselves to get this info. Will the BBC do it? Of course not. Spliff is a white fat middle aged useless female socialist politician, she is above criticism.
Note the different tone between how they reported Boris Johnson letting rip at tosser Keith Vaz and Mandelson and Starbucks.
Islam and sport; the consequences of appeasement –
1.) BBC report:
“Israeli Ram wants action on Dubai”
2.)’Jihadwatch’ report:
“Sweden: City council in jihadist enclave rules tennis match with Israel must be held without spectators”
3.)’Jihadwatch’ report:
“Asian Football Confederation chief threatens to behead Korean Football Association head”
I just took delivery of my new Radio Times. There is a drama documentary about Thatcher next Thursday.
Page 5: “…the men in grey suits finally turn on Mrs Thatcher. Tremendously enjoyable.”
Page 18: “…how did Lindsay Duncan overcome a personal loathing…”.
Page 96: “…deliciously enjoyable revenge tragedy.”
I was a teenager in the 1980s and I could never understand why somebody so unpopular kept winning landslide elections. Nowadays of course I have wised up that it is people in the media, particularly the BBC, who don’t like her.
Pacific Rising
Brilliant !!!
It is a mark of the ludicrous extent of bias among BBC staff that your comment was rejected. It should have been allowed in on grounds of being amusing, even if irrelevant. Only the thought police would bar it.
JohnA | 18.02.09 – 6:18 pm |
It’s strange how an organisation that is so keen to promote and pay over the odds for the “humour” of the oafish and the ignorant louts (we all know who they are on a few million a year), have no actual sense of humour that would have appreciated and welcomed that funny post on HYS.
George R:
Islam and sport; the consequences of appeasement –
1.) BBC report:
“Israeli Ram wants action on Dubai”…nis/ 7894485.stm
I’ve been watching that story and wondering why it has not featured on BBC News pages or bulletins as such, but kept to the sports page.
You only have to look at BBC hysteria over many more trivial news stories.
And you can imagine the BBC fuss if a black player was refused entry to a tournament – or to anything.
Labour’s Jacqui Smith, and the BBC’s own ‘two homes’ syndrome:
“BBC changes perks for staff moving to Salford Quays”