Nice little diversionary tactic from the BBC this morning. At a time of economic turmoil (for those outside the State sector) what could be MORE important than for the Dear Leader to be discussing Royal succession reform with the Palace? The BBC have even produced another of their notorious polls to show the public to be wildly supportive of the ending of the concept of a Protestant monarchy. All wrapped up in the colourful decor of equality, this is red meat for those (such as the BBC) who loath our enduringly successful Monarchy and who seek to reduce it to the same sort of mess so much else of our once great Nation has become under siLabour “reform.” I can’t believe that this is the big issue on anyone but the most rabid republican’s tongue so why is the BBC out commissioning a poll on it?
PS Since writing this the BBC have invited me on the Nolan Show to discuss. I will repeat the views stated above – plus any thoughts you may have.
Yet another BBC Poll commissioned coincidentally on time, and discovering mass agreement with, for a government line.
This is the endemic bias, they are fed by the government like the fake campaigning charities.
meant to say ‘the queen would NOT support the pope’.
Just another version of `Bread and Circuses’
…and also the loud sound of a red herring flapping. The BBC’s creating lebensraum ahead of likely disaster for the party faithful at the G20 meeting.
Confusapeasant at full spin. Again.
Hugh Oxford:
“I just wish the Church of England would return to orthodox Christianity and start offering some genuine moral leadership in our spiritually barren and morally imploded times.”
A “return to Orthodox Christianity” appears to be the least of the C of E’s problems. At this time, a belief in God itself appears to be an optional extra.
This is much more significant than people realise, or the BBC are willing to .
1) A monarch converting or marrying a catholic automatically invalidates the act of union (article 2, 1707 act of union is absolutely explicit on this matter.) This breaks the union asunder or at least opens the door for fundamental ‘re-negotiation’ (aka final surrender to Irish republicanism) A “review” of the constitutional arrangements may be done in a civilised manner in Scotland but in Northern Ireland there would be lots more blood flowing on the streets of Belfast as the Republicans sense the final end game
2) Any offspring of a monarch married to a catholic is automatically catholic and therefore they cannot be a) head of the Church of England but, and most significantly as other posters have pointed out b) A Subject of the Pope. The Monarch is a personal embodiment of national sovereignty(HM T Q is our Sovereign lady after all) and must not be subject to any third parties on earth if she is to remain queen.
The agenda here is not a “tidying up exercise” – just in the same way that the EU constitutional Treaty is not a “tidying up exercise”. the agenda is a explicitly republican one intended to remove the monarchy via long term attrition
A “return to Orthodox Christianity” appears to be the least of the C of E’s problems. At this time, a belief in God itself appears to be an optional extra.
Not exactly
I can state with a 100% certainty that The entire clergy of the Church of England most surly believe in the existence of God the creator or grand architect of the Universe. However a belief in Jesus being the actual son of God is a very different matter entirely. Exactly the same could and should be said about The Roman Catholic clergy, especially the higher ends of it.
Religion has its roots firmly in the pagan and what can best be described by the Masonic Faith. Which is a belief structure that encompasses all religion without exception, discrimination, or much problem. I should know I am a Free Mason, and very proud and honored to be so.
I would go as far as saying that all human beings believe in god, whether they admit to doing so to themselves or others or not.
You as usual underestimate the BBC.
Yes of course the BBC will use this issue to help divert attention from our deliberately caused economic meltdown, but that is not the major point.
Religion is still a far more important and vastly powerful thing then you obviously believe yourself.
This issue is possibly even more important then our current economic apocalypse. The powers that REALLY be think LONG TERM. 80 years of far more is a relative blink of the eye to these people.
Remember a vast majority of this worlds population would gladly sacrifice there lives and family for there believe structure. This is very powerful stuff, which must be handled with much care. Especially when the real powers that be are now very much working on a GLOBAL scale so as to assist in the creation of their long awaited and planned for New World Order.
Was this not a private members bill by a Lib Dem MP? Regardless though of the source, the BBC are really desperate to take the heat off Brown.
Speaking personally – I used to be a very pro-monarchist, but since the Queen has now willingly signed away the country to a foreign power, I have no respect left for them. And when it comes to Charles? Well what can you say? He is more to the left of reality than the BBC.
This is just sh*t.
It’s a simple smokescreen over McCylops’s embarrassing ‘tour’ of world leaders who despise and laugh at him.
Only Al Beeb have reported it – under orders from the great one eyed jock overlord.
Question: “Can you ever see the day when our future queen might wear a full burqua”?
Firstly, any idea of Gordzilla’s really should be binned on first hearing. The man is a walking apocolypse. He’s not fit to govern Somalia let alone the UK.
Secondly, out of the past 200 years, women have ruled for 130 of them. Do they need any more bias in their favour?
Thirdly, re the Catholic thing. Anything that prevents foreigners from ruling over Englishmen is in my opinion a good idea. The English Catholic community is tiny, probably only a couple of million.
“The English Catholic community is tiny, probably only a couple of million.”
It is about 4.5 million, far larger than the Muslim community.
Mark | 27.03.09 – 9:53 pm |
You wouldn’t beleive it watching the BBC would you?
Its strange how Tony Blair appointed the most anti-English Archbishop in the CofE ever, and then became a Catholic.
“It is about 4.5 million, far larger than the Muslim community.”
I wouldn’t be too sure about that given the floods of immigrants over the past 10 years and the rate at which muslims reproduce.
It is about 4.5 million, far larger than the Muslim community.”
I wouldn’t be too sure about that given the floods of immigrants over the past 10 years and the rate at which muslims reproduce.
The “official” Muslim community numbers about 1.8 million, but add the illegals, it might be a bit higher…
It looks like a diversion to me.
Our particularly odd version of a monarchy is best left unexamined.
It is possible to maintain that we have been a republic since the 17th century that just happens to have a hereditary “president’.
As for a true monarchy our last king was killed on the battlefield in 1066.
All the rest have been without legitimacy.
This is our real King.–king–albert&method=full&objectid=18597388&siteid=50081-name_page.html
Jon | 28.03.09 – 1:37 am |
Since when is it the job of English Heritage to find ‘alternative’ candidates for Heir to the Throne?
it’s a trap David. They are planning on pinning you down as cathothic phobic extremist. be prepared for that line in questioning – BBC bias won’t be on the agenda