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Millie Tant | 23.03.09 – 11:56 pm |
He says “au cours des quatre années à venir…”
No matter how one translates this, there is no question He’s talking about working with someone who is not in control of anything for the duration of His first term in office.
There’s no benefit whatsoever to dealing with Chirac. If The Obamessiah wanted to get in a dig at Iraq, why imply that Chirac has any affect or involvement in anything?
This is clownsmanship.
This is priceless!
The man presides over probably the most corrupt party since the 18th C and what does the BBC run as their headline this evening?
“Brown urges MPs’ expenses probe”
There’s really no end to the BBC’s shilling, is there?
This’ll be worth hearing:
“At state occasions and major sporting events, most of us find the National Anthem more than adequate to express our feelings.
But the BBC thinks it can do better.
It has teamed up with Arts Council England to create a song for England.
This will be given its first airing on St George’s Day and, if liked, could be offered as an alternative to God Save The Queen.
The new song, which is ‘intended to reflect English customs, ideas and creativity in contemporary times’, is still in the process of being completed.
But a couplet from the chorus, seen by the Daily Mail, gives a glimpse of its quality. It goes:
‘I am England – England is inside of me
‘I am England – England is what I want Her to be.’
The anthem is the work of Sam Dunkley, a folk musician in his 20s, who has written the music and lyrics after talking to the old and young about England.”
“The performance will culminate on April 23 in the first public rendition of the anthem by a 150-strong choir of schoolchildren at St Pancras train station, where there is a statue of Betjeman.”
Oh God. They really are un-f***ing-believable.
The shilling for President Obamessiah continues on BBC World Propaganda America. Justin Webb was just telling us that the new cunning plan from the US Treasury Sec. is going to work.
Webb spelled out a very basic theory of what it would happen if it did work: the toxic debt would be removed, the banks would start lending again, and the US economy would be saved.
Ol’ Justin said, “Nobody knows just how much” bad debt was in the banks, in the overly dramatic manner of the narrator in a horror movie. All that was missing was the screeching violins and clanging metal. Oooh, scary. We better do something, eh, Justin? He didn’t explain how this would work, just that it would, in theory, save the world.
This was supported by a video clip of The Obamessiah from yesterday’s “60 Minutes”, in which He said that the plan will work, and Geithner will keep his job. Well, that’s all settled, then.
In the interest of balance and objectivity, ol’ Justin went on to list objections to Geithner’s previous cunning plans, which have flopped. Of course, since it’s Justin Webb, the objections were exclusively from the Left, which concerned “vagueness” and “being too close to Wall St.”.
No mention of any concerns about just how we were going to pay for yet another $1 Trillion printed up and thrown around. In case anybody was thinking about that, the impartial, professional Beeboids at BBC World Propaganda America gave us more scaremongering, this time with a clip of people touring foreclosed homes in Florida. Of course, these were fairly large homes in a fancy area, but never mind about that. I was supposed to be frightened by what I was seeing, and relieved that The Obamessiah was finally coming to the rescue.
Really, it was a transparent sales pitch.
Next up, Matt Frei at the Google headquarters to interview the CEO of Google – an Obamessiah adviser, no less.
Come see the bias inherent in the system.
The BBC is reporting the RSPB caving in to the windmill lobby, they have been bought off with cash, the RSPB knows full well the huge damage done to bird populations BUT as usual money talks doesnt it?
The BBC are not reporting the facts of course only the propaganda of the vested interests, small areas called sensitivity maps will be off limits for now, but it doesnt take a genius to see the truth, the RSPB has a climate change chief bought and paid for by by the global warming lobby/government/renewables industry, the welfare of our bird populations come a distant second when millions in funding is on the table.
The RSPB like the BBC has degenerated into a grubby and corrupted shell, bought and paid for, dishonest mouthpieces of a dishonest regime.
This is the REAL newlabour isnt it? Buying off and infiltrating civil society groups to further its agenda, the saying resistance is futile has real meaning now, the take over/subversion of society gathers pace, whole sections of our society now corrupted and rendered useless, anyone who gives cash to the RSPB is funding only political manipulation and ever more nonjobs for the new comrades.
Cassandra: I heard that report as well. They’ve been bought off by the politicians.
Heard about the sixty thousand stasi spies’N’state informers being employed by jackboot jackie to ‘protect’ us from terrorists who are apparently such a dire threat now, do they lurk in such huge numbers around public places that 60.000 are needed to combat this new threat?
Commissar Smith says they are being trained on how to respond to a terrorist outrage, hmmmmm, calling 999 was good enough for years, whats changed now, why do people have to be trained to dial 999?
Given the history of newlabour anti terrorist legislation where such ‘terrorists’ as OAPs who dare to stand up in a labour conference and protest and where the anti terrorist laws have been used against people who dare to make use of the wrong bins, I wonder whether these 60.000 new stasi informers will be used for something else entirely!
OK so Jackboot Jackie is creating a whole new tier of street spies under cover of keeping us safe? safe from whom?
1984 was a warning NOT and instruction manual, these newlabour fanatics seem unable to grasp this, for years our emergency services were good enough to deal with the few terrorist attacks, whats changed now?
Will these 60.000 be employed on the basis of political beliefs and reliability, will they be paid? will this new army recruit Islamists?
The BBC as usual never asks these uncomfortable questions, hundreds of Islamists are now on the public payroll courtesy of newlabour.
The main question is of course, how will these new stasi opperatives be trained to spot a terrorist? Are they trained to spot people with dark skins carrying backpacks, wearing black cloaks scurrying about with shifty eyes?
What constitutes a visible terrorist nowadays? could it be the old lady with a trolly bag, could it be that group of nuns?
There is no way that ordinary people can ever be trained to spot a terrorist when even highly trained police officers can shoot an innocent civilian to death by mistake and raid the houses of innocent muslims by mistake!
What we will get in effect is a government army of informers and spies that could well be used for a very different purpose than was first claimed.
Just an extra thought about the new stasi being created, the old East Germany employed the very same army of spies using the very same excuses as Smith now uses, Smith was an admirer of east Germany in her youth, she seems to have been so taken with the GDR that she wants to recreate it here!
Most of the cabinet were Trots/Commies in their youth. They have become what they were always going to be.
Age has not given them wisdom just a lust for power and a need to justify the illusions of youth.
Jackboots Jacky probably dreams of Stasi filing cabinets.
And where is the BBC’s outrage?
Where are the stop the war brigade?
Where are the scare quotes?
I guess the BBC only disagrees with action against genocidal tyrants where there is a muslim element, if the muslims are getting a shoeing then the action is well and above board forget that it was a sovereign nation intervened in against itself and targetted many civilian buildings and killed many civilians.
Oh what a glorious war! Eh BBC?
David Preiser (USA):
Millie Tant | 23.03.09 – 11:56 pm |
He says “au cours des quatre années à venir…”
No matter how one translates this, there is no question He’s talking about working with someone who is not in control of anything for the duration of His first term in office.
There’s no benefit whatsoever to dealing with Chirac. If The Obamessiah wanted to get in a dig at Iraq, why imply that Chirac has any affect or involvement in anything?
This is clownsmanship.
David Preiser (USA) | 24.03.09 – 12:47 am | #
Okay, did a bit of digging and got the lowdown, courtesy of Le Nouvel Observateur: Chirac wrote first to The One, after his election; they have interests in common: Chirac has a Foundation which does international good works, promotion of understanding etc. (Sounds a bit like Clinton’s.) So they have interests and aims that coincide somewhat and The One was replying to Chirac.
It adds helpfully that the two don’t know each other personally and have no specific plans to meet.
PS: Here is the extract from Le Nouvel Obs:
Préoccupations communes
“L’échange de courrier date de la mi-mars”, précise le cabinet de Jacques Chirac, qui confirme également à le contenu de l’échange. L’ancien président français avait d’abord écrit à Barack Obama après son élection.
Cette relation épistolaire peut-elle déboucher sur des projets communs? Pour l’instant, aucune rencontre n’est prévue entre les deux hommes, qui ne se connaissent pas personnellement. Mais les objectifs de la Fondation Chirac – développement durable et dialogue entre les civilisations – rejoignent les préoccupations du président américain.
Les deux hommes ont également en commun de s’être opposés à la guerre en Irak, qui a débuté il y a tout juste 5 ans, le 20 mars 2003.
For some reason I couldn’t get the actual link to copy and paste.
Here’s a story that the BBC definately will NOT cover.
Father ‘could not register family with GP due to number of non-English speakers’
This one certainly isn’t ‘newsworthy’
Millie Tant | 24.03.09 – 11:47 am |
Thanks for the info. I read elsewhere that Sarkozy was annoyed that the US President was reaching out to Chirac before the President of France. But it looks like I was too hasty in my judgment. I guess it was only a dig at Bush by both of them.
The US news media are beginning to report this but it hasn’t hit the headlines in the UK yet from what I can see. I’d be interested to see how the BBC will spin the utterances of one of it’s messiah gurus, Jonathan Porritt.
British Minister calls for 50% reduction in population
JONATHON PORRITT, one of Gordon Brown’s leading green advisers, is to warn that Britain must drastically reduce its population if it is to build a sustainable society.
Porritt’s call will come at this week’s annual conference of the Optimum Population Trust (OPT), of which he is patron.
The trust will release research suggesting UK population must be cut to 30m if the country wants to feed itself sustainably.
Well we know Porritt isn’t a minister, he’s an advisor, but the point is how are they going to do it?
Birth control? A cull? Who do you start with first?
My bet is that the BBC will sweep this one under the carpet. Definately ‘not newsworthy’
I would almost say that it’s nice to see Nick Robinson expressing healthy skepticism of Gordon Brown’s cunning plans for G20:
On board the G20 express
And we’re off. Welcome to the latest and the last leg of Gordon Brown’s Save the World tour.
Not the usual cheerleading.
In fact, I think Robinson is having a little reaction against the rest of his colleagues’ slavish support for Mr. Brown (including Robert Peston, who just can’t find enough ways to explain that the economic crisis is due to everything under the sun except the subject of his book).
In today’s post, Robinson makes his opinion of Mr. Brown’s actions very obvious:
To stimulate or not to stimulate is a question with an impact not just on economics, not just on international relations, but also on domestic politics.
The argument about whether to burden the country with debt (as the Tories claim that Gordon Brown is doing) or to do nothing (as he insists their stance implies) is central to the argument which will run all the way to the next election.
In Robinson’s post, he links the first parenthetical to a BBC report about David Cameron’s criticisms (with only a couple of lines for the defense) of Mr. Brown’s spending plans. But he links the second one to the PMQs where Mr. Brown accidentally said his plan had “saved the world” and, when busted for it, could only whine about “Do-Nothing Tories”.
The mockery is clear. But that’s the problem with these BBC blogs. The line between opinion and news has been permanently blurred. Even though I agree with Nick Robinson this time, I still think it’s a bad idea for him to reveal his bias.
David Preiser (USA) | 24.03.09 – 7:31 pm |
All very well but I can’t see one mention of Dan Hannan’s destruction of Brown.
New labour sleeze and criminal behaviour story breaking:
MP with two homes minutes from Commons claims £37,000 expenses
But not, of course, on the BBC
“The BBC was forced to defend its coverage of Jade Goody’s death after viewers complained the story was given too much prominence.
Many objected that it was the lead story on the news bulletin on The Andrew Marr Show and was covered so prominently across all its TV and radio networks.
Some said the publicly-funded broadcaster should not be reporting in such depth on stories about celebrities and claimed the death was not unexpected.”
I hope those of us who were around at the birth of the internet eventually come to appreciate that fleeting unregulated renaissance of human thoughts and ideas that occurred for a brief short period.
The biggest unregulated brainstorming session in human history lasted for 10-15 short happy years.
Now like virtually everything else in our existence the net is to be regulated by the humourless faceless unimaginative people of power who need to “protect us from ourselves” because as far as they are concerned we can’t be trusted.
oops…forgot the link
Social network sites ‘monitored’
A useful ( up to a point) BBC Radio 4 ‘File on Four’ last evening showing how easy it is for illegal immigrants and for foreign criminals to become British resients and citizens; but the BBC is typically tame on criticising Labour’s immigration policy:
“‘Torture’ chief’s two UK homes”
(See link on that webpage to BBBC iPlayer recording of whole programme.)
ady | 25.03.09 – 7:19 am |
Absolutely terrifying, isn’t it. It’s clear where this is leading.
“All very well but I can’t see one mention of Dan Hannan’s destruction of Brown.”
You’re right, it seems to have been totally ignored by the entire MSM.
1. Daniel Hannan
2. Nigel Farage
Surely these speeches should merit a mention on the news? What’s going on?
P.S. It’s a shame they didn’t have a split screen so that we could watch Brown squirming all the way through.
Apologies: incomplete link above 11-14 am;
Complete link:
And, BBC iPlayer:
“Torturers in the UK” (40 mins. audio)
The bBC and its smokescreen of the day.
UK ‘concern’ over Bangladesh arms
The British body responsible for overseeing charities says that it is “seriously concerned” over alleged UK links to an arms haul in Bangladesh.
So just who is behind that UK link?
The Government?
The Army?
Here is who;
Green Crescent charity
Instead of telling it as it is, the bBC hides the story behind as many smokescreens as possible .
The bBC and its smokescreen of the day.