Ok, so we are in a recession that may turn into a depression but hey, those folks who work so hard in the Poverty Industry only see that as a sign that we need to spend £££ Billions chasing the phantasm of “child poverty.” The Rowntree Foundation is a BBC favourite and each time they produce liberal tosh it is treated as if it were the received wisdom of Solomon. As we have discussed here before, it is the political invention of relative poverty that is being retailed by the bleeding hearts at Rowntree and as ever, only one side of this faux argument is permitted on the BBC.
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Cassandra 9:34
I wasn’t sure whether you used the words “common purpose” in your original post on purpose, so to speak !
VFRMark 10:53
Is left-wing hate better ?
Your comment @ 11:10 am, sums up my attitude to the mega charities perfectly. I’ll go further and name and shame the worst culprits:
Oxfam – the won’t get another penny from me. They have gone from being a very worthy charity to a political pressure group. They stuck their oar in over Iraq for no apparent reason. I once saw an advert for a job in the Economist – £120,000 + relocation + school fees + travel and other expenses. That was eight years ago, who knows what they pay now.
Amnesty International – more obsessed with the ‘rights’ of pyschotic nutcases, than helping the victims of persecution. Who is more deserving of help – the gays strung up in Iran or Abu Hamza? Judging by Amnesty’s campaigns, it would appear to be Hamza.
World Wildlife Fund – once an organisation that did sterling work protecting habitats and endangered species. Now, little more than a global warming pressure group.
I could go on.
Personally, I only give money to charities I believe in – i.e. The British Legion and Sightsavers.
Re mega charities
Oxfam and Christian aid were pulled up by the Charities Commission for getting too involved in politics some years ago (they did their bit to increase poverty by helping Mugabe get into power).
They are definitely political charities.
The Left want us to be in povery and equal rather than rich but not as rich as others.
Re: mega charities
We can add the worst one of all, Comic Relief. We had not been watching Red Nose Day ever since bullying Ben Elton patronised us in 1991.
Re: leftist regimes
Right-wing totalitarianism –
Left-wing totalitarianism –
intimidation of political opposition,
suppression of free speech, but hey, it’s EXTREMELY GOOD because it includes FREE HEALTHCARE and FREE EDUCATION.
In Zimbabwe they replaced an ‘unfair system’ with a ‘fair’ one.
Hmmm, I wonder why most blacks wish they could have the ‘unfair’ system back?
Could it be anything to do with the fact that they had jobs, food, money, schools and hospitals under the ‘unfair’ system?
If you are a hypocrite who talks about fairness and justice, yet you wish to work busily away at making more countries like Zimbabwe, which organisation would attract you for your career? You have several charities to choose from if you get rejected by the BBC.
If the average giver knew what went on behind the scenes and just what their money was actually spent on there would be an uproar
Like the mini uproar over the PC use of lottery ticket money a year or two ago
VFRMark 10:53
Is left-wing hate better ?
Grant | 19.02.09 – 11:51 am |
There is certainly a lot of left-wing hate around. There will be examples on QT tonight.
“The hate being spewed out here is increadible…”
Good opening line, if misspelt.
Sure to make people here want to listen to your arguments.
“….yes there are shirkers, bums and frauds out there but they’re not all…”
Remind me straw-man, who was it here who said everyone was undeserving?
..”some of you have never experienced the struggle at the bottom of this social pyramid scheme….”
Do you mean at the bottom of the social pyramid? Where does it turn into “a pyramid scheme?” We ARE all silver-spooned toffs here. Everyone is enobled, (except perhaps Martin). Only modesty prevents David Vance from using his full title Lord Vance. No experience of life’s hardships, we are the “Let them eat cake” Society.
Do continue, be sure to be in bed before ten.
Andrew 7:07
Great post, loved your side-swipe at dear Martin ! ( Sorry , Martin ).
But, I fear VFRMark is one of those who dip in , read a few posts, leave a mess behind them and never re-appear.
“Everyone is enobled, (except perhaps Martin).”
Outrageous! It is patently obvious that Martin is the Duke of Edinburgh.
VFRMark |
I made my own way in the world with my own money and no help from daddy or the fecking state.
I am expressing my opinion of the worthless workshy trash that this country has spewed up in this country over the last 50yrs, and if you don’t agree I can take you on a guided tour of feckless lazy benefit scrounging boneheads in my area.
Your liberal attitude is responsible for the real dispossessed getting fewer and fewer benefits as they can’t work the system as well the crocodile tears of the shirkers
Don’t assume we live in ivory towers Rapunzel
apologies for any offence
Seems that I touched a raw nerve, sorry if I misspelt incredible a momentary lapse of concentration on my part, it can in no way be as bad as a momentary lapse of reason the world seems to be full of that these days, I’m neither ‘left’ or ‘right’ the extremes I see from both sides put me off taking sides, I just open my eyes and take in what I see around me and it does not look too good at the moment, I do sincerely apologise if my post offended, I’m just pissed at what is happening around the world today, and yes I suffer with depression the like of which I hope none of you will ever experience in your life times, but there is really no reason to call me SHITHEAD or Rapunzel without ever meeting me is there?
Grant, what mess did I leave behind?
AndrewSouthLondon, ‘We ARE all silver-spooned toffs here.’ So I noticed though maybe not ALL, ‘we are the “Let them eat cake”‘ a bit like “let the poor drink the milk while the rich eat the honey”? ‘Do continue, be sure to be in bed before ten.’ Very intellectual I must say, it kind of hints at your IQ.
I am sorry you had to endure a bumpy ride with your post, all views are welcome and your views are just as welcome as anyones.
I hope you continue posting as more views are needed to expand the debate, the cut and thrust of this blog can sometimes be a little scary but most of us here are ready to acept different views.
As one of the less bright posters here I often get prodded for the things I say, its all part of the game!
Cassandra | 20.02.09 – 7:02 am |
Thanks Cassandra I appreciate that very much. ‘the cut and thrust of this blog can sometimes be a little scary’, there is nothing ever scary with just words offensive maybe but not scary, having a gun in your face is scary or seeing dead children whos faces have been blown off just because their parents have a different religious belief system is scarey, in the end it is not really just a game is it? I’ve studied your posts and you do raise some very valid points especially your concerns about charities and I agree with you whole heartedly, ‘As one of the less bright posters here’ you should give yourself some credit, apologizing for other peoples short comings for example tells me you have a conscience and a good soul 😉
You insinuated without knowing me that I have no knowledge or respect for the real needy people in society.
The plain fact is that we have all seen the workshy drain the cash barrel and leave it dry for the real needy people.
Everyone on this site cares about the old and the disabled but not about the dishonest.
These people are every bit as immoral as any banker or that idiot Brown!!
My anger is very real but not aimed at you
Thanks muchly for your very kind reply.
I see humanity shrouded in a fog like fear and uncertainty where greed and rampant self interest are gripping good and bad people alike, yet there are many people with good hearts who wish their fellow people nothing but good, the way to lift the fog of ignorance is dialogue, full on conversation between people of good intentions, I can assure you that you will find a great many good people on this blog from all camps which is why I visit and contribute whatever I am able to the greater discourse, often I am mistaken but sometimes I add a little light to the debate and from what I can see we need all the light we can get!
There are some great posters on this site and I have learned much from them, MWL among them, even though we disagree on most things.
What a patronising whelp VFRMark is.
I have never been wealthy. At present I am living in a council block of flats in Manchester working 6 days a week for little money. But when I see rich people I don’t think ‘I will vote Labour in the hope of a bit of wealth redistribution my way’ – unlike some other voters do.
This is because, even if I were being selfish and wanted other people’s money, I know that I cannot just have the wealth redistribution part on its own.
It comes with all the rest of the socialist baggage, which has turned Britain into the state it is in today.
In addition:
Excessive redistribution = bad economy = smaller pot = less for old people and disabled and ill people.
Incidentally, when I was made redundant and signed on, I found the system to be arbitrary and the representatives of the state were uncaring and spiteful, taking pleasure in cancelling my claim over the wrong box ticked relating to National Insurance or something • hence no money for me who has worked all my life. Eventually they admitted it was their mistake. Meanwhile, I know many people who have more disposable income than I do even though they have never worked and there is nothing wrong with them. I know one person whose husband stopped work years ago and receives a carer’s allowance for looking after her because she claims to be agorophobic. Meanwhile, she works in a pub and plans to travel abroad.
VFRMark 1:26
Many apologies and welcome back !
What I meant by “mess” was that, if people kept debating with you and you didn’t return, it was a bit of a waste of time.
Stick with this site for a while. There are some interesting posts here. ( some rubbish, as well ).
Sorry about the depression. I sufferred myself many years ago. It is not easy.
Thanks Grant appreciated 😉
Frankos, ‘These people are every bit as immoral as any banker or that idiot Brown!!’ On this I do agree! With one exception ‘any banker’ implies generalisation meaning ALL bankers, I’m beginning to understand you a little better now so I know that is not what you meant, what you meant to say perhaps is banksters correct me if I’m wrong 😉
I remember a speech Clown Brown gave on the issue of poverty just before he took the reins of power, he said he would like nothing better than to redistribute wealth but to do so would be impractible (true as most of us know), the next best thing he said would be to redistribute opportunity thus giving those a better chance to lift themselves out of poverty, this caught my attention but it turned out to be a disception.
I see the core of the problem as the education system, NoobLabor came to power on the promise of education, education, education, they then proceded to to experiment with the system and the result is what we see today a complete mess and they are not alone in this, the tories did the same.
We are all born equal irrespective of class, the inequality only becomes a reality when we enter the education system, the working classes get a working class education, the middle classes get to choose and the upper classes an upper class education, if they really want to find a solution to poverty for the long term this is where they should start, as for the workshy if we fail to inspire them then send them back to school.
Just my point of view.
VFRMark -the inequality only becomes a reality when we enter the education system,
I know a tutor and most of his 11plus students trying for grammar school are working class – taxi driver being the most common profession.
But it is true that working class children tend to go to worse schools and get an education system that is not as good.
So where does the blame lie?
If the grammar schools are better, the comprehensives must be worse. Why not just make the comprehensives better? They already get more money per pupil than the grammar schools, so what is their problem? Give me one reason why the top set at the comprehensive cannot do as well or better than the grammar school. The answer is that the comprehensives allow the disruptive pupils to set the tone for the whole school. Who allows that? the grammar school up the road? or the comprehensive school itself?
Great post, keep up the good work my friend!
Cassandra, thanks for that it is greatly appreciated 🙂
Caveman, you ask some interesting questions, I promise to get back to you on that asap, I have a friend in hospital at the moment and so it is turning out to be a pretty busy weekend, he is a bit of a caveman himself I kid you not!