The BBC report is very prim. ” Two people have been arrested on suspicion of murder after a hunt supporter died when he was hit by a gyrocopter at an airfield.” But why so coy? Oh, NOW I understand, it appears the alleged killers were hunt saboeuteurs. Well, if you go hunting, you deserve all you get, right? Good old Auntie – can’t wait for Red Nose Day.

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  1. David Preiser (USA) says:

    JohnC | 12.03.09 – 3:19 am |

    People who weren’t there, and have only read reports are quite prepared to pass judgement.

    You mean, like the BBC?

    Was it an accident? Was it murder? I don’t know, and neither do any of the posters here.

    Yet, the BBC tried to give the gyro guys an alibi. Your scorn should be directed at the sub-editor responsible for that as well.

    What you think about hunting is irrelevant. I do trust the police to investigate this serious incident appropriately.

    What you think about hunting is irrelevant, too. Everyone else here also trusts the police to investigate this properly. Don’t go trying to put vicious thoughts into people’s mouths.

    The law should protect everyone, whether or not you support their actions and activities.

    Who said anything otherwise? You must not be actually comprehending what people here are saying. You’re just making stuff up now out of anger at people exhibiting unapproved thoughts.