of imbalance
Via a number of blogs, including the excellent Augean Stables, from figures discussed here, the casualty “footprints” of two ongoing conflicts. The BBC is obsessed with one of these conflicts. Can you guess which?
As one blogger says:
“My only hope is that, forty years from now, this scandal will be seen as a problem of the past. As a symptom of the problems of a society -our developed one- that, with time, changed for better. I hope to talk about it to my grandsons in the same way afroamerican grandparents talk nowadays about Rosa Parks. Like talking about an evident problem that finally, one day, one person dared to face. And changed for good.”
25 movies is a pretty rubbish present from a President. Maybe he really doesn’t like the PM. The most cringeworthy bit was when Brown called him ‘Barack’. Way too forced.
I would bet that half the employees in BBC News rooms believe that Hamas is sort of a necessary evil,
Yes, David Preiser (USA), that line sums them up and explains why they tend to give them an easy ride.
The BBC’s callous attitude towards Jews is the result of their own intellectual shallowness and wrong-mindedness, not actual anti-Semitism, even if the result sometimes looks similar
I believe that is correct. The BBC do not dislike Jews who are ‘on message’ like Gerald Kaufman MP, Barbara Sreisand, or film director Spielberg. (Holocaust films are ok but nothing critial of Palestinians, thankyou )
“There is quite a fuss building up about another aspect of the dissing of Brown by Obama.
On Headof State visits, gifts are exchanged. (The recipient does not get to keep them after leaving office).
Brown gave Obama a desk pen set carved from timber from a British warship used in the anti-slavery campaign.
Plus a first edition of Martin Gilbert’s 11-volume biog of Churchill.
Obama gave Brown a boxed set of 25 movies. Available from Amazon at about $20. They may even be wrong-area DVDs – in NTSC rather than PAL format ? And as Brown has very poor sight – hardly a thoughtful gift ?
If Bush had been so classless, so insulting to the rep of the best ally the US has, the press would have been all over it – and the BBC.
JohnA | 05.03.09 – 10:57 pm”
This was a gift to Britain not Brown, so whatever you think of him it is a massive insult, I don’t think Obama has the first clue the damage his first months in office is doing to his standing in Britain in a proportion of the poulation, the honeymoon is already over for him.
Of course you should have got my friend george to sort it out, then at least you have got 25,000 and a fleet of cars.