
Something the BBC forgot to mention in its report on G. Galloway’s triumphant arrival in Gaza.

Quite fond of getting onto all fours…
“Mr. Galloway kissed the ground after crossing into Gaza.”
“I have entered Palestine many times but the most emotional of these is after the 22-day genocidal aggression against the Palestinian people,” he told reporters, referring to the Israeli offensive which ended on 18 January which Israeli said was launched in response to rocket fire from Gaza.”

Making sure they mention the genocidal aggression etc. etc., they forgot to add that Gorgeous was donating direct to Ismail Haniya, leader of Hamas


“We are giving you now 100 vehicles and all of their contents, and we make no apology for what I am about to say. We are giving them to the elected government of Palestine,” Galloway said at a press conference in Gaza City.

Galloway said he personally would be donating three cars and 25,000 pounds to Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniya as he dared the West to try to prosecute him for aiding what it considers a terror group.

“I say now to the British and European governments, if you want to take me to court, I promise you there is no jury in all of Britain who will convict me. They will convict you.”

Galloway made the announcement at an outdoor conference in the presence of several senior Hamas officials, and his words were greeted by shouts of “Allahu Akbar!” (God is Great).


Aid for Gaza =Aid for Hamas.


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110 Responses to Gorgeous?

  1. Roland Deschain says:

    Galloway said he personally would be donating three cars and 25,000 pounds

    Where does lowlife like Gorgeous get the kind of money to donate these sums personally?


  2. Abandon Ship! says:

    Best to ignore him.


  3. ngg says:

    did anyone else enjoy the irony of george getting attacked by his muslim buddies in eygpt?

    my god how wonderfull! i could only be so lucky as to hurl a brick at him in my dreams.


  4. Andy says:

    What a prat.


  5. will2001 says:

    “I say now to the British and European governments, if you want to take me to court, I promise you there is no jury in all of Britain who will convict me. They will convict you.”

    I have a nasty suspicion that he is correct in his assessment of the likely behaviour of a UK jury (cf. Lord Melchett’s GM crop destruction orgy)


  6. Grimer says:

    I don’t know. If he stood trial in North London…


  7. Omar says:

    Galloway said ”I have entered Palestine many times but the most emotional of these is after the 22-day genocidal aggression against the Palestinian people,” he told reporters, referring to the Israeli offensive which ended on 18 January which Israeli said was launched in response to rocket fire from Gaza.”

    The BBC reported what he said, how does that make guilty of bias? Just because they print a comment, it does not mean they agree with it. It is your assumption that they agree with him or his comments, and that is opinion, not fact. Please stop trying to present these lame opinions and assumtptions as though they are evidence or proof.


  8. Anonymous says:

    Omar | 10.03.09 – 5:04 pm

    The BBC reported what he said, how does that make guilty of bias?

    I think if you go back and read the post, you’ll see the criticism is not about what the BBC included, but what it left out.


  9. Preposteroso says:

    Anyone who doesn’t know that the BBC and Galloway are fellow travelers is seriously lacking something. As regards the money for the “personal” donations, he gets it from the gullible and the young. And from middle east sources, no doubt. It probably started life as United Nations money and has undergone several recycling processes.


  10. martin says:

    Omar = Hillhunt = Colin Chase = MWL = any other tosspot leftie


  11. mister ed says:

    have a guess what religion the “anti-war” nutjobs in Luton belong to..


    of course the bbc report above never tells us.


  12. Omar says:

    Is it relevant whether the protestors were Muslim or not? If anyone (Christians,Hindus, Arsenal fans) had behaved in that way it would be deplorable. It is irrelevant what religion the protestors belong to.


  13. ngg says:


    thats bollocks

    we are force fed a sickening diet of “islam is the religion of peace” bullshit daily.

    when in reality they are violence prone stone age thugs who hide behind the uniforms they claim to hate.

    to watch them shout slogans while protected by police is pathetic. what cowards.

    if you cant deal with your faiths massive failings thats your problem.


  14. RR says:

    Ah, but they weren’t Christians, Hindus or Gooners and, since we’re at war with a bunch of Mohammedan fundamentalists, it’s certainly ad rem.


  15. Omar says:

    I’m not force feeding anything about a religion of peace. I just think this story would have the same relevance whether itwas Muslims, Hippies, or Christians protesting. Answer me this; why is it relevant the report should emphasize the fact that the protestors were Muslim? Is the nature of the protest different as a result of the faith of the protestors?


  16. weirdvis says:

    Ultimate irony – Galloway gets his head blown off by one of his Hamas pals hurling grenades from a donated vehicle.

    One can dream…


  17. weirdvis says:

    Re the Luton protests.


    Was this reported on the BBC? Probably not…


  18. mister ed says:

    Is the nature of the protest different as a result of the faith of the protestors?
    Omar | 10.03.09 – 5:58 pm |

    yes it most certainly does matter – because the Mohammedans only get all hot and bothered when its Kuffar killing Muslims.

    when its Muslims killing Muslims they dont give a shit.

    so in essense – their anger and “protest” is nothing more than sectarian supremacism.

    as in – how dare we untermenschen even DARE kill Mohammedan terrorists.

    Islamic protesters like them view us Kuffars as subhuman and worthy of extermination.

    do you understand now?


  19. Preposteroso says:

    The point is that, had they been Arsenal fans, the BBC would have told us so. Only if they had been Muslim Arsenal fans would they have been kept secret.

    Are there any Muslim Arsenal fans? Oh, no. That’s good integration then.


  20. JohnA says:

    Of course it is relevant.

    Bexause it goes to show yet again that there are fifth-columnists in Britain – and that they are wholly among one part of the population.

    Which goes aginst all the RoP claptrap the BBC feeds us.


  21. Susan Franklin says:

    Melanie Phillips writing about this, and plenty of comments



  22. martin says:

    weirdvis: Actually the pictures in the Mail were from the BBC on the protest.

    Like I said before. We should get the f**k out of Afghanistan and Iraq and leave these savages to it.

    If Bin Liner shows his face, just nuke him.


  23. Cockney says:

    “Are there any Muslim Arsenal fans? Oh, no. That’s good integration then.”


    Looks like L’Arse have disgracefully discriminated against their most famous Muslim fan.


  24. Jon says:

    “Answer me this; why is it relevant the report should emphasize the fact that the protestors were Muslim? ”

    You can be pretty sure that if it wasn’t the organisation would have been mentioned.


  25. I need medical help too George says:

    B@ll@x omar

    they are only anti war when it is a war they disagree with, they are pro war when it is a jihad they do agree with

    hence the importance of identifying them as extreme islamists

    do they think we are blind, even with some judicious editing they have failed to hide the anglians go to hell, decrying british oppression (so why do they want to be here withtheir oppressors so very badly) and crusade against islam

    you cannot legitimately call them ‘anti war protesters’ whatever weasel words you come out to try and say they are, they are only specifically against a particular war froma particular side in it


  26. centre-right says:

    Galloway, well he’s going to be well up the list for the firing squad come the revolution…probably below that IRA one (McGuinness?) and just above Ben Bradshaw…


  27. Anonymous says:

    Radio 4 news at 5:30 identified the protesters as muslim.


  28. ae1 says:

    When I see people like Galloway debase themselves like this it makes me disgusted. What that shallow, vain little man does not seem to realise is that when the muslims eventually take over (due to the actions of people like him) that he will be quickly removed from his job and replaced by one of the faithful. Hed has given money to Hammas? Take away his passport. Leave him with the twats.


  29. Bastard says:

    Galloway has a simple and pure heart and a simple mind.

    It would be hard for me to kick against this prick.


  30. Sue says:

    All was not sweetness and light on the convoy. One commenter on Mel’s blog draws attention to this account of the antics and identity of some of his companions by one participant who seems to have been born yesterday http://gregtogaza.blogspot.com/ scroll past lengthy ‘poem’ down to:
    ……………….warriors for good and truth, not for an Islamic Revolution. However we are not alone in becoming increasingly frustrated by the hijacking of the convoy by those who seem to have that agenda…………….

    Read on to find that the light is beginning to dawn on at least one useful idiot.


  31. martin says:

    BBC1 and ITV showed bushy bearded fuckwit towel heads protesting in Luton.

    Shame the soldiers were not issued with bullets. Could have saved us a few more suicide bombers and probably a load of dole money as well. Scumbags.


  32. d says:

    I have listened to George Galloway on Talk Sport. He is highly intelligent and runs his phone-in program with skill. He is a Marxist, some of the things he says are extreme to anyone who is not from the loony left. It was he who made me realise that highly intelligent people who have strong religous convictions are beyond logic.


  33. Jon says:

    I wouldn’t call him intelligent – he is certainly a known lier.


  34. HSLD says:

    The BBC is calling them ‘anti-war’ protestors.
    Do CND hippies normally shout ” Allah Akhbar ” then ?


  35. ngg says:

    he is a traitor to us all. his work makes it easier for extreme muslim killers to hide in our country.

    in a decent country he would be exocuted


  36. JohnA says:

    I heard that when Galloway kissed the ground he might have picked up some of the sewage in the street.

    But then he is full of sewage anyway


  37. Millie Tant says:

    He is quite the little drama queen, isn’t he, what with his ground-kissing and grandstanding speechifying. Pathetic deluded fool with exaggerated sense of his own importance.


  38. AndrewSouthLondon says:

    Both Galloway and Tony Benn are living proof that intelligence alone is an unguided missile – it fires just as easily in the wrong direction as the right. Worse, intelligence conspires with falsehoods to protect its direction of fire, thus burying its owner deeper and deeper in the same hole.

    Galloway is clearly highly intelligent, but like most Marxists his head is full of falsehoods and his moral compass points in the wrong direction. Thus his intelligence just helps him to dig himself deeper in the wrong direction.

    The only difference between Benn and Galloway is an inexplicable attraction to Muslim fanny.

    “Stop the War” – but which one? The one by Islamists against us? The war of Islamists against each other?

    The bearded 2nd generation Britpaks of Luton are hilarious. “My mummy and daddy came here for a better life, but I want to return us all to a worse one, with the priests in charge”


  39. Bastard says:

    There are no priests in Islam. The Islamic god is mono hypostatic, as such there can be no intercessions.

    “The only difference between Benn and Galloway is an inexplicable attraction to Muslim fanny.”

    Galloway has probably found something in Palestine he could never get anywhere else. And I don’t mean something of an entirely carnal nature so don’t bother making that joke. It’s like Kafka, except the lonely Western man has finally found the lost object of love.


  40. Sue says:

    Sue | 10.03.09 – 7:43 pm
    Further to the above:

    More on Greg: It seems despite the little setback on the convoy his unshakable hatred for Zionists will never falter.


  41. Garden Trash says:

    “the lonely Western man has finally found the lost object of love.”

    Is that why he dent over kissed the ground?
    It isn’t love he found,it is a companion in hatred of his own kind.When Marxism let him down Gorgeous embraced another enemy of the West.


  42. JohnA says:

    I see that Greg does work for BBC Wales


  43. Roger says:


    I also read the loonies comments, his blog reads like he has graduated top gun from the ‘Atlas Shrugged school of conspiracy theories.’


  44. mister ed says:

    would have loved it if the commanding officer in Luton ordered the soldiers marching past to stop.

    followed by the order



  45. mister ed says:

    liveleak video from a mobile phone.

    watch how the cops protect the jihadists.


    if theres proof that this country has gone stark raving bonkers, there it is.

    needless to say, i shall be voting for a certain party for the first time ever because of this in the Euro elections. i’ve had enough of this shit.


  46. martin says:

    As I keep pointing out, until Britain outlaws Islam and Muslims things will only get worse.

    Why wet liberals think this is a good idea I don’t know.

    Oh did anyone see on the news in the crows there were some Sikhs cheering the troops 🙂


  47. deegee says:

    It may never be reported on the BBC but the convoy was a huge anti-climax. G.G. wanted to ride in, Napoleon in a Winnebago, at the head of a mile-long convey, flags flying, fire-engine siren wailing. If he could have arranged it the boat would float in by itself.

    Instead, most of the cargo and most of the vehicles remain on the Egyptian side. Even worse, the non medical, ‘urgent’ supplies will probably be transferred via Israel.

    BTW Does anyone know whether British unemployment benefits are still paid while the recipient is overseas? If they are I suspect this farce was subsidized from UK taxes.

    BTW If all the travellers fly to London from Cairo the cost of tickets would be a minimum £210 X 300 = £63,000. I don’t suppose it occurred to anyone, least of all the Beeb, that that money would better have been spent as a donation to Gaza?


  48. Abandon Ship! says:

    Brain dead or just plain stupid?

    These are apparently, and according to the BBC, “anti-war” slogans:


    Grow up Beeboids.


  49. d says:

    George Galloway has admitted that he looks forward to some future revolution. In the past, marxists hoped that it would be the working class that would rise up. Is this the reason that Galloway champions the muslim cause , is this where they want to start the next revolution?


  50. Jon says:


    Galloway is anti-west – he will latch onto anything that will see the destruction of the west – Is he that intelligent to know that all of the “liberties” to which as a Marxist, he holds, would last very long in the new Caliphate he enspouses? No the man is not intelligent, he is the king of useful idiots who likes the sound of his own voice.