I’ve been away so sorry about lack of posts from me! Anyway back in time for Question Time and what a soaraway sizzler it promises to be. We have Shirl the Pearl Williams, we have Germaine “Moonbat” Greer , then there is wee Dougie Alexander, Conservative Andrew Mitchell (Sounds a bit drippy to me) and Toby Jug Young. Might be a laugh watching them big up Prudence ever since he conquered the USA yesterday. Will anyoneoppose quantitative easing? So hope you will join me in a few hours time – prepare for battle!
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Oh god not again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Will the BBC mention the latest fiasco over the Knife crime emails with the trail of sticky finger leading all the way back to the fat one eyed one?
Will the BBC raise the subject of the fat one eyed one having to cough up and admit HE screwed up over the economy?
No doubt there will be a right on feminist question about Hattie Harperson being bullied for being a dopey shite fat bitch.
Bet they go after Caroline Spelman though
AND I bet the miners strike gets mentioned (A chance to slag of Maggie again)
QT has become a joke – does no serious politicians get invited, or as I suspect none want to be associated with such a dismal excuse for “political debate” I don’t have to watch QT anymore, even if I had the stomach for it, as you can now tell the gist of the programme without even having to tune in. QT has become, like every other programme passed its sell by date, a soap opera. Every answer to any question is just “sound bites” , the members of the panel don’t even have to think, just stick to the party script.
Shirley Williams is a “has been”, yet she is never off the programme, I suspect her views on almost everything meets the BBCs approval. As for the rest of the panel – an aged man hater, and the rest – well who knows, maybe they talk well at dinner parties, but hard hitting orators, or people with convictions and back bone? No the BBC wouldn’t want them would they?
Shirley Williams thinks she is the balanced one because she left a far left party to help start a middle left party, then rejoin the original party when it gave up far left politics to become ZanuLabour.
True enough. But I look upon it as a circus.
Watch the BBC hail quantitative easing, Gordon’s visit to Washington, stricter global regulation, the list goes on.
“But I look upon it as a circus.” – full of clowns?
Oh yes. Clowns that scare you.
I used to see Shirl in action most weeks back in the mid-1970s when she was in Callaghan’s Cabinet.
She was scatterbrained and condescending even then. The passing years have made her worse.
The Tory was particularly lacklustre and should be sacked asap.
There was an absolutely shocking comment by Diane Abbott on this week. Discussing to what extent politicians should follow public opinion she said that politicians shouldnt follow public opinion with regards to immigration as this would lead to a race to the bottom.
Hard to know where to start with that. No one questioned it on the programme. Surely a comment like that ought to end a politician’s career. Why arent people espousing these sorts of views (both bigotry about immigration and implicit racism about the British) hounded by the media? Yet there was a fuss a few days ago about a Daily mail leader which suggested it would be good to know the numbers of second generation immigrants in order to know the impact of immigration.
You would have thought that for someone from an immigrant family there would be a strong sense of obligation to the host country to advocate not what was in their own interest but what is the interest of the country. Surely such loyalty ought be infinitely more incumbent on an M.P.
Funny old world as they say. It upset me but of course that doesnt matter.
Francis | 06.03.09 – 12:38 am |
Nothing the BBC and its favourite “commentators” shock me anymore. (actually I avoid them like the plague). Democracy and people are dirty words in New Labour and the BBC. There is no “We the people..” in the New Labour form of government.
i was amazed she said that too.
…as this would lead to a race to the bottom.
Francis | 06.03.09 – 12:38 am |
Steady on, you’ll upset Martin.
They are so unimaginative when it comes to choosing the politicians for QT.Always the same old faces.Why not some of the more maverick backbenchers?Id love to see Philip Davies on the panel
The only time QT is any good is when you get people on who hate each other.
Ken Livingstone and Richard Littlejohn would be good.
Jeremy Clarkson and Prescott would be good.
QT has just got dull. Beige politicians spouting the same crap. Half the time you can’t tell the Tory form the lib Dem or the Liebour person.
For anyone who missed Question Time, here are some highlights:
Several audience members had too much drink or drugs before filming, but they weren’t going to let that stop them contributing. One man made Leo Sayer look like he has a short back and sides.
10:44 ‘Hard Headed Hero: There are some monumentally stupid people in this audience’
* Winner of the best comment to describe the audience ‘the cast from Michael Jackson’s Thriller video (comment by ?cannot find it)
* Winner of right-on-comment from the panelists:
The ‘Conservative’ who said we must do something about global warming
11:31 ‘David Vance: Oh gawdd – the tory is pro agw’
* Winner of ‘Making the point than the panellists forgot to make’
10:38 ‘tommo: Have heard the BBC today talking about “injecting” money into the economy and “creating” money…can’t they just say “printing money” and have done with it?‘
* Winner of the ‘You said it award’
The Guardian writer man-hater Greer:
10.42 “Well I’m just a stupid old woman and I don’t understand anything about it’
10:42 Martin: ‘The dopey dyke is off on one‘
She probably thinks she writes for a popular newspaper. But would it still be in business without all the adverts from the BBC, local education authorities and local councils?
* Most out of it audience member award
The lady who forgot her question, so they went back to her later and all she asked was: ‘Did Brown believe Obama?’ or the other way round. Anyway, if you cannot remember 4 words, don’t put your hand up on QT.
* Most disgraceful and shocking comment
This was not even in the programme, it was in the following one with Dianne Abbot, but it was so outrageous that it still wins:
Diane Abbot: ‘politicians shouldn’t follow public opinion with regards to immigration’
—see comments by Francis just above—
Next Week
First of all, Shirley Williams is having a week off from the programme.
Secondly, if you did not watch the show I will leave you in suspense about where it will be held. Here are some clues:
11:36 Winston Smith: “If you want to come to XXXXXX” – laugher – brilliant!
(the audience laughed at the mention of the name)
11:37 Hard Headed Hero: The wheels on the studio cameras will be nicked and the cameraman will find it up on blocks
11:36 Hard Headed Hero: It comes to something when an area is laughed at by Dudley locals
11:36 Winston Smith: Calm down calm down
11:36 David Mosque: they will all be in shell suits
The best line on QT was the bald guy who said the Brown/Obama press conference was like a Hollywood star being forced to have a press conference with his stalker.
Thanks for the summary. I avoid QT these days – seems like a lot of people do.
But I will be bored witless by Any Questions tonight on Radio 4 with the oh-so-unbiased Jonathan Dimbleby.
Nice one Murray – must have been slap-head Toby Young – generally pretty annoying, but at least entertaining
JohnA – I know what you mean, but the live commentary sort of cancels out the bias of QT, and between the two of them you end up with a perfectly fair and balanced combination-programme. In effect, David Vance is just adjusting the bias reading to take it to the middle of the scale.
Murray – that is a good comment but I missed it. I don’t know how some people can type and watch the programme and read the live comments and look for crazy muslims in the audience at the same time. And some even have a drink too.
JohnA, also, views for Shirley Williams versus Christopher Hitchens on utube:
same clip, lower quality:
total 130,000 views so far shows that there is an audience out there if only the BBC would select candidates with a less narrow range of views.
Germaine Greer was spot on about the money in the economy.
IMHO This is all a scam by bankers to sponge welfare off the taxpayer.
That’s why we should let our useless banks be taken over by the more competent banks like Santander.
Britain would benefit from selling its useless welfare-sponging financial sector off.
I don’t want investment banks ANYWHERE NEAR MY MONEY.