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“price of cocaine drops dramatically”
good news for crackwhores –it means they can afford to get their government recommended 5 fruit + veg a day.
Not on any particular topic….
I got this by email today, others may have seen it anyway, but they are points worth a ponder or two…
Now here’s a thought . . . . If you are ready for the adventure of a
Lifetime, try this:
a.. Go to Pakistan , Afghanistan or Iraq illegally.
Never mind immigration quotas, visas, international law, or any of that nonsense.
b.. Once there, demand that the local government provide free medical care for you and your entire family.
c.. Demand that all nurses and doctors be fluent in English, and that all food be cooked according to your special specifications in the hospital.
d. Demand free local government forms, bulletins, etc. Be printed in English.
e.. Procreate abundantly.
f.. Deflect any criticism of this allegedly irresponsible reproductive Behaviour with, ‘It is a cultural thing; you wouldn’t understand.’
g.. Keep your original identity strong. Fly your previous country’s national flag from your rooftop, or proudly display it in your front window, or on your car bumper.
h.. Speak only English at home and in public, and make sure that your children do likewise.
i.. Demand classes on English culture in the Muslim school system.
J.. Demand a local country driver licence or national insurance number equivalent
k.. This will afford other legal rights and will go far to legitimise your unauthorised, illegal, presence in Pakistan , Afghanistan or Iraq
l.. Drive around with no motor vehicle rego, tax or insurance and ignore local traffic laws.
m.. Insist that local country law enforcement teaches English to all its officers..
N.. Organise protest marches against your host country, inciting violence against non-white, non-Christians, and the government that let you in.
Good luck! You’ll soon be dead.
It would never happen in Pakistan , Afghanistan or Iraq (or any other country in the world for that matter) except in the UK, US, Canada or Australia, because we are run by soft, politically correct politicians that are too scared to ‘offend’ anyone.
If you agree, pass it on.
If you don’t, go ahead and try the above in Pakistan, Afghanistan or Iraq
A ‘gentleman’ I met the other night claimed the opposite. Apparently, they bring it in from Europe, so the smugglers want paying in Euros. Due to the collapse in GBP, the wholesale price has rocketed for UK ‘consumers’.
That’s just what I heard…
You really are scraping the barrel to claim that some nutters in Africa are representative of today’s Christians.
By contrast – all polling so far shows that a sizeable proportion of Muslims favour jihad, support suicide bombing, support the imposition of shariah law on countries that have allowed them to settle.
Aggression and takeover is the very essence of Islam. The essence of Christian teaching is the opposite.
So please stop your BBC-style moral equivocation. It is childish and illogical.
(Sorry, above post was in response to Frankos)
Lovely, sensitive piece on Jacqui Smith about 6.45 on the Toady programme this morning. I think the phrase “move along there, nothing to see” would sum it up. Strange but the commentator (I cannot call him reporter because they investigate and report all the facts don’t they?) did not bother to mention the grace and favour accommodation available to ministers when in London which are permanently guarded. Perhaps Ms Smith will be undone by the fact that the neighbours could tell when she was there because the property had to be guarded so presumably the Met. Police records will be made available to the “investigating officer” to corroborate her memory/records of her “living” there. Let’s also hope that her sister was not in the habit of inviting just anybody round for drinks such that it would be difficult to protect the Home Secretary from harm. I trust that some evidence of remuneration to the sister will also be forthcoming to show that Ms. Smith was contributing to the bills of her “principle residence” in some meaningful way because it would be most altruistic of the sister otherwise.
MWL 9:51
Ha ! Ha !
Don’t forget the Salvation Army – all those uniforms and ranks. They must be evil.
Interesting comment, Gerald Brown.
What I find particularly revealing about the Jackboot Jacqui story is that while the BBC was trying to bury it, it was her sister’s neighbours who came forward to expose her lies.
In other words, once again, the BBC actively conspired to assist a ZaNuLabour minister escape investigation and it took public spirited citizens and the private sector media to undo their vile, lying support for McBean’s junta.
Have Your (Bloody) Say
The BBC wants us to comment on our experience of “Arbaeen”.
Arabaeen is “forty” in Arabic and refers to the event forty days after the Shia’a celebration of Ashura’a. Ashura’a celebrations are banned in most Muslim countries, particularly the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia. It is a celebration, in effect, of the divisions between Shia’a and Sunni and is celebrated by parades of men beating their backs and chests to a bloody pulp with chains. It can really only be seen these days in Iran and Shia’a strongholds in Iraq.
Now quite why the BBC wishes Shi’ites to share their experiences of the follow-on festival is something of a mystery. I do not recall “Have Your Say” asking for our experiences of Easter, Diwali or Passover. Why have they settled on this rather arcane and barbaric series of events to share with us? Useful idiots, as Stalin would have said.
GCooper | 19.02.09 – 12:17 pm
The words “Investigative” and “Reporter” have long been replaced in the BBC lexicon with “Party line” and “propagandist”
I would not believe them if they told me the Earth was round. :o(
A ‘gentleman’ I met the other night claimed the opposite. Apparently, they bring it in from Europe, so the smugglers want paying in Euros. Due to the collapse in GBP, the wholesale price has rocketed for UK ‘consumers’.
That’s just what I heard…
They are smuggling cocaine through eastern europe and Turkey in preference to heroin, so the price has dropped + herion has gone up.
I say bring back the 70s, snorting coke through rolled up £50 notes with giant flares and a hooker on each arm!!
Gerald Brown:
Since Mr Lyon – Parliamentary Standards Commissioner had previously rejected two complaints about Jacqui’s expenses, before a third compliant, forced his hand; I wouldn’t hold your breath. I doubt Mr Lyon will ask for police records. Nor do I suspect that he will ask Ms Smith to divulge her council tax arrangements or ask any awkward questions about capital gains tax payments on the sale of her original ‘second’ home in Reddich.
Instead, he will accept our Home secretary’s assurance that her work keeps her in London. Conveniently, forgetting of course, both the long parliamentary recess and the fact that these claims originated BEFORE Jacqui was appointed to the Home Office. Questions as to why a backbench Labour MP and GVN Whip [her jobs before the Home Office] needed to be in London during the recess will be totally ignored. Ditto the Taxpayer value for money angle [so bang will go any inquest into why she rejected the Grace and favour flat].
No doubt, Mr Lyon’s inquiry will however call for greater clarity in the rules governing MPs second home allowance. Of course, a further parliamentary review by a newly appointed Speakers committee will then push this issue into the long grass; it will report on a busy news-day and Mr Lyon’s original recommendation will be quickly forgotten. Drinks all round….
The really sad aspect of this affair however • isn’t the fact that MPs cannot be trusted to police themselves. Politicians are politicians • most are self-serving individuals who really can’t get a proper job in the real world and or have never really grown up from their student union days. We all know that they feel a sense a genuine entitlement. Many excuse their institutionalised pilfering of expenses on the laughable grounds that MPs aren’t paid enough. No the real problem here is the lobby media and in particular the BBC.
The politicians only get away with it, because the media led by Auntie let’s them. Take the Tessa Jowell story • the BBC report that an estranged husband of a minister of the crown is convicted in an Italian court of perjury • he accepted a bribe to change his evidence. All true – but the fact that Ms Jowell and Mr Mills have separated [and even this is questionable] has no real bearing on the story. After all, they were a couple when Mr Mills accepted the bribe. They were a couple when Mr Mills used this money to pay off a mortgage on their joint home. They were a couple when Miss Jowell later applied for a second and third mortgage on this property. Remember • according to the Minister’s story she didn’t know that the first home loan had been repaid. But surely, in their subsequent mortgage applications she must have noticed that Mr Mills hadn’t listed the first mortgage as an outstanding debt. Her story doesn’t add up • but the BBC (and other media outlets) seem completely uninterested.
In the Jacqui Smith case – the BBC seem equally uninterested • no questions about capital gains tax, council tax etc… no questioning of the morality of making the claims, even if they are within the rules, no questioning of why the rules are so lax in the first place, no campaigning for greater transparency in MPs expenses etc… even though they must know that such a campaign would resonate with voters and licence-fee payers. And Beeboids don’t for minute try to claim that it’s not the BBC’s job to campaign • Global warming, make poverty history etc… are examples of BBC not too subtle campaigns to change the political agenda. I believe that cleaning up Parliament is, for the future of this country • as important as any of the above. And don’t get me started on the BBC’s ambivalence to EU fraud. How many years have the EU commissions auditors been unable to sign-off on the accounts?
But with a pro-EU bias and a pro-Labour bias at the BBC • its journalists decide not to rock the boat, lest the public lose faith in the institution that they themselves cherish. Note how for instance • the BBC will report with relish any allegation of Tory or Republican sleaze • but their Devil’s pact with the left will eventually • one day – come back to bite them. I only hope that I am alive to see it.
NB: sorry about the rant, but as you can tell • this subject really f***’s me off! Big Time!
PM on Radio 4 was interesting last night (18th Feb) as they had a report on drivers who kill people because they are texting while driving. There was an interview with a poor woman whose daughter had been killed in just such a way and who is now campaigning for longer sentences for such drivers.
But then they had a round up of recent road deaths caused by such drivers. Several were mentioned but not Lord Ahmed. I wonder why not ?
Jeremy Vine talking about Abu Qatada .
Boy the Human rights wanker is getting a right pasting.
1327 | 19.02.09 – 12:44 pm
It would seem Ahmed got himself a good lawyer. He wasn’t done for ‘causing death by dangerous driving’ but pleaded guilty to simple “dangerous driving”.
This means that there has been no linkage in evidence between the texting and the death.
That means Ahmed must be treated like anyone else who is done simply for texting while driving, as opposed to someone who has caused death while texting. His lawyer (Steve Smith) is very hot on the point that his client was not done for causing the death. No doubt he has made this clear to the meejah.
Jonathan | 19.02.09 – 12:42 pm
Excellent post, I understand your anger.
Heard something on the radio that was frankly bizarre. A couple from Illiois were being interviewed about something called Ebony something or other, maybe Ebony project. This involved them only shopping at shops owned by black people. The interview recounted for instance the difficulty they had in finding a black owned garage to get petrol. I’m not hundred percent sure what the purpose was – in different places it seemed to be about supporting black businesses, while elsewhere it was investigating/ highlighting lack of black business … or something – it made so little sense it was hard to follow.
What was so striking was the tone of the interview as if this was the most reasonable and virtuous thing in the world. As if worrying that there werent enough black owned garages in an area was a reasonable thing to worry about.
I reckon that there is a very high chance that the people in question worked for the government in some fashion.
Personally I’m in favour of tolerating cranks and a free market is a free market to behave in what seems irrational ways. The BBC however, has responsibilities.
Jonathan – what a first class post!
Keith 12:27
It is not just men who self-mutilate, it is boys also. For children and babies who are two young, an older person does the cutting !
Jonathan 12:42
No need to apologise for your rant, I thoroughly enjoyed it and couldn’t agree more !
Heard something on the radio that was frankly bizarre. A couple from Illiois were being interviewed about something called Ebony something or other, maybe Ebony project. This involved them only shopping at shops owned by black people.
There was a recent programme (I think on the BBC) where a BBC approved comedian sought to cross the USA without giving money “to the man”, i.e. avoiding using large companies & chains.
The comic was obviously unaware that US chains, motels & food, are franchised & not owned by “the man”, i.e. our pension funds.
My post 1:07
“Two” should read “too” !
re will | 19.02.09 – 1:13 pm
Sorry, I’m in error in criticising the BBC , the programme was on a left wing channel, More 4
Changing the subject slightly, back to the BBC… does anyone share my view that 1xtra, the BBC radio station, is everything that is wrong with the way the Beeb/establishment promote race relations? Its sold to us as ‘black music’ and the implied tone is, ”this is for you, black people of britain.” how bloody patronising. but more than that, it seems to say that its okay to draw a big divide between races.
thats not to mention that the music it plays is god awful… I heard they used metallica to torture the inmates at guantanamo, they should just stick 1extra on instead.
The bBC, religious hatred and half the story.
Youths threaten to shoot curate
Two youths threatened to shoot a curate and a volunteer church worker unless they handed over their bicycle. The clergywoman was walking home with a volunteer, a 22-year-old woman, from St Chrysostom’s Church in Longsight, Greater Manchester.
Two men approached the pair on Anson Road, and demanded the bicycle…
One youth is described as Asian, aged 14 to 15, about 5ft 7in (1.71m) tall, of very slim build with slight facial hair. He was wearing a silver hooded top with a large front pouch and stripes going down the sleeves.
His accomplice is also described as Asian, aged 16, 5ft 10in (1.78m), with a blue waterproof top.
So the bBC reports that one was asian and so was the other. What happened to the word ‘Both’ anyway the bBC report that the victim was a curate. (correct) but lets read how the fine folks from Manchester are informed of this story;
Thugs threaten to shoot female vicar
TEENAGE robbers threatened to shoot a vicar and another woman unless they handed over a handbag and mountain bike.
The thugs targeted the Reverend Tracey Charnock and the 22-year-old church volunteer as they were walking home from St Chrysostom’s Church in Longsight.
The vicar was pushing the bike which she uses to get round the community. When two youths told her to hand it over, the Rev Charnock explained she needed it for her work but the yobs threatened to shoot her
The bBC, religious hatred and half the story.
you’re makinga big deal out of nothing mate. There’s barely any difference in the reports. I’m unsure as to what you think the BBC has done wrong….
Gus Haynes:
Changing the subject slightly, back to the BBC… does anyone share my view that 1xtra, the BBC radio station, is everything that is wrong with the way the Beeb/establishment promote race relations? Its sold to us as ‘black music’ and the implied tone is, ”this is for you, black people of britain.” how bloody patronising. but more than that, it seems to say that its okay to draw a big divide between races.
Gus Haynes | 19.02.09 – 1:33 pm |
I didn’t know that the BBC had a station for black music. However, I should not be surprised as the BBC is obsessed with skin colour and does see the world as a fantasy cartoon of black and white. This stance is one of the most political and divisive. There really isn’t a lot of rationality to the BBC on this subject.
Has anyone here heard from the self-styled “John Reith” recently? Or has he finally given up in defeat?
Millie Tant,
slogan ‘ love black music love 1extra’
It just seems to me, that things like this cannot help race relations in the long run. Its so ‘us and them’.
I don’t listen to radio 1, so I am not the best informed, but I would have thought that a lot of mainstream popular / youth music is black anyway, so it is not as if black people’s music interests and tastes wouldn’t be reflected in radio 1.
Yeah exactly, radio 1 plays new music, from white and black artists. its odd that the BBC felt the need to create a ‘black music’ station.
I’m sure someone else has mentioned it on here before though. I’m just curious why I’ve never heard anyone else complain about it. to me, this is the sort of bias that the BBC does encourage – it is seeking to further one ‘community’ or race, whatever term one likes, at the expense of a more inclusive, less race driven society.
Gentle readers.
I agree ‘1xtra’ is a racist abomination. I fully intend to raise this point at the next MOWO (Music of White Origin) awards ceremony. Perhaps the Brutha’s will boycott it or pop a cap of whoopass etc etc.
But do feel free to report it at the next meeting of the Metropoltan White Police association (BTW does this come in any other colours..pink white blue etc?).
BTW – Notice any patterns here?
Seems to me that so called ‘positive’ discriminitaion and selective associations based on perceived skin tone are a hugely bad thing for all concerned. Except the BBC which promotes division.
The “black” bit describes the origins of the music I think, rather than who it’s aimed at. Like Mobo awards, or Cajun music, which isn’t just aimed at Southern comfort types. Joli blon.
Gus Haynes wrote:
“You’re makinga big deal out of nothing mate. There’s barely any difference in the reports. I’m unsure as to what you think the BBC has done wrong….”
Well the way I see it, the bBC underplays the victim of the attack. You see a curate doesn’t actually refer to a vicar yet the victim was a reverend which in any church in the land usually refers to a vicar.
But hey lets not take my word on this story here are a few the bBC have made earlier;
Man charged over attack on cleric
Jail for racist who attacked Imam
‘Race’ attack on imam near mosque
Muslim leader assaulted at mosque
Now contrast the above reporting with the article you claim I am making a big deal out of nothing;
Youths threaten to shoot curate
The attacks on Imams as reported by the bBC inform you straight away that the victim was a muslim, a holyman and racial overtones are unmisable.
Pounce 2:11
I am sure the BBC would have mentioned if it had been a female Imam…..
Sorry, ignore my last post !
will – 1:23 pm
Channel 4 is easily confused with the BBC for some reason. I wonder if it has anything to do with the left wing bias and public subsidy?
Its truly strange the peculiar things some people get in their heads.
Re: mikewineliberal
“The “black” bit describes the origins of the music I think, rather than who it’s aimed at. Like Mobo awards…”
So does ‘1xtra’ play music by White/Asian artists who use the ‘black music’ genre? And have any non-black musicians won a MOBO award? Also I’d be interested to know the racial composition of ‘1xtra’ presenters and technicians. Are all disc-jockeys Black? And if so • why is this?
After all if Black actors can play Shakespeare (and they have) then when can’t white musicians and or D.J’s work on ‘1xtra’ and the BBC’s Asian network?
Hopefully you will prove all my suspicions wrong… I look forward to reading a long list of white MOBO winners + white dj’s working at the BBC’s ethnic radio stations.
Sorry MWL but I don’t feel able to so casually encourage apartheid in the UK.
Something us ‘Brutha’s’ feel quite strongly about.
Just off now to play my mantovani records at industrial strength levels in my pimped up Austin 1100.
It’s up n over Garage music dontcha know but I may locate it in some other location …..toodle pip
The BBC have a racist “Asian” (I suspect they mean Indian) radio station too.
The BBC ( http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7898845.stm )find room to report the row over a “racist” cartoon appearing in the NY post (reproduced here
http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5766822.ece ).
Don’t remember them picking up on attacks on Condeleeza Rice such as His latest crude-toon includes a frame depicting Condoleezza Rice proclaiming herself Bush’s “HOUSE NIGGA.”
Yeah! Haven’t you seen the advert for the Asian network breakfast show with Adil Ray? It’s always on BBC [we don’t do adverts] One. And what a great advert for multiculturalism it is too • not a white face in sight! A bit like the BBC’s Asian Network’s website • see below
Now I haven’t really got a problem with that • a white face on an Asian network would seem to be somewhat out of context. But that same principle doesn’t seem to apply to the BBC’s more mainstream output. For instance, who can remember the middle-eastern looking, Muslim girl in Robin Hood?
Still waiting for that list of white MOBO winners. Just out of interest • why hasn’t this award ceremony fallen foul of the equality commission? Either we are all British (White, Black, Brown etc…) under the sun (this is my position) • or we are separate sub-groups. In which case, I want a channel representing my ethnic group i.e. White, Anglo-Saxon, And British. The BBC and their ilk shouldn’t be allowed to have it both ways.
The BBC reports on the NY Post Monkeygate furor and as usual the overwhelming message it’s trying to get across is that the cartoon IS racist and IS meant to portray Obama as a monkey.
This, even when a CHILD could understand that it’s not, given the clear and unambiguous wording of the caption which compares the AUTHORS of the stimulus bill to monkeys (or at least says that the bill is so bad, a monkey could have written it.)
As usual the left is projecting its own inherently racist sentiments, this time by making the Obama/monkey association in their own heads when no such association exists. It’s also funny that after 8 years of calling Bush a monkey, the left collapses into a quivering heap of nervous hysteria at the first suspicion of the same epithet directed at their Messiah.
The next 4 years are going to be FUN.
>That means Ahmed must be treated like
>anyone else who is done simply for
>texting while driving, as opposed to
>someone who has caused death while
>texting. His lawyer (Steve Smith) is
>very hot on the point that his client
>was not done for causing the death.
>No doubt he has made this clear to
>the meejah.
Thanks Tom. I’m sure the Beeb would have been just as sensitive if a Tory minister had been caught doing the same 🙂
In its report here, the BBC finds ample space for the freedom-selective outfit ‘Liberty’ to speak in support of Qatada’s ‘human rights’ (although freedom-selective ‘Liberty’ is not interested in the human rights of Dutch MP, Geert Wilders, who is banned from Britain.
And the BBC finds no space in its report for any political oppositional criticism of Qatada and the Labour government, such as this from Tory MP, Patrick Mercer, who is Chairman of the Commons Counter-Terrorism Sub Committee (today’s ‘Telegraph’):
“Abu Qatada deportation: Commentary”
“Now, here’s the rub. Following the Law Lords’ findings, Qatada has immediately lodged an appeal with the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). Whilst we can’t pre-judge what the ECHR will decide, we do know that it will take them years to come to a decision during which time the Qatada Clan will remain on our payroll. Whilst Jaqui Smith trumpets that fact that the deportation order has already been signed, important questions remain.
“First, when will he actually go: and second, whilst he appeals, will he be locked-up again, put on the same sort of SIAC bail conditions that he abused in December 2008, or allowed to roam about subject one of the Government’s risible Control Orders?
“The Government are trying to put the best face on the Qatada case that they can, but it’s clear that he will be with us and, I suspect, a thorn in the nation’s side for the foreseeable future. Qatada has been called ‘Osama bin Laden’s right hand man…’ surely, the Home Secretary must be allowed to do her duty and balance the risks to our society against the risks to an individual who seems to intend us nothing but harm.”
For the BBC, Chakrabarti’s small,unrepresentative, National lottery subsidised, liberal/left ‘Liberty’
trumps any Tory critique of Islamic jihadists.
Jonathan | 19.02.09 – 3:52 pm
I’m not a fan, but a quick Google shows: MOBO has seen quite a few white winners (eg justin timberlake, Tim Westwood); and some of the 1extra DJs are indeed white or Asian (or appear to be on the website). And the controller of 1extra is white.
Bob Harris plays Country and Western on r2, and he’s not a septic.
There, so not so bad after all. Maximum Respect to the BBC.
Ooh yes, JohnA | 19.02.09 – 11:31 am,
That’s a very sticky wicket fellow. There’s a long long and grim history and indeed present (google “christian-terrorist”) of the Bible giving succour and inspiration to violent acts. Evidence shows that the more civilised countries are secular. Religion isn’t the solution; it’s the problem – in all its manifestations
The “black” bit describes the origins of the music I think,
mikewineliberal | 19.02.09 – 3:36 pm |
most popular music from the last 60 years has its origins in black music,
where do you think the the beatles or elvis led zeppelin or the stones got their sound from….wagner ?
Today’s discussion on the ‘1xtra’ website is…
“Should the Brits have bigged up black UK acts?”
The BBC then ask – “Estelle and MIA were among the few black British artists up for awards at this year’s Brits. Is that fair?”
When is the BBC going to ask about White musicians and the MOBO awards?