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General BBC-related comment thread!
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Here Jonnie Beale twitters about Obama cancelling Bush’s ban on FEDERAL money being used for stem cell research (Which the BBC reported as a total ban on such research which was another of their ‘facts’)
Meanwhile…..” – On Wednesday, only two days after he lifted President Bush’s executive order banning federal funding of stem cell research that requires the destruction of human embryos, President Barack Obama signed a law that explicitly bans federal funding of any “research in which a human embryo or embryos are destroyed, discarded, or knowingly subjected to risk of injury or death.”
The provision was buried in the 465-page omnibus appropriations bill that Obama signed Wednesday. Known as the Dickey-Wicker amendment, it has been included in the annual appropriations bill for the Department of Health and Human Services every fiscal year since 1996.”
Wonder when we see THAT little fact on the BBC?
So why don’t they stop all the whinging in one fell swoop by having him medically examined for the slashed gonads he claimed and other injuries and then have an independent expert say yea or nay to torture? Now why do you suppose they’re not resolving this as quickly as possible? Undermining MI5 is so much more of an item on a liberal wishlist than telling the truth don’t you think?
Are the BBC reporting the latest Labour government database, to track our foreign travel and record our credit card details and exact holiday plans? The story is in today’s Telegraph and it has got me somewhat riled.
NotaSheep: As with all these things the corrupt Socialists will ‘claim’ it’s all in the name of protecting us.
In reality the reason they want to track our movements is TAX.
The Government wants to Carbon tax us to death. We already know that they can track our cars so now they want to be able to Carbon track us for the safety of the climate.
BBC with their anti-Bush and anti-Gitmo obsessions have been headlining the announcement that under Obama slags like Binyan will not be labelled “enemy combatants”. But all the legal comments I have seen suggest that the change is largely cosmetic, not “symbolic” as one Beeboid was suggesting.
The scum will still stay locked up. And at Gitmo for the rest if the year – and probably longer if nothing suitable is found to replace Gitmo.
This is part of a pattern. Obama flourishes a policy decision – eg on stem-celll research – that gets the Bush-haters salivating, but on closer inspection the extent of the real change is far less than people think.
Obama has always been smoke-and-mirrors. He still is. But if his amazing conjuring trick to rescue the US economy stalls, largely because all his other policies are scaring people and damaging business, all the other sleights of hand won’t add up to a row of beans.
Careful Martin, you are of course absolutely right, however it is best not to mention it. Otherwise the majority of people will start calling you a ‘mad conspiracy theorist’, and ignore everything else you state.
The problem is, that when telling the real truth, doing so upsets both right, left, and above all the establishment BBC’s self constructed middle.
Telling the truth therefore usually ends up with yourself getting shouted at or generally ridiculed by just about everyone.
This is not a comfortable position to be in, especially as personally dealing with our common true reality is very difficult at the best of times. Doing so almost all by yourself, only makes it harder, and less fun.
Please try to understand. The truth is simply the truth. The pursuit of which being basically the only intellectual point to human existence.
IMMH and extremely well and long researched O.
The truth is not left, right or middle, but can be found within highly selected parts of all three.
Which is of course the really clever bit about establishment controlled democracy. Which IMO we would never have been ALLOWED to have, unless the establishment knew in advance they could and would completely control both of its left and right agendas and therefore outcome, at least 99.9% of the time.
We are given alternatives to follow by our own national and world establishments. However the ones which are always selected to actually take place, by our ruling elites, are ultimately ALWAYS the ones that sustain ever larger government, and the inevitable ever rising taxes, and new authoritarian laws that go with it.
The BBC’s TV tax is simply the free to them method by which our masters promote their ever increasing fascist/communist type control over our entire spiritual and material existence.
We pay for our own mind control.
In virtually the same way that many German and European Jews payed for their own extermination.
At the current rate by which the price of Gold is going up, while the value of human work and skills are going down. It will not be long now before our cavity fillings are more valuable then our lives are to The Establishments System.
Obama making things worse ?
Having made the mistake of not turning off Radio 4 after Moneybox I caught part of the repeat of The Now Show. Interesting take on Christianity (no doubting the “comedian’s” viewpoint) for several minutes but then the piece stopped just when I expected to hear him move onto “The Religion of Peace”. Strange that, or perhaps not. Is “The Religion of Peace” just too “cutting edge” (or own throat) for the BBC?
Gerald Brown
I had that terrible prog on in the background.
At the end they read out a load of names of contributors – ie joke-writers. I did not hear a single funny line.
In fact some of the presenters announcers who tried stand-up comedy earlier this week (especially Peter White and Laurie taylor whom I normally cringe at) were genuinely droll and original. BBC comedians like the Now Show crowd simply think that any attack on Christians or Bush or the Tories or Thatcher is instantly funny.
One problem is the sycophantic audience they always have for these drivel shows. Camp-followers, whooping at every stupid (biased) line. It would be instructive for the BBC to invite an audience of ordinary folk to see the Now Show or one of the other rubbish 6.30pm efforts. I bet there would be virtual silence throughout the half-hour. Unless there was booing.
We need something like the old Glasgow Empire to test out new comedy shows before the BBC wastes our money on more dross.
The view was that if the Glasgow Empire audience liked you – you were allowed to leave alive. Most of the BBC’s “comedians” would be roasted alive – would end up as dead as their stale attempts at humour.
“So why don’t they stop all the whinging in one fell swoop by having him medically examined for the slashed gonads he claimed”
Ssshhh! You’ll get the Beeboids over excited.They will be queuing up to kiss them better.
Charles Moore: (his thoughts about this week’s BBC ‘Question Time’) –
“When you’re fighting terrorists, ‘the vast majority’ is not enough”
Simon Heffer:[on illegal immigration into Britain]-
‘Come on over • it’s open house in Britain’
“Any of you who heard a Radio 4 report this week about the scores of would-be immigrants milling around the French Channel ports, in the hope of breaking into a lorry bound for England, will have been plunged into despair. Interviews with them revealed a desire to come to Britain because this country is seen as having a welfare state of unlimited largesse and as being extremely unlikely to deport those who abuse it. I don’t blame the French for being so ruthless with these people that they want to move on as quickly as possible, or for preparing to set up a string of camps near the Channel from which it will be relatively easy to stow away to England. We are quite within our rights, legally, to return any illegal immigrant to a French port of embarkation: so why on earth do we not? Can we afford, in any sense of the term, to keep on playing Lady Bountiful like this?”
George R: You can bet that McSnot will be looking at giving this lot the vote before the next election
The BBC doesn’t report much on the NETHERLANDS. I wonder why?
“Dhimmitude in the Netherlands: Muslim families ripping off welfare system”
Any Questions had an extraordiany selection of socialist whiners on this week. One of whom ws Eamonn McCann, readers might be interested in this part of his CV that for some strange reason the beeboids decided to omit:
A Trotskyist and outspoken atheist, he is a prominent member of the Socialist Workers Party in Ireland, and in recent Northern Ireland elections has stood as a candidate for the Socialist Environmental Alliance..
George R | 13.03.09 – 10:40 am |
Of course, the multiculturalist, dhimmi BBC gives its soul to the Ethiopian Mohamed, while it softens up the British people with sob stories about the endless queue of illegal immigrants (many more from Ethiopia) queueing up in France as they attempt, usually successfully, to add themselves to the huge problem of mass immigration to Britain.
I remember the last time the Beeboids were rending their garments over the awful treatment of Muslims…er…North Africans trying to get into Britain illegally…er…seek asylum in the UK. Hardly a word about the illegality of the lot of them, only sympathy and suggestions of letting them all in. The Eurostar kept shutting down from the Paris end. Well, I admit that’s typical, but this time it wasn’t striking Frenchmen but “asylum seekers” who kept jumping on the trains at various points before they went into the Channel Tunnel.
I happened to be taking the Eurostar from Brussels around that time (Spring 2002, IIRC). Not too long after we came out of the tunnel, a couple security guys came down the aisle, obviously looking for someone or something, in a bit of a hurry, in contact with support on the radio, etc. Nobody ever said a word about what was going on. After we got into London, as I was shuffling out with the rest of them, I heard two track workers talking about a guy jumping on the train in Lille. They were supposed to go onto the track and look underneath. One of them actually said, “It’s more than my job’s worth,” and that he wasn’t going to stick his head down there.
The BBC reported on these instances as people just trying to get into Britain, no big deal, just not in an official fashion. It was the way they were treated when stopped that was the problem, apparently. The camp in Calais was “controversial”, but according to the BBC it was not about who they were or why they were traveling illegally.
Sadly, around that time I was hearing the same crap from “immigration rights supporters” in the US who wanted to grant asylum, voting rights, and government support for all illegals from Mexico. The illegality of the “immigrants” was dismissed as unimportant, as if it was simply a tactic to suppress debate about being anti-immigration.
Result: less safety for the citizens. And it was pretty clear at the time that the BBC didn’t care.
NuLab thugs attack opposition BNP members and destroy property whilst the police keep away and let it happen. The police were engaged in illegally ensuring that a BNP rally could not take place. None of this will be reported by the BBC because it is the BNP on the receiving end of increasingly desperate and totalitarian measures by NuLab and their politicised police force.
The larger proportion of responses on here:
seem to be in favour of torture. many also throw in objections to him still being allowed to stay in this country. It is now up to approx. 107 pages since it opened yesterday. Are we going to open a sweep as to how much longer it will stay open, because it ain’t getting the responses the beeb want?
I’d say…. it’ll be closed by tomorrow morning….
The BBC report the arrest of Colin Duffy with nary a mention of his past. 5 minutes Googling found much of interest, including this “Duffy had also been charged with the June 1997 IRA murders of community police officers John Graham and David Johnston in Lurgan – the last policemen killed by republicans before this week. The charges were dropped, and it transpired a witness was a loyalist gunrunner.”
Are the BBC not interested in providing any background on Colin Duffy? Or are they deliberately trying to keep his relevant past from the UK population? The BBC’s love-in with Irish Republicanism was one of the first clues to me that the BBC was not the unbiased news organisation that it purported to be, I see that they have not changed.
BBC – trying to catch up with public opinion of British licencepayers, after it censored national coverage of Muslim insulters of British army in Luton:
“Call for ban on military protests”
Robert Pigott doing his piece on ho-ho-ho how funny, people want to leave the Church of England, on News24 now (17.46).
Curious, still no mention of Islam’s attitude to those who want to leave that particular religion.
I’ve only seen a small amount of coverage about these soldier protests. I’m glad Brits are taking a stand against these guys. Are they really so dumb they confuse soldiers fighting with the government’s who send them to fight?
I can’t help but wonder whether the protests were a front – like maybe they were kinda hoping the police would arrest them so they could kick up a stink about Muslims being arrested for their beliefs. Wouldn’t put it past some of them.
If a 17 year old immigrant boy had been attacked and murdered by a gang of British men, the BBC would have made a big fuss over it, with reports on how the boy dreamt of becoming a rocket scientist, condemning British people as evil racists etc etc. But when a British boy gets ambushed and murdered by Eastern European immigrants, whilst walking home with his girlfriend, the BBC bury it in their local news section. Look away, nothing to see here.
BBC been keen to give a platform to a mouthpeice for the Islamic protestors. As ever they get an easy ride.
These people are not anti-war protestors, an honorable enough position, but Taleban supporters. As such they should be questioned about Taleban atrocities: the summary excution of women and captives for instance.
Jesus, they were taleban supporters? I did not know that. That wasn’t mentioned on the coverage I saw.
Well, maybe they should go and protest in a country the taleban rules. That’ll give them an insight into freedom of speech.
I see that the Duke of Lancaster’s regiment in Bolton was given the freedom of the borough this afternoon with hundreds of people cheering the troops on at a march past. I can find nothing of this at al-beeb at the moment. Why??
Yes Keith, that is what you get with a state funded, unaccountable, liberal leftist, broadcaster.
I can’t wait to watch The Lost World of Communism tonight on the Beeb. First episode is called A Socialist Paradise and looks at the GDR.
Me at 7.09. Not only Bolton but Derby as well, I see. No trouble just loads of patriotic people cheering OUR troops. STILL nothing on Al-beeb.
Here is a man who knows a thing or two. And that’s why we never see him on the BBC:
And while Gorgeous luxuriates in downtown Gaza City, safe in the knowledge that he now has a Palestinian passport (no duty free liquor or cigars there Porgie) the unpleasant Baroness “Ting” Tonge and the repulsive Clare Short are in Syria today meeting the Hamas leader – representative of a banned, international racist terror organisation.
These vociferous Israel haters are no where to be seen in the Commons. Just like George they like to “negotiate” with terror godfathers on our behalf.
No time for debate or boring old constituency surgeries for these Members.
Anybody else having trouble accessing Guido Fawkes?
I’m watching the BBC2 documentary about Captain Cook at the moment, but the left-wing bitch/presenter is really pissing me off.
What is wrong with the BBC?
Anybody else having trouble accessing Guido Fawkes?
fewqwer | 14.03.09 – 9:42 pm |
No, but my link is to
not order-order
BBC revisionist history.
White men bad,everyone else good
BNP attacked with hammers.
Good to see freedom of speech upheld in Socialist Britain.
Bailed on a GBH charge?!
Can you imagine the fuss the BBC would be making if this attack had been by BNP members?
Ron ‘zilla,
I just watched the Capt Cook hatchet job. Weak, agenda driven tripe. The “case against” cook was that he insulted the natives by seizing a chief – this was also evidence of his insanity – Unfortunately for the programme makes they seem to have forgotten that Cook used this tactic all the time – including on his first voyage – when dealing with natives. It was a useful humane and effective method of dealing with cross cultural issues and getting his stuff back.
I really think that half the
staff at the BBC have never heard of Cook.
The worst of this sort of thing is that the BBC agenda is never far from the surface. Basically the presenter said what she thought at the outset – ‘he was an imperialist – not for me!’ These programme makers never, never allow anything to be seen in the context of the age – only through the prism of the current multi-cultural relativist value set. Natives stealing a boat was a very big deal for Cook 18,000 miles from the nearest replacement and the said Polynesians knew perfectly well that the westerners had a ‘taboo’ against theft. Isn’t it interesting that the Polynesians were not criticised for their failure to respect the values of their peaceful visitors. the programme also failed to point out that the fun loving Polynesians also ate Cook after they murdered him, another violation of values….
All in all it seems that only Cook was to blame. Fine, if a Polynesian or Aboriginal expedition had sailed up the Solent I am sure that there would have been similar cultural issues. But the point is that they didn’t sail up the Solent….
Jim T 7:48 pm
Yes, this is not the sort of patriotic news the BBC chooses to report: it’s about British people who support British troops:
“Thousands turned out to cheer British troops who served in Iraq”
Time was, good producers would use TV well to give a wide historical and geographical sweep – with all the imagery of the South Seas, of dangerous voyages etc. Cook’s tale of using a rickety cheap boat for some of the most amazing voyages should induce a sense of wonder – not a sense of scorn.
I have visited Tahiti, have been in the remote fiords into which he sailed in New Zealand. In my mind’s eye I remember beauty, nature at its finest. Trust the BBC to besmirch a true hero.
So what do you do if you discover New Zealand say “Ooops! Sorry must have taken the wrong turning,I’ll be off then.The Japanese will be along in a couple of hundred years”.
“Trust the BBC to besmirch a true hero.”
All part of the Gramscian undermining of society,deconstruct our heroes the better to impose new ones.
Meanwhile, BBC NI news website is completely ignoring (censoring?) riots orchestrated by supporters of the terrorists who murdered the two soldiers and the police officer.
This isn’t just propaganda, it is BBC propaganda.
The funniest thing for me was when the presenter of the Cook documentary said that his wife was very important in his success because she stayed at home and looked after the kids.
Well, I’m sorry, but millions of women throughout history have stayed at home and looked after the kids. It is not a big deal.
@sutekh 5.12
Has anyone posted to …60019#paginator
I tried about 17.30 – 18.00 tonight, and still haven’t been moderated (unless my comments were completely dismissed!) I said I didn’t agree with torture or our government taking us into ridiculous wars. I also said that I didn’t see why Binyam Mohamed was our problem as he wasn’t arrested by Britain, wasn’t tortured by Britain and has generally no right to be in Britain.
I did say that he got himself into the whole mess because although being allowed to be a British resident he felt it was more important to go to terrorist states.
I know there are still 186 comments to be moderated, so I might be being a little premature in thinking I’m being ignored.
Watched the programme on ‘communism’.
The BBC softly softly approach:-
1, Yes, there were a few bad apples in the STASI
2, Yes, SOME people were punished/tortured/imprisoned/seperatedfrom family
3, Yes, poverty was everywhere
4, Yes, people were indoctrinated from birth
5, Yes, freedom of speech was outlawed
6, …and yes, people were spied on, forbidden to leave/escape and force-fed drugs until they changed sex
A few socialist hippies have a handful of good memories.
So thats all right then.
After all, it was done in a good cause!!!
@Bobzilla – Yeah, I got the idea that the BBC were saying: ‘Well, at least the East Germans gave it their best shot’.
‘Well, at least the East Germans gave it their best shot’.
Or as the BBC like to see it
‘teething problems’
because diehard socialists/communists/liberals won’t give up after the first try….
They’re trying again…right now!!
As someone once wisely said:
” The only people who admire Communism have never lived under it.”