Here you go – my first ever VLOG here at B-BBC. Three points for you to consider; 1. Yes, I know the cam quality is not great but hey, I haven’t a £3.5bn budget for these things you know. 2. This is not the real David Vance – it is my body double, I am naturally much younger in real life. 3. Hope the shock of seeing me isn’t too much for you!
What on earth is that monstrosity in the background. It looks like a Constable on crack, or something you might find in a charity shop. Apart from that – nice door!
My fishtank!!!
PS And rather expensive, I will have you know!
Good job Grimer isn’t around David 🙂
Spotty shit on Newsnight with Hannan.
“It’s all Fatchers fault”
David, fair play, another fishkeeper! I love my tropical fish, what you got in yours?
Very good DV.
As to NI why don’t you start a NI portal of Biased BBC? Worth considering?
I thought it was Pat Condell for a minute.
Nice to hear you though. Your thoughts on the BBC are spot on.
BWA HA HA You are a baldy fat twunt!!!!
Hi David
Just to make you aware, that the “taking to axe to” and “root and branch” language is the same language the Nazis used with regards to the jews and communists in the 30s.
Besides that, your face looks much more mellow than your words. Good luck with your book. Hope it will be more factual then what one can read on the blog.
Interesting video, with some interesting content.
David I have a serious question which even if you choose not to answer it, can I please ask you to give it your full consideration?
As you admit that the BBC was not reporting on the events of NI, but was an active part. As also you admit that you believe that The BBC is controlled by The British ESTABLISHMENT. Which of course it is, and always has been 100% of the time without exception or qualification.
Do you consider it highly likely, or possible that the establishment actively conspired with the IRA and The UDF to create terrorism within the British Isles, or at least perpetuate it?
I have known people who were actively involved that have stated that the above is most surly the case, and claim the actions of The BBC at the time and subsequently as substantive evidence, although there is other evidence available.
Vicious conspiracies are hard to prove. As is the nature of high up conspiracies especially ones that involve murderers, assassins, the establishment and the entire MSM.
However the entire history of the world is riddled with conspiracy at every level and especially at the very top of the all establishments.
Simply look at the real events with hind-sight. We now have murderers and assassins as British MP’s for our Lord sake. Which is an heartless insult to the innocent dead and injured of these islands since 1974 and beyond.
It was only just over 90 years ago that our establishment were sending young men over the trenches to try and bounce machine gun bullets off of their chests by their hundreds of thousands.
We could not trust them then with the lives of our own troops and citizens and IMO we can not now. We do not protect our own troops in Iraq because we can not afford to. We dont do it because are establishment requires at least some dead British solders to motivate certain aspects of our society into hatred, racism, division, intolerance and violence.
We have never had peace for any protracted period of time since civilization began, for many reasons, but the most important one is this.
The people at the very top have known for a very long time that a contented, united, peaceful and therefore prosperous population is much harder to dominate, lie to, intimidate, and therefore RULE and generally enslave.
I leave it to you to work out WHO exactly is the top, because going there is basically far too dangerous. However as you are a protestant I know you must surly know who I am talking about.
Good to finally see what you look like, David. Here’s to you and many more topical video blogs.
And Gunnar: Most of the people on here are probably “mild mannered”. It’s just that you and your employer (Al Beeb) manage to p*** off even the most peaceful conservative.
The socialists are happy to use the language and methods of the Nazis and soviets as and when it suits them, racism is fine, scapegoating is acceptable, lies and overt propaganda is used daily, dog whistle dirty politics is meat and drink to the socialists/leftists!
Tell me again who the fascists are? the power of the socialist machine with a world media platform using all the dirty and dishonest anti democratic methods of the USSR, buulying and denying free speech when it suits, helping indeed aiding and abetting terrorist states and dictatorships.
The conservative silent majority believe in freedom and honesty, peace and prosperity and the democratic proccess, the socialists/leftists pervert, dissemble and manipulate as the need arises, the overiding rule is ‘by any means neccessary’, tell me again who the real fascists are comrade?
Everytime Gunnar and his cohorts appear here to defend the BBC against “the right” and reveal themselves to be in lockstep with the leftist bbc they simply confirm this site’s raison d’etre – that the bbc is a liberal-left biased state propaganda tool
“LOVELY Pension” Brendan Barber was on that appalling “Today” programme blabbing on about how he was going to speak to the workavoiders on the anti G20 march.
He was advocating a new world order with full employment etc etc. Overtones of Hitler in 1933.
Of course the BBC let him babble on with no request of actual details etc just wagging their heads in obsequious agreement.
Very good, I think you come over very well and very likeable. I shall show this to friends and family.
As for the distracting object behind your left ear. I thought it was a painting of a celtic tiger !
Cassandra 6:39
Great response to Gunnar’s post. The stench of hypocrisy from socialists is overwhelming.
Oh, and Gunnar, don’t forget that the Nazis were national SOCIALISTS.
Check your history.
gunnar is laughable
A good move. FWIW, a few observations (from this pernickety viewer’s POV):
– have nice screen behind you (saying B-BBC, website address or whatever)
– watch for light shining on dome!
– lower chair or raise camera to look at viewer on the level
– follow the Obamessiah & use a prompter!
Thanks for all those suggestion which I will take on board, except the last one! I like to think about what I want to say and then improvise around it – not as smooooth as The One but at least it is not contrived!
Great to see you on the web, David.
I’m very impressed. Please continue your good work.
Great vlog David, nice to put a face to the voice of the blog.
I just posted on another field about prompting John Redwood doing the same thing – maybe you could give the Conservatives some tips.
David 11:28
Yes, I agree, you don’t want to come over all smooth, slick and false like Obama. The odd stutter, ah and um adds a bit of humanity.
Ah. If that’s you body double……
I find its is not some much the age that gets you, it’s the mileage
Good to see you in action David. You could perhaps adopt a slogan:
Don’t flog it.
Vlog it.
Verygood work, David Vance.
Also, nice use of Old Testament language.
One question, David: Where did you put the teleprompters? 😉
Good job Grimer isn’t around David
Martin | 28.03.09 – 12:05 am | #
What is that supposed to mean?
Hi David,
Can I suggest this site tries to produce some videos explaining various types of BBC bias using screenshots of biased articles, voiceovers explaining the bias, clips of BBC video, etc.
These could then be used to introduce people to BBC bias.
When I have tried to explain to people that the BBC stealth edits the website, they look at me like I’m insane.
I’m hoping that the new website will allow us to build up a comprehensive database of BBC bias. Something that can’t just be dismissed as ‘a bunch of cranks’.
I really like the idea of using PHP for the comments/forum. This would allow people to upload screenshots, embed YouTube videos, etc. They could all be filed away and will build up to form a permanent and thorough record of bias.
DV, your speech is measured, articulate and melodious. No wonder the B’oids are so afraid!
I loathe the idea of an explanation to people of what B’oid bias is and of providing some sort of introduction or induction to it. There is something about that that almost smacks of New Labour’s approach to the public.
The cases highlighted on this blog should be capable of showing the B’oidy Bias and we need to make sure that we present them as clearly and articulately as we can.
Not everyone will agree, of course, about what constitutes bias. There should be room for that too.
Great job David – take on board some of the excellent production tips given by others and go for it – it’s good to put a face and voice to the words.
One other tip to consider, perhaps later on, would be to consider upgrading your mike – this will make a world of difference to the listener – ‘built-i’n mics and those ‘stalk’ mics that come with some PCs sound a little jarring to the listener after a while.
They also cost less than you’d think.
Nice to see you to see you…..(good old Brucie).
Excellent work David and I think you come across very well indeed. I don’t contribute very much but I read all posts without fail and, as such, am grateful to you and other contributors for the time you spend on making the blog such an interesting read.
I’ll second Grimer at 4:52. The potential for these clips is huge (think Daniel Hannan again!) but there are only so many hours in the day.
Grimer: Don’t you think David is a good looking boy 🙂
Where to start?
The problem with this blog is that people make assumptions, put up straw man arguments and abuse each other.
All I have done is to remind Mr Vance, that the language he is using, has been used by the Nazis before, when they were mobilising against the Jews, Communists, Gays and other assorted groups that were deemed unfit to be included in the Arian future.
Promptly someone assumes that I am defending the BBC or that I am even employed by them. Other people talk about the language used in the USSR, while other consider me laughable. What has this to do with my comment about the language Mr Vance is using? Nothing at all!
Come to think of it, I share some of the points David is making (for example his post regarding the promotion of Bono’s latest comedy songs). I also agree with him that the BBC is a state broadcaster controlled by the establishement. I disagree with his opinion that the BBC is institutionally of the “hard left”. If the BBC were indeed to be hard left, they would be doing a
rather good job in covering up all the evidence :D.
On the other hand, I would not say that the BBC is “hard right”. The BBC represents establishment opinion and frames debate to centre around the received consensus.
As I said before, good luck with the book. Hope you will be able to point out the BBC’s shortcomings rather then hectoring from the perception you have based on your political persuasion.
gunnar: God are you back again? You’re worse than a bad case of piles.
Arians and Aryans are rather different.
People say you are laughable because you think it is significant that some of the most common idioms are used and think this is a sign of fascist tendencies. The Nazis werent even english.
Reread Cassandra’s excellent comment.
“The BBC represents establishment opinion and frames debate to centre around the received consensus.”
The BBC incorectly thinks there is a left consensus and treats others as weird abberations or extremists. They try to give the impression that everyone thinks like them when they dont. In fact they represent a left wing metropolitan clique.
I too thought the video was good and effective.
Maybe worth keeping a link to at the top of the page?
The “root and branch” terminology DV was using is from the Book of Malachi, a Jewish prophet. Your fellow Socialists didn’t invent the euphemism.
You’re criticizing David Vance for using language from the last book of Prophets, a part of Jewish Scripture. Are you an anti-Semite?
Simple answer, no. If you and you fellow bloggers want to defend the use of totalitarian language, this is up to you. Wouldn’t be the first paradox on this blog.
I know this is a distraction from the actual debate of serious issues, but both David Preiser and Gunnar are right. The ‘root and branch’ language does have its roots in Jewish scripture, and the Nazis did use the term. That is similar to the way that the swastika is both a Nazi and a Hindu symbol. Just because the Nazi’s used the term, that does not invalidate it for any future purpose. And likewise, just because someone doesn’t like the term, that does not make them an anti-Semite. Happy now children? Play time over? Back to the serious stuff for bigger boys?
Good vlog debut, Mr. Vance. I hope to see more of your personal touches.
Gotta love the irony of Gunnar defending an organ of the State (the BBC) against an individual (DV) by comparing him to a notorious political pariah (AH): language which, in Gunnar’s fantasy socialist utopia, would be a thinly-veiled threat to report DV to the Stasi.
Gunnar, there is a point at which a useful idiot becomes a useless moron 🙂
Great to see you David, keep up the great work…look forward to VLOG2 !!
gunnar | 29.03.09 – 10:26 am |
If you and you fellow bloggers want to defend the use of totalitarian language, this is up to you. Wouldn’t be the first paradox on this blog.
If you’re going to use that logic, you’ll first have to condemn anyone calling themselves a Socialist, or who claims to like Socialism, or thinks anything Socialist might not be such a bad idea.
I mean, when it comes to the Nazi Party, “Socialist” is right on the tin. Surely that’s far more important than a minor metaphor.
Are you a Socialist?
This is an excellent site.Im seriously glad I found it. Thanks DV for this oasis of sanity and truth.