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General BBC-related comment thread!
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On Red Nose Day does the BBC give a 24 hour amnesty against those it normally sneers at, or is it double loaded time ?
Hardeep Singh Kohli is a contributing editor to The Spectator. He doesn’t write like a raving lefty. Maybe he’s a closet Tory.
Meant to add that just after those horrific Mumbai attacks began, Bennett-Jones was on the World Service informing us that the BBC would be doing a programme on militancy in Southeast Asia.
Obama – E.U. – Brown – (cheered on by BBC), will ensure that 75 million Turkish Muslims get early entry into E.U., so as to speed up their dhimmi Islamization of Europe:
“Obama trip to Turkey within weeks”
An anti-BBC view on Turkey:
“Turkey in the European Union: A Bridge Too Far”
Is the BBC ‘science’ department suffering from a collective mental illness brought on by being ordered to churn out so many lies?
This time Siberia gets the confused and jumbled up inverted logic, those poor Siberians have done so well adapting to a cold climate that now they are experiencing a supposed slight temporary rise in local temperatures they are well stumped and dont know what to do(why not adapt back?)
Cut to some fisherman from the….wait for it……Lennin collective fish farm who havent yet caught many fish, well well, oh dear what a crying shame eh?
Fish come and go, some years there are plenty and others there are few, its natural and normal FFS, the report is so confused that its hard to see the point of it, ice swimmers dont like the warm water yet its plainly cold enough to carry a metre or so of ice, unless the main theme was to prove global warming is hurting some ice fishermen and ice swimmers? Ooooh dear lets shut down our industrial society eh? the Lennin collective are counting on us people, lets destroy ourselves even though it wont help them in any way, better safe than sorry though eh?
The fear that media outlets who metaphorically want to get into Obama’s pants would defend his mis-steps is coming true.
However, I can tell the BBC and others that there is disquiet even among liberals that their guy likes being President too much. He and his fragrant wife are lapping up the celebrity a little too keenly. He seems as vain as some commentators said he was.
I recall something Carl Rove said some months ago: that Obama seemed a little disconnected from the job, allowing others to carry the load. A president who (in Geoffrey Howe’s words) seems to be in office bit not in power is a little worrying. Who is steering the ship?
This seems something an honest media would investigate but I guess an honest media is gone with the wind.
PS: on Obama – here’s an interesting sentence:
“His use of the teleprompter makes work tricky for the television crews and photographers trying to capture an image of the president announcing a new Cabinet secretary or housing plan without a pane of glass blocking his face.”
But why would television crews want to hide the teleprompter? Are they invested in showing the President to be more than a glove puppet? If this is truly a Howdy Doody President, let’s see it.
If it was George W Bush with the teleprompter, the press and TV would have clamored for the shot WITH the speaking aid.
Just a couple of observations
– a free press now!
— someone described Kirsty Wark as a lefty – when it should have been ‘millionaire’ lefty )thats right, while you all slither around in your filth strewn streets having your kids non-educated and sold drugs by immigrants etc – she’ll be at her country retreat getting ready to send her kids to prep school etc etc
–a free press now!
Brigstocke and Hardeep whatsisface dont qualify as comedians
Ironic (in the real sense) to see BBC energetically reporting the discovery of negative records of building trade employees etc and subsequent blacklisting.
I wonder if they’ll apply the same energy to investigating their own blacklist – when the govt changes?
A court case should do the trick.
–a free press now!
John Bosworth
That pice you posted from BBCAmerica – it is total OPINION – not NEWS. And hostile to anyone who dares criticise Obama.And managing to call one critic both racist and sexist.
Typical of the BBC.
Cassandra doesn’t give a fuck about fishermen, and sneers at them. Figures.
It’s all too much | 07.03.09 – 8:51 am
thanks for posting that
they should do more on the beeb. i stopped reading it because i know how corrupt politics is
From halfway round the world, lil’ old New Zealand, we get some common sense from a politician :
The BBC claims to be interested in the ‘banking crisis’; the BBC employs many economists and financial journalists. Will the BBC be investigating this?:
‘Harry’s Place’ –
‘Stephen Timms: Provide Banking Services to Interpal!’
[Opening extract]:
“Interpal is a charity which has been proscribed by the US Treasury, which has identified it as part of the Hamas funding machinery. It is quite impossible to say anything about that designation, because Interpal employs the libel solicitors, Carter Ruck – who act for a number of Muslim Brotherhood claimants – to sue anybody who suggests that the designation is correct.
“What we can say is that there is a certain alignment between the politics of Hamas and prominent figures associated with Interpal.”
“What the BBC doesn’t report about is any other quarter of Brussels, for example the Islamic quarter ( because Brussels’ population is about 25% Muslim, mainly composed of Moroccan immigrants),”
So when the figure gets to 50% 60% we know what to expect?
Nearly Oxfordian,
Naughty naughty NO!
You know the rules by now.
Its very true that the fishermmen of the Lennin collective are of no interest to me, what concerns me is bias and dishonest reporting, what concerns me is my own nation and my own nations fishermen, quite frankly those Ruskie fishermen and their supposed problems dont interest me in the slightest.
Justin Webb is disparaging the Iraq War on his blog again. He is also crowing in triumph over President Obamessiah’s use of executive power (which was nasty only when Bush used it, of course) to end some rules on embryonic stem cell research, and supporting Gordon Brown’s message about US protectionism.
But no mention of the growing “Tea Party” movement.
One of your commenters needs to give this typical BBC agenda-led “awareness raisng” article a right pounding:
“Italian Migration Policy Draws Fire”
All the BBC cliches are here: implicit and even explicit criticism of all anti-IMmigration measures, lots of quoting of “human rights groups”, IMmigrant leaders and just about anyone against indiscriminate IMmigration. Nothing is said of the popularity of – indeed the demand for – such measures among the electorate. There’s the usual slimy BBC claim that “much recent crime/rapes have been BLAMED on migrants” (they never, ever refer to any convicted IMmigrants). “Roma” gypsies are treated as victims, never as aggressors by this BBC journalist. The article is all one-way – the BBC way…
Just saw Doug’s comment. Hardip Singh Kholi (or however you spell his name) has indeed started writing pieces of shite for The Spectator, which take a deserved pounding in the comments section, just as Nancy dell’Olio’s and that gawky bint from Newsnight’s did. By no stretch of the imagination does he “write like a Tory”. He writes like the pathetic ‘alternative’ leftwing Question Time pannelist that he is.
Hardit Singh Koli will right more right of centre articles no doubt for the right wing spectator. He will write left wing stuff for the left wing BBC.
Original Robin
Was Hardit Singe Koli a character in the Herbs ??
re Red Nose Day: Any Beeboids working on this project for no fee should inquire who is actually getting paid for appearing and/or working behind the scenes. Can celebs deduct this from their taxes (assuming they pay them) while getting free advertising. Its a great outing for yesterday’s stars and failing West End stage shows. I urge you to watch the episode in his series “Extras” when Ricky Gervais tells the truth about Red Nose Day – with the help of celebs too dumb to know they were exposing themselves.
Issues of FREEDOM, beyond the ‘liberal’ interests of the BBC; Sharia Law? It’s simply cultural relativism to the dhimmi BBC.
‘Will Shari’a Courts in the UK sabotage the Forced Marriage Act?’
Global context this week:
‘Life is becoming worse and worse for women in Swat’
‘Thousands demonstrate in Mogadishu in support of Sharia Law’
‘Harry’s Place’:
‘Campaign against Sharia Law’
(Trafalgar Square, this afternoon)
Paul Reynolds gets it wrong about Sec. of State Hillary’s first attempt to deal with Russia.
Pressing the US-Russia reset button
Of course, all BBC reporting on US foreign affairs is going to adhere to the Narrative that things were really bad because of Booooosh, and we’re now going to get the change the BBC hoped for. Both Reynolds and the NewsOnline brief about the “reset” error make sure to point out that US-Russia relations had deteriorated in the last few years. None of this could possibly be the fault of Putin’s twisted foreign policy and domestic totalitarianism, in the minds of Beeboids. The entire tenor of all BBC reporting on the new regime….er…Administration has been one of new beginnings, change, new hope, etc. So the message here is very clear.
Not a single Beeboid who has reported on the “reset” error across the BBC spectrum has dared mention two things:
1. An alternative viewpoint to wiping the slate clean of the nasty Bush years would be that this could be an indication of weakness, of supplication to Russia. Actually, nobody in the media is daring to say this – yet.
2. This is yet another display of gross incompetence in The Obamessianic Age, especially from the BBC’s beloved Hillary. This would never have happened under the previous Administration because Condi Rice spoke Russian. The BBC would never, ever dare to show up Hillary in such a way. The new kids probably sat up all night with a dictionary, believing themselves to be so brilliant that they didn’t need to call a f***ing translator. Are there no Russians available for consultation in the Administration of someone supposedly so open-minded and intellectual? Couldn’t any of the Beeboids bother to ask why Hillary’s people didn’t just ask somebody? Silly me. BBC News employees don’t even consult their own colleagues to check facts, so it probably didn’t occur to them.
Also, notice how Reynolds piece takes the point of view that the previous evil Bush Administration had the wrong end of the stick on nearly every issue he covers. The Obamessianic Age is not one of incompetence and naive, weak diplomacy, but of hope and change.
The Gospel According to the BBC.
Robert -thanks for the link to the Italian story. Those Italians really are a bunch of illiberal swine with no notion of the manifest benefits of a vibrant multi-cultural society. The story was as value laden as possible, I particularly like the photograph of the african man “caged”. No emotive manipulation there then!
Doesn’t the phrase “no legal right to be there” mean anything? Would Aidan Lewis feel strongly if a group of squatters took up residence in his house when he was out on a jolly to Rome, demanding “aid” even though they had ‘no legal right of residence’ in his home? Would he be illiberal and quasi fascist if he complained? Would the state be oppressive if it evicted the squatters?
How many of the 600 millions living in sub-saharan Africa would like to live in Europe
Sorry further comment – looking again the man is photographed behind a volleyball net, presumably part of the recreational facilities available to him – It is just intended by the journalist/editor who selected it to look like a wire cage!
Crude propaganda by the BBC
Watch Obama talking on TV, and he is constantly looking left, then right, then back again. You would be forgiven for thinking he is addressing a wide audience, when in fact he is looking from one teleprompter to the other.
After all, the President of the new United Socialists of America can’t do without being prompted.
The other day he was on the Beeb news, who were reporting a very positive pro-teleprompt item from Ohio, where 25 would-be police officers 9a distinctly off looking bunch, tbh) were saved by Obama’s master plan from losing their jobs.
Obama was shown addressing two teleprompters with the said happy cops behind him, and then the Beeb cut to the recruits doing riot control training.
I don’t want to widdle on the Obamamessiah’s trillion dollar bonfire, but was this meant to tell us something?
Macmillan Recalls Andrew Marr book
BBC TV News channel, on currently:
Another pro-Ethiopian, pro-BINYAM MOHAMED propaganda half-hour.
I await the pro-Dutch, pro- GEERT WILDERS propaganda half-hour from BBC.
And wait, and wait, and wait..
An update for BBC –
“Europe: Wilders’s Popularity a Measure of the Discontent”
“In Britain, the policy of tolerance and even capitulation to immigrants is not working. Multiculturalism breeds extremism. Europe is beginning to wake up to this fact. In the Netherlands, even the most prominent left-wing political grouping is now strongly against tolerance and multiculturalism.
“Wilders’s popularity attests to this fact. While radical Islam saps Britain’s strength, watch for Europe to make moves to crack down on immigrants.”
George R
I thought poor diddums Binyan was too ill to do or say anything ?
Has this Government got the guts to conclude its review of his immigration status by deporting him ?
Probably a silly question, really.
with the help of celebs too dumb to know they were exposing themselves
You may want to rephrase that, John 😉
You mocked the name of their organisation. It’s perfectly fair to haul you up for that, and I make no apology for doing so. Your own wording was highly offensive overall – and you are now making it worse by calling them Ruskies.
Here’s the other bit I meant:
Is the BBC ‘science’ department suffering from a collective mental illness
That is extremely offensive to people suffering from a genuine medical condition that comes under the heading ‘mental illness’.
What’s wrong with Ruskies ? They have always been Ruskies.
Much media coverage this week of Michelle Obama doing a short stint at a charity food centre for the homeless. One of the widely-used photos – probably selected for the First Lady’s full-on smile – showed a homeless guy with a cellphone.
There’s real poverty – and there is relative poverty.
Why is Nearly Oxfordian being so anal ?
JohnA 7:52 pm
Yes; talking of questions about BINYAM MOHAMED, the BBC’s adopted ‘British resident’, here a question awaiting a reply from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office:
-from ‘What do they know’ site:-
‘Binyam Mohamed – Ethiopian National coming to the UK’
“A Freedom of Information request to Foreign and Commonwealth Office by Paul Perrin.
“Currently waiting for a response from Foreign and Commonwealth Office, they must respond promptly but no later than 24 March 2009.
from Paul Perrin ( of the website)
“21 February 2009
“Dear Sir or Madam,
“I understand that the FCO have made efforts to get Binyam Mohamed
sent from Guantanamo Bay to the UK.
“I understand Mr Mohamed is an Ethiopian national so do understand
the FCOs involvement.
“Please can you supply me any information you have relating to the
FCOs decision to get involved in the cases of Foreign Nationals
held at Guantanamo Bay?
Yours faithfully,
Paul Perrin”
I so happy to find this blog, it comfirms what i’ve been thinking about the BBC.
The BBC seem to forgoten who they are (British Broadcasting Corporation) and where they receive funding, and have become a Government of their own.
Why the hell have they launched a bloody channel in Asia!?!. And the “Asian Network”, what’s that about?. Why don’t they have a Down Under Network as there’s lots of Australia’s in london and they at least like us!.
I so happy to find this blog, it comfirms what i’ve been thinking about the BBC.
The BBC seem to forgoten who they are (British Broadcasting Corporation) and where they receive funding, and have become a Government of their own.
Why the hell have they launched a bloody channel in Asia!?!. And the “Asian Network”, what’s that about?. Why don’t they have a Down Under Network as there is a lot of Australia’s in london and they at least like us!.
Honest Reporting caught all three headline changes in the terrorist attack in Jerusalem.
A simple explanation of the politicking that caused the meltdown in the US housing market and brought down their banks and our banks, now throwing milions out of work :
This compendium of what the Dems were saying – on video-clips – was never covered by the MSM or the BBC.
And it is worth adding that one of the villains, Jamie Gorelick, bears a heavy, some would say direct, responsiblilty for not blocking 9/11.
BBC TV News Channel: the inevitable BBC chum, Ms. S. Chakrabarti, of the selective ‘Liberty'(part National lottery funded) is now on; (5 minutes later she’s still on) putting Binyam Mohamed’s case.
I must have missed her campaign at selective ‘Liberty’ for Dutch MP, Geert Wilders, who is still denied entry to Britain.
It’s what’s multiculturalists do.
ahmadinejad has had a shoe thrown at him.
newsblackout on the bbc, as opposed to the minute ny minutes updates we get on the guy who threw a shoe at bush
Anon 8:36 pm
Info for BBC (to suppress?):
“Protester throws shoe at Ahmadinejad”
The BBC accept Press Releases from Authoritarian sources and publish them as Fact;
Drink a day ‘raises cancer risk’
Others rely on real facts
The BBC, Islam, Authoritarianism and Plain ol’ Lies.
‘National Review’:
“Shoe hurled at Mahmoud Ahmadinejad”
“The incident is not being reported by Iran’s major government-controlled news outlets.”
(-such as the BBC?)
Lefties just hate it when Taxes go up
I’m beginning to like this Obama guy!
I think that This Video sums up why it is indeed imperative for you yourself to write a book on the biased BBC.
@Martin Lodge
There are lots of us who have come to the realise that the BBC is biased.
biased-bbc is a refreshing antidote to the crap the BBC pumps out.
My critical view of the BBC was confirmed by the Question Time episode immediately after 9/11.
Keep coming back. You will realise that you are not alone.
I can recommend the running commentary on Question Time on thursday nights – it actually makes it possible to watch QT without throwing heavy objects at your tv set.
Libertarian | 07.03.09 – 9:01 pm |
Some more here:
“Those wishing to inflict their idealist Utopia on us have long since departed from actually having to prove their findings, they now utilise the tool of ‘Science by Press Release’. Get the false assumption out there, however flawed, via respected organs like the Beeb, and it will be believed. The science community can subsequently take an AK47 to the study and punch more holes in it than a sieve, but it’s too late. Joe Sheep, Mrs Sheep, and their lambs, have already swallowed it and passed it virally around their address book like a Snopes myth.”
With the successful attack on smoking, it was only a matter of time before something else hit the health fascist radar.Drinking is the new smoking. What next?
“Submitted as a complaint to the BBC”