Nice to see the BBC showing us how how the Dear Leader is already joining in the hilarious fun of Red Nose Day. As they point out, Gordon decided not to put on a red nose. He doesn’t need to – we all know he is a clown.
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Shouldn’t it be Brown nosing day?
There is such a fine line between tragedy and comedy
Why can’t he just fall off a bridge? (for charity, of course)
He’s getting most irksome.
and the tragedy is that the Western world lacks any real leader – Obama has nil experience, and is known to be a dilettante part-timer :
Obama is a wanker. The left are trying to defend a man that is totally incapable of running a tap let alone a Country.
At least Sarah Palin HAS experience of running something.
Pimp my butt, and build more mosques
Gordon Brown ran the British economy for 10 years, doesn’t that count? We had 10 years of boom under his watch, so he wasn’t all bad.
Yes I know he inherited a good economy from the tories, and yes I know things are bad now, but 10 years of boom under GB proves he can run something well.
Speaking of listening to dear leader…
“Yes I know he inherited a good economy from the tories, and yes I know things are bad now, but 10 years of boom under GB proves he can run something well.”
Sounds like a lottery winner,”Spend, spend,spend” then wonder where the money went.
No if it had been boom all the way,there would be a surplus and we wouldn’t be in the shit.
This has been a huge ponzi scheme and now the monocular caledonian is up the creek without a paddle.
He ran everything on credit and sold our all our gold reserves.
He didn’t see this crisis coming, or prepare for the eventual down-turn in the ‘boom’ economy.
He has no answers for the current mess, and is hoping the US & China will kick-start the world economy.
He will then of course have the temerity to claim he once again ‘saved the world’ and the BBC cheerleaders will let him.
Your either a gullible moron, or an antagonistic twat.
The BBC ‘ministry of truth’ will never be truthful about Gordon
yes true, but countries that didn’t spend are still in a terrible recession (ie. canada) thats as bad as we are. Gordon does have to take some of the blame yeah, but hes also gotta take some credit for the boom too.
BBC presenter in hot water for comparing Sri Lankan-born newsreader George Alagiah to a chimp
Hey Look everyone, its a Canadian terrorist!
Its very simple, Farmer Brown should not have put Foxes in charge of the Henhouse.
This is not unique to Farmer Brown, as Farmer Bush and Farmer Obama appointed Fox Paulson and Fox Geithner to guard their henhouses, too
“Gordon Brown ran the British economy for 10 years, doesn’t that count? We had 10 years of boom under his watch, so he wasn’t all bad.”!
Gus, Gus, Gus – hilarious. Biggest laugh I’ve had in ages. Thanks.
And as for Aligayah/chimp comparisons: a chimp whould at least be able to sit still while presenting the news.
Is it really true that the appeal court judge who released Lord Fatmed from jail said the court would not quash the prison sentence, insisting there was ‘not one law for the rich and powerful and one law for the rest’?
Did she also warn motorists they face jail for texting while driving, adding: ‘We hope the message goes out that texting at the wheel is dangerous and if you are convicted of an offence of this kind you may go to prison.’???
Would anyone out there with a degree in turning the world upside down and making it ridiculous please explain?
Please don’t feed the troll, even one as entertaining as Gus.
How much undestanding of economics have you?
Gordon Brown didn’t create a single pound –we did and he just spent them.
We have had several years of cheap borrowing (unregulated thanks to Brown’s FSA) foreign imports undercutting our own products (cheap labour which we can’t compete with) and unregulated foreign workers undecutting our own.
Brown has sat on his fat arse and spent the legacy he inherited, and we have now ended up with one of the highest tax rates in Europe (stealth taxes!!!) due to his incompetent greed.
It would have been better to let the civil service run the Exchequer and let Brown play golf all day!!!
Its very simple, Farmer Brown should not have put Foxes in charge of the Henhouse.
It profited Brown to do so, the Bank of England would have been a better option. Brown has ruined his inheritance!!!!
Binyan Mohammed was clearly described as ‘a British man’ on Today programme this morning…
Faggot Mandy up to his usual tricks; t
It’s just meant to reflect the blind trust we have in him.
Brown has increased government spending by 50% in real terms since 1997, taking 800,000 new people onto the public payroll. That’s why there’s no money to invest in the productive economy, and that’s why banks went in for all the dodgy stuff – Brown had killed off whole swathes of industry through punitive taxation to pay his army of public sector clients. That’s why we had a housing bubble – it was the only way that people could get some money for retirememnt without Brown taxing them. Now that’s gone up the spout too.
I think Cameron should set up a truth and reconciliation commission to get to the bottom of what Labour’s done.
Gus Haynes: you’re having a frigging laugh!!!! The fat one eyed jock has done nothing but create a bubble built on debt Gus.
The fat one eyed one isn’t capable of running a tap.
The last bunch of left wing twats left this Country bankrupt in 1979. 30 years later, they’ve done the same thing again.
Jesus Gus, do you really believe the crap you type?
Martin, don’t respond to anything that Gus posts. He always ignores any inconvenient facts and cherry picks the questions he replies to. It is impossible to have a serious debate with him.
As somebody else pointed out, he doesn’t actually ‘think’, he just spews left-wing ‘conditioned responses’ to certain stimuli. This makes any exchange worthless. You might as well address your questions to an AI bot.
It cannot be Red Nose Day without a clown!
“Binyan Mohammed was clearly described as ‘a British man’ on Today programme this morning…
interestedofwarks | 13.03.09 – 9:30 am”
Thanks for confirming that – i thought I had misheard it.
My first resction was “Surely even the beeb wouldn’t………….”
Why not Mick. Anita from 5 Drive called him a British citizen the other day!
BBC keep calling him British.
Grimer: I know but it is fun teasing him though. I know we shouldn’t, but I can’t help it.
Binyum Mohammed is as British as paella,the BBC are a bunch of cretins.
BBC keep calling him British.
martin | 13.03.09 – 6:21 pm | #
If you keep repeating something for long enough – people will eventually believe it.
Anyway, he’s as ‘British’ as many of the other mongrels that infest this once great country of ours!
Gus Haynes:
yes true, but countries that didn’t spend are still in a terrible recession (ie. canada) thats as bad as we are. Gordon does have to take some of the blame yeah, but hes also gotta take some credit for the boom too.
Gus Haynes | 13.03.09 – 1:44 am | #
I get it. comic relief… right.
Gus Haynes
A red nose day quiz for you.
What’s the difference between Bernard Madoff and Gordon Brown?
Answer – one has drained fortunes from gullible victims, plundering their income and savings to create an illusion of prosperity…. the other is going to jail!
With thanks to Jeff Randall in The Daily Telegraph today. How did he last so long at the BBC?
Is it a bird, is it a plane , no it’s any remnant of Gus’s credibility flying out of the window.
Every day this myth of 10 years of good economic management (papering over the disgusting mistakes over gold and pensions) unravel more and more, yet still the cheerleaders rigidly follow their choreographed moves from the sidelines. Way to go Gus rah, rah, rah