Have to laugh at the desperation of the BBC’s attempt to save the Dear Leader’s utterly disastrous world tour leading up to the even more hopeless G20 summit. “Beware cynicism”, we are warned, from the uber cynical Brown and his BBC pals. Is it just me or does Brown’s head look funny in the accompanying pic? Brown is so painfully inept that it is little wonder that non-stories such as the alleged reform of our Monarchy are essential fodder if the entire nation is not to be reduced to a state of laughter. Meanwhile, did anyone catch Any Questions earlier this evening. This time, after the Eric Pickles disaster of last night, another Conservative in the form of Chris Grayling was set upon concerning his expenses and second home allowances. The BBC has been hunting down Conservatives over this issue, once again trying to distract us from the fact that Brown carries culpability for what is going on – or is he in offfice but NOT in power?
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I am quite sure that all world leaders will love Brown’s warm human personality.
did you like the Hazel Blears hiss from the audience???
The BBC are currently in full and desperate “save Gordon” mode. It would be amusing if it wasn’t so anti-democratic. The anti-Conservative bias will only worsen as Gordon Brown’s position weakens even further and elections near.
How to stop the bias is the key question, but one that I fear has no answer.
5 bellies spliff
scumbag McNulty
All Liebour Ministers and on the fiddle. Non reporting from the BBC.
Stop paying your licence,it is the only thing the bbc will take note of.
DMC I agree. I did not watch question time I now avoid any BBC TV because I know it will wind me up.
Hannan on Newsnight now!!!
That woman whose hand he’s shaking, looks stunned, as if Brown’s just appeared out of nowhere and grabbed her hand. He’ll do anything for a photocall. Desperate individual.
O.K. I admit just catching Hanan on Newsnight , why was he put up against that other guest who was a total nobody/lightweight. Was this an intentional insult or intended to discredit Hanan?. Hanan should be put up against some of labour’s finest and let him do his stuff. Of course the BBC would not allow that.
or is he in office but NOT in power?
You hit the nail on the head there.
I have been saying that for years. When I say it however, people call me mad or a mad conspiracy theorist.
It is not a conspiracy theory to believe that the country is really run by the civil-service which is controlled by the establishment. This is just plain in your face, long since been the case, fact.
Yes of course the job of a democratically elected parliament is to moderate the desires of the establishment. Then take responsibility at the ballot box if they fail to do so.
There lies the rub.
The BBC is the mouthpiece of the establishment pure and simple. The agenda is clear.
British democracy, if it ever did really exist, no longer does, or will not exist for much longer. Therefore the establishment can now take the utter piss. In the safe knowledge that doing so no longer matters, in even the most superficial sense.
There is no point worrying about the future prospects of The Labour Party when soon enough there will no longer be any meaningful elections. This became the case the day New Labour came into existence. The left are the problem the conservative Party the reaction and the center is the ESTABLISHMENTS contrived solution.
However the center is not where we might have been mind controlled into believing it is.
The establishment selected center is not the best parts of both left and right. The center is the worst bits.
Gordon Brown is a twat
Many here have been warning of the BBC propaganda offensive for some time now, the BBC are pulling out all the stops to peddle the Brown line and promote his lies.
Reports are built around the need to support Brown and his policies, the attacks on the Tories are coordinated and carefully planned and the Tories are sitting ducks for the BBC propagandists, they will sabotage the Tories every chance they get, the BBC have no controls limiting their behaviour now, this has been planned for a long time and their devious plans are being put into action.
The Tories seem oblivious to the threat, they appease and they try to reason, they cannot fathom or understand the deep seated ideological hatred that the BBC has for the Tory party, time and time again the Tories walk willingly into the carefully laid BBC traps like a lamb to the slaughter, with no backbone,courage,vision,confidence and fight in them the Tories are doomed, even if they win the election they BBC led propaganda offensive will cut their majority and their first term will be painful to watch as they are sabotaged at every turn.
The BBC have a plan and they are working to it, they are experts at propaganda and they have almost unlimited funding to carry out their evil plans!
When will the Tories wake up to the enemy it faces?
Every Picture Tells a Story , she’s even walked to the end of the red carpet to make sure he leaves.
BBC is not showing Cameron for anything unless it is a neutral subject. Keep him out of the limelite and people will think he says nothing.
Cassandra spot on as usual – Ive worked with ground and high level folks at the BBC – they’re evagelists – they cannot be wrong – they dont plot around tables (although I dont know about the very top) – they just have that nodding, we-know-best, flag hating, cynical attitude that you’ll find in any local council or education establishment – and people with opposing views keep quiet for fear of their jobs.
However, recycling our angst like this isnt getting anywhere is it?
These insights need to galvanise a wider public.
Despite its political leanings, doesn’t even the BBC drift into some desirable late night ‘Newsnight’ cynicism here on David Grossman’s scoot around the locations of ‘two houses’ Labour Minister McNAUGHTY ‘residences’?: (restricted access, 3 min:55 sec video clip):
“The ‘two houses’ McNulty challenge”
LP Gasse,
I fully agree that the anger we feel against the injustice perptrated by the BBC simply has to translated into some form of direct and concerted action, the problem with the mobilisation of the silent decent honest majority is that it will have to become really terrible before we fight back, the British are by and large very tolerant and law abiding, we prefer to use the democratic process, which is exactly how a civilised nation should act, the British people are not fully aware of the treachery and crimes being commited against them, yes anger is rising but not yet at boiling point, when the patience and anger of the silent majority explodes, the effects will be truly frightening and scary!
The British nation is a pressure cooker right now, the anger of the silent majority is building, the Westminster/BBC morons are twisting the whiskers of a sleeping lion, they are going to get bitten.
I hope you are right….by the way…watch the length of your sentences…..