It’s coming again tomorrow night! Yes, it’s going to be Question Time and what a troupe we have for you to consider! Tarzan – the man who stabbed Thatcher on the back – is on. A BBC favourite. Then there’s the forces sweetheart, Tony McNulty. Adding even more feminine charm there’s Glib-Dem lovely Sarah Teather. Next up is the demure Piers Morgan. Finally, there is “Apprentice” former winnerTim Campbell. Who says the BBC is dumbing down. Impossible. Anyway, hope you’ll be able to tune in and join in OUR conversation!
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Gus Haynes | 19.02.09 – 5:31 pm
It reflects the party political balance perfectly well. But it’s become a rather pointless whipping boy for b-bbc, despite having a procession of right-wing favourites on the panel in the last few months. It is garbage though.
Martin 5:31
It would just prevent the BBC from editing it, and let me get to bed early with my mug of cocoa.
“The audience isn’t just left wingers, yes they make some (most?) but certainly not all. Theres a good deal of right wingers on it too.”
It always seems rather left wing to me. I suspect it is about as balanced as the house of lords, that is to say some tory, some labour and then lots of assorted lefties of other sorts. If you look on the website at the page to apply to be in the audience they ask vast amounts of information so they can decide exactly what sort of audiece they have. Considering they cant manage an unbiased panel I have no confidence in them being able to select an unbiased audience.
Controlled dissent perhaps?
Apologies in advance. It’s my turn at early shift so wont be able to make the live feed.
Have fun all.
Gus Haynes: Been on the Tesco Cider again have we?
You never get a balance on the QT panel since it went to 5 guests. They should go back to 4.
you have one from each main party then the 4th slot can go to a minority party in rotation.
That does mean some weeks you will have three lefties but on other weeks you will get two left and two right.
The BBC introduced the 5th guest just to ensure a liberal bias in the panel each week.
Questiontime is crap these days anyway.
The only decent one was when Richard Littlejohn was one and put 5 bellies Toynbee in her place for her “let them eat cake” crap.
i forsee a lot of bollox on tonights question time
The only decent one was when Richard Littlejohn was one and put 5 bellies Toynbee in her place for her “let them eat cake” crap.
How about the Chris Hitchens/ Shirly Williams spat? He slapped her down and she didn’t stop twittering on for the rest of the program trying to backpeddle from her first comment.
crystal balls: i forsee a lot of bollox on tonights question time
Do you have mystical powers Crystal? because you were absolutely right, I nodded off about 10-15 mins into the program.
It’s uncanny.
The most dumbed down QT I’ve had the misfortune to see. I turned off after Piers Morgan, who I’ll be honest I have new found time for, got a miserable response from the audience (have you ever, ever seen such as scruffy, low rent crowd as that lot?), after he stated what to me seemed the bleedin’ obvious: that the story of a 13 year old boy becoming a father is further evidence that elements of our society, in particular the youth, are in the gutter.
For his troubles, Piers Morgan got a feeble half dozen hand claps, the only conclusion to be drawn then being that the rest of the audience thought this kind of behavious is quite acceptable in “modern Britain”.
If this audience was representative of Britain, we’re f**ked. I hope bowever, it was the usual BBC collection of urban trolls who do not represent the country as whole.
Superb link by Pacific Rising, thanks for that.
Here is a quote:
And I can see that whatever I say, there is a sort of sullen, resentful boring atmosphere in this room.
Pacific Rising 9:33
Great link, thanks. Made my day to see Shirley Williams getting stuffed over Salman Rushdie. So much for “Liberal Democracy” !
Much as I despise Pier Morgan I agreed with him about the disgusting preferential treatment the financial sector gets from Brown.
Small businesses and manufacturers are going to the wall, people are losing their jobs.
Meanwhile Brown hands out welfare to incompetent bankers.
FFS let the banks fail. We can always turn to foreign banks if all ours die so its not big deal.
For those who missed QT, here is a summary
A slight dip in the number of teachers, but an increase in the number wearing silly hats.
Characters to look out for in the audience if you watch the repeat:
Merlin, a tramp, and a person with a nappy-shaped hat on his head.
Saddest out of touch moment
Hesletine thought the 12-year old father business was blown out of proportion and is not an indication of our moral decay – press going over the top he thinks.
Best speaker
Surprisingly, Piers Morgan pointing out the moral decay in Britain. Not much applause from the audience, who apparently are happy at how things are going. (As Rob says above.)
Most subtle comment:
D Vance: What we need is Austrian economics (wink image)
Blogger least likely ever to get a job with Peckham council: dodgy reception:
10:39Peckham, another shithole dependent on the welfare state and public sector
Best comments:
0:53 Hard Headed Hero: Britain isn’t broken – that sounds like it could be fixed And another commentator, sorry, forgotten who – ‘Britain isn’t broken, it’s buried.
Other QT panel members – had nothing to say worth reporting